The Chosen Heir (The Bolles Dynasty Book 3) (7 page)

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At the end of the ceremony, Gothic music rang out as the family allowed a few photographs before getting into a series of limousines. There was a private reception held back at Anna and Alistair’s mansion outside of London.

Fionn approached him after the luncheon. “Let’s take a drink outside.”

William had enormous respect for Fionn. He had been part of his life for as long as he could remember. His father had taken an interest in Fionn when he was a teenager and Fionn’s own father, an old friend of Oliver’s, had taken his life. Fionn was considered brilliant with numbers and Oliver had taken him under his wing and eventually brought him into the business. When William was seventeen and his father died tragically, Fionn was there to pick up the pieces and make sure that William survived.

William poured Irish whisky into two crystal glasses and handed one to Fionn.

Walking outside, they found a round table away from the festivities.

“Olivia convinced you to buy Breen.”

“I wasn’t going to at first, but it’s a solid investment.”

“Is your golf resort continuing to bleed money?” There wasn’t any judgment in Fionn’s tone, but the question rattled him. He didn’t want to let on how desperate the situation had become.

“It will right itself. The place is magnificent. You should take a few days off and play eighteen with me.”

“Will, don’t make the mistake of over-leveraging yourself. The entire thing could go south. If you need help, let me know.”

“I would come to you if the situation were dire, but it’s fine.”

“What are you trying to prove? The cycling company was a good move. You had an interest and seem to enjoy the involvement, but the golf resort is complicated and my guess is it is putting pressure on your other companies. Now you bought into a hat company. I thought you had plans to join me in New York and London.”

“I plan to launch an investment banking firm under the name Bolles.”

“It’s too risky, Will. Your father had problems with the SEC and other regulatory agencies. Come up with something new.”

“I’m not afraid of using the Bolles name. It’s my name. My legacy.”

“I was fond of your father. We had a close relationship at one time, but you should do your own thing and not let his name wear you down.”

“I’m not afraid of past scandals. He has been gone a long time.”

Fionn put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not sure why this is so important to you, but I wouldn’t take the risk.”


The next evening, Bridget walked into William’s building and the doorman directed her upstairs to the twentieth floor. Her nerves were on hyper alert, she was moving to Dublin the next day and having to help orchestrate a formal dinner for investors was too much. How could she possibly convince others that it was a smart move?

Knocking on the door to the flat, she waited for a servant to answer it. Instead William opened the door and greeted her warmly. He was wearing a formal suit and her heart accelerated. She had chosen a formal gown in a light gray that was short yet elegant.

“Welcome, Ms. North. You look beautiful this evening.”

Was he trying to remind her of her position as an employee?

“Bridget, please.”

His eyes raked over her and he stepped closer. “Navigating the chemistry between us will be a challenge.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have put us in that position.”

“Maybe not. The chef and his server are in the kitchen preparing the meal. I’m getting the drinks ready. Would you care for one?”

“I better not. It wouldn’t be great to get tipsy and embarrass you on my first day.”

“Relax. You will enjoy the guests and I doubt any actual discussion of money will take place.”

Bridget wandered over to the display that had been set up of various hats that she had dropped off earlier. There were also brochures set out. “Did you want me to model any of these?” She picked up a gray silk hat with netting and placed it on her head.

“I might enjoy it more if it were lingerie.”

She placed the hat back among the displayed items. He was playful and friendly at times and then would shift so it was impossible to read him. He couldn’t possibly intend to encourage her attraction to him. It would make their business relationship awkward and tension-filled. It was a mistake she had never made, getting involved with someone at the office.

“What can I do to help?”

“Can you check the table settings?” Bridget walked into the expansive dining area with a view of Hyde Park and beyond. It was set formally with white and gold china and a floral centerpiece.

William intrigued her. Not many single men would host an elaborate formal dinner. Most would book a private dining room in an exclusive restaurant. She continued on to the kitchen and said hello to the chef and his assistant. They were polite but busy so she wandered back to the living room.

“The table is perfect. Can I change my mind and have a glass of wine?”

He handed her a glass that he had already poured.

William took a sip of wine. “The couples coming tonight have invested with me in the past. For a time, I was interested in mining and two of them invested in an Argentine mine, the other was an investor in a sports apparel company. They were all paid back with interest.”

“Do you usually have a formal dinner when you are looking for investors?”

“This is the first time. Typically I would create a short list and schedule private meetings. But Breen is an easy investment and will have wide appeal. They will probably bid against each other to get involved.”

“You almost turned down Breen. I had the impression that you were doing a favor for Olivia but weren’t keen on getting involved.”

“My energy and resources are tapped out at the moment.”

“Why is that?”

He watched her quietly for a moment before taking a sip of his wine. “I won’t worry you with the issues before this dinner. Better that you are fresh and positive.”

“I’m not sure how I’ll be able to help with Breen if I don’t understand the problems facing your company.”

“It’s basically strategy and planning. After you are settled in Dublin, I’ll pull together the management team and you can meet everyone. You will be the youngest and the only woman. The four others are all men I met while cycling. I formed a management company seven years ago, Maglia Rosa Investments, creating a way to work with a team to revamp companies.”

She took a sip of wine. “So not being a rider, I’m probably at a disadvantage?”

“You could always take up the sport.”

“What does it mean… the pink shirt?”

“It’s a cycling term. It is used to refer to the race leader. The concept was that we would invest in projects that we could get to market before anyone else. It’s worked well, but the team needs to expand.”

The doorbell rang and he rose to greet his guests. Within a short time, everyone arrived and there was excitement and good-natured joking.


Bridget relaxed and enjoyed the evening. The women were interested in the hats and it took only a small amount of effort for them to try on the samples. One of the younger couples, Francesca and Alberto, started the bidding over dinner.

At one point William said, “It’s not my intention to start a bidding war. I wanted you all to have the opportunity to get involved. We have worked well in the past.”

Alberto said, “Create a funding agreement and we all can contribute a million pounds.” It was an arrangement agreed to among everyone at the table and the conversation shifted to politics and then the economy.

After the last couple left, Bridget said, “You made that look rather easy.”

“If you bring together the right people and have a solid approach or offering, then it merely requires having the patience to let it happen.”

Retrieving the small handbag she came with from a side table, she said, “I should go. Thank you for this evening.”

William had removed his suit jacket and tie. “I’ll walk you home.”

She stood facing him and shook her head. “I can get a taxi.”

He picked up his keys off of a table in the foyer and opened the door. “It’s a perfect evening to enjoy the night.”

Walking along the sidewalk with him, she noticed he slowed his pace to match hers. He spoke about plans for Breen and she realized that he was planning a year out. She had only considered the employees’ expected response to the change of ownership.

They passed by a popular nightclub and he deflected a man who nearly collided into her.

She stepped back. “You have fast reflexes.”

He took her hand and they crossed the street. “There is a path through the park. It may be easier then dealing with the crowded street.”

He released her hand when they stepped through the park gate and he led her to a grass-covered field.

The heels she had worn were more for fashion than covering slippery terrain. “I didn’t realize we would be walking on grass or I may have chosen other shoes.”

He slowed and looked at her feet. “Sorry. I should have realized. Do you want to walk barefoot?”

“Maybe. I need to find a place to sit for a moment.” Looking around, she noticed a small stone bench near a monument, but it was a few hundred feet away.

William picked her up and she stilled. “I’m sure I can walk.”

He smiled at her, but his expression was difficult to read in the darkness. “At least you won’t twist your ankle.”

Her breathing became rushed and she tried to calm her nerves. Her body was reacting to him and it felt as if her reaction was wild and erratic. It crossed all sorts of lines for him to physically carry her. He was now her boss and she needed some distance.


He shouldn’t play with fire, but she was impossibly tempting. Her proper attitude and reluctant manner made him want to smash down all of her erected barriers. But it wouldn’t serve him. He wanted her for her marketing mind and rapport with employees, not for himself. Her sharp tongue had already torn the flesh from his bones. He didn’t need a repeat.

He placed her on the stone bench and watched in fascination as she removed a shoe and then unrolled a silk stocking.

Bridget didn’t look up. “Would you mind giving me a moment?”

He was unable to stop watching her. Even in the darkness, he was captivated. She reached under her dress and undid the other stocking, rolling it down and then taking off her shoe. She put the stockings in her small handbag and then picked up her shoes.

“I would have guessed that you would wear um... pantyhose.”

“It would be odd to work in fashion and wear pantyhose.”

Bridget North was full of surprises. He had made a calculated mistake thinking he could spend time with the beautiful and captivating marketing executive and not fall under her spell. But he wanted more from her than a night in bed. She would help him figure out what to do with the golf resort that was bleeding him dry. He couldn’t allow himself to succumb to the attraction.

“Besides, stockings are far more comfortable.”

He wanted to explore her body but refused to act on the desire. The darkness hid the evidence of his need and somehow made their interaction seem dreamlike, almost in slow motion.

“I wouldn’t know.”

He stepped closer to her and watched as her eyes met his. He couldn’t see her pupils, only the deep brown of her gaze. One kiss. He would kiss her briefly and be satisfied with one taste. Reaching forward, he touched the side of her face and gently traced her cheekbone with the tip of his thumb. He could feel his body heating. How could she turn him on with barely a touch?

He stopped himself. The way desire surged through his veins, a kiss wouldn’t satisfy him. Bridget touched his arm and moved the smallest fraction closer to him. He looked down into her gaze and tried to interpret her thoughts.

Why was he denying himself? They were adults and could move past one brief encounter. He brought his other hand up and cupped her face. She drew in a breath and he covered her lips with his.

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