The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (510 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
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If something SOUNDS too good to be true, it probably is
Washington Times
3 June B7
I'm sure you've heard the expression, ‘If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.’ Well, in the investment world, I say, ‘If something sounds too good to be true, it definitely is.’
reality and illusion
SOW dry and set wet
Seed put into wet soil will rot before it germinates:
(rev. ed.)
. 38
By sowing in wet, Is little to get.
: 1660
British Merlin [observation on Apr.] In gardning never this rule forget To sowe dry, and set wet.
Proverbs relating to Seasons, &c
. 11
This rule in gardening never forget—Sow dry and plant wet.
3 Mar. 51
There is an adage for March which says ‘This rule in gardening ne'er forget: Sow dry and set wet.’ March is the month when most people's gardening year starts.
garden lore
A SOW may whistle, though it has an ill mouth for it
The ‘Lord Granard’ mentioned in quot. 1802 was George Forbes (1760–1837), sixth Earl and first Baron Granard.
19 Oct in
Maria Edgeworth in France & Switzerland
(1979) 10
He waddles on dragging his boots along in a way that would make a pig laugh. As Lord Granard says, a pig may whistle though he has a bad mouth for it.
Romance of War
I. xii.
‘I dare say the Spanish sounds very singular to your ear.’ ‘Ay, sir; it puts me in mind o'an auld saying o’ my faither the piper. “A soo may whussle, but its mouth is no made for't.”

Witch Wood
Ye say he has the speech o' a guid Christian? Weel-a-weel, a soo may whistle, though it has an ill mouth for it.
possibility and impossibility

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