The China Study (65 page)

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Authors: T. Colin Campbell,Thomas M. Campbell

BOOK: The China Study
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o cognitive impairment, 219-20, 349
colon cancer, 283-84
obeSity, 13-14, 13-14, 135-38, 140
comparison with animal-based diet,
O'Connor, Torn, 66, 270
Olson, Bob, 255-60, 265
diabetes, 149-50, 349
omega-3 fatty acids, 281-82
dietary fat, 83
oranges, 302-3
disease prevention, 203-4
amish, Dean, 129-33
environmental benefits, 239-40
osteoporosis, 21,180-81 , 2 0 4 - 1 1 , 2 0 7 ,
eye diseases, 349
209, 3 2 9 , 3 4 9
fiber, 90-91 , 172
ovarian cancer, 162
health benefits of, 21, 73-74,
P 348-50
heart disease, 117-19, 348-49
PAHs (polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons) , 165-66 hormones (reproductive), 160,
160-61, 164-65
Palmer, Sushma, 262
kidney stones, 349
pancreatic cancer, 66
large bowel cancer, 170-71
pangamic acid, 252
macular degeneration, 215-17
Papua New Guinea, 115
menopause, 167
parathyroid hormone, 365
metabolic rate, 142
Pariza, Michael, 290 , 297-98
nutrition, 230, 230-32
Parkinson's disease, 199
osteoporosis, 349
PCBs, 165-66
school lunch program, 318
peanuts and peanut butter, 34-36
scientific studies, 126-27, 129-30,
Peto , Sir Richard, 72, 85 , 355
Pfizer, 289, 312
stroke, 220-21
pharmaceutical industry, 8, 289, 316-17,
throughout history, 344-45
weight loss, 138-42
Philippines,S, 21, 33-35
what to eat, 141,242-48,243
photosynthesis, 92
plant-based protein
blood cholesterol, 80
confusion of, 2, 334
cancer, 6, 59-60
ignorance about nutrition, 327-29
in China, 274
nutrition education, 327-29, 335
health benefits of, 30-31
pharmaceutical industry, 332-34
heart disease, 119
resistance to change, 324-27, 331,
tumor development, 66
in the United States, 274
See also medical schools
See also gluten; soy protein
Physician's Committee for Responsible
plant food industry, 300-302
Medicine, 312
See also food industry
plant-based diet
plaque, 112-14
Alzheimer's disease, 219-20
Plato, 344-45
autoimmune diseases, 349
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
blood cholesterol, 80-81
(PAHs), 165-66
calorie consumption, 141
polyps, 175-76
cancer, 348-49
pooled analysis, 284-85
cataracts, 217
IN 0EX                                      415
reductionism, 271 , 272, 286-87, 300
poveny, diseases of. See diseases of poverty
Preston, Rachel, 53 research, theory and practice, 38, 193,
Pritikin Center, 139, 152-53
retinol, 216
progesterone, 160
rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile, 199
prolactin, 88
prostate cancer, 3, 177-81,300-302,367 rice, 32
prostate specific antigen (PSA), 177 Rice, John, 43
risk factors for disease, 114, 160, 160-61,
about, 27-28 189
Robbins, John, xv-xvi, 239-40
aflatoxin, 51-59, 54
Roberts, Bill, 79
amino acids, 29-30
Robertson, W G., 212
blood cholesterol, 80
Roche, 312
body size, 102-3
Rubner, Max, 28
cancer development, 36-37, 51, 65
carcinogens, 47, 53
enzymes, 51-53,51-53
saccharin, 44, 253
foci development, 54-59,55,57,60
sanitation. See diseases of poverty
government dietary recommendations,
School Lunch and Breakfast programs,
in India, 47
liver cancer,S, 36-37, 47 schools, 292-95, 317-18
Schulsinger, David, 59
meat, 28
scientific community's resistance to
in the Philippines, 34
change, 120-21,260,265-66,287
quality of, 30-31, 102-4
scientific studies, 351-52 scientific controversy, 192-94, 2 0 8 - 1 0
See also animal-based protein; casein; scientific or research committees, 253-68
gluten; high-protein diet; low- scientific studies
p r o t e i n diet; plant-based protein; alternative medicine, 334
Alzheimer's disease, 221
soy protein
animal experimentation, 351-52
protein gap, 31-33
breast cancer, 21, 167-68,272-85
Protein Power. See high-protein diet
cancer, 53-67, 84,181-82,260-61,
proteins, 29
PSA (prostate specific antigen), 177
causes of disease, 334
puberty. See menarche
Public Nutrition Information Committee, in China, 21-22
cognitive impairment, 219-20
Purdue University, 32
diabetes, 149-53, 188-97
Pyramid Cafe, 293
diet and nutrition, 53-67, 84,126-30,
Pyramid Explorations, 293
R food industry, 296-98, 299
funding, 291,315
recommended daily allowance
heart disease, 112, 114-15, 117-19,324
(RDA). See government dietary
in India, 47
industry attention, funding or
rectum, cancer of the. See large bowel
sunshine, 180, 199-200,231-32,363-65
kidney stones, 212-14
Swank, Roy, 195-96, 337
large bowel cancer, 170-74
lycopene, 300-302
macular degeneration, 215-17
T-cells, 185, 200
metanalysis, 41
Taco Bell, 312
multiple sclerosis, 195
Nurses' Health Study, 272-80 tamoxifen, 163-64
thermogenesis, 142, 352
osteoporosis, 205-10
Thompson, Tommy, 310
pharmaceutical industry, 332-34
in the Philippines, 21 , 33-35 Tove, Sam, 265
Toward Healthful Diets (NAS report),
prostate cancer, 300-302
protein, 351-52
toxic food environment, xv
stroke, 220-21
transgenic mice, 62-64
vitamin supplements, 229
tumor development, 60-61 , 61 , 66-67
women's health, 272-80
Turner,james 5.,255
See also China Study, The
Type 1 and 2 diabetes. See diabetes
Scott, Dave, 23
selenium, 280
Seneca, 345-46
Seventh-day Adventists , 149-50, 335 United Egg Producers, 290
United Nations Food and Agriculture
simple carbohydrates, 98-99
60 Minutes (television program), 43 Organization, 32-33, 309-10
smoking, 122, 256 United States
breast cancer in, 71, 79
Socrates, 344-45
sodium nitrite, 44-46 calorie consumption, 99-102
South Africa, 172-74, 173 death rates, 79 , 111-12
diabetes in, 15, 189
South Beach Diet. See high-protein diet
diet and nutrition, 15, 74,273-74,
soy protein, 60
health statistics, 3, 346-47
Stampfer, Meir, 281
heart disease in, 79, Ill-12, 123
Starfield, Barbara, 15
United States Department of Agriculture
statistical Significance, 40, 77
United States National Institutes of
autoimmune diseases, 183
Health (NIH), 47-48, 314-17, 315
diabetes, 15
United States Preventive Services Task
health in the United States, 3,
Force, 288
United States Senate Select Committee on
obesity, 13-14, 13-14, 135-38
Nutrition, 83
Steinem, Gloria, 88
urinary calcium, 205-6,206, 214
Stillings, Bruce, 33
USDA (United States Department of
stomach cancer, 94
Agriculture), 28
stroke, 94, 218, 220-21 , 282
Sugar Association, 310
sugar industry, 309-10
vascular dementia, 218
See also food industry
sugars, 98-99, 306-10 vegetables, 92-93, 98-99
WIC (Women, Infants and Children
vegetarianism or veganism. See plant-
bas ed diet Supplemental Feeding program) ,
Virginia Tech, 33
viruses, 190, 197-99 Willett, Walter, 271-75 , 284, 286
Women, Infants and Children
vitamin supplements, 2, 94-95, 216,
228- 29 , 242 , 2 6 9 - 7 0 , 2 8 8 Supplemental Feeding Program
(WIC), 312, 313
vitamins, 29, 93, 269
Women's Health Initiative (WHI), 166,
vitamin A, 231
vitamin B12 , 232 316
Women's Health Trial, 277-78
vitamin C, 93-94, 302-3
vitamin D, 179-81 , 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 , 208, World Health Organization, 309-10
231,361-68,363 World Sugar Research Organization, 310
Wyeth-Ayerst LaboratOries, 328
Voit, Carl, 28
Webb, Ryland, 34 Youngman, Linda, 56
weight (gain or loss) , 102-4, 138-43
Wendy's, 289
Western diseases. See diseases of zinc, 252
whole foods, 2,98,106, 1 4 1 , 2 2 8 - 2 9 ,
262, 2 7 0 - 7 1 , 3 0 2
See also plant-based diet
About the Authors
For more than forty years, DR. T. COLIN CAMPBELL has been at
the forefront of nutrition research. His legacy, the China Study, is the
most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. Dr.
Campbell is Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional
Biochemisty at Cornell University. He has received more than seventy
grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding and authored more than
300 research papers. The China Study was the culmination of a twenty-
year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chi-
nese Academy of Preventive Medicine.
A 1999 graduate of Cornell University, THOMAS CAMPBELL is cur-
r e n t l y pursuing a career in medicine. In addition, he is a writer, actor
and three-time marathon runner. Born and raised in Ithaca, NY, he has
appeared on stage in London, Chicago and most of the states east of
the Mississippi River. Mr. Campbell enjoys playing soccer, skiing and
"Colin Campbell's The China Study is an important book, and a highly readable one.
With his son, Tom, Colin studies the relationship between diet and disease, and his
conclusions are startling. Th e China Study is a story that needs to be heard."
- Robert C. Richardson, PhD, Nobel Prize Winner,
Professor of Physics and Vice Provost of Research, Cornell Uni,rersity
" T h e China Study gives critical, life-saving nutritional information ...
Dr. Campbell's expose of the research and medical establishment makes this book
a fascinating read and one that could change the future for all of us."
- Joel Fuhrman, AID, Author of Eat To Live
"The study can be considered the Grand Prix of Epidemiology."
- T h e New York Times
By any measure, America's health is failing. We spend far more, per capita, on
health care than any other society in the world, and yet two-thirds of Americans
are overweight, and more than 15 million Americans have diabetes. We fall prey
to heart disease as often as we did thirty years ago. The War on Cancer, launched
in the 1970s, has been a miserable failure. Half of all Americans have a health
problem that requires taking a prescription drug every week, and more than 100
million Americans have high cholesterol.
To make matters worse, we are leading our youth down a path of disease earlier and
earlier in their lives. One-third of the children in this country are overweight or at risk
of becoming overweight Our kids are increasingly falling prey to a form of diabetes
that used to be seen only in adults, and children now take more prescription drugs
than ever before.
These issues all come down to three things: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The China Study presents a clear and concise message of hope as it dispels a
multitude of health myths and misinformation: if you want to be healthy, change
your diet.
ISBN 978-1-932100-66-2
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Cover design by Melody Cadungog & Laura Watkins

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