Read The Corner III (No Way Out) Online

Authors: Alex Richardson,Lu Ann Wells

The Corner III (No Way Out) (34 page)

BOOK: The Corner III (No Way Out)
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“Tell me of your meeting with the woman, Fuentes. You did have a meeting at that Mexican restaurant, no?”

“We did and it was to straighten out our business. I tried talking to her. She and her people aren’t willing to cooperate. They want out.”

“Out,” Dmitri said as he lit a cigarette.

“Yes, out.”

“She has my five million?”

“She’s willing to pay but hasn’t, yet.”

Worry lines formed on Koslov’s forehead as he looked from Slim and Reese to his boss who was sitting beside him. There was silence for a beat.

Slim said, “I am willing to pay her cost.”

Dmitri turned his head blew smoke toward the window that was barely cracked and most of the smoke was sucked out into the Chicago air. “What about the gangster, him?”

“He’s dead.”

“That’s too bad. I guess you’re going to pay his share also.”

“I will have it.”

Dmitri nodded slowly and looked out the window as the limo exited onto the interstate.

Slim said, “Dmitri, you had a penalty price for getting out early, and I’m willing to pay.”

“That would be fifteen million. Five for the three of you. Do you have that? If I was to have my driver turn my limousine around you could get out of this vehicle and have my money by afternoon?”

Slim could come up with the cash, but ten million from his stash would set him back significantly. There would be no way he could get out of the game, so he was in a catch twenty-two. If he paid the money and got out, he would have what he needed to set every one of his friends up comfortably. If he stayed, the Russian would be his contact. But Slim had already made up his mind earlier in the day, he was done. He was going to pay the fifteen million and the game was history.

“I’m done with the game so I will have your money.”

Reese’s face twisted. It was a natural reaction from the shock he just received. If Slim got out the game, then he couldn’t continue hustling on the level he was used to because he’d have no solid contact for drugs like Slim did.

Dmitri caught Reese’s look. He smiled saying, “I see your friend doesn’t agree. I must say, you would be leaving a lot of money on the table, but that is your choice. Those were our rules, and I am a man of my word. Remember when I said the only way that changes is if you crossed me in any way?”

“Yes, but that hasn’t happened.”

“I know my comrade. I know.”

They drove for a bit, and Slim noticed they hadn’t turned around after passing a couple of exits. He was about to say something when Dmitri asked, “Do you know much about farm animals, pigs to be exact, my comrade?”

*     *     *

Baby G and Anthony were sitting at Baby G’s apartment, relaxing. They had eaten dinner and were playing XBOX for the last five hours, and Anthony was getting tired. Once his Steelers scored the winning touchdown on Baby G’s Lions, Anthony was finished.

“You can keep playing, I’m going to catch a few Zs. Pay attention to the phone. We don’t want to miss it if Slim calls.”

“Fo sho’,” Baby G said as he put in a DVD to pass time. He was hoping Slim would call because he needed to get grimy. It had been a minute since he’d got down and if things went right, this job would pay him well and he would be able to kick back for a moment.

*     *     *

The limo cruised up the narrow one lane road, and Reese hated that he didn’t have his pistol. He felt naked and wished Slim had not said he wanted out. No matter what, Reese felt that the Russians were money makers and didn’t want their cash flow stopped. While he and Slim were in the Cayman Islands, Slim had saved Dmitri’s life when his boat had malfunctioned and began to sink. Dmitri and the woman he was with were wading in the water when a shark attacked the woman he was with. Slim was with a guide out on the waters fishing and when they saw Dmitri’s boat go under they rushed to help. As they sped their boat to the area as fast as they could, Slim watched in the binoculars as the shark feasted on the woman. Once they arrived to where Dmitri was, Slim jumped in the blood-stained waters and pulled Dmitri to his boat where he was safe, they watched the fins of three sharks cut through the waters like on the movie, Jaws realizing that Slim had arrived just in time.

Later that night and the next day, Dmitri treated Slim to dinner when the two hustlers found that they shared the same appetite for money and realized that they were from the same city. After that, a business partnership was born, but like all business partnerships, it was about business.

The limo rocked a bit as they neared a large farmhouse and they could smell a foul stench in the air. They passed the house and drove about one hundred fifty yards to another house, but smaller. They stopped and no one got out and no one said anything. The mood wasn’t tense, but Slim and Reese wondered what was next.

Moments later, two vehicles were flying up the road toward them, a blazer and a Volvo. They came to a halt and out of the Volvo’s passenger’s side was Ivan, and the driver’s side, a man carrying a sub-machine gun.

Koslov, speaking for the first time, told Slim and Reese, “Get out.”

For the first time, Slim and Reese began to think that this might be it for them, but the south side hustlers showed no fear.

Koslov spoke in Russian to Ivan who spoke back and Slim could hear the anger in his voice. Ivan glared at Reese as Dmitri stepped out of the limo. Slim thought the man was staring at the both of them, but Reese knew better and had a strong idea of what was going on. He hadn’t heard from Shaun all night, and he had a feeling his friend had not listened to his order to leave the Russian gangster’s woman alone.

Dmitri said, “Slim, we have a problem. When I talk about respect, it is important in business. It is essential to have that. You agree?”

Slim nodded.

That wasn’t good enough for Dmitri. “I asked you a question, my comrade,” he said calmly.

“I agree. My question is why I am out here standing next to a pen full of pigs?”

“Ah, that’s where you are wrong, my comrade. They are not just pigs. They are Razorbacks, wild boars and Devons, or what Americans call black pigs, and those males in there weigh close to eight hundred pounds.” Dmitri nodded at one of the men who worked on the farm. The man threw a large piece of beef into the pen and the animals went crazy.

Dmitri said, “See how crazy they are going. They haven’t been fed in days. Did you know a pig will eat about anything? They are omnivores, and these pigs are fierce and hungry. Anything thrown in there would be devoured without a trace.”

He stopped talking and studied the men’s faces then nodded at Ivan.

Ivan walked to Reese, “You have made us money, and I respect that, but what I don’t like is someone disrespecting me!”

Reese said, “I’ve been straight up with you. If there is a problem with the money it’s not from our end.”

Slim was hoping that Reese or any of his men had not been shorting the Russians.

Ivan studied Reese’s face, and his scowl was one that was fierce. Reese can remember the story he’d told when he first met him when they were in his home and knew the small man had a complex about his size, and from what Shaun told him when he ordered him to leave Mariska alone, Ivan was short in another area.

Ivan barked an order and two men carried Mariska out of the back of the Blazer. Slim had no idea who the woman was but was about to learn.

Ivan spat, “This whore disrespected me and now she has to die.”

Slim could tell behind all the bruises and burns to her face, the woman was beautiful, but wondered what the connection was to him.

Dmitri said, “Slim, your people have not honored the code of business. Your man who was in Ivan’s home had affair with his woman. You sent him to Ivan’s home, and he disrespected him. So you are part responsible. Just like I am responsible for what my men do. But my men know not to do things of this nature because they know of the punishment I can put on a man.” He nodded.

Mariska cried as they drug her toward the pig pen. The muscular men picked her up, threw her in the pen and the fourteen hogs went wild as they feasted. The tape that was over her mouth muffled her screams for about ten seconds then she was gone.

“The other two,” Dmitri said and when Slim saw a naked, battered and bruised Shaun, he knew what time it was, but when he saw the young lady he’d met only a couple of times he felt bad, but the game has no feelings. Teresa had indulged in all the good the game had to offer. But in a way, the game had gotten her back. It had given her the finer things in life, and she decided that she wanted to call the feds on her man, knowing that most men in the game had other women no matter how she or any woman tried to rationalize that it wasn’t right. That’s for normal people, civilians—not hustlers. After hanging up the phone from the feds, karma came knocking at her door in the form of a large Ukrainian man brandishing a pistol. Once they had Teresa, they took her and the fifty-thousand she had taken to a house where they had Shaun, Petra and Mariska. Ivan had raped Teresa in front of Shaun as payback and had one of his men rape Mariska. Petra, they killed, when she tried to make a run for freedom. And Shaun, even though he was a man, got raped also—by Ivan.

The men drug Teresa and Shaun toward the pen and the blood stained hogs stirred wildly, anticipating another meal. Shaun begged, “Slim, do something. Don’t let them do me like this.”

Teresa said nothing. She was in shock and tired. The rape had taken a lot out of her. Dmitri said, “Even near death, the woman has more heart than you.” He looked at Slim and Reese. “I’ve learned over the years that men who fuck other men’s women are weak. The women offer themselves and they take. Weak bastards. With all the money he was making he could have had almost anyone, but he takes another man’s. Toss her and make sure he watches.”

They threw Teresa in the pen as another man held Shaun’s face forcing him to watch the hogs eat her alive. They then threw Shaun in and within minutes the hogs had eaten all the flesh of the three people and were fighting each other for the bones.

Dmitri said, “Now that thing about you getting out. That is not possible right now.” He stared at Reese. “Your people fucked up, and now you owe me. The year starts over and you owe me the ten million for the gangster, Bone, and the woman, LaTanza. My people got fifty thousand from the woman,” he nodded to the pen where they threw Teresa. “I’m a fair man so you can deduct that from the ten million, my comrade. I expect my money by nightfall. Your truck is over there. See you when you bring me my money. And remember Slim, in the game, sometimes there is NO WAY OUT.”

All the Russians entered their vehicles, Slim and Reese got in Reese’s SUV that the Russian drove to the farm. As he followed the caravan of vehicles down the narrow road he said, “Slim, I didn’t know that fucker Shaun was—”

“Tighten your shit up, Reese. While you’re spitting that shit about me getting soft and shit, you need to get a better hold on your men, or I will replace you as my captain. Feel me?”

Reese gave a short nod.

Slim pulled out his cell and dialed.

Baby G answered.

Slim asked, “Where Anthony?”

“It was getting late so he was getting some sleep in case you called,” Baby G answered.

“Handle that action.”

Baby G smiled. He loved this type of shit. “Will be done in less than a couple hours.”

They hung up. Slim told Reese, “I know you knew about Shaun, and he got what he deserved, but what happened to his girl?” He shook his head. “Her blood is on your hands, not mine. Get my ass to my car so I can go see my woman. And Reese.”


“Don’t ever think I’m getting soft because I think. I’m just smart and this shit ain’t like when we were younger. Wildin’ out and shit. Ruthless, yet smart, men last in the game of hustling.”

BOOK: The Corner III (No Way Out)
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