The Canongate Burns (89 page)

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Authors: Robert Burns

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Holy Willie's Prayer

First printed by Stewart and Meikle, in pamphlet form, 1799.

And send the Godly in a pet to pray.

                                                Alexander Pope.

O Thou that in the Heavens does dwell!

Wha, as it pleases best Thysel,
who, thyself

Sends ane to Heaven an' ten to Hell,

             A' for Thy glory!

And no for ony guid or ill
any good

             They've done before Thee. — 

I bless and praise Thy matchless might,

When thousands Thou hast left in night,

That I am here before Thy sight,

             For gifts an' grace,

A burning and a shining light

             To a' this place. —

What was I, or my generation,

That I should get sic exaltation?

I, wha deserv'd most just damnation,

             For broken laws

Sax thousand years ere my creation,

             Thro' Adam's cause!

When from my mither's womb I fell,

Thou might hae plung'd me deep in hell,

To gnash my gooms, and weep, and wail,

             In burning lakes,

Whare damned devils roar and yell

             Chain'd to their stakes. —

Yet I am here, a chosen sample,

To show Thy grace is great and ample:

I'm here a pillar o' Thy temple

             Strong as a rock,

A guide, a ruler and example

             To a' Thy flock. —

O Lord thou kens what zeal I bear,

When drinkers drink, and swearers swear,

And singin' there, and dancin' here,

             Wi' great an' sma';

For I am keepet by Thy fear,

             Free frae them a'. —
from, all

But yet — O Lord — confess I must —

At times I'm fash'd wi' fleshly lust;

And sometimes too, in warldly trust

             Vile Self gets in;

But Thou remembers we are dust,

             Defiled wi' sin. —

O Lord — yestreen — Thou kens — wi' Meg —
last night, knows

Thy pardon I sincerely beg!

O may't ne'er be a living plague,

             To my dishonour!

An' I'll ne'er lift a lawless leg

             Again upon her. —

Besides, I farther maun avow,

Wi' Leezie's lass, three times — I trow —

But, Lord, that Friday I was fou

             When I cam near her;

Or else, Thou kens, Thy servant true

             Wad never steer her. —
would, meddle with

Maybe Thou lets this fleshly thorn

Buffet Thy servant e'en and morn,

Lest he owre proud and high should turn,

             That he's sae gifted;

If sae, Thy han' maun e'en be borne
so, hand must

             Untill Thou lift it. —

Lord, bless Thy chosen in this place,

For here Thou has a chosen race:

But God, confound their stubborn face,

             An' blast their name,

Wha bring Thy elders to disgrace

             An' open shame. —

Lord mind Gaun Hamilton's deserts!

He drinks, and swears, an' plays at cartes,

Yet has sae monie takin arts
so many, popular

             Wi' Great and Sma',

Frae God's ain priest the people's hearts
from, own

             He steals awa. —

And when we chasten'd him therefore,

Thou kens how he bred sic a splore,
knows, such, row

And set the warld in a roar

             O' laughin at us:

Curse Thou his basket and his store,

             Kail an' potatoes. —

Lord, hear my earnest cry and prayer

Against that Presbytry of Ayr!

Thy strong right hand, Lord, mak it bare

             Upon their heads!

Lord visit them, and dinna spare,
do not

             For their misdeeds!

O Lord my God, that glib-tongu'd Aiken!

My very heart and flesh are quaking

To think how I sat, sweating, shaking,

             An' pish'd wi' dread,
wet myself

While Auld wi' hingin lip gaed sneaking
hanging, went sneering

             And hid his head!

Lord, in Thy day o' vengeance try him!

Lord visit him wha did employ him!

And pass not in Thy mercy by them,

             Nor hear their prayer;

But for Thy people's sake destroy them,

             An' dinna spare!
do not

But Lord, remember me and mine

Wi' mercies temporal and divine!

That I for grace an' gear may shine,

             Excell'd by nane!

And a' the glory shall be Thine!

             AMEN! AMEN! 

Manuscript copies of this brilliant satire, probably a broadside printing, were circulated among friends of the poet during his lifetime. It first appeared in pamphlet form in 1799 from Stewart and Meikle, Glasgow, who then included it in their 1801 volume. Holy Willie, or Willie Fisher (1737–1809), is described by Burns in the Glenriddell manuscript as an ‘Elder in the parish of Mauchline, and much and justly famed for that polemical chattering which ends in tippling Orthodoxy, and for that Spiritualised Bawdry which refines to Liquorish Devotion'. He further explains, ‘In a Sessional process with a gentleman in Mauchline, aMr Gavin Hamilton, Holy Willie, and his priest, father Auld, after full hearing in the Presbytery of Ayr, came off but second best; owing partly to the oratorical powers of Mr Robt Aitken, Mr Hamilton's Counsel; but chiefly to Mr Hamilton's being one of the most irreproachable and truly respectable characters in the country'. Gavin Hamilton
(1751–1805) and Robert Aitken (1739–1807) were intimate friends of Burns.

Again, like
To A Haggis,
this poem is over-used but it is, even by Burns's standards, a quite astonishing dramatic monologue as he gets under the alien skin of his subject. The idea of self-destructive monologue has medieval roots and the poem may have a specific origin in Ramsay's
Last Speech of a Wretched Miser
but Burns has a talent for the genre only equalled by Swift and Browning. Formally, as Kinsley notes, the poem is precisely a prayer which ‘follows the traditional scheme of invocation (ll. 1– 6) and praise (ll. 7–30); confession and penitence (ll. 37–60); intercession (ll. 61–2) and petition (ll. 63–102). As well as parodying form, Burns parodies language. Kinsley notes that: ‘The poem is written in the “language of the saints” – that improbable amalgam of Biblical English and colloquial Scots which was characteristic of the Covenanter and the Presbyterian evangelical … and which, in Burns as in Galt, has an almost miraculous unction' (Vol. 3, p. 1048). The poem is saturated by the crazily inverted use of specific Biblical texts. Kinsley mentions one marvellous example from Deuteronomy, xxviii, 15–19: ‘Ll. 77–8: “Curse Thou his basket and his store, /Kail an' potatoes”.' A mean version of the magnificently comprehensive curse laid by Jehovah on the ungodly: ‘Cursed shalt thou be in the city … Cursed be thy basket and thy store … and the flocks of thy sheep' (Vol. III, p. 1052).

In her detailed, perceptive treatment of the poem, McGuirk remarks:

Willie sees himself as marked by God for ‘gifts an' grace'; readers experience him differently, however – as marked by Burns for ridicule. Yet this is not one of Burns's bitter or angry satires. Willie's spite comes to so little, after all. And he is so fluent in his self-love … Willie's prayer, for all its scriptural allusion, is notable mainly for its perverse projection of Willie's own spitefulness onto the deity … Burns was reared to scepticism about the Auld Licht …: William Burns taught all his children to reject the exclusive focus on divine election – salvation through grace alone – that has corrupted Willie. So Burns mocks Willie as any son of his father would. He also wrote as a grateful friend of Hamilton, who had generously provided shelter for the Burns family in its worst crisis – a kindness fresh in the poet's mind, as the bankruptcy trial and subsequent death of Burns's father had
occurred only a year before ‘Holy Willie's Prayer' was written (p. 202).

We are not so certain of how we laugh at Willie Fisher who died, probably due to drink, frozen in a ditch in February 1809 and was buried in Mauchline cemetery near Mary Morison.

Epitaph on Holy Willie

First published by Stewart, 1801.

Here Holy Willie's sair worn clay

        Taks up its last abode;

His saul has taen some other way,
soul, taken

        I fear, the left-hand road.
towards hell

Stop! there he is as sure's a gun,

        Poor, silly body, see him;

Nae wonder he's as black's the grun,
no, ground

        Observe wha's standing wi' him!
who is

Your brunstane devilship I see

        Has got him there before ye:

But haud your nine-tail cat a wee,
hold, a while

        Till ance you've heard my story.

Your pity I will not implore,

        For pity ye have nane;

Justice, alas! has gi'en him o'er,

        And mercy's day is gaen.

But hear me, Sir, deil as ye are,

        Look something to your credit;

A coof like him wad stain your name,
blockhead, would

        If it were kent ye did it. —

This was probably composed in 1785 after feedback from the private circulation of
Holy Willie's Prayer.

On Tam the Chapman

First printed by Willam Cobbett, circa 1820s.

As Tam the chapman on a day

Wi' Death forgather'd by the way,

Weel pleas'd, he greets a wight sae famous,
well, sturdy person

And Death was nae less pleas'd wi' Thomas,

Wha cheerfully lays down his pack,

And there blaws up a hearty crack:
starts up, conversation

His social, friendly, honest heart

Sae tickled Death, they could na part;
so, not

Sae after viewing knives and garters,

Death taks him hame to gie him quarters.
home, give

In the Aldine edition (1839), noted for its retrieval of radical and bawdy works, this poem was allegedly printed by William Cobbett. Kinsley accepts this, though he could not locate it in
The Political
which, however, was not Cobbett's sole publication. Cobbett, like all English radicals, was certainly sympathetic to Burns. Thus in his 1832
Tour in Scotland,
a travel journal which Burns would have appreciated, given its preoccupation with the degree to which he found both Highland and Lowland Scotland ravaged by agrarian capitalism, Cobbett reports his Dumfries visit thus:

We reached DUMFRIES about five o'clock in the evening of Tuesday, the 6. And I lectured at the Theatre at half-after seven; and, considering, that the people have been frightened half to death about the cholera morbus (of which disease great numbers have actually died here), the attendance was wonderfully good. Poor BURNS, the poet, died in this town, an
after having written so well against that species of taxation, and that particular sort of office. Oh!
How manifold are thy blessings! How great thy enjoyments! How complete the protection which thou givest to talent; and how feeble is talent unless it has that protection! I was very happy to hear that his widow, who still lives in this town, is amply provided for; and my intention was to go to her, to tell her my name, and to say, that I came to offer my respects as a mark of my admiration of the talents of her late husband, one single page of whose writings is worth more than a cart load that has been written by WALTER SCOTT (p. 235).

Loving Burns, he loathed Scott as much as Coleridge did, seeing in his endless best-selling pages a sordid inflation of literature, analogous to the replacement of gold by paper currency.

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