The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell (54 page)

BOOK: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell
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  “So where did they go?” Shackley asked.

  “Back to where they were. Now can either one of you explain their behavior?” Lenkov said.

  “Yeah… they are either with us… or with someone else.” Sayaka said.

  “Exactly. So what are they doing here?” Lenkov asked.

  Neither one answered that question because they were too perplexed by the actions of those on the Ultra Class ship. If the ship comes from the future and was still under the control of the EOD than that would explain it. But it wasn’t under the control of the EOD but someone else. But who? They didn’t know but they wish that they did.

  Shackley then left and headed down to the EOD regional capital on Golden Hyperion. He spent most of the trip thinking about all that Lenkov and Omori said. He wished that they told him earlier all that they knew. At least then it wouldn’t have been so shocking to hear it all at once.

  Shackley was glad to get away from both of them. They drove him crazy. He often wished that the EOD would have designed that starbase to accommodate far more than just the three of them. Well… he knew that it could house up to, but no more than fifty people. And that the only reason why there is only the three of them is because of their mission. But still, he wanted to get away from both of them. Shackley is glad that his orders finally will let him leave.

  Lenkov and Omori may be lovers, but they disgust Shackley. On two occasions he learned to knock before entering the Command Room. On the first occasion he caught Lenkov sodomizing Omori. She always preferred it that way since Lenkov would give her a reach around. When she saw Shackley she said, ‘Want to trade places hentai okama?’ On the other occasion, with Lenkov sodomizing her, she said, ‘What… no camera? Shimatta. Now we can’t make a killing off the Web. Kieuseru.’

  Shackley knew why they didn’t like him. He’s too soft for their taste. He’s what they call a manko. The EOD chose him for public relations because they know that, not only is he good at it, he also loves it. And if both of them can’t accept that, then tough luck on them. The EOD finds it important and that is good enough for him.

  Shackley knew they probably wanted him off that starbase for another reason. They get to be alone with one another with Lenkov… Shackley didn’t want to think about that part. He just didn’t’ want to get that image in his head again. Knowing both of them they’re probably going to run around naked. But what Shackley didn’t know was, that was not the whole truth.

  Yes they will off and on do that, but not ad nauseam. Their reason: for one thing they take their job seriously. And the other reason? They want to see the horror unfolding on Golden Hyperion when Task Force ZH-3C confronts the Dragon Clones, and if they can survive that…they get to confront the Flip Jumpers. And then the real fun begins.




  While Task Force ZH-3C was entering the atmosphere of Golden Hyperion, two events occurred that, if they knew of either one, it would have changed everything. The first event is when the shuttlecraft with Shackley was detected heading to the regional capital. If Task Force ZH-3C wasn’t entering the atmosphere at the moment his shuttlecraft was detected, they would have been able to intercept it. The other incident occurred on Galactic Prime.

  “We have found a landing spot. It is a small island near… what looks like a large land mass. We are now proceeding to land.” The pilot of one the drop-ships mentioned to Galactic Prime.

  “Understood.” Private First Class Cobb said.

  “We are now entering… We’ve just detected…” The communication between all five of the drop-ships and Galactic Prime was just cut off.

  “Say again. Drop-ship…” Pfc. Cobb was saying.

  “Sir! I’ve just detected a shuttlecraft leaving that EOD starbase and…” Corporal McNair said.

  “Sir! Our communications are down! We’re being hacked!” Staff Sergeant Braddick said.

  “What!?” Mad Dawg said. He then leapt from his chair, almost ran to where the sergeant was, he then looked at the console.

  “Murphy… what do you got?” Mad Dawg ordered.

  “Our internal and external communications are out, sir!” Murphy responded.

  “Shut down our entire com system right now!” Mad Dawg ordered Murphy.

  “Sir?” Murphy responded.

  “Do it Lieutenant.” Mad Dawg said.

  “Yes sir. Shutting down com system.” Murphy said. He then did as he was told.

  “Communications are off-line sir!” Murphy said after several intense moments went by.

  “Murphy… get down to the Communication Room right now. Find out how in the hell did that hacker get inside. See if anything else has been compromised. And find out how long will it take to get our com back up and running.” Mad Dawg ordered Murphy. You could hear the urgency in his voice.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Sorry girl… you are on your own for the time being.”  Mad Dawg said out loud. He was referring to Vaistll who had no way of knowing what just happened.




  Both Joseph and Sayaka was in the Command Room doing something that probably would have surprised Shackley – they were fixing to watch a really good movie and not have sex and embarrass him. They always loved watching movies on the main viewing screen in that room. Who wouldn’t? Both of them called it the “Silver Screen” because it was as big as one. But the movie that they were fixing to watch is something far more different than the movies they typically watch. This movie is not a movie, but Task Force ZH-3C’s mission.

  Both of them can see everything that goes on Golden Hyperion. From the movement of personnel, to weather, everything. The only thing that they cared about, was watching Task Force ZH-3C. Anything and everything that Task Force ZH-3C does, Joseph and Sayaka wants to see it. Although it gives them a huge advantage in being able to dictate who will, and who won’t, be able to win the battle, they will not intervene. Wherever the chips may fall, they will let them. Even if it means defeat for them. They don’t want to intervene. There is one other way that they will intervene however, and Task Force ZH-3C is about to learn that the hard way.

  “I hope that this will turn out to be a really good movie.” Joseph said.

  “I’m certain that it will.” Sayaka said.

  “Okay they’re fixing to land. And now… let the movie begins.” Joseph said. He then pushed a button on the left arm rest of the chair that he was sitting in. Music started to play in the Command Room.

  “That’s the best music you could find?” Sayaka said, a little disappointed at his selection.

  “Then why didn’t you select it?” He asked her. She didn’t say anything.

  After all five drop-ships landed and off-loaded their cargo (including Task Force ZH-3C) then took off, Sayaka put her right hand over the right arm rest of her chair. When all five drop-ships got into the clouds she pushed a button on the chair. When she did, five anti-air guns fired destroying all five of the drop-ships. With that, neither Joseph, nor Sayaka, will intervene in Task Force ZH-3C’s mission again.

  “Perfect.” Joseph said. He then pushed a button on his chair and started to record the reactions of each member of Task Force ZH-3C.

  “Now?” He asked Sayaka.

  “Mmmm… no. Okay now.” She said. He then stopped the recording.

  “Aw looky there… they’re trap. No way to communicate with Galactic Prime or vice versa. That means they won’t be able to receive any supplies, reinforcements or even be able to call for help. Not until they destroy those guns. All five of them. One is a gift from us to them. I’m certain if they ask the Dragon Clones real nicely… they will let them have three of them. And as for the fifth? That one is a nightmare.” Joseph said.

  “Yeah.” Sayaka said after she laughed a little. “The climatic moment in the movie.”




  Late evening, Shackley finally arrived at the regional capital. He was greeted by both the mayor and his security detail. He noticed that the mayor’s behavior was strange. Shackley knew the mayor well enough to know that the mayor has gotten himself into something that he doesn’t know how to get out of. Either that, it is something very serious that deals with Shackley and he don’t want to talk about it.

  The regional capital of Golden Hyperion is under the auspices of the EOD, but it’s not a part of the EOD, nor is it totally free from the EOD. The EOD for some reason made that decision and neither Shackley, nor the mayor knew the reason why. Whatever the reason, the EOD felt that the regional capital should have a mayor and a city counsel.

  “Is there something wrong, Henry?” Shackley asked the mayor.

  “What? Oh. Um… no. Everything is fine. I… uh… just have to meet someone later.” The mayor responded. The mayor’s reaction only confused Shackley further.

  “Who are you meeting?” Shackley asked.

  “It’s not important. Your security will take you to your office now.” The mayor than turned and left without saying a goodbye.

  Shackley stood there perplexed by how strange the mayor is acting. As Shackley was leaving he noticed that the mayor was looking around from a corner at him. When the mayor noticed that he was looking at him, the mayor either turned and left or moved from Shackley field of view. Shackley then went to his office. What he didn’t see was that as soon as he left, the mayor peeked around the corner again and then called someone.

  When Shackley got to his office he ordered something to eat. But what really annoyed him is that his secretary wasn’t paying any attention to him. Her mind was on something else. Shackley came close to yelling at her. He knows that something very strange, almost conspiratorial must be going on. First the mayor starts to act strange and now his secretary. Shackley stood there for a while thinking about their strange behavior.

  He then went, stood behind his desk to do his job. He then pushed a button on his desk and a secret console appeared on his desk. Before he could push a button that he was ordered to push, the power went off in his office. He also noticed that the back-up power to his desk was off-line as well.

  “What the hell is going on around here?” Shackley cried out. He then got a phone call from one of his security personnel.

  “Sir… we’re taking on fire from unknown forces! We’re taking on causalities! They caught us off guard!” The security personnel said.  Shackley could hear gunfire in the background.

  “Who is it? Do you know who it is?” Shackley asked.

  “Fall back! Fall back… now!” Shackley heard the security personnel ordered his personnel.

  “What the hell is going on!? Who’s shooting at you!?” Shackley yelled through the phone.

  “Sir… it’s… Sir… they’re almost outside your door!” The security personnel said.

  “Who!?” Shackley yelled through the phone.

  “What the hell are they doing here!?” Shackley overheard the security personnel ask someone. There was no response. Shackley then heard the rest of his security detail killed. And then his door opened revealing the faces of those who killed his security detail.

  “Oh god… how could it be you? How did you get here? What do you want with me? Oh god… what did I do?” Shackley asked.




  Second Lieutenant Murphy came into the bridge with his face turned white. When he found out who hacked into Galactic Prime, it sent a chill down his spine. Horrified and terrified beyond words, he felt like his whole world is spinning out of control.

  “Okay Murphy… give me the bad news first.” Mad Dawg said.

  “Yes sir. We won’t be able to have our com system up and running for about three to six days at the least.” Murphy responded.

  “Okay. Now give me the news that turned your face white.” Mad Dawg said.

  “Sir the hacker left a calling card and…” Murphy said trailing off at the end.

  “Who?” Mad Dawg said. He then got up and walked over to Murphy and asked the question again.

  “Sayaka… Cyber Doom… Omori.” Murphy mentioned.

  When he said that, Mad Dawg took a step back with the look of fear in his eyes. Everybody was just too horrified by the thought of who is in that starbase and what it means to confront them. Not one of them, not even Mad Dawg, would think that anyone is a coward if they wimp out.

  “Holy shit! That means if she’s here, then…!” A sergeant said.

  “What the fuck are we going to do!?” A private said.

  “Sir… I don’t want to die out here.” Another private cried out.

  “All of you shut the fuck up now! Now Murphy… are you sure it’s her?” Mad Dawg asked. Murphy didn’t say anything, he only nodded his head.

  “Murphy… what would you do… stay or go?” Mad Dawg asked.

  “Sir… given who we are dealing with… I think it’s in our best interest to leave and go get help.” Murphy responded.

  “What… and leave Task Force ZH-3C stranded on Golden Hyperion?” Mad Dawg asked.

  “Sir… if they die… it’s better than all of us dying.” Murphy said.

  “And how would you, or any of you, would feel if the shoe was on the other foot?” Mad Dawg asked.

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