The Copper Horse #2 Pride (34 page)

Read The Copper Horse #2 Pride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #erotic, #crime, #Gay, #victorian, #BDSM, #bondage, #pony play, #Slavery, #animalization

BOOK: The Copper Horse #2 Pride
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Betsy arched her back,
her toned body tensing as she pressed against Reuben, moving her
wet, pink lips and the red curls along his cock. He could spot the
contour of her breast as she shook her upper body like an unruly

Reuben looked up,
desperate not to see it, but he met Nira’s smiling face

“Go on, Copper,” he
said. “Good pony. She’s ripe and ready for you. Mount her. Come
on,” he rasped.

The humiliation had no
end. Reuben’s cock went completely soft, and trying to hump her
bottom only made things worse. He shook his head in hope that his
mane would obscure his face somehow. The golden powder fell from
his hair to her back like a symbol of his lost glory. Reuben kept
silent and only tensed when someone pinched his ass and

“Does the pony not
like pussy?” someone yelled, and he recognized it was Lord Satan’s
voice close to him, followed by a hand squeezing Reuben’s ass.

“Is the stallion
actually a mare?” Lord Satan laughed. “Want to have your ass
stuffed full of cock, little unicorn?” There was a slight pull on
Reuben’s tail.

“That is enough. Do
not touch my horse.” Erik’s voice cut through the noise, loud and
clear. Even so, Reuben felt cold sweat on his back, the memory of
Ollie mounting him against his will still vivid in his mind. He
only noticed his tears when they landed on the pony girl’s back. A
tremor ran through his body at the shame. Everyone witnessed that
he couldn’t fuck the girl. He was a failure and had no idea how to
look Erik in the eye ever again.

“It’s all in good
fun,” Lord Satan said, but his hand was gone. “I’d love to
administer some punishment to this beast.”

The words squeezed out
a deep sob from Reuben’s chest as he hid his face behind his front
hooves. It only occurred to him that Betsy had been led away when
he heard the clomping of her hooves over the ramp. He was all
alone, his flaccid cock on display for everyone to see. He used to
think it was his lot to have rough men fuck him in dark alleyways,
to be forced to become an animal for another man’s pleasure, but
this... this was something else altogether. He knew everyone here
was aware of the nature of Erik’s relationship with his stallions,
but it was different not being able to fuck a woman as beautiful as
Betsy. Had he truly become a gelding now? Erik surely didn’t want a
castrated horse in his stable—that was why he always stressed how
much he adored strong stallions. Reuben would never be one. None of
Erik’s friends would ever see him for what he truly was inside.

He choked out another
sob when someone pulled on his reins, most likely to lead him away,
back to the Pit of the Dead. He was a failure as a pony. Good for
nothing but zombie food.

“Copper, my darling,
why are you crying?” Erik’s soft-spoken words were accompanied by a
gentle brush of fingers against Reuben’s chest. “You hated your
present this much? I’m sorry. Nira’s a lousy friend.”

Reuben sobbed in reply
and tried to talk despite the bit between his lips. He didn’t want
Erik’s guests to see him this way. He was supposed to be a
champion, to make his master proud. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled through
the bit, but it was unintelligible. Everyone now surely saw right
through him, saw that he wasn’t a tamed stallion but an eager mare.
He hid his face behind the hooves again.

“All right, darling,
let’s go,” Erik said. Reuben didn’t have to be told twice, and he
followed his master blindly, not daring to look around and see
mockery on faces that had so far held nothing but admiration for
him. He took careful steps, balancing on the hooves so that at
least he wouldn’t fall on his face and embarrass himself any
further. He was cold.

It felt like eternity,
walking to the tune of loud music, which was probably meant to mute
the mockery he’d have to endure from now on. It was an immense
relief to finally escape the bright lights of the garden and enter
the house, but the fear was back the moment the heavy double doors
closed behind them.

He dared to lower his
hooves and look at Erik in shame. It took great effort, and violent
shivers wracked through his body. He tried to mumble through the
bit about how sorry he was, but it was no use. Reuben had only
focused on his humiliation up till now, but what if what was coming
was some horrendous punishment? After all, he’d disrupted Erik’s
birthday party, brought shame on his master’s house. Tears dripped
down his cheeks no matter how much he tried to stop them. The
jingling bells weren’t playful now, just annoying.

Erik’s face was the
picture of ‘neutral’. His mismatched eyes turned on Reuben and
stared as if Erik intended to burn twin holes in Reuben’s face, yet
there was no anger in his voice when he spoke, “What happened

Reuben sniffed and
looked down at his flaccid cock with a whinny. It looked pathetic.
Like a halfway-filled sausage, the banner of his shame. Wasn’t it
obvious? Didn’t Erik see just how useless Copper was at being a

“Didn’t you like that
mare? Is that it? Not pretty enough for you?” Erik stepped closer
and reached up to scratch Reuben’s nose.

Erik was prettier than
any mare. Reuben tried to catch his master’s fingers with his lips.
How was he to communicate his wishes when he couldn’t beg for Erik
not to throw him out. He’d learn to fuck mares if that was
required. He’d try harder.

Reuben slowly dropped
down to his knees with another deep sob when Erik stopped him. How
many tears could one man have?

“Why are you crying?
There’s no need to.” Erik pulled on the reins, forcing Reuben to
look him in the eyes. They were pale, but any trace of frost Erik
so frequently held there was gone. They radiated a warmth that
started to melt the ice in Reuben’s chest the moment their gazes
locked. “Copper, you’d prefer for Coal to breed you again, am I

Reuben wouldn’t dare
look away now. It took him the longest moment of inner struggle,
but he finally nodded, dreading what Erik would think of him.
Reuben had lied about these urges for so long after all.

Erik let out a long,
tired sigh and pinched Reuben’s nose. “Don’t be a baby. He’s not
here, but we have more than enough pets who would be up for the

Reuben sucked on the
bit, not sure what Erik meant. He held his hooves close to his
chest. Wasn’t Erik disappointed with him? Angry? It didn’t appear
so. His master actually smiled.

“Such a shame though.
If I’d known that you’d go soft, I would have sucked you.”

Reuben snorted with
laughter at this confession and lowered his gaze shyly. It didn’t
help though, since Erik was so much shorter when Reuben was in
hooves. He was still able to look into his master’s eyes. He
wouldn’t mind being sucked by Erik, even in public. It hadn’t been
a quick process, but Reuben could breathe again, unsure of what
this whole event meant for them.

“I know, I have a
weakness for horse come.” Erik sighed and stepped closer, leaning
into Reuben’s chest.

Reuben took a deep
breath and bowed his head to nibble on Erik’s hair. He wasn’t
exactly calm yet, but Erik’s attitude was soothing. With the months
of secrecy, Reuben had been sure there would be punishment coming
for a revelation like this one. He slowly embraced Erik with his
hooves, and his master chuckled, his hair teasing Reuben’s

“I’ll find you the
biggest cock out there. Would that be satisfying?”

Reuben hugged him
closer. He wasn’t all about huge cocks. It was more about the
attitude of the man. No one he’d ever met had as much confidence as
Erik. Then again, he did enjoy Coal’s raw force or Percy Preston’s
beauty. At the end of the day though, Erik won any possible
competition. Reuben only wanted to enjoy another cock if Erik was
around to be a part of it, to admire his pony and tell Copper how
gorgeous he was.

Erik’s lips brushed
over his chest. “Is that a yes?”

Reuben’s breath
hitched, and he kissed the top of Erik’s head, hoping that was
answer enough.

“Good.” Erik
stepped back and led Reuben to a hook in the wall. He knotted the
reins around it and patted Reuben’s side. “Now be a well-behaved
pony and stay here. I’ll have Jack repaint you. I would stay longer
if I could suck your cock, but I’m not suckling on pussy juice,

Reuben whinnied
in reply, taking deep breaths. The meltdown with Betsy had been
violent, but Erik’s confident adoration only reinforced his love
for his master.



Reuben couldn’t wait
to reappear in front of Erik in all his finery. Jack reapplied the
smudged paint and corrected the lines around Reuben’s eyes, erasing
all traces of tears and shame.

With fresh golden dust
in his hair and excitement cresting in him again, Reuben reentered
the party as Copper. There were no trumpets or drums to greet him
this time, but Erik’s smile was all the invitation Reuben needed.
Even Lord Satan didn’t pay him any mind, crouching by the small
cage in which his pig was locked, and prodding the pet with a

Erik got to his feet,
dismissing a conversation partner with a gesture, and strolled down
the elevated walkway to meet Reuben halfway. “There is my ruby!” he
exclaimed, reaching out to take the reins from Jack. His eyes
shined like the golden glitter in his hair.

Reuben smiled shyly
behind the bit and stopped just inches away from his master, so as
not to rub paint all over him. He didn’t feel all that confident
when he entered the room, but no one seemed to be mocking him or
making remarks about him and Betsy. A mountain of worry was lifted
from Reuben’s chest.

With a tug on the
reins, Erik pulled his head down for a kiss. Reuben’s skin tingled
when their lips met, the languid music playing in the background
and mingling with the simmering conversations all around them. Erik
pulled one of Reuben’s nipple clamps, chuckling. “Better now,

A loud whistle pierced
Reuben’s ears when Erik kissed him, but Reuben didn’t mind and
smiled into the touch. A spark of excitement came as the clamp
teasing his sensitive skin.

“Are you ready for the
main event? I found an animal you’ll like,” Erik said, slowly
leading Reuben back to the throne. It was a hard decision to make,
but as they moved, Reuben took the chance to look into the eyes of
the guests. Somewhere deep within he was still very ashamed, so to
see smiles and raised glasses was an immense relief.

Erik sat down on his
throne and gestured to the pillow at its side. “We’ve been waiting
for the main event just for you, Copper.”

Reuben kneeled by his
master’s side, as in place as ever. He straightened as pride
swelled in his chest. All these people and even Erik waited for
him. And what would the ‘main event’ be? Reuben couldn’t wait to
find out, ready to be amazed. Knowing Erik, it could only be
something dazzling.

Erik leaned over the
armrest and nuzzled Reuben’s temple. “More wine?”

Reuben let out a low
groan of satisfaction and leaned into the touch. He nodded, ready
to be pampered. He deserved it, after all. He was a unicorn, a
unique, magical being. Erik made a gesture, and Reuben saw a swift
movement from the right. Within seconds. John stepped onto the
platform and knelt in front of Reuben with a wide glass in hand.
His eyes were set somewhere behind Reuben, but he never hesitated
to make Erik’s wishes come true. Reuben wondered whether the
footman was still jealous of him.

Since John had come
back from his outing to London, he seemed uplifted, less mean, and
sometimes he even brought Reuben treats. He still never had many
kind words, but that was just his disposition, Reuben figured. John
did tell Reuben a few stories before Jack returned from his
banishment in the kitchen. The stories were nothing like Erik’s
book about Pegasus. They were full of blood, human sacrifice, and
ancient gods, clearly inspired by the Egyptian exhibition John had
seen in the London Museum of World Wonders. Having John talk to him
put a foot in the door to the man’s cold heart, and it made Reuben
feel like he’d done something good, as if he could cure John’s

But the moment he
thought that, the footman was gone, leaving Reuben alone with Erik.
At least as alone as one could be in a room full of people.
 His master winked at him and slowly rose from his throne,
gesturing for silence. Even the music gradually died down as all
eyes set on his graceful form.

“Dearest friends,
thank you all for coming here to celebrate with me. I am grateful
for all your wonderful gifts and hope you will leave my home
thoroughly entertained.”

Some cheers rose from
the crowd, but Erik put his index finger against his lips and the
noise died down almost immediately. “I know that all of you have
been waiting for the traditional part of entertainment in my house,
so let’s wait no longer. May I present, Miss Ursula and the
beautiful Drago.”

A low sound of the
tuba and the slow beating of a massive drum marked the entrance of
the couple A lady in a black leather dress entered first, holding a
chain in one gloved hand and a small burning torch in the other.
She wasn’t much taller than Erik, so the creature walking behind
her was even larger in contrast. Reuben’s eyes went wide at the
sight of the man she led on a chain. Tattoos, horns, and red scales
covered his muscular body, and Reuben couldn’t help but glance
between the man’s legs. He couldn’t quite see just how big the cock
was from where he stood, but it was red and arched upwards like yet
another horn. Drago’s short spiky hair was dyed red, which made him
look like a fiery demon as he walked up the stairs to a small

The moment the music
stopped, a set of massive mechanical wings opened on Drago’s back,
making the guests gasp. Miss Ursula held the torch in front of
Drago, and the whole room exploded with bright orange light when
the man blew into it, spitting fire into the air. The guests howled
and clapped, deafening Reuben with their voices.

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