The Crystal Star (11 page)

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BOOK: The Crystal Star
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Artoo-Detoo rolled toward her, then away again.

"What's the matter?" The droid whistled peremptorily. It whirred toward the door.

It waited.

"Where are you going? Do you want me to go too?" Artoo-Detoo scooted through the doorway.

Leia followed.

"But where are we going? Is Chewbacca awake, is that it?" She followed Artoo-Detoo into the corridor.

The castle was silent and dim. In the corners of her vision, the carven figures on every surface shifted and

played out their stories. When she looked at them straight on, they remained still, mere carvings in the


Artoo-Detoo did not take the path to the surgery.

"This way," Leia said.

The droid rolled off without stopping.

Curious, troubled, Leia hurried to follow.

Balmy night air flowed around her as she followed Artoo-Detoo out of the castle. She had not even

known this doorway existed. The castle was so big, so labyrinthine, that she had only memorized routes

to the places she needed to reach.

Above, the several moons of Munto Codru waltzed in the sky. The cries of night creatures eased the


"Where are you going?" Leia whispered.

Around her, all sounds ceased. She stopped, spooked by the change. She stood quietly, and the night

sounds slowly began again, first distant ones, then nearer cries, finally small chirpings almost at her feet.

Artoo-Detoo whistled. The droid's voice blended with those of the night creatures. They continued their

calling, unafraid.

Artoo entered the woods and rolled along the trail that led to the meadow. At the edge of the field where

the children had disappeared, Leia hesitated, then plunged ahead. When she entered the woods on the

other side of the clearing, she suddenly gasped for air. She had been holding her breath.

You're acting like a scared child, she said to herself.

Then added, Or a terrified mother.

Soon she realized where Artoo-Detoo was going. She caught up to the droid.

"What's at the field? Artoo, do you know where the children are? Are they hidden in one of the ships?" A

few spaceships stood in the small landing field on the castle grounds. Larger ships had to put down at the

main spaceport, for the facilities here were primitive. But if the kidnappers had access to one of the local

ships, they might have hidden here. No one would have thought to look, because they could not take off.

Not without clearance from the main spaceport, and the main spaceport was not giving clearance to


"Tell me, Artooffwas Artoo-Detoo did not reply.

Three ships stood on the small landing field. One was a courier, the ship she had wished to send after

Han and Luke. The second was an antique local craft of intricate design, a Munto Codru vessel put at the

disposal of the chamberlain.

The third was Alderaan, Leia's pride and joy. Alderaan was a sleek little ship with hyperdrive

capabilities. Luke had chided her for spending the time to learn to fly it that she could have used to study

the ways of the Jedi. But the truth was, it was much easier and faster to learn to fly Alderaan than to learn

to be a Jedi Knight. And a great deal more fun. Maybe that was why she loved the little starcraft so

much. Her responsibility to the Republic kept her from having much fun.

The same was true of everyone she knew.

Luke worked himself to exhaustion. Leia thought that he deliberately worked himself beyond exhaustion,

either to test himself or to take himself to another level of achievement. But he scared her, sometimes.

She wished they had grown up together; she wished she had known her brother as a child, so she could

understand him better.

Han did not deliberately push himself beyond his endurance. He had passed plenty of tests in his life; he

never needed to give himself more. But he did press himself to his limits without meaning to.

Often Leia would come home after a diplomatic reception or a long meeting with her advisers to find Han

facedown at his desk, snoring.

Once he fell asleep in his bath. Leia was convinced that if she had come in five minutes later, he would

have drowned.

That was why he and Luke had gone on a quest together. They were both burning out. They needed time


She doubted Luke would find any other Jedi Knights on his quest, but she hoped he would find some

rest. And she hoped Han would let loose, like in the old days.

Leia followed Artoo-Detoo onto the field. She expected the droid to stop at the courier. When

Artoo-Detoo passed the courier she drew in a long, distressed breath. Could the droid be heading for

the chamberlain's ship? He had always been kind and helpful to her. Even when he drugged her he had

meant well. But if the children were in his ship, if he had kidnapped her children to increase his prestige

on Munto Codru.

Artoo-Detoo passed the chamberlain's ship and continued on toward Leia's.

Leia ran after the droid.

No one can get into Alderaan without my consent! she cried to herself. No one! Not even Han. And

certainly not the twins or Anakin!

The kidnappers couldn't have forced them to open the ship, because they don't know how to do it.

Her heart raced. A powerful practitioner of the Force might be able to get into her ship without setting off

the alarms.

She calmed herself. Wait and see, she thought.

Wait and see.

Artoo-Detoo stopped beside Alderaan.

Leia laid one hand on the silver flank of her ship. No distinguishing mark marred its limpid finish, which

looked like puddled mercury. It was registered to a person who did not exist, a second identity Leia had

established so that someday, sometime, somehow, she would be able to take a few days off and fly away

to a pleasant place without being recognized. Its ship's signature did not even list its name, only its

number, because the name of Alderaan gave too great a clue to the true identity of the ship's owner.

Almost all the citizens of Alderaan had perished in the attack of the Death Star. Only a few had survived.

Princess Leia Organa had been one of them.

"Is someone in there, Artoo?" she whispered.

The droid made a soft faint hum, the sound Alderaan made as it powered up for liftoff.

"All right. I'll stop them before they can take off. Don't worry." She executed the entry sequence. The

hatch opened. Leia entered her ship and moved silently down its corridor.

She had no feeling of intrusion, no sense that anyone was aboard. Artoo-Detoo followed on silent treads.

Leia kept the lights off; she could find her way around in Alderaan with her eyes closed if need be. She

glanced into her stateroom. Nothing. No one was hiding in the second cabin, in the head, in the

storeroom, in the galley. She crept toward the cockpit.

Her pulse pounded.

The cockpit, too, was empty.

Could they be hiding in the engines? That was the only possibility left.

At the engine hatch, she stopped and listened carefully. She could hear nothing, no sounds of conspiracy,

no cries of frightened children, no shrill squeals of Anakin in one of his brief, intense tantrums. Perhaps

they were all asleep.

A soft faint hum surrounded her.

She glanced over her shoulder, expecting to see Artoo-Detoo mimicking the sound of her ship again.

The corridor behind her was empty.

The hum increased. Someone had begun the takeoff procedure.

Leia slammed the hatch and pelted her way back to the cockpit.

Artoo-Detoo had extended connectors into the ship's systems and powered up Alderaan's drive.

"Stop it, Artooffwas Leia exclaimed.

"What are you doing, I can't--" A display flashed into being before her.

The display traced out the spaceways of Munto Codru. Traffic was light around this old world. No ship

had arrived or departed for several days.

Except one.

A single distinct trail led from the surface.

It reached escape velocity, streaked away from the planet, reached for hyperspace, and disappeared.

"What is this, Artoo?" The droid trilled at her.

Leia gasped and sat down hard in the pilot's couch.

She was looking at the trace of a ship that could belong to the kidnappers.

"Why didn't anyone show this to me before?" Artoo-Detoo showed her that the information had

disappeared from the spaceport's records. The only uncorrupted information lay within Artoo-Detoo's

compact shell.

"They got away..." Leia whispered.

"How did you know, how did you find out?" Artoo-Detoo sang her an explanation. The droid might have

to navigate through local space at any time, and, as a precaution, made a habit--or an instinct--of

tracking spaceship traffic. When the kidnappers struck, Artoo compared memory banks to the spaceport

report, and noted a disparity.

Artoo-Detoo believed the contradiction was a clue to the kidnappers.

Leia agreed with Artoo's conclusion. Munto Codru attracted little starship traffic. The disparity in the

records, coming as it did just at the time of the children's disappearance, was too suspicious and too


The hum of Alderaan's engines increased.

Leia knew she should shut Alderaan down, return to the castle, and confer with her advisers.

Talk for hours, trying to decide what to do, what was prudent, waiting on the whim of the people who

had stolen her children.

Arguing with Chamberlain Iyon about whether it was a coup kidnapping.

"You understand, don't you," Leia said, as much to herself as to Artoo-Detoo, "if we leave, and if we're

wrong--if it really is a coup kidnapping--we're risking Mr. Iyon's wyrwulf." Artoo-Detoo warbled a

descending call.

Do I hear uncertainty? Leia asked herself.

Or is it my uncertainty I feel?

It would be so much easier for her to believe Mr.

Iyon, to wait for a few more hours, negotiate with the Munto Codru family, see her children rush happily

into her arms. Followed by Chamberlain Iyon's massive and horrifying black-on-black wyrwulf.

But she did not believe. She did not believe a coup kidnapper could penetrate her security and whisk her

children from Chewbacca's protection.

She believed the kidnappers to be alt more powerful, more sinister.

They wounded Chewbacca and set off the pressure bomb to disguise their true actions and their true

intentions, Leia thought. They made us oblivious to the passage of two hours' time. And they abducted

Mr. Iyon's wyrwulf--ffadd to their illusion of a coup kidnapping, to distract us, while they escaped.

If this was true, the children were far from Munto Codru, and they were in deadly peril.

She laid one hand gently on Artoo-Detoo's carapace.

"Yes," she said. "You're right. I have to take the risk." Artoo-Detoo emitted a shrill of agreement.

"Mr. Iyon, I'm sorry," Leia whispered. "I hope I'm right." She dragged the safety straps across her body

and fastened herself in and engaged the controls. She went through the countdown sequence fast, pushing

the safety margins. Her ship came alive around her.


Alderaan lifted off.

As soon as Alderaan rose above the clouds, the spaceport sensors reacted. A sleepy traffic controller

sent her a message.

"Munto Codru Spaceport to WU-9167, do not proceed." If Leia replied, they would know who piloted

the ship. She would have to explain, justify herself--and she could not justify herself. She only knew she

had no choice.

But she could not let it become known that the Chief of State of the Republic had begun to behave


"Munto Codru Spaceport to WU-9167, return to your base, the hyperspace supervision systems are

under repair. Proceeding could be dangerous to your health!" "Tell them we have our own supervision

systems," Leia said to Artoo-Detoo.

Alderaan streaked upward through the atmosphere.

Its skin grew hot.

Artoo-Detoo warbled a transmission.

"Munto Codru Spaceport to WU-9167, that isn't an acceptable response. You risk censure, a fine, and

confiscation of your spacecraft." Artoo-Detoo replied with a soothing explanation.

The chamberlain's secrecy worked against him now.

As far as the spaceport police knew for certain, she was only breaking an administrative order. They

could record a fine against her. They could plan to confiscate her ship or take her license, when and if she

returned. But this was not a police matter. They did not suspect that she was an escaping kidnapper,

because they did not know anyone had been kidnapped.

"Munto Codru Spaceport to WU-9167, if this is an emergency, we can send a tractor after you." "Oh,

Artooffwas Leia said. The last thing she needed was to have to dodge around a space tug and its tractor


Artoo-Detoo broadcast a loud electronic raspberry and shut down the transmission.

"Got that one from Han, did you?" Leia said.

Alderaan reached the upper atmosphere. In the thinning air, heat dissipated rapidly. The temperature of

the ship's skin dropped, from very hot to very cold.

The blue sky turned indigo, then purple, then black. The stars came out.

One of the stars moved: light glinted off the battered skin of the orbital space tug as it changed its path to

intersect Leia's.

Setting itself to stop her, it put a tractor beam between Alderaan and the hyperspace point through which

the kidnappers had escaped.

"How strong is it?" Leia asked. "How far do we have to go to avoid it?" Artoo-Detoo evaded her

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