The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (220 page)

BOOK: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated)
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of the beautiful Margaret has amazed me.

Her goodness combined with external gifts

has created love in my heart:

and as the strength of storm winds

can drive the greatest ship against the tide,

so these words of her virtues make me

determined to risk shipwreck to

win her love.



Tush, my good lord, this superficial tale

Is but a preface of her worthy praise;

The chief perfections of that lovely dame,

Had I sufficient skill to utter them,

Would make a volume of enticing lines,

Able to ravish any dull conceit:

And, which is more, she is not so divine,

So full-replete with choice of all delights,

But with as humble lowliness of mind

She is content to be at your command;

Command, I mean, of virtuous intents,

To love and honor Henry as her lord.


Well, my good lord, this quick description

only tells you a little about her goodness;

the real perfections of that lovely woman,

if I had enough skill to describe them,

would fill a volume of enticing lines,

which could wake up even the dullest imagination:

and, what's more, she is not so heavenly,

so packed with so many wonderful virtues,

that she is not content to show a humble

lowness of mind and be at your command;

I mean your right to command her

to love and honour Henry as her lord.



And otherwise will Henry ne'er presume.

Therefore, my lord protector, give consent

That Margaret may be England's royal queen.


Henry will never assume anything different.

So, my lord protector, give your agreement

to Margaret becoming the royal Queen of England.



So should I give consent to flatter sin.

You know, my lord, your highness is betroth'd

Unto another lady of esteem:

How shall we then dispense with that contract,

And not deface your honor with reproach?


If I did I would be agreeing to a sin.

You know, my lord, that your Highness is already

engaged to another great lady:

how shall we break that off

without exposing your honour to criticism?



As doth a ruler with unlawful oaths;

Or one that, at a triumph having vow'd

To try his strength, forsaketh yet the lists

By reason of his adversary's odds:

A poor earl's daughter is unequal odds,

And therefore may be broke without offense.


The way a ruler does with unlawful oaths;

or like one who at the jousting has vowed

to test his strength, but refuses to fight

because his opponent is too far below him:

a poor earl's daughter is well below the king,

and so the engagement may be broken without offence.



Why, what, I pray, is Margaret more than that?

Her father is no better than an earl,

Although in glorious titles he excel.


Why, may I ask what makes Margaret higher than that?

Her father is no better than an earl,

however many wonderful titles he has.



Yes, my lord, her father is a king,

The King of Naples and Jerusalem;

And of such great authority in France,

As his alliance will confirm our peace,

And keep the Frenchmen in allegiance.


Yes, my lord, her father is a king,

the King of Naples and Jerusalem;

he has such great power in France,

that an alliance with him will confirm our peace treaty,

and keep the Frenchmen loyal.



And so the Earl of Armagnac may do,

Because he is near kinsman unto Charles.


That would be the same with the Earl of Armagnac,

because he is closely related to Charles.



Beside, his wealth doth warrant a liberal dower,

Where Reignier sooner will receive than give.


Besides, his wealth promises a fine dowry,

whereas Reignier would rather receive than give.



A dower, my lords! disgrace not so your king,

That he should be so abject, base and poor,

To choose for wealth and not for perfect love.

Henry is able to enrich his queen,

And not to seek a queen to make him rich:

So worthless peasants bargain for their wives,

As market-men for oxen, sheep, or horse.

Marriage is a matter of more worth

Than to be dealt in by attorneyship;

Not whom we will; but whom his grace affects,

Must be companion of his nuptial bed:

And therefore, lords, since he affects her most,

It most of all these reasons bindeth us,

In our opinions she should be preferr'd.

For what is wedlock forced but a hell,

An age of discord and continual strife?

Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss,

And is a pattern of celestial peace.

Whom should we match with Henry, being a king,

But Margaret, that is daughter to a king?

Her peerless feature, joined with her birth,

Approves her fit for none but for a king;

Her valiant courage and undaunted spirit,

More than in women commonly is seen,

Will answer our hope in issue of a king;

For Henry, son unto a conqueror,

Is likely to beget more conquerors,

If with a lady of so high resolve

As is fair Margaret he be link'd in love.

Then yield, my lords; and here conclude with me

That Margaret shall be queen, and none but she.


A dowry, my lords? Do not disgrace your king by

thinking that he should be so wretched, low and poor

as to choose his bride for wealth, and not for perfect love.

Henry will make his queen rich,

he doesn't need a queen to do that for him;

this is how worthless peasants bargain for their wives,

like market traders bargaining for cattle, sheep or horses.

Marriage is too important to be

dealt with by a go-between:

it's not whom we want, but whom his grace likes,

who must be the one in his marriage bed.

And therefore, lords, since he likes her best,

that is the decisive factor:

we should like her best also.

For what is a forced marriage but a hell,

an age of arguing and continual strife?

Whereas the opposite brings happiness,

and is an example of heavenly peace.

Whom should we match with Henry, as he is a king,

but Margaret, who is daughter to a king?

Her matchless looks, combined with her ancestry,

show that she this only suitable for a king.

 Her great courage and undefeated spirit,

more than one usually sees in women,

will provide us with a such a king as heir that we hope for.

For Henry, the son of a conqueror,

is likely to father more conquerors,

if he marries a lady of such great courage

as fair Margaret is.

So surrender, my lords, and agree with me

that Margaret shall be Queen, nobody but her.



Whether it be through force of your report,

My noble Lord of Suffolk, or for that

My tender youth was never yet attaint

With any passion of inflaming love,

I cannot tell; but this I am assured,

I feel such sharp dissension in my breast,

Such fierce alarums both of hope and fear,

As I am sick with working of my thoughts.

Take, therefore, shipping; post, my lord, to France;

Agree to any covenants, and procure

That Lady Margaret do vouchsafe to come

To cross the seas to England, and be crown'd

King Henry's faithful and anointed queen:

For your expenses and sufficient charge,

Among the people gather up a tenth.

Be gone, I say; for till you do return,

I rest perplexed with a thousand cares.

And you, good uncle, banish all offense:

If you do censure me by what you were,

Not what you are, I know it will excuse

This sudden execution of my will.

And so, conduct me where, from company,

I may revolve and ruminate my grief.


Whether it's through the strength of your report,

my noble Lord of Suffolk, or that

my tender youth has never yet been touched

by any passion of burning love,

I can't tell; but I know this–

I feel such a painful conflict in my heart,

such fierce warnings of both hope and fear,

that I am sick of thinking about it.

So take a ship at once, my lord, to France.

Consent to any conditions, and make sure

that the Lady Margaret agrees to come

across the sea to England to be crowned

as King Henry's faithful and anointed Queen.

To make sure you have enough money for expenses,

take a ten percent tax from the people.

Go, I say, for until you return

I shall be tormented by a thousand worries.

And you, good uncle, do not be offended:

if you judge me by what you once were,

not by what you are now, I know you will excuse

my carrying out this decision quickly.

And so take me to a place where, in solitude,

I may meditate upon my suffering.





Aye, grief, I fear me, both at first and last.


Yes, suffering, I fear, will be the beginning and the end of this.


[Exeunt Gloucester and Exeter.]



Thus Suffolk hath prevail'd; and thus he goes,

As did the youthful Paris once to Greece,

With hope to find the like event in love,

But prosper better than the Troyan did.

Margaret shall now be queen, and rule the king;

But I will rule both her, the king and realm.


So Suffolk has triumphed; and so he goes,

like the young Paris once went to Greece,

hoping to find the same sort of love,

but have more success than the Trojan did.

Margaret shall now be queen, and rule the king;

but I will rule over her, the king and the country.




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