The Courtship Basket (10 page)

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Authors: Amy Clipston

BOOK: The Courtship Basket
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“You can get started, and I'll be there in a few minutes.” Mike dug his fork into the pie. “I want to finish my snack. Don't forget your jacket. It's still cool out.”

“All right.” John rushed out through the mudroom, and the back door clicked shut behind him.

Marie stacked John's empty plate on top of hers. “Rachel sounds like a blessing. I'm so
you had John moved to that school. In the beginning, I was concerned that the special school was too far away since it's not in our church district, but it makes sense to send John there so he can get the extra help he needs.”

Mike nodded slowly as he chewed his last bite of pie. Doubts floated through his mind.

“What's bothering you?” Marie rested her elbows on the table. “Are you angry with Janie and me for talking to Sam about you? You know it's because we care. You've always been like our second

“No, I'm not angry with you.” He handed Marie the note. “I can't figure out who Rachel really is. Read this.”

Marie read the note and then gave him an incredulous expression. “This is a very sweet note. What don't you understand?”

Mike set his jaw as he gathered his thoughts. “This is the same
who showed up at my work and berated me about how I'm raising John. Why is she sending me thoughtful notes and

Marie chewed her bottom lip as she studied him for a moment. “I think it's obvious. She's concerned about John and wants to help. Why else would she be so thoughtful and generous to him?”

“Maybe she's worried about losing her job.” Mike shook his head as Marie frowned with confusion. “Think about it, Marie. She went against the rules by confronting me. Instead, she should've gotten the school board chairman involved. If I call him, she'll be fired. Maybe that's her motivation for all this.” He pointed toward the basket.

“I don't think so.” Marie handed him the note. “She sent a note of apology in the journal. This is going above and beyond an apology.”

“But I didn't respond to the note,” Mike continued. “She didn't get a note from me until after she sent the first meal.”

“That's right, but she still sent another meal. She didn't have to ask John what he likes to eat and then send another meal. I think she truly cares about John, and I think you should be grateful.” Marie carried the plates to the sink and turned on the faucet.

grateful. I just don't understand it.”

“Your problem is that you don't want to accept anyone's help,” Marie said as she watched the sink fill with water. “You think you should take care of John by yourself, but no one expects you to do that.”

“That's not true,” he grumbled. “I'm going to check on
and then head outside to help John.” Mike got up from the table and left.

He stood in the doorway leading to the family room, where his father was asleep in his favorite chair. While
's snores rumbled throughout the room, Mike recalled how, when he was John's age,
would take him fishing in a nearby lake on warm Saturday afternoons after their chores were done. Now
was too ill to walk to the lakeside.

Mike leaned on the doorframe as sadness clogged his throat. He would have to take John fishing and tell him about his favorite memories of
. He'd do his best to be the father figure John deserved.

Mike headed back through the kitchen. “I'll be outside with John.”

“Have fun.” Marie waved, sending foamy bubbles up into the air like confetti.

After pulling on his jacket, Mike stepped outside, and the crisp late-March air tickled his nose as he strolled toward the chicken coop. He found John tossing the feed grain in the air as the chickens pecked around the ground.

“You're doing a
job,” Mike said, leaning against the enclosed fence. “You don't need me.”

“You just don't want to work,” John teased with a grin. “You want me to do everything.”

Mike leaned his head back and gave a deep belly laugh. Where had John's sudden sense of humor come from? He hadn't heard his
brother crack a joke like that in months—not since their father had taken a turn for the worse.

John tossed the remainder of the chicken feed into the air and then exited the fenced-in area where the chickens ate. “Could we invite Teacher Rachel over for lunch sometime?” John rubbed his hands together. “Maybe we could invite her to visit and see the farm.”

Mike raised his eyebrows. “Why do you want to invite Rachel over?”

“I like her, and I think it would be a nice way to thank her for the meals.” John grinned. “Maybe she'll give us another yummy pie if she comes to visit.”

Mike considered this, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don't know if it's a
idea to have company.
hasn't been feeling well, and I don't know if he'll want people around.”

John's smile faded and his enthusiasm dissipated. “All right.”

When John started walking toward the house, Mike's chest squeezed. He couldn't stand to see his little brother disappointed after just witnessing the joy that had suddenly blossomed inside of him.

“Johnny, wait,” Mike called, hustling after him. “Let's talk about this.”

John stopped and faced him. “It's okay.” His little voice quaked. “You already said no.” His bottom lip quivered, and his blue eyes glistened with tears.

“Just tell me,” Mike began, holding his hands up to calm his brother, “why is it so important to you to have Rachel over?”

John sniffed. “I remember we used to have
over before
got so sick. It was fun.”

“Okay.” Mike nodded. “If that will make you
, then I will invite Rachel over sometime soon.”

John beamed. “

“Now, she might not be able to come,” Mike said, cautioning him. “If she says no, then you can't be upset with me. And don't say anything to her at school until I have a chance to call her, okay?”

John nodded. “Okay.”

Mike smiled. “Now, you head into the
and see if
needs anything. I have something I need to take care of.”

“All right.” John trotted off toward the house as Mike stepped into the barn to the phone. He found Rachel's first message on his voice mail and jotted her number on the notepad sitting on the small workbench. Then he dialed and cleared his throat.

After several rings, a voice mail picked up and a sweet young feminine voice said, “Hello. You have reached the Fisher family. Please leave us a message and we'll call you back soon. Thank you.”

“Um, hello,” Mike stammered. “This is Mike Lantz. This message is for Rachel. John and I want to thank you for the meal you sent home with him today. The pie was amazing, and we're looking forward to having the macaroni and cheese too.” He cupped his forehead with his hand, feeling silly. When was the last time he'd called a
? He grimaced. Six years. He hadn't called a
since he was eighteen. He had no idea what to say.

“Well, uh . . .” He wound the telephone cord around his finger like a fidgeting child. “John asked me to call you and invite you over to visit. Are you available the day after tomorrow, Saturday? Maybe you can come for lunch. John would really like to see you.” He paused and exhaled out a nervous breath. “But I'm not going to tell him I've already called in case you can't make it Saturday. I don't want him to be disappointed. So thank you again. Good-bye.”

Mike placed the receiver back on the phone and rolled his eyes. He'd sounded like a complete moron. What on earth would she think of him when she received the message? He glanced out the window toward the house and thought of John. He'd called Rachel for him. Now he just had to hope Rachel would come. Would she
break his little brother's heart and decline his invitation to visit on Saturday . . . or ever?

On the other hand, if she did come, what on earth would Mike discuss with her during the visit? They couldn't possibly have anything in common, other than a vested interest in John.

He shoved his anxiety aside as he stepped into the late-afternoon sunlight. Mike had to have faith that Marie was right about Rachel. That she did care about John. It seemed as if something positive was happening with John, and he owed it to the teacher. Perhaps Rachel was just what John needed.


and exhaled a deep sigh. She was exhausted after the long week at school, but a feeling of satisfaction had settled inside of her earlier in the day. John had made wonderful strides with reading, spelling, and math. She was making progress, and seeing him smile while he read warmed her soul. She reached the top step and pulled open the screen door.


Rachel turned and found Emily waving her hands wildly. She was walking from their father's store toward the phone shanty.

” Emily hollered. “There's a message for you on the phone!”

“There is?” Rachel set her tote bag and lunch pail on the steps and rushed to the phone shanty.

Emily's smile was wide. “I didn't check the messages until this morning, and I've been waiting all day for you to come home. I think you're going to be
when you hear who it is.”

“Oh?” Rachel raised her eyebrows as she held the receiver to her ear. She pushed the pass code and then hit the button to replay the messages. When she heard Mike's voice, she gasped. He'd finally called her back! She took in his every word as she listened. He actually sounded self-conscious as he stammered his way through the message. Why would he be nervous?

Emily grinned and bumped Rachel's arm with her elbow as Rachel listened to Mike's final words.

Rachel shook her head and stared down at the receiver in her hand. “I can't believe he called me.” She met her sister's wide smile. “He went from not responding to my notes to calling me. You were right, Em. Sending over supper was the best way to show him that I truly care about John's well-being. And this might be why John had an extra gleam in his eye whenever I caught him looking at me today.”

“I think it's funny that they ate the pie before supper.” Emily chuckled.

“I can't believe Mike invited me to come to his house for a visit.” Rachel looked down at the receiver again as questions ricocheted through her mind. “What should I do?”

“I think you should go over to their
for lunch and take a pizza,” Emily said simply. “I think it's
that he wants you to go over there. That means they want to get to know you better.”

Rachel nodded. “I guess this means he's forgiven me.”

Emily laughed and looped her arm around Rachel's shoulders. “Why are you still worrying about that? Of course he forgave you. Now go to his
. You might have a nice time, and apparently it will mean a lot to John.”

Rachel pondered this as she placed the receiver on the cradle. “I'm so honored they invited me.”

“I agree that it's an honor, and you should definitely take lunch.” She led Rachel toward the house, and their shoes crunched on the rock path. “You can have a driver stop at the pizza place on the way to their
tomorrow. Now we just have to figure out dessert. Do we have a brownie mix?”

“Brownies sound like a
idea.” Rachel smiled as an idea took shape in her mind. “I could take a couple of books with me and give John a little extra help with his math and reading. We can even work on some spelling.”

Emily retrieved Rachel's bag and lunch pail from the steps. “That's a great idea. Not only will you give John some help, but Mike will be able to see the progress you've been making with him firsthand.”

Rachel followed her younger sister into the house. “On second thought, I don't know if it's a
idea for me to go.” She sat down on the bench in the mudroom and thought about going to the Lantzes' house. “I should probably stay here tomorrow and help you with chores. You and
handle them all week when I'm teaching, so it's not right for me to go off on a Saturday.” She pointed to her sister. “Why don't you come with me?”

“Don't be
.” Emily waved off the suggestion. “You know I don't mind the chores.”

Rachel shook her head. “No, it doesn't feel right to me.”

“You have to go, Rach.” Emily dropped onto the bench beside her. “John's going through a difficult time with his family right now, and you're one of the few constants in his life. He'll be so thrilled to see you at his

, that's true.” Rachel nodded as Emily's wise words rolled around in her mind. She had to go, no matter how awkward it might be with Mike. “You're right. I need to go for John.”

“Go and have a
time.” Emily stood, and after hanging up her sweater, she walked into the kitchen. “I'll take care of your chores. What would you like for supper tonight? I've been thinking about pork chops all day. Does that sound
to you?”

, it does.” Rachel placed her sweater on a hook and followed her younger sister into the kitchen.

at Mike's house the next day. She balanced a pepperoni pizza in her hands, along with a tote bag containing a math book, a reading
book, and a pan of brownies she'd baked that morning. She hoped Mike would approve of the food she'd brought, but doubt had crept into her mind during the ride to the Lantz farm. Maybe she shouldn't have brought the pizza. Emily was always so idealistic and expected the best in people, but it could've been a mistake. Apprehension squeezed at her gut.

She climbed the steps and took a deep breath.


She spun and saw Mike walking toward her from the large barn. She smiled and her foot slipped off the step. She righted herself, and the pizza teetered in her hand. As she took hold of the pizza box, she dropped her tote bag, sending the books and pan of brownies crashing to the ground. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she tried to figure out how to bend to retrieve the bag and items sprawled on the rock path without dropping the pizza.

Mike rushed toward her. “I got it.” He picked up the bag, dropped the books into it, and balanced the pan of brownies in his other hand, all while giving her a nervous smile. “I didn't expect you to bring lunch. If you came, I was going to make sandwiches for us.”

“I wanted to bring John a pizza. He told me he likes it.” Her cheeks continued to blaze, and she hoped they wouldn't explode. “Oh, is it okay if he has pizza? I suppose I should've asked your permission first.”

, it's okay.” Mike looked down at the box. “I think he's only had it once before when he was small. I'm surprised he even remembers it.” His shy smile was back.

Rachel hadn't noticed until that moment just how handsome Mike Lantz was. He had a strong jawline and facial features that looked as if they had been chiseled from a fine stone. His face was clean-shaven, and for a split second she wondered why he wasn't married. She surmised he was in his mid-twenties, and he most
likely had a girlfriend. After all, the eager young women snatched up the handsome young men in her youth group as soon as they were baptized and permitted to start dating.

When he raised his eyebrows in question, she realized she'd been staring at him. “Would you like to come inside?” he asked.

ya. Danki
.” She cleared her throat and lifted the pizza box a little higher. “I hope John likes pepperoni.”

“I think John will just be thrilled that you're here. He talks about you nonstop.” Mike climbed the steps and held the door open for her.

“Really?” Rachel was surprised to hear this. “He's doing really well in school. I brought a couple of books if he wants to get some extra practice with his reading and math. I don't mind helping him.” She moved past him and breathed in his scent—soap blended with earth. He towered over her by at least six inches, and she had to look up to see his sad blue eyes. She pulled off her sweater and hung it on a peg by the door.

“Oh.” Mike nodded. “I appreciate that you came over. I know it's not the norm for a teacher to visit a student on a weekend, but John was insistent about wanting to have you over.”

“I don't mind at all. I want to help him.” She squared her shoulders. Now was the perfect time to apologize to him for being so rude to him the first time they talked. “I'm really sorry—”

“Teacher Rachel!” John bounded into the kitchen. “You came to see me!” He grabbed her arm and tugged. “What's that good smell?”

“It's pizza.” Rachel smiled down at him. “I hope you like pepperoni.”

John gasped. “It's my favorite!”

Rachel breathed a sigh of relief as she followed John into the kitchen. She placed the pizza in the center of the table. “I also brought a pan of fudge brownies for dessert.”

John clapped his hands together. “
Wunderbaar! Danki!

Gern gschehne.
” Rachel pointed toward the cabinets. “Would you like me to get the dishes?”

.” Mike placed her bag on the table and then shucked his jacket. “I can do that. I just need to hang up my jacket.”

He disappeared into the mudroom for a moment. Returning to the kitchen, he put the pan of brownies on the counter and then brought dishes to the table. Rachel glanced at the brownies and was thankful that the pan had a lid on it. Otherwise, it could've been disastrous when she dropped it.

John opened the box, and the warm aroma of the pizza filled the kitchen. “I can't wait to have a piece.”

“May I get the drinks?” Rachel offered while fingering the hem on her apron.

“No, we'll get it.” Mike turned to John. “Get the pitcher of water out of the refrigerator, please.”

John fetched the pitcher and placed it on the table. “Do you think
might want some pizza too?”

Mike shook his head. “He can't have it because he's supposed to avoid cheese. He has to watch his calcium intake.”

“Oh.” Rachel grimaced. Pizza was a bad idea. “I'm so sorry. I should've brought something he could eat. I didn't realize pizza wasn't
for your
.” She'd managed to mess up this visit already. At least she'd decided to bring brownies instead of ice cream.

“Please don't worry about it,” Mike said, his expression kind. He placed three glasses on the table. “
Mei dat
is resting right now. He doesn't eat much lately. His dialysis treatments take a lot out of him.”

“Oh.” She frowned while worrying about Mike's father. “Maybe he can join us for dessert.”

Mike gave a noncommittal shrug. “Maybe. I'll check on him after we finish the pizza.”

“All right,” she said. “I hope he feels better soon.”

.” Mike gave her a quick nod before pointing toward the chairs. “Let's have lunch.”

Rachel sat across from Mike and John, and after a silent prayer, they each took a slice of pizza.

John took a bite and grinned. “It's so
appeditlich. Danki
, Teacher Rachel.”

“I'm so
you like it. And you can call me Rachel outside the school if it's okay with Mike.” She felt Mike watching her. When she met his expression, her cheeks heated again. Why did he make her feel so self-conscious?

, it's okay with me if he calls you Rachel. And I agree the pizza is
,” Mike agreed. “It's been years since I've had pizza.”

“Did Rachel tell you how
I'm doing in school?” John asked between bites of pizza.

Mike nodded. “She told me you've been doing great.”

“I brought a couple of books if you want to work on your math and reading today,” Rachel said. “You can even show Mike how well you're doing.” She took a bite of pizza, savoring the delicious flavor.

John shrugged. “Okay. I finished my chores already, so we can do some schoolwork.”

Rachel saw her basket on the counter, and Mike noticed.

“I'm sorry we didn't return the basket yesterday. I just forgot to put it in the van with John. I didn't mean to be rude.”

“Oh, that's okay. I can take it with me when I go home today.”

They ate in silence for a few moments, and Rachel tried to think of something else to say. She wanted to know more about Mike's life, but she didn't want to pry.

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?” John asked before reaching for a second slice.

Rachel pushed the box of pizza toward John, and he chose the
largest slice, which made her smile. He certainly was enjoying this special lunch.

She wiped a napkin across her mouth and then cleaned her greasy fingers with it. “I have two
Mei schweschder
Veronica is a year older than I am, and Emily is three years younger than I am.” She took a sip of water.

John bit into the large slice. “Are you married?” he asked while chewing.

“John,” Mike warned through gritted teeth. “That's rude. You shouldn't pry into other people's lives—or talk with your mouth full.”

“I don't mind answering,” Rachel said with a smile. “No, John, I'm not married.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“John,” Mike said, warning him with another growl.

“It's all right.” Rachel averted her eyes by glancing down at her half-eaten piece of pizza. “No, I don't.”

“Do you live alone?” John asked between bites of pizza.

“I live with my parents and
mei schweschder
, Veronica, got married in February, and she lives in a
her husband built on his parents' farm. She made the chocolate pie I sent over Thursday. Her husband is going to build her a bake stand where she'll sell those pies.”

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