The Crazy Things Girls Do for Love (4 page)

Read The Crazy Things Girls Do for Love Online

Authors: Dyan Sheldon

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Social Issues, #Friendship, #Peer Pressure

BOOK: The Crazy Things Girls Do for Love
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Indeed, the only person who has had a negative word for Cody is Jason Coombs, until a few days ago probably the hippest boy in their class. Jason thinks Cody’s a little weird because of the yoga. All that standing like a tree and omming, said Jason, is pretty much a girl’s thing. Maya, who has been on the brink of dating Jason for the last few months, said nothing but eyed him critically, noticing new flaws.

At the end of the road the goths turn left and Cody turns right, away from town.

“What did I say?” Maya’s nails dig into Alice’s arm. “Didn’t I say I had a hunch he was going home?” Maya has it all planned. As Cody reaches his front door, she’ll suddenly call out,
Hello? Excuse me, but my friend and I are lost.
And then he’ll turn around, eager to help, and she’ll act all surprised and say,
Hey, don’t you go to Clifton Springs? Haven’t I seen you at school?
He’ll hurry back to the sidewalk to talk to her, amazed that he doesn’t remember seeing her before.
, he’ll say,
I just moved to town.
She’ll hold out her hand.
Well, welcome to Clifton Springs.
She’ll smile.
My name’s Maya.
He’ll say that his name’s Cody and invite her in.

“I just hope it isn’t too far,” mutters Alice. “My feet are already soaked.”

But, as so often happens in life, Alice’s hope is not to be fulfilled. Block after block goes by, but Cody never turns up a path nor breaks his stride. Instead, he marches straight through puddles in his vintage galoshes like a man on a mission, but the girls, whose footwear is less rugged, have to scurry around the larger pools and leap across the smaller – all while trying to keep him in their sight and them out of his. Maya, warmed and protected by her fantasies, is oblivious to the distance and the weather, but as the blocks become a mile and then another, their adventure loses the little interest it had for her friend.

“This is ridiculous. Where the hell does he live?” Alice gasps. Her feet are so wet now that she feels like she’s wading. “In the next town?”

Maya, deep into imagining Cody asking her if she’d like a cup of coffee, smiles into the distance.

“Maya!” Alice’s voice is far too loud for surveillance work. “Did you hear me? Where is he going? To visit his mother in England?”

Maya comes back to the moment with a scowl. “Shhh!” she hisses. “He’ll hear you.”

“I don’t care any more.” Alice comes to a stubborn stop under the relative shelter of a large tree at the kerb. “I’m tired of this. I want to go home.”

“But we’re almost there,” pleads Maya. “I’m sure we are.” She tugs on Alice’s arm. “Come on, he’s crossing—” What she was going to say was that Cody is crossing the road – something Alice could actually see for herself if she weren’t staring forlornly at her feet – but the realization of what road it is that he’s crossing cuts the flow of words. “
Gott im Himmel

“What?” Alice has added shrillness to the volume. “
what’s wrong?”

“Look. Can you believe it?” Maya points beyond the traffic to where a sprawl of venerable grey buildings rise from a tree-lined lawn. Students fill the paths that wind between the buildings and the quad. Cody Lightfoot has already disappeared among them, just another hooded figure with a book bag hurrying through the rain.

Alice’s frown deepens. “Is that the university?” This is an accusation, not a question.

Maya nods. “I guess he wasn’t going home after all.” Fate is toying with her. If she hadn’t been so busy jumping over puddles and trying to keep out of sight… “He must be meeting his father.” But maybe all isn’t lost. She’s sure the senior Lightfoot teaches history or sociology – or, possibly, anthropology – something like that. If they can find the right building, there’s still a chance they could run into Cody. She could stumble and twist her ankle in front of him. Probably his father would offer them a ride home…

“Forget it, Maya.” Alice straightens up, adjusting herself in the manner of someone about to jump ship. “There’s no way I’m wandering around that campus for the next hour looking for him. I’m out of here.”

“But we’ve come so far. If we just hang around a little longer—”

Somewhere not far enough away to be reassuring, a dog starts to bark in a way that even someone less close to tears and exhaustion than Alice would describe as ferocious bordering on hysterical.

Chapter Seven
There’s a chance that reality begins in dreams

and Maya are both convinced that once they catch Cody Lightfoot’s attention they are as good as on their first date with him, if not actually engaged. These assumptions, of course, are based on who they are (the most popular girl in the most popular group and the coolest girl in the coolest group) and what they look like (model pretty, and attractive in an alternative, arty way). In contrast, Waneeda – who doesn’t even register on the radar screens of popularity or cool – is a large, ungainly girl with runaway, tumbleweed hair and the instantly forgettable kind of face that would only be an advantage if she decided to commit a crime. She’s not a fool. Waneeda knows that the only way she could attract Cody Lightfoot’s attention would be to dump her lunch on his lap. But she still can dream.

Waneeda’s dreams used to centre around her favourite TV shows and arguments with her mother, but now she dreams about Cody every night. In dreams, she walks with him and talks with him and sometimes even holds his hand. In these dreams, Cody is the funny, kind, sensitive and intelligent boy she imagines him to be – and Waneeda is someone else. Instead of shambling the way she does in real life, she sashays; instead of dragging her heels and always complaining, she is energetic and always laughing. She looks different, too. Prettier and brighter – her hair like a dark cloud around her head; her smile like the sun.

In last night’s dream, Cody saved Waneeda’s life. She was drowning in an angry sea under a hard, ash-coloured sky. “Help! Help!” she was shouting. “Help! Help!” But, of course, there was no one to hear her desperate screams. There was no land in sight, no boat in the distance, not so much as a gull wheeling overhead. And then, as the icy fingers of the sea were pulling her under for the last time, Cody Lightfoot (in his pinstriped suit and black T-shirt) suddenly dove in beside her. His arms were strong and warm around her. “It’s all right,” he murmured. “Don’t worry, dear Waneeda. Everything’s going to be all right.” She woke up tangled in the blankets, a pillow clutched against her.

Even now, so many hours later, as she and Joy Marie walk home together on Friday afternoon, last night’s dream keeps replaying itself in her mind, making Joy Marie’s chatter no more than background noise. Until Joy Marie says something that makes Waneeda almost choke on the candy she just put in her mouth.

“What?” asks Waneeda. “What did you say?”

“God, Waneeda…” Joy Marie makes her why-don’t-you-ever-listen-to-me? face. “I said that Clemens says that Cody Lightfoot seems pretty solid. You know, interesting and intelligent and kind of a mensch.”

“Clemens,” repeats Waneeda. “Are you saying Cody Lightfoot talks to Clemens?”

Clemens Reis is the geek’s geek. Waneeda, who lives behind Clemens, has known him since they were in diapers, and so can attest that he was always a peculiar child (in the video of her earliest birthday parties, Clemens is the scowling one who refused to wear a party hat or sing), but puberty has made him even more peculiar. He has an eccentric nature and an independent, argumentative mind. Physically, he is thin and gawky, with hair that is long not as a statement of cool or rebellion but because he never remembers to get it cut. His glasses are held together by a paper clip. Clemens is the kind of boy who can tell you how many helium balloons you’d need to make a cat fly (depending on its weight, of course) and who will tell you (whether you ask or not) what percentage of global greenhouse-gas emissions is caused by cows. He wears a hat knitted by his grandmother and saddle shoes. It is miracle enough that two such different examples of a carbon-based life form as Cody and Clemens should inhabit the same planet, let alone speak to each other.

“He talks to Clemens all the time,” says Joy Marie. “At least he isn’t a snob like everybody else in this school.”

“I guess that’s true.” Waneeda has, in fact, seen him talk to people even she wouldn’t talk to.

Waneeda chews on a cherry-flavoured ball of corn syrup and sugar in the way of someone considering the possible origins of life. No one expects less of Waneeda than Waneeda herself. Indeed, you could say that one of her strengths is that her lack of ambition is comfortably matched by her lack of expectation. But now something shifts ever so slightly, and she starts to consider the possibility that, maybe, there might be a chance that – someday, somehow – Cody Lightfoot will talk to her somewhere that isn’t in her dreams.

Chapter Eight
Sicilee doesn’t understand it when things don’t go the way she wants

the social hierarchy of Clifton Springs High is slightly more rigid than that of feudal Europe, every group has its own table in the cafeteria.

Sicilee’s group sits in the centre of the room, which is both symbolic (she and her friends, after all, are at the centre of the school’s social life) and practical (so they can both see and be seen).

Today, Ash, Loretta and Kristin are discussing the weekend’s trip to the mall.

“I have to take back that dress I got,” Loretta is saying. “I mean, it looked great in the store, but ohmigod when I tried it on at home? I looked
. You should’ve seen my butt!”

Ash nods knowingly. “It’s the mirrors. They have special mirrors that make you look skinnier than you are.”

Kristin doesn’t think it’s the mirrors. She thinks the fault lies with mass production. The clothes are made to fit everybody, so they fit no one.

Loretta looks impressed. She never thought of it like that before.

Ash says that doesn’t mean she’s wrong about the mirrors. Everybody knows about it. She saw it on TV.

Sicilee isn’t really listening. She seems to be smiling at Loretta and Ash, but really she is gazing beyond them, to a table at the side of the room where today Cody Lightfoot sits with Clemens Reis and his loser friends, looking like a movie star visiting a homeless shelter at Thanksgiving. Why is he sitting with
? They’re nobodies. They’re less than nobodies. They’re crustaceous growths on the skin of society. If anybody else –
, even Kristin, even her own mother – was to eat lunch with Clemens, Sicilee would be so grossed out that she would never be able to speak to them again. But that, of course, is not the way she feels about Cody. All that really bothers her is the fact that he isn’t sitting with

Last week ended no better than it began. Even though Sicilee shares a classroom with Cody Lightfoot every day, she knew him no better on Friday afternoon than she had on Tuesday morning.

She watches Cody put the Thermos back into his old-fashioned workman’s lunchbox and take out a small container as though he is doing something truly remarkable that no human teenager has ever done before. Sicilee stifles a sigh. None of the boys she considers her friend ever brings his lunch from home. None of them wears his hair the length Cody does, or dresses the way Cody dresses – or causes Sicilee’s heart to miss a beat when he smiles either.

Cody removes half a sandwich from the container. Her eyes follow the sandwich as it moves towards his squashy, kissable lips. Sicilee’s own sandwich sits untouched on her tray. She has less interest in food right now than in learning to weave straw baskets.

“Don’t you think so, Siss?” asks Loretta.

Sicilee nods automatically. “Uh huh.”

Last Friday, Sicilee finally managed to be right behind Cody as they left English, and asked him, conversationally, about changing schools in the middle of the year. “It must be such a drag,” said Sicilee. “Starting all over again, I mean.”

Cody said that it wasn’t a problem. He embraces change.

To stop herself from saying that she wished he’d embrace
, Sicilee offered to show him the town.

But this wasn’t a problem either.

“I’ve been here before. You know, visiting my dad. So I know my way around.”

But Sicilee still wasn’t daunted. She invited him to a party on Saturday night. “You know,” said Sicilee, “so you can meet everybody.”

“Everybody?” Cody grinned. “That’s going to be a pretty big party.”

Unsure as to whether or not he was making fun of her, Sicilee laughed. “You know what I mean.”

“To tell you the truth, I’m not really a party person,” said Cody. And then (just when she was starting to think that, for some unfathomable reason, he was being deliberately dense) he gave her a smile that could have heated every house in Clifton Springs for the rest of the winter, lowered his voice intimately and added, “I’m much more into one-on-one.”

Now, as she watches him lick something from his fingers, Sicilee wonders again what he meant by that. Was it a come-on? Did he mean one-on-one with her? Or did he mean one-on-one with someone else?

Cody brushes crumbs from his mouth. His hand is wide and solid, the fingers delicate and long. Sicilee gulps her flavoured water, stifling a sigh.

If he meant he’d rather see her alone than with dozens of strangers, then why on Earth doesn’t he ask her out? It’s not as if she hasn’t given him plenty of encouragement. The only way she could do more to bring attention to herself would be to wear bells. Risking sweat and dishevelment, Sicilee rushes to English every day in the hope of sitting beside him. She used to lurk at the back of the class with Kristin, passing notes or checking her texts, but now she puts herself right near the front, raising her hand whenever Mrs Sotomayor asks a question, whether she knows the answer or not, and loudly agreeing with everything Cody says.
Oh, I think so, too,
she says. At the end of English, she risks broken bones again, frantic to be the person behind Cody as he leaves the room. She is always strolling through the corridor when he goes to his locker in the morning. She is always in the main hall when he leaves in the afternoon. If it weren’t for the fact that she gets a ride every day from Mrs Shepl after school, she’d be tempted to follow him home.

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