The Company Town (44 page)

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Authors: Hardy Green

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Cash, W. J.
Catholic Church, Catholicism
Caterpillar Inc.
Caudill, Harry M.
Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Colorado Fuel and Iron
Chafin, Don
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad
Child labor
Chocolate making
Chicago Tribune
Chrysler Corp.
Congress of Industrial Organization
The City: Hope of Democracy
Cities Service Oil Co.
Civil War, U. S.
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton Engineer District.
Oak Ridge, Tn.
Coal and Iron Police
Coal-mining towns
beginning of
company stores and
formula for town life
labor in
law enforcement and
living conditions in
pay and use of scrip
race and racism in
union organization and
working conditions in
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Colorado Fuel and Iron (CFI)
Colorado Industrial Plan
Columbus, In.
Company campuses.
corporate campuses
Company stores
Company towns
coal-mining towns
company stores and
copper-mining towns
corporate campuses
exploitationville model of
high-tech companies
meatpacking towns
shipbuilding towns
steel-mill towns
textile-mill towns
timber towns
tourism and travel and
utopian model of
war-industry towns
Company unions.
Employee Representation Plans
ConAgra Foods Inc.
Conant, James B.
Concord, N.C.
Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO)
Conoco Inc.
Consolidation Coal Co.
Consumer economy
Continental Airlines
Coolidge, John
Copper-mining towns
Corning, N.Y.
Corning Glass Works and Corning Inc.
Corporate branding
Corporate campuses
Corporate welfarism
Corporations and Operatives
(“Citizen of Lowell”)
Coupland, Douglas
Coxe, Tench
Crawford, Margaret
Creative Capitalism
Cudahy Packing Co.
Cummins Engine Co.
Dalton, Robert
Daly, Marcus
Das Kapital
Dearborn, Mi.
Debevoise & Plimpton
Debs, Eugene
Defense Department, U. S.
Democratic Party, Democrats
Depew, Chauncey M.
Detroit, Mi.
Dickens, Charles
Race, racism
Docena, Al.
Dos Passos, John
Douglas Aircraft Co.
Douglas, Az.
Douglas, James
Douglas, Walter
Dow Corning Corp.
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Dreiser, Theodore
Alcohol use
Dubuque, Ia.
DuPont Co.
Earth First!
Edison, Thomas Alva
Einstein, Albert
Eliot, Charles
Elizabethton, Tn.
Ellis, Frank
Ely, Richard T.
Employee Representation Plans
at Bethlehem Steel
in coal industry,
at Colorado Fuel & Iron
at Kohler Co.
at U.S. Steel
Energy Department, U.S.
Engels, Friedrich
Evans, Oliver
Evarts, Ky.
Fabry, Joseph
Fairfield, Al.
Federal Express
Federal Housing Authority
Federal Steel
Fieldcrest Mills Inc.
Firestone Park, Oh.
Fisher, Donald
Flint Glass Workers Union
Flint, Mi.
Ford, Clyde M.
Ford, Henry
Ford, Tennessee Ernie
Ford Motor Co.
Forestville, Ca..
Scotia, Ca.
Fort Worth, Tx.
Francis, James
Frankfurter, Felix
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.
Frick, Henry Clay
Friedman, Milton
Fulton, Robert
F. W. Woolworth & Co.
Galey, John
Galveston, Tx.
Garden Cities movement
Garfield, Sidney
Garland, Jim
Gary, Elbert H.
Gary, In.
Gastonia, N.C.
Gates, Bill
Gates, John W. “Bet-a-Million,”
General Electric Co.
General Motors (GM)
George A. Hormel & Co.
Georgetown, Ky.
Glenn pool in Oklahoma
General Motors
Goodhue, Bertram
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Google server complex
Gowen, Franklin
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. (A&P)
Great Depression
Great Southwest Industrial Park
Greer, S.C.
Groves, Leslie R.
Guffey, James
Gulf Oil Corp.
Gunning, Sarah Ogan
Gunther, John
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton Corp.
Hammett, Dashiell
Hanford, Wa.
Harding, Warren G.
Harlan County, Ky.
Harlan Miners Speak
(Dos Passos)
Harrington, Michael
Hatcher, Richard G.
Hay, John
Headwaters Forest
Health care
Hearst, George
Hearst, William Randolph
Hershey Co.
Hershey, Milton S.
Hershey, Omar
Hershey, Pa.
Higgins, Patillo
High-tech companies
Himes, Chester
Hiroshima, Japan
Hobsbawm, Eric
Holcomb, Ks.
Holden, W.V.
Holt, Don
Homestead, Pa.
George A. Hormel & Co.
Hormel, George A.
Hormel, Jay C.
Honda Corp.
Hotchkiss, Jedediah
Houghton, Amory, Jr.
Houghton, Amory, Sr.
Houghton, James
Howe, Frederick C.
Humble Oil & Refining Co.
Hurwitz, Charles
Icahn, Carl
Ideal communities.
Utopian towns
If He Hollers, Let Him Go
Immigration, immigrants
Independent Union of All Workers (IUAW)
Indian Hill, Ma.
Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Co. (ITIO)
Indiana Steel
American Indians
Industrial and office parks.
corporate campuses
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Ingersoll Rand Co.
Inland Steel Corp.
Inside U.S.A.
Intellectual property
Interior Department, U.S.
International Harvester Co.
International Paper Co.
Iowa Beef Processors Inc. (IBP)
Island Creek Coal Co.
Independent Union of All Workers
Industrial Workers of the World
Jackson, Patrick Tracy
Japan, Japanese
Jefferies, Boyd
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Ky.
Jenn Air
Jewett, Frank B.
John Wanamaker & Co.
Johnson, Gerald
Johnson, Hugh
Johnson, Roswell O.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.
Jones, Mary “Mother,”
Jordan Marsh & Co.
Justice Department, U. S.
Kaiser, Henry J.
Kaiser Industries Corp.
Kaiser Permanente health plan
Kannapolis, N.C.
Kansas City, Mo.
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Kautsky, Karl
Kemper Station, Tx.
Kerouac, Jack
King, William Lyon Mackenzie
Kinsley, Michael
Knights of Labor
Knotts, Armanis
Knotts, Tom
Koehn, Nancy F.
Kohler Co.
Kohler, Herbert V. Jr.
Kohler, Herbert V. Sr.
Kohler Village, Wi.
Kohler, Walter J. Jr.
Kohler, Walter J. Sr.
Kohler Workers Association (KWA)
Krupp Steel
Ku Klux Klan
Kohler Workers Association
Labor Department, U.S.
Lackawanna, N.Y.
Ladies Home Journal
LaGuardia, Fiorella
Law enforcement
Lawrence, Ma.
Le Creusot, France
Lee, Ivy
L'Enfant, Pierre Charles
Lewis, John L.
Lexington & Eastern Railroad
Lincoln, Abraham
Little, Frank
Locks and Canals Co.
Logan County, W.V.
Looking Backward
Los Alamos, N. M.
Louisville & Nashville Railroad
Lowell, Francis Cabot
Lowell, Ma.
Lowell Offering
Lucas, Anthony
Ludlow, Co.
Lynch, Ky.
Lynd, Robert and Helen
Madison, Wi.
Maguire, J. W.
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
The Maltese Falcon
Manchester, England
Manchester, N.H.
Manhattan Project
Marathon Structured Finance Fund
Marshall Field & Co.
Marshall, George
Martineau, Harriet
Marysville, Oh.
Marx, Karl
Maxxam Inc.
Mayo, John C. Calhoun
Maytag, Elmer
Maytag, Frederick L.
Maytag Co.
McCalley, James B. “Birdman,”
McCamey, Tx.
McLennan, John
McMurtry, George Gibson
McPherson, Aimee Semple
McPherson, A. W.
Meatpacking towns
Melton, A. P.
Merrimack Manufacturing Co.
Mexia, Tx.
Michigan Central Railroad
Middleton, Theodore Roosevelt
(Lynd and Lynd)
Midland, Tx.
Midwest Union of All Packinghouse Workers
Milken, Michael
Mill and Mansion
Miller, George
The Mind of the South
Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers Union
Mobile, Al.
Molly Maguires
Monsanto Co.
Montgomery, David
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Moody, Dan
Moody, Paul
Moolick, Richard T.
Moore, Henry
Moore Shipbuilding Co.
Morenci, Az.
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morrell & Co.
Morrell, John
Morris, Willie
Morrison, Cameron
Morris Run, Pa.
Moses, Robert
Mulva, James
Munroe, George
Murdock, David
Murphy, Simon Jones
Murphy, Stanwood
Nagasaki, Japan
National Academy of Sciences
National Committee for Organizing Labor and Steel Workers
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
National Labor Relations Act
National Labor Relations Board
National Miners Union (NMU)
National Progressive Miners' Union
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
National Textile Workers Union
National War Labor Board
The New Basis of Civilization
New Bedford, Ma.
New Deal
New England
New England Association of Textile Manufacturers
New South textile crusade
Newton, Ia.
New York City, N.Y.
New York Stock Exchange
New Yorker
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
New York World
Nichols, Kenneth D.
Night Comes to the Cumberlands
Nissan Motor Co.
National Miners Union
Noguchi, Isamu
Norfolk & Western Railroad
Norris Dam
Norris, Tn.
Norton Co.
Norton, Horace S.
National Recovery Administration
Nuclear weapons
N. W. Ayer & Sons
Oak Ridge, Tn.
Obama, Barack
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Odd Fellows
Oil towns
automobile industry and
Bartlesville, Okla.
Beaumont, Tx.

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