The Cannibal Within (11 page)

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Authors: Mark Mirabello

BOOK: The Cannibal Within
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(The spoor in the box, according to the legends, signifies this great mystery: gods are the excrement of nature; nature is the excrement of gods.)

The Worm God appears in human history. The Bible describes how ‘Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole’ (see
21:9), but a reformer named King Hezekiah was opposed to the cult, and the king ‘broke in pieces the brazen snake Moses had made: for unto those days the Children of Israel did burn incense to it.’ (see 2

In Japan, the worm god appears as Amanjaka—the tapeworm deity.

The third largest temple is dedicated to Baphomet, the headhunting god. Baphomet’s idol—which is normally covered by a leather mask made from human skin—is a crudely carved crystal skull. Unspeakably ugly, the crystal skull is viewed in a blasphemous ceremony that is performed only once a year.

Utterly insane—a victim of incurable madness—Baphomet suffers from multiple personality disorder. A trinitarian monster, he is one god with three distinct personalities.

Although he is capricious and unpredictable, Baphomet is usually a sanguinary deity, and anyone approaching this god’s temple must sprinkle blood from his own body. Those who refuse, it is said, experience death or madness within one solar year.

On a daily basis, the priests of Baphomet offer this dark god the heads of the ‘virgins of the sun.’ Taken from prepubescent girls and boys abducted from the surface world, the heads are always ripped from blameless children who are sweet with virtue. All the victims—all the designated expendables—have hair of gold.

In the grisly ceremony—a dark ritual called the ‘Oracle of the Flame’—the priests throw the heads into a hungry black fire. According to their lore, they can predict the future from the shape of the flames.

In human history, Baphomet’s most famous disciple was named Salome. Celebrated for her voluptuous beauty—’a beauty which had the right to be cruel’—she gave her god the head of John the Baptist.

The Human Slave Market
East of the temple complex is the human slave market. Since the transhuman species despises work—these indolent monsters sweat only when they play—all physical toil is performed by human slaves.

Most slaves sold in Dis are abducted from the surface world, but some are especially bred and raised for labor in special livestock farms.

Whatever their origin, all slaves are given surgically administered brain lesions. They are lobotomized to make them docile and obedient.

Female slaves are also given special tattoos on their left arms and foreheads before they are sold. Male slaves are neutered.

The castration of the male slaves is especially cruel. With adults abducted from the surface world, the scrotum is cut open without anesthetics and the testes are cut out or pulled off. (Common complications are hemorrhage, gangrene, and maggot infestations.) With males born into slavery, a common method of nonsurgical castration is to place a tourniquet around the newborn’s scrotum just above the testicles. Without a supply of blood, the testes become numb in about an hour. Eventually, they will atrophy, decay, and fall off.

Human Meat Market
Adjacent to the slave market is an enormous meat market. Since one living human yields only 18 pounds of quality flesh—enough to feed one transhuman for one week—the market is vast in size. Here, the monsters can be seen walking by cages and picking human victims the way we pick live lobsters.
At the center of the meat market, free-ranging humans are sold. These are men, women, and children ensnared from the surface world during transhuman ‘hunting and gathering expeditions.’ Producing a fine and succulent meat—one that is sweeter than pork—the best parts are the brains, hearts, thighs, and arms above the elbows.

On the outer edges of the meat market, farm-bred humans are sold. (Transhumans learned to domesticate humans about twenty-eight thousand years ago—approximately the time that humans learned to domesticate the dog.) Raised in cages—fattened on a special diet of bananas—these domesticated humans go to their deaths with the innocence of grazing cattle. Their unsightly meat, which bleeds imperfectly, is considered inferior in quality.

Scattered here and there throughout the market, special kiosks retail frozen human heads. The transhumans have mastered the art and science of cryonic suspension—they can freeze all or part of a living being and reanimate it centuries later—and they use the technology to keep severed human heads alive in specially insulated jars. Although transhumans prefer fresh meat, they will eat reanimated frozen flesh when necessary.

There are rumors of a more hellish commerce—a black market which sells the meat of resurrected humans—dead humans brought back to life—but this, however, is illegal. Although all transhumans know how to reanimate cadavers— for these creatures, reviving even a rotting corpse is a simple exercise—the action is absolutely tabu.

According to their ancient law code—the so-called Brazen Tablets—any transhuman who resurrects the dead will be executed.

Loaded with chains, the condemned monster is alternately immersed in vats of boiling and freezing water until his skin falls from his body.

The torture completed, he is finally eaten alive.

The Arena: Lethal And Perverse Games West of the temple complex—near the main gate to the city—is a vast public arena. Designed for entertainment, in the arena the transhumans indulge their craving for sadistic amusements.

All recreational whippings are held here, as are the gladiatorial-like contests where humans fight to the death. In the latter, men unusually fight men, but sometimes dwarfs fight women, hunchbacks fight cripples, and blind men fight children.

The fights in the arena are savage and merciless. All the human combatants are naked and weaponless, and before the fight-to-the-death begins all contestants must shout: ‘Hail to the Master Species. We who are about to die salute you!’

Before the violence, the spectators indulge their evil voyeuristic fantasies. Obscene performances—utterly lewd in nature—are conducted without shame or scruple.

In one vile spectacle, terrified humans are sexually abused with the dismembered parts of dead animals. Inexplicably, the monsters find this amusing.
In another spectacle, fascinated transhumans watch as fat green worms—loathsome penis substitutes—are forced headfirst into the vaginas of human women. As the worms struggle to free themselves—squirming voluptuously and spasmodically—the terrified females scream with revulsion and shudder with pleasure.

In still another spectacle, transhumans roar with laughter as certain human males—selected because they have taut little penises—are raped by transhuman females.

The experience is obscene—given the low body temperature of the transhumans, penetrating the icy coldness of their grave-like wombs is a quasi-necrophilic experience—and the sexual congress always culminates in violence. The transhuman female—like an amoral black widow spider— covers her terrified consort with ‘kisses that bruise.’ Ultimately, she will devour her consort’s head.

When devouring the head, the sport is to leave the brain stem intact. With half a brain, the male’s pelvic thrustings continue even in death.

The Nests Of The Monsters
South of the temple complex—extending deep into the groin of the Earth—is the residential section of Dis.

Excavated from the rock, the residential section is composed of hundreds of thousands of cubicles. Shaped like a vast insect nest—a strange hive-like structure—the monsters are crowded together like wasps or ants.
As a rule, each housing cubicle accommodates one family. Although strangely dysfunctional—the typical family is composed of perverted males and degraded females—it is nevertheless cohesive.

Since monogamy is unknown among them (no primates higher than gibbons are really monogamous), a transhuman family can be quite large. Traditionally, it is composed of one adult male and his harem of sexual slaves.

Oddly, for all of their violence, the transhumans are social animals. Fiercely independent, they are afraid of being alone.

A Center For Depraved Science
On the north side of the city is a research facility and science complex. This is the brain—the nerve center—of their paranoid and advanced civilization.

Devoted to wicked science—the hostile domination of nature—the complex is composed of thousands of gloomy laboratories. Here, legions of amoral researchers—greedy for knowledge— commit crimes against bodies and ideas.


The most infamous part of the complex is the ‘Life Science Unit.’ In this nightmarish unit, caged, mutilated, and traumatized humans are subjected to genetic manipulations.

Skillful bioengineers, the transhumans have produced dozens of mutant strains of the human species. The mutants, who are scarcely anthropoidal in shape, are used as livestock, slave labor, or as a source of raw materials.

Some of the mutants are especially revolting to behold. These include the dairy women—human females genetically engineered to produce copious quantities of cream and milk. These females, whose do nothing in life except eat, sleep, lactate, urinate, and defecate, have grotesquely large breasts— glandular atrocities that are covered with varicose veins and up to six or more nipples. Weakened by genetic engineering, poor diet, lack of exercise, and the disadvantages of life in a cage, the dairy women are too weak to support the weight of their colossal mammary glands, and they usually move about on their hands and knees, dragging their inflamed nipples on the ground.

Equally monstrous are the worker humans. Designer-made slaves that are engineered for a lifetime of docile, servile labor, the worker humans are mutants with steroid-injected, muscular, full-sized bodies and small, grapefruit-sized microcephalic heads. They possess great strength and stamina, but their retarded minds are incapable of language or conscious thought.

Most revolting of all, however, are the pig humans. Artificially fattened through genetic engineering, growth hormone injections, force-feeding, and a lifetime of mandatory inactivity, these obscenely obese creatures may weigh over 1600 pounds. Scarcely human in appearance—their faces are masses of flaccid flesh that wobble in every direction— these shapeless monsters are considered unfit for eating, but their large skins are used to make leather and parchment, and their huge fat deposits are used to make soap, lubricants, and salves.

Manufacturing Horrors
Adjacent to the science complex—near a huge salt lake traversed by steel bridges—is the industrial district of Dis. Inside hellish factories—geometrically shaped buildings that are several square miles in size—lobotomized and castrated human slaves produce a variety of manufactured goods.

The soulless factories resemble huge Stalinist work camps. Thousands of workers—swarming like rodents—perform their labor in a mindless and methodical way.

Of all the industrial plants, the most infamous is the soap factory. Here, human fats and oils are heated with potash to produce a soft, dark, harsh, and evil-smelling soap. The work is carefully supervised—adding too much fat to the product produces a soap that turns rancid in days, and mixing too much potash produces a soap that can peel skin from the body—and incompetent workers themselves become ingredients in the vats.

In all the factories, conditions for the workers are horrific. Confined to small cubicles and chained to their machinery, the factory slaves live a life without sunshine, fresh air, or freedom. They are deliberately malnourished and routinely brutalized.

All factory slaves suffer from symptoms which resemble radiation sickness. Exposed to toxic waste and noxious chemicals—often moving cauldrons of poison with the gangrenous chunks of dead, blackened flesh that used to be their fingers—the slaves suffer from fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of teeth and hair, decrease in red and white blood cells, and internal bleeding.

The factory slaves work until they are too injured, too weak, too old, or too deranged to continue.

Then, their tumors and malignant sores are cut off and devoured. (Because cancer tissue is ageless, ingesting tumors has a rejuvenating effect.) Finally, the exhausted and mutilated slaves are eaten alive.


‘I am a living animal, tied to a dying soul.’
Philip Dick (1928-1982)
‘Men will go about like swine eating the acorns found amidst the putrefaction of their dead.’
Giovanni Battista Vico (1668-1674)
‘Evil is older and will prevail.’
Occult Proverb

My Flight From The Homeless Shelter
Holding my precious manuscript, I stealthily left the homeless shelter. Exiting from a window, I fled in the dead of night.

As I dropped to the wet earth, I saw a dog vomiting dirt and grass. The dog—a lean and filthy creature—began to growl.

I picked up a large stick and threw it at the mongrel. Like any dog, he reacted by biting the stick that hit him, not the person that threw it.

Humans are like dogs, I thought. They never attack the real source of their misery.

My Life As A Fugitive
My destiny is bleak. I am indifferent to death—I have no dread of hell and no expectation of paradise—but I do fear the monsters. Every night—I know—may be my last.

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