The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (111 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

BOOK: The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War
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decision to enter war
and expansion of war
“Give ’em hell, Harry,”
and history
and Inchon
and MacArthur
and 1948 election
political opponents of
and the presidency
public image of
as senator
and Stalin
transition from Roosevelt to
Wake Island meeting
in World War

Truman, Margaret

Truman administration:

and China
and Cold War
and expansion of war
failure to act
lack of public support for
and MacArthur
and McCarthyism
and onset of war
political opponents of
State Department
as uneasy about the war

Truman Doctrine

Truscott, Lucian

Tuchman, Barbara

Tugwell, Rexford

Twain, Mark

Twin Tunnels

; maps

Tydings, Millard

Tyner, Joe

Tyrrell, Stanley



Ulam, Adam

Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao, and the Korean War
(Goncharov et al.)

United Nations (UN):

Air Force of
and China
and North Korean invasion
; map
troops committed by
troops crossing border
; map
see also
U.S. Army; U.S. Marines

United States:

armed forces of,
U.S. Army; U.S.
Marines; U.S. Navy atomic weapons of
Chinese views about
as colonial power
complex politics in
constitutional crisis in
defense budgets of
diminished credibility of
domestic politics vs. national security in
entry into the war
as international power
intra-service rivalries in
and national security
postwar prosperity of
racism in
slow to react to invasion
war production of


Chinese ambush at
defensive perimeter at
Eighth Cavalry Division at
engagement at; map
first encounter with Chinese at; map
men abandoned at
U.S. POWs taken at
as warning, unheeded

Untalan, Guillermo

Urban, Lester (Peanut)

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army:

advancing north
Army War College
black units in
bonds of loyalty in
and Bonus Army
Case Board of
casualties of
decline of
dependent on wheels
doing the right thing in
early celebrations of
Eighth Army
Eighth Cavalry Division
Eighth Cavalry Regiment
Fifteenth Infantry Regiment
Fifth Cavalry Division
fighting men transformed in
First Cavalry Division
home for Christmas
and Inchon
intelligence reports ignored by
leadership built in
Love Company
Never Again Club
Ninety-second Division
Ninth Regiment
officer promotions in
poor leadership in
poorly equipped
poorly positioned
poorly trained
post-World War II demobilization of
as POWs
racism in
recruitment for
retreating south
Second Combat Engineers
Second Infantry Division
Seventh Division
Task Force Crombez
Task Force Smith
Tenth Corps
Thirty-fourth Regiment
Twenty-first Regiment
Twenty-fourth Division
Twenty-seventh Regiment Wolfhounds
Twenty-third Regiment
unprepared for battle
veterans of
war aims unclear in
weapons of
and winter cold

U.S. Marines:

and budget cuts
at Chosin Reservoir
retreat south
Congressional Medals of Honor awarded to
drive to Seoul
First Division
at Inchon
in Japan
leadership in
at Peleliu
at Pusan Perimeter
at Sudong
Tenth Corps
in World War II
at Yongsan

U.S. Navy:

at Inchon
intelligence activities in
Seventh Fleet
and Wonsan
and World War

U.S. News



Vails, Maxwell

Valdez (pilot)

Vandenberg, Arthur

Vandenberg, Hoyt

Van Fleet, James

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

Vietnam War

escalation of
nation divided by
skewed intelligence in
and U.S. politics

Villa, Pancho

Vincent, John Carter



Wake Island meeting

Walker, Ansil

Walker, Forest

Walker, Sam Wilson

Walker, Walton (Johnnie)

and Almond
death of
as Eighth Army commander
and MacArthur
military career of
and the press
at Pusan Perimeter
pushing north
retreating south
shortages experienced by
split command of
tenacity of

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