The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume Seven (94 page)

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Authors: Chögyam Trungpa

Tags: #Tibetan Buddhism

BOOK: The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume Seven
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ALL BOOKS, ARTICLES, POEMS, SEMINARS, and art works are attributed to Chögyam Trungpa unless otherwise cited. Only poems referenced in the text are listed in this index; for all titles, please refer to the table of contents. Illustrations are indicated by italics and follow text entries. The Nālandā Translation Committee is cited as NTC.

Abhidharma teachings

art and


Absolute symbolism

three principles of


arts and
competitiveness and
elegance vs.
expectations as
holding back as
humor as
inquisitiveness vs.
as seed of crudeness
transmuting, to energy
See also

All-accomplishing wisdom

All-encompassing wisdom

America Hurrah
(van Itallie)

American flag, symbolism of

American marketing system

American poets


anger, as heart of earth surfacing
astral travel, as flying TWA
basic goodness, as flower arrangement
calligraphy brush, as sword of nonaggression
decision-making process, as falling in love
dharma and art/form, as indistinguishable as cheese spread on bread
dharma art, as atomic bomb carried in your mind
five buddha families, as new dimension of perception
Great Eastern Sun, as fully developed buddha nature
harmony, as Japanese home and Jewish home put together
kindness plus discriminating awareness, as pair of new spectacles
nonaggression as realizing new angle of energy
non-reference-point experience as circulating . . . in outer space without rocket or space suit
perceiving things as they are, as stillness of bullfrog sitting in rain
pigeonholing experience, as being eaten up by ingrown toenail
poetry as remembering the “water holes” of the mind
real education, as yeast infection that grows on you
reality not fully experienced, as lost horizon
seeing things as they are, as state of mind, like Bombay Gin
spiritual journey, as dissolving question mark into full stop
square-one experience, as crosseyed owl made of gold
synchronizing mind/body, as good exposure of film in camera
threefold logic, as holding fan, then opening, and producing breeze by waving it
viewing film, as eye massage
vowels and consonants, as two
wings of bird of language
world as gigantic baby bottle with relative symbolism “nipple”


transmutation of
vajra (buddha family)

Anna Karenina

“Anne Blume” (Schwitters)


claustrophobia of
as obstacle


Appel, Karl

Appreciation (sensory)

awareness practice as
importance of


See also Kyudo


Argüelles, Jose


miracle of


enriching karma and
yellow as absence, of


basic goodness as
bodhisattva action as
contemporary Western
culture and
definition of
environment as
five buddha family styles of
fruition level of
heaven/earth/man and
ideal work of
importance of
as life vs. occupation
medieval European
organization as
as path of awakening
power of
as reality
religious vs. secular
scientific approach to
setting sun
spirituality and
suggesting vs. feeding with
three kayas and
as truth
violent, as “black magic”
See also
Buddhist art; Dharma art

The Art of Calligraphy

Art cricitism (criteria)

“Art and Education” (article)

Art in everyday life

vipashyana experience as

“Art in Everyday Life” (seminar)


audience and
as bodhisattva
of five buddha families
inquisitiveness as seed syllable of
as life vs. occupation
magic of
meditation and
mind of
negativity and
obstacles for
perversion of
as rhinoceros
self-respect of

Artistic discipline

environment and
life as
synchronizing mind/body as

Artistic process/production

commissions and
confidence and
heaven/earth/man and
ideas and
Japanese “way” (
as living process
as manual process
meditation and
perception and
as prostitution
relaxation and
retreat practice and
teaching through
threefold logic and
See also
Creative process

Ashoka, Emperor

imperial colors of

Astor, Ruth

Astral travel

Ato Rinpoche


of aggression
as key to world
of sacredness
toward art

Auden, W. H.


artist and
expectations of
conning of
filmmaking and
heaven/earth/man and
poetry and
positive manipulation of
raising mentality of
threefold logic and

Auditory level of perception

“Aurora 7 #1”

“Aurora 7 #2”

Authentic presence


wrathful form of

Awakened mind, deities as

Awareness (vipashyana) practice

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