The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire (102 page)

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Temple Oval of Tutub, 482–483, 536

Tenochtitlan (site), 511–521

Teotihuacan (site), 367, 373, 503–505, 507–508

Tepe Gawra (site), 275–281, 286, 454, 465–467

Teslin (society), 84–85

Tewa (society), 153, 160–168, 178, 183, 536, 552, 559

Texcoco, 510–514, 543

Tezcatlipoca, 509–510, 518

Thendu (society): defined, 202

Thenkoh (society): defined, 202

Third Dynasty of Ur, 284, 475–476, 497–499

This (site), 404–405

Tholos (tholoi): defined, 263

Tigris River, 123, 128, 132, 136, 263, 270, 282–283, 289, 457, 482, 484, 493

Tikal (site), 389, 393, 456

Tikopian(s) (society), 209–215, 219, 221, 260, 301, 317, 365

Tilapia, 8, 41

Tilcajete (site), 232, 234–236, 368–370, 379, 471

Tiwanaku (society), 524–526, 532, 537

Tlacopan, 510, 513–514

Tlaloc, 504, 517

Tlatelolco, 511–512, 517

Tlatoani (ruler): defined, 514

Tlingit (society), 11, 80–86, 91, 109, 177, 221, 237, 267, 271, 293, 362

Toa (military prowess): defined, 209

Tohunga (expertise): defined, 209

Token(s), 413, 454, 556

Toltec (society), 507–510

Tomaltepec (site), 230

Tongan(s) (society), 209, 211–212, 315–328, 333, 335, 365, 531, 534

Tongatapu, 317–328

Totem pole(s), 74, 77, 80–81

Transgendered, 70, 182

Travois: defined, 177

Tribute, 75, 193, 196, 202, 210, 226, 296, 302, 311, 334, 336–337, 437, 489, 505, 533, 552

Trilithon monument, 318, 332–333

Triple Alliance: defined, 513

Trophy head(s), 105, 205, 218, 244–245, 259, 525, 550

Tsetse fly, 223, 226, 348, 422

Tsimshian (society), 77, 82–85, 237

Tui Haa Takalaua (secular chief): defined, 318

Tui Kanokupolu (executive chief): defined, 319

Tui Tonga (sacred chief): defined, 317

Tui Tonga Fefine (sister of chief): defined, 321

Tukumachay Cave (site), 146

Tula (site), 506–511

Tutankhamun (Tutankhaten) (ruler), 416–418

Tutchone (society), 84–85

Two-spirit people, 70–71, 181–183, 559

‘Ubaid (society), 275–281, 283–297, 399, 448–451, 457–458, 460, 469, 473

Ultimate sacred propositions: defined, 57; 60

Ultimogeniture: defined, 192, 224

Ulu, 12, 20, 26

‘Umi (ruler), 341–343, 497, 520

Umma (site), 459, 473, 484, 486, 492–493, 495

Upper Egypt: defined, 398

Ur of the Chaldees (Tell al-Muqayyar site), 284, 477, 484, 487–489, 497–499

Uruk (period): defined and dated, 452

Uruk (society), 448, 451–473, 475–476, 481, 501

Uruk (Tell Warka site), 451, 457–463, 473, 477, 484, 493, 496, 505

Urukagina (ruler), 489–491, 493

Ur-Zababa (ruler), 494–495

Ushnu: defined, 536

Vintana: defined, 360

Vizier (wazir), 356–358, 363, 412–414, 432, 485, 514

Wadi Hammeh 27 (site), 124–125, 127

Wadi Kubbaniya (site), 7, 8, 9, 33, 40, 49, 394, 401

Wadi Or (site), 395

War chief, 216, 298–299, 302

Wari (society), 521–524, 531–532, 537–538

War leader, 106, 109, 178–179, 226

War reparations, 97, 99–102, 551, 554

Watsonia, 7

Werowocómoco (site), 312

White Nile, 394

White skin, origins of, 10–11

White Temple (at Uruk site), 460–461

World Directions, great, 162, 165, 301, 329

Xochicalco (site), 505

Xo’pini (life force), 173–175, 180

Yarim Tepe (site), 267–269, 271, 273, 288

Yaxchilan (site), 390–392

Yegüih (site), 234, 368

Zapotec (society), 56–57, 371–377, 379, 389, 393, 414, 452, 465, 504, 518, 520

Ziggurat: defined, 289

Zulu (society), 228, 347–355, 361, 363–365, 367, 397, 416, 422–426, 434, 498

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