The Creepy Sleep-Over

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Authors: Beverly Lewis

BOOK: The Creepy Sleep-Over
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Beverly Lewis Books for Young Readers


In Jesse's Shoes • Just Like Mama
What Is God Like? • What Is Heaven Like?


The Double Dabble Surprise
The Chicken Pox Panic
The Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery
No Grown-ups Allowed
Frog Power
The Mystery of Case D. Luc
The Stinky Sneakers Mystery
Pickle Pizza
Mailbox Mania
The Mudhole Mystery
The Crabby Cat Caper
Tarantula Toes
Green Gravy
Backyard Bandit Mystery
Tree House Trouble
The Creepy Sleep-Over
The Great TV Turn-Off
Piggy Party
The Granny Game
Mystery Mutt
Big Bad Beans
The Upside-Down Day
The Midnight Mystery

Katie and Jake and the Haircut Mistake

© 1998 by Beverly Lewis

Published by Bethany House Publishers
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

Bethany House Publishers is a division of
Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Ebook edition created 2012

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

ISBN 978-1-4412-6074-1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Cover illustration by Paul Turnbaugh
Text illustrations by Janet Huntington

Peggy Littleton's first grade class
Colorado Springs Christian
Elementary School

Patrick Antrim

Brooke Humphreys

Julia Bennett

Kirsten Kruger

Matthew Fenlason

Amanda Lenehan

Adam Fekula

Cole Moberly

Conner Fitzgerald

Christopher Murphy

Brynden Flick

Luke Nelson

Rebecca Glisan

Chelsea Samelson

Eric Goldberg

Marielle Sheppel

Mark Hernandez

P.Y. Young

Carisa Hoogenboom

Blake Wittenberg

Jessica Hollingsworth

Aide: Sue Obenauf



Beverly Lewis Books for Young Readers

Title page

Copyright page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

The Cul-de-sac Kids

About the Author

Other Books by Author

Back Cover


It was a super Saturday.

Dunkum Mifflin was jumpin' happy. He slam-dunked his basketball. Three times in a row!

His name was on Miss Hershey's reading list. He'd checked it twice. He'd made his reading goal. Twenty-five books in all!

The reward was a sleep-over at the teacher's house. Eight kids from Miss Hershey's class were going.

They'd eat pizza and junk food. And ice-cream sundaes and root-beer floats.

Best of all, they were spending the night!

Eric Hagel and Jason Birchall arrived at Dunkum's house. They passed the ball around. They talked about the sleep-over.

“Where's Miss Hershey's house, anyway?” Dunkum asked.

Jason didn't know exactly.

Eric didn't, either. “She used to be on my paper route. But not anymore,” he said.

“Did she move?” Dunkum asked.

Eric scratched his head. “Guess so.”

“Somewhere out in the country,” Jason piped up. “I heard it's a haunted mansion!”

“How do you know?” Dunkum asked.

Eric and Jason laughed. “Everyone says so,” replied Eric.

Dunkum said.

“Well, you know.” Jason crossed his eyes. “It's gonna be such a cool sleep-over. Even if the house

Eric agreed. “I still can't believe it. Did I really read all those books?”

Jason grinned. “Your name's on Miss Hershey's list, right?”

Eric nodded and passed the ball to Dunkum.

Dunkum shot up . . . up . . .
“Anyone else going from our cul-de-sac?”

“Abby and Stacy are,” Eric replied.

“Abby oughta be going. She read over
books,” Jason said.

“Wow! How'd she do it?” Dunkum asked.

“She's a bookworm. That's how.” Eric laughed.

Dunkum was thrilled. Most of his friends were going to the sleep-over.

“I heard Miss Hershey tells bedtime stories,” Eric said. “Spooky ones.”

“Yeah, better watch out,” Jason warned.

“How come?” Dunkum asked.

“She likes stuff by Edgar Allen Poe,”
said Eric. “Every year, same thing.”

“Who's this Poe dude?” asked Dunkum.

Jason started laughing. “Edgar Allen Poe wrote mystery stories and poems. Ever hear of ‘The Raven'? It's famous.”

“Nope,” Dunkum said.

“Well, you'll hear it plenty,” Eric said.

Jason flapped his arms. “Sounds wingy-dingy. Get it? Ravens have wings—”

“Aw . . . Jason, act your age,” Dunkum scolded.

“Whatever,” Jason muttered and stopped flying around.

The boys shot some more baskets. “How do
know about the sleep-over?” Dunkum asked Eric.

“Miss Hershey has one every year. The kids from last year's class told me.” Eric's voice was low and quiet. “They told me ALL about it.”

Dunkum hoped the sleep-over wasn't
too scary. He wasn't a scaredy-cat or anything. He just didn't like creepy things.

Jason interrupted his thoughts. “You're not afraid of haunted mansions, are you?” He made his voice sound spooky. “Oooooooooooow!” he squealed.

“You don't scare me!” Dunkum said.

“But Miss Hershey will,” teased Jason.

Dunkum dribbled the ball hard. He leaped up and dunked it. That's how he got his nickname—Dunkum. His real name was Edward. But nobody called him that. He was Dunkum—the tallest and best hoop shooter around.

Dunkum thought hard as he aimed the basketball. Jason could say all he wanted. But their teacher was the best. She wouldn't plan a creepy sleep-over.

No way. Dunkum didn't believe it for one second!

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