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Authors: Jeremy Narby

The Cosmic Serpent (38 page)

BOOK: The Cosmic Serpent
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p. 97. “‘
Banisteriopsis caapi,
a liana that tends to grow in charming double helices ...'” From Schultes and Raffauf (1992), p. 26. Reprinted with permission from Synergetic Press, Oracle, Arizona.
p. 102. “‘The cosmic serpent, provider of attributes.'” From R. T. R. Clark (1959), p. 52. Reprinted with permission from Thames and Hudson Ltd.
p. 105. “A magnified section of a leaf . . .” From a photo by Alfred Pasieka. Reprinted with the photographer's permission.
p. 111. “‘Cosmovision.'” From A. Gebhart-Sayer (1987), p. 26. Reprinted with the author's kind permission.
p. 113. “Detail from Pablo Amaringo's painting ‘Pregnant by an Anaconda.'” From Luna and Amaringo (1991), p. 111. Reprinted with the authors' kind permission.
Amaringo, Pablo
Ancon, Laureano
Artaud, Antonin
Axis of the world
Bergson, Henri
Beveridge, W. I. B.
Bourdieu, Pierre
Calladine, Chris
Campbell, Joseph
Castaneda, Carlos
Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre
Chucano Santos, José
Crick, Francis
Darwin, Charles
Descartes, René
Devereux, George
Drew, Horace
Education, bilingual
Einstein, Albert
Eliade, Mircea
Frank-Kamenetskii, Maxim
Franklin, Rosalind
Gebhart-Sayer, Angelika
Geertz, Clifford
Gomez, Ruperto
Gurvich, Alexander
Harner, Michael
Ho, Mae-Wan
Holmes, Sherlock
Huxley, Francis
Jacob, François
Jakobson, Roman
“Junk” DNA
Kekulé, August
Koch-Grünberg, Theodor
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste
Langaney, André
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Linnaeus, Carl von
Luisi, Pier Luigi
Luna, Luis Eduardo
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Margulis, Lynn
Mayr, Ernst
Métraux, Alfred
Monod, Jacques
Mundkur, Balaji
Nash, J. Madeleine
Perez Shuma, Carlos
Piaget, Jean
Pollack, Robert
Popp, Fritz-Albert
Popper, Karl
Radio waves
Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo
Sagan, Dorion
Schultes, Richard E.
Scott, Alwyn
Shapiro, James
Shapiro, Robert
Shingari, Abelardo
Strassman, Rick
Sullivan, Lawrence
Tangoa, Luis
Townsley, Graham
Twisted language
Tylor, Edward
Visual system
Wallace, Alfred
Watson, James
Weiss, Gerald
Wesson, Robert
Wilbert, Johannes
Wills, Christopher
Abelin (1993)
Alberts et al. (1990)
Artaud (1979)
Atkinson (1992)
Atlan and Koppel (1990)
Baer (1992)
Balick et al. (1996)
Barker et al. (1981)
Bass (1994)
Baudoin (1918)
Bayard (1987)
Beach et al. (1994)
Beauclerk et al. (1988)
Bellier (1986)
Beveridge (1950)
Bisset (1989)
Blocker and Salem (1994)
Blubaugh and Linegar (1948)
Boulnois (1939)
Bourdieu (1977) (1980) (1990)
Bourguignon (1979)
Broad (1994)
Browman and Schwarz (1979)
Brown (1988)
Buchillet (1982)
Burnand (1991)
Burroughs and Ginsberg (1963)
Butler (1996)
Cairns-Smith (1983)
Calladine and Drew (1992)
Campbell (1959) (1964) (1968)
Chandebois (1993)
Changeux (1983) (1993)
Chapela et al. (1994)
Chaumeil (1982) (1983) (1992) (1993)
Chevalier (1982)
Chevalier and Gheerbrant (1982)
Christensen and Narby (1992)
Chuang-Tzu (1968) (1981)
Chwirot (1992)
Cimino et al. (1992)
Clark (1959)
Clery (1995)
Cohen et al. (1967)
Colchester (1982)
Couturier et al. (1990)
Crick (1958) (1966) (1981) (1994)
Culotta and Koshland (1994)
Darwin (1871)
Davis, S. (1993)
Davis, W. (1986) (1996)
Dawkins (1976) (1982) (1986)
de Duve (1984)
Delaby (1976)
Deliganis et al. (1991)
Delsemme (1994)
De Mille (1980)
Deneris et al. (1991)
de Rosnay (1966)
Descola (1996)
Devereux (1956)
Diószegi (1974)
Dishotsky et al. (1971)
Dobkin de Rios (1972) (1973) (1974)
Dobkin de Rios and Katz (1975)
Drummond (1981)
Dubochet (1993)
Eisner (1990)
Eliade (1949) (1951) (1964) (1972)
Elick (1969)
Elisabetsky (1991)
Evans (1993)
Evinger et al. (1994)
Farin et al. (1990)
Farnsworth (1988)
Federal Chancellery of Switzerland (1991)
Federal Office of Public Health (1994)
Flam (1994)
Foucault (1961)
Frank-Kamenetskii (1993)
Frederickson and Onstott (1996)
Freedman (1994)
Friedlander (1992)
Furst (1994)
Galle et al. (1991)
Gardiner (1950)
Garza (1990)
Gasché (1989-1990) (1993)
Gebhart-Sayer (1986) (1987)
Geertz (1966)
Glennon et al. (1984)
Goodsell (1993)
Goodwin (1994)
Graves (1955)
Grinspoon and Bakalar (1979)
Gu (1992)
Guénon (1962)
Gurvich (1992)
Halifax (1979)
Hall et al. (1996)
Hamayon (1978) (1982) (1990)
Hare (1973)
Harner (1968) (1973) (1980)
Hayes (1996)
Heald et al. (1996)
Hill (1992)
Hilts (1996)
Hinkle et al. (1994)
Ho and Popp (1993)
Hoffer and Osmond (1967)
Hofmann (1983)
Holder and McMahon (1996)
Hölldobler and Wilson (1990)
Hoppál (1987)
Horgan (1994)
Huffman (1995)
Hultkranz (1978)
Hunt (1996)
Huxley (1974)
Hyams (1996)
Illius (1992)
Iversen and Iversen (1981)
Jacob (1974)
Jacq (1993) (1994)
Jakobson (1973)
Johnson (1994)
Jones (1993)
Judson (1992)
Jung et al. (1958)
Kahn (1979)
Kaplan et al. (1974)
Kato and Jarvik (1969)
Kato et al. (1970)
Kauffman (1996)
Kensinger (1973)
Keup (1970)
King (1991)
Klaasen and Wong (1993)
Kloppenberg (1991)
Koch-Grünberg (1917)
Koistinaho (1993)
Kracke (1992)
Krajick (1997)
Kräupl Taylor (1981)
Kuper (1988)
La Barre (1976)
Lamb (1971) (1985)
Langaney (1997)
Laszlo (1997)
Leary (1966)
Lee and Shlain (1985)
Lee et al. (1996)
Lévi-Strauss (1949a) (1949b) (1950) (1963a) (1963b) (1991a) (1991b)
Lewis, D. (1973)
Lewis, I. (1971)
Lewis, J., et al. (1987)
Lewontin (1992)
Li (1992)
Lipkin (1994)
Lot-Falck (1963) (1973)
Luisi (1993)
Luna (1984) (1986) (1992)
Luna and Amaringo (1991)
Mabit (1988)
Mabit et al. (1992)
McGinn (1994)
McKenna, T. (1988) (1991) (1993)
McKenna, Luna, and Towers (1986)
McKenna and McKenna (1975)
McKenna and Peroutka (1990)
McKenna, Towers, and Abbott (1984)
McKenna et al. (1989)
Maier (1965)
Malinowski (1922)
Mann (1992)
Margulis and Sagan (1986) (1989)
Martell (1982)
Mayr (1982) (1983) (1988)
Mei (1992)
Métraux (1946) (1967)
Mitchell et al. (1993)
Mitriani (1982)
Mojzsis et al. (1996)
Monod (1971)
Moore (1996)
Moorhead and Kaplan (1967)
Morowitz (1985)
Mullis (1994)
Mundkur (1983)
Murphy et al. (1993)
Mushegian and Koonin (1996)
Naranjo (1986)
Narby (1986) (1989) (1990)
Nash (1995)
Niggli (1992)
Noll (1983)
Nowak (1994)
Orgel and Crick (1980)
Pang et al. (1993)
Pennisi (1994)
Penrose (1994)
Perrin (1992a) (1992b)
Perry (1983)
Piaget (1975)
Pierce and Peroutka (1989)
Pitt et al. (1994)
Pollack (1994) (1997)
Popp (1986) (1992a) (1992b)
Popp, Gu, and Li (1994)
Popper (1974)
Posey (1990) (1991) (1994)
Pratt (1986)
Radman and Wagner (1988)
Rattemeyer et al. (1981)
Reichel-Dolmatoff (1971) (1972) (1975) (1978) (1979) (1981) (1987)
Reisse (1988)
Renard-Casevitz (1993)
Renck (1989)
Rivier and Lindgren (1972)
Roe (1982)
Rosaldo (1980) (1989)
Rosenberg et al. (1963)
Rouget (1980)
Rouhi (1997)
Sagan and editors (1993)
Saïd (1978)
Sai-Halasz et al. (1958)
Sankarapandi (1994)
Schiefelbein (1986)
Schultes (1972)
Schultes and Hofmann (1979) (1980)
Schultes and Raffauf (1990) (1992)
Schultes and von Reis (1995)
Schützenberger (1996)
Shanon (1978)
Shapiro, J. (1996)
Shapiro, R. (1986) (1994a) (1994b)
Shulgin (1992)
Siegel and Jarvik (1975)
Silverman (1967)
Siskind (1973)
Slade (1976)
Slade and Bentall (1988)
Smith, D. (1994)
Smith, R. (1982)
Smythies (1970)
Smythies and Antun (1969)
Smythies et al. (1979)
Snyder (1986)
Stafford (1977) (1992)
Stocco (1994)
Strassman (1991)
Strassman and Qualls (1994)
Strassman et al. (1994)
Sullivan (1988)
Swenson and Narby (1985) (1986)
Szára (1956) (1957) (1970)
Taussig (1987) (1989) (1992)
Thiébot and Hamon (1996)
Thuillier (1986)
Townsley (1993)
Trémolières (1994)
Trinh (1989)
Tsing (1993)
Tylor (1866)
Van de Kar (1991)
Van Gennep (1903)
Van Wijk and Van Aken (1992)
Varese (1973)
Wade (1995a) (1995b) (1995c) (1997a) (1997b) (1997c)
Wagner (1969)
Wan et al. (1991)
Watson (1968)
Watson et al. (1987)- 20
Weiss (1969) (1973)
Wesson (1991)
Whitten (1976)
Wilbert (1972) (1987) (1996)
Wills (1989) (1991)
Wilson (1984) (1990) (1992)
Wright (1992)
Yielding and Sterglanz (1968)
Yoon (1995)
Zhang and Nicklas (1996)
Jeremy Narby grew up in Canada and Switzerland, studied history at the University of Canterbury, and received a Ph.D. in anthropology from Stanford University. For two years he lived in the Peruvian Amazon studying the Ashaninca Indians and their methods of using the forest's resources. Since 1989 Narby has worked for Nouvelle Planète, a nonprofit organization based in Switzerland. He is married and now has three children.
BOOK: The Cosmic Serpent
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