DIRTY water will quench fire
Mainly used to mean that a man's lust can be satisfied by any woman, however loose or ugly.
Dialogue of Proverbs
I. v. B2
As this prouerbe saieth, for quenchyng hot desire, Foul water as soone as fayre, wyl quenche hot fire.
Political Censor
Sept. 62
That I have made use .. of the British Corporal for a good purpose, I have little doubt—Dirty water will quench fire.
Ragged Robin
It's flocks and straw for us … Well, dirty water's good enough to quench a fire with.
Simeon's Bride
xxvi. 173
She had the thick ugly feet of a streetwalker … ‘How could anyone go with her?’ Dewi shrugged. ‘They do say dirty water puts out fire just as well.’
ways and means
DISCRETION is the better part of valour