The Chase II (7 page)

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Authors: Xyla Turner

BOOK: The Chase II
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Chapter 10: Xena

The rest of the drive was a haze as there was no traffic going into Brooklyn. It was my own life that invaded my mind. I had to say something to him, but I did not want to do this. Worst case scenario, I would end up with cats for the rest of my life. Deep down, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but deep down I knew if I didn’t, I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror. 

After gathering all of my wits, I went to Xavier’s place, letting myself in with the key he’d had made for me. I hadn’t been back there for what felt like ages ago, which was only a few days. He did have some new things. A vase, an abstract picture on the wall and flowers on the countertops. The bright orange petals were so vivid, they almost looked fake.

“Hey,” a familiar voice broke through the silence.

I turned to see Xavier standing in the doorway, leading to patio.

“Hey, yourself.”

“I called you twice today. Is everything okay?” He asked.

Maybe I was hanging around him too much, but I lied to keep from saying, I was avoiding his calls and would have avoided his presence if I didn’t have to talk to him about this mess.

“No, just busy. Had an issue with one of my teachers, a meeting with a potential donor and some paperwork that was due.”

“I see. Next time, send me a text just to let me know you’re alright.” He waved me over. “Look, I have something to show you.”

“Sure.” I said, as I laid my purse down on the couch and joined him on the patio.

He had candle lights all around the massive banister, and a table with two chairs off to the side. The table had silver food covers on each side along with a wine bottle in a bucket of ice. It looked like something out of a movie, as the ambiance was set.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked. “This is beautiful, Xavier.”

“Thanks. No particular occasion, just the next level of us.”

“Next level?” Those words peaked my curiosity.

I almost told him, we’d never get to the next level if he didn’t tell me the truth.

“Yes, baby. Next level,” he repeated. “Have a seat.”

Xavier held out his hand and gestured where he wanted me to sit. Once I was in my seat, he pulled the top off of my food, then his displaying a nice juicy steak, mashed potatoes and asparagus.

“This smells delicious.” I heard my stomach agree in that moment. “So, we need to talk though.”

“Let’s eat first.” He nodded, like he agreed, but didn’t really want to have the conversation right then. 

As I picked up my fork, he slipped it out of my hands and grabbed them, like he wanted to say grace or a blessing over the food.

“Xena, I need you to know that no matter what, I love you. Only you, baby. Do you understand?”

Where was this coming from? Matt must have spoken to him.

“Xavier, you’re scaring me. Where is this coming from? Have you talk to Matt already?”

“What? No, I haven’t talked to him. You spoke with him? What did he say?” He seemed all of a sudden on edge.

“Uh, nothing much. He had a bruised eye a couple of days ago. Said some guy at a club clocked him for hitting on his girl. He came to my school to help one of my teacher’s find a place. I told him to find her a deal like he found me.”

Xavier stiffened, let my hand go and picked up his fork to eat.

“What? It was a deal. There is no way, I’d be able to afford that without one.”

I followed suit and took a chunk of the steak.

“What did Matt say?” He asked.

After I finished chewing, I replied, “Well, he did one better. She is going to stay at my apartment in Brooklyn while they go hunting for a house and get this,” I leaned in. “He was willing to subsidize whatever she couldn’t afford in rent.”

Xavier raised his eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yup. I think he likes her. Like a lot, but she’s a shy thing. She couldn’t even talk to him when he was sitting next to her in the booth. She finally asked him to sit on the other side.”

I started laughing, while he raised both eyebrows and continued eating.

“She don’t sound like she is savvy enough for Matt.” He said with a big brother concerned voice.

After a taste of the mash potatoes, I made a humming noise.

“I don’t know. People have underestimated her, but she whips those kids into shape. I’ll say give it a little time. She don’t seem like much, but I’m telling you. In my gut, she’s just right.”

He smirked, “Well, I trust your gut.”


“Do you Xavier?” I asked, since it was the perfect segway into our conversation.

“Yeah.” He furrowed his brows and took another bite.

Tell him now!

“Okay,” I put my napkin on the table, stood up and went into the living room to get my bag. Pulling out my folder that Tee gave me, I turned to see he was right on my heels. Holding up the folder, I asked, “Is there anything you need to tell me?”

He stared at me, but did not speak.

“So, you have nothing to say, Xavier?”

He started walking towards me, but I move around the couch away from him. His face was wiped clean of emotion and I had known him long enough to know, that meant he was mad. He stopped, when he saw me retreating.

“I would never hurt you.” he uttered.

“I know, but we need to have this conversation like adults. No touching, caressing, nothing. Now, do you have something to tell me?”

He ran his hands over his head and said, “I knew there was something wrong? What do you have?”

“Xavier, it’s not what do I have. It’s what do you have to tell me. You need to make a choice, because I’m ready to walk. And I mean walk now.”

His body went stark still as he stared at me, but he wasn’t with me, he was elsewhere.

“Xavier.” I shook the paper, trying to get him to come back.

His eyes blinked, then he focused on me. “You’re leaving?”

“You don’t make a choice? The right choice. I am.” I shook my head. “You got to figure out what you want.” 

“You’re right, baby girl.” He tore his tie from his neck. “There are things you don’t know, but I will tell you this. I don’t have to figure out what I want. I’ve always made that clear. I just want you.”

“Well, then you’re going to have to make a choice Xavier. I can’t live my life like this. Not knowing if I can trust your word about something. That’s no way to live. That’s no way for a relationship to thrive.”

He blew out a sharp breath and said, “You don’t fucking get it. If I’m not telling you something, it’s for your own damn protection. It’s so in the worst case scenario, it will not impact you.”

“That’s the thing, Xavier,” I flung my hand out. “Some of your lies can impact me and everything I’ve worked hard for. I will not let you or anyone take that away!” I raised my voice.

“What are you referring to?” He narrowed his eyes, assessing me. “I’d never let that happen.”

“Your lies is what I’m referring to. What you’re not telling me. What you feel you are doing is protecting me. I’m not a child, Xavier. I’m a grown fucking woman and I can handle myself. Okay?” I exhaled. “I do not need to be coddled or handled. Tell me now. Decide now.”

“I’ve already decided.” He simply replied.


“I want you, but I’m not telling you anything that will put you in danger. That’s final.”

“Well, looks like we’re going to have a problem.” I put the folder back in my bag and when I looked up, Xavier was in the air like a damn cat, landing right next to me and pushing me against the wall.

“Can we just talk for a minute?” He whispered against my lips. “Please.”

Turning my head, I said, “Unless you tell me what the hell is going on, there is no talking. There’s nothing Xavier. I can’t keep doing this.”

Placing both of my hands on his chest, I pushed back. He didn’t budge, simply gripped me tighter.

“Listen to me, baby.” he nuzzled the side of my face. “Just listen to me for a minute. I can’t lose you. Okay. I’m trying to protect you.”


He reared his head back, “What’s bullshit. I’d give my life to protect you. That’s not bullshit. I’d do anything to protect you.”

“Really and how far are you willing to go to do that, Xavier?” I asked. “Huh.”

He stared at me, then repeated, “I’d give my life to protect you.”

I exhaled. “Where is Kevin? What did you do to him?”

He blinked, then turned away.

“No, Xavier. You answer me. How many companies do you have, huh? How many dirty business men are you in cahoots with? How much money have you donated to my school?” I started to hit him on the chest. “You tell me. What did you do to Mark?” I was crying and screaming. “You son of a bitch. What have you done?”

“What I had to do.” Was his only response.

Before I could even think about it, my hand slapped his face. Xavier froze and slowly turned his head towards me. I knew as soon as my hand connected with his face I shouldn’t have hit him, but I stared back at him with nothing but defiance in my face.

“You’re leaving me,” he growled. “Fine, but you’re going to give me one night.”

“Just tell me the truth.”

“One night,” he kept talking like I hadn’t said anything. “One last night. Then you can go. Be free of me. But our last time, is mine.”

“Just tell me the truth!” I exclaimed.

He quickly leaned into me, grabbed me by my thighs and picked me up, so I was wrapped around him. He walked us to the bedroom, where there was a Magic Wand on the bed and in the corner a black leather covered high stool.

“Xavier?” I said, not really sure what he had planned.

He dropped me down on the bed and unbuckled my shirt, then my pants. Then he unclasped my bra from the front, slowly pulled it off my shoulders and let it fall on the bed. He undressed himself and sat on the bed and stared off into space.

Lying there naked on the bed in my panties, he suddenly grabbed me so I was sitting on his lap.

“Baby-girl,” He moaned in my neck.

God, this man could light a fire in me. He rubbed my belly, then he said, “All mine. Everything,” He kissed my earlobe, then bit it. “Mine.”

Leaning my head back on his shoulder, he grabbed my nipple and started to twist. A yelp escaped my mouth, at the sudden pressure on my sensitive buds. He knew they were, but he wanted me hot. He turned me over, so my back was on the bed, and then he pulled my panties off, grabbed the Magic Wand commanded, “Open for me,”

I had a vibrator, but it was not the Magic Wand. It was the little handheld purple massager with a small about of power. That was about as much as I could handle. That Magic Wand was no joke.

Slowly, I spread my legs for him as he placed it right in the cleft of my aching clit.

“Relax, baby. I got you. You’re going to be a good girl and take this until you come all over my fingers, okay? Then I’m going to fuck you on that stool.”

A moan escaped my lips as I licked them and nodded my head.



He kissed the inside of each of my thighs, then turned the machine on. I nearly jumped off the bed, but Xavier held me down and concentrated right above my clit. The power was so intense. My breast were heavy, my nipples erect, I was soaked and my body was lit up like lightening has just me. I could even feel the strands in my hair come alive. It felt so good.

“Xavierrrr,” I moaned his name, while trying to close my legs. “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

“Come baby, come for daddy.”

That was it.

I came and I came hard as my entire body shook with the force and I kept coming as the Magic Wand’s vibrations did not cease. Orgasm, after orgasm. The sheets were balled up in my fist, my body was rocking on and off the bed and when he finally clicked the off button, and I fell back like I was just electrocuted. Aftershocks running through me.

“God, you are so beautiful when you come for me.” Were the last words I heard, until he lapped up my cream from my clit to my tighter hole. It was everywhere, as I had a multi-orgasmic event. I needed to get one of those things. Once he finished, he grabbed my arm and holstered me up to a seated position.

“Sit on this stool. Only your thighs should be on the leather.”

It was a scoop stool, made for a round ass, which mine was. He helped me up and walked me to the stool. While I tried to maneuver on it and obey his instructions, he undressed and was standing before me with his long cock on display. I licked my lips in anticipation of what I planned to do to him when he finished. If I was able to do it.

Xavier walked behind me and patted my ass, then said, “Move back and bend down.”

I obeyed him, then I felt a sting on my ass because he smacked it. I moaned and poked it out some more. His hand caressed my bottom as he trailed light kisses down my spine.

“Love you so much.” He kissed one of my ribs. “Won’t lose you Xena.” Xavier slid his hard cock inside of my tight, restricted by my seated position pussy. “Fuck,” he groaned. “So, tight.”

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