The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (246 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
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All is GRIST that comes to the mill
is corn to be ground.
is freqently replaced by a possessive pronoun or phrase. Similar to the older
all is FISH that comes to the net
. The metaphorical expression
grist to one's mill
is also found.
Church Hist. Britain
III. iii.
Forein Casuists bring in a bundle of mortal sins, all grist for their own Mill.
Lame Lover
I. 28
Well, let them go on, it brings grist to our mill: for whilst both the sexes stick firm to their honour, we shall never want business.
Bible Characters
I. xii.
Your stumble, your fall, your misfortune .. all is grist to the mill of the mean-minded man.
Moving Finger
You're failing to allow for the mentality of a Poison Pen—all is grist that comes to their mill.
English Proverbs Explained
A similar proverb is
all's grist that comes to the mill
… Use will be made of everything received.
Mudflats of Dead
All was grist which came to a novelist's mill, and he was still hoping that something, somewhere, would bring him what he still thought of as inspiration.
gains and losses
BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
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