The Calling (43 page)

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Authors: Ashley Willis

BOOK: The Calling
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“Did you ever think of offering her a job instead of going through this charade? She might accept.”

Abel glanced at Brandon and bit the inside of his cheek, trying to keep his impatience at bay. The way the younger generation thought they had the answers to everything annoyed the hell out of him. “I did offer her a job, through a college scout before she graduated. She declined. It was for the standard loan division. She’s an engineer. Did you know that? I don’t have a position in London that would interest an engineer.”

When the light turned green, Abel stepped on the accelerator, applying more force than he’d intended. The car sped forward as if he were drag racing, the force pressing him deep into his seat.

“Slow down. You’re going to get us killed.”

Abel quirked an eyebrow, shooting a look of disbelief at Brandon.

Brandon chuckled, though his fingers dug into the armrest. “Just try not to get a ticket.” He eyed the speedometer warily. “What kind of engineer is she?”

“Her resume said Bachelor’s in Mechanical and Master’s in Industrial. I’m not sure what either of those entails.”

“Industrial involves Logistics. She could work for Peder’s department at the microfinance division. Girls dig non-profits.” A wide grin lit up Brandon’s face. “That’s genius. You really should start consulting me. I’m full of good ideas, and sometimes you can be out of touch with the times.”

Abel glowered at him before returning his gaze to the road. Brandon reminded him of Constantine, always pointing out his shortcomings as if he were doing him a favor. He’d hired Brandon three years ago, fresh out of college. His blood lineage, more than his resume, had led Abel to Brandon’s doorstep. When he’d turned out to be an indispensable part of Abel’s finance division, it had been a pleasant surprise. Too bad he couldn’t keep his opinions to himself.

He pulled into the Clyde Aircraft office complex and parked in front of the delivery center, a large white building with tinted glass windows. After stepping into the gusty February day, he smoothed his white dress shirt and buttoned his black blazer.

Brandon hurried out of the car and shut the door. “Do you even know what Jessica looks like?”

Abel reached into his front pocket and pulled out a photo. “Constantine sent this to me several years ago.”

“Is she hot?” Brandon asked, his expression hopeful.

“Is that all you ever think about?”

Brandon shrugged. “Pretty much.” He took the photo and studied it. “Oh, wow. Definitely not a babe. How old was she here?”


“Well, at least that explains the braces and zits, but nothin’s gonna explain away those pink clown glasses. What was she thinking?”

“Be nice,” Abel said. “The first picture I saw of you, your hair was tinted green.”

“That was from chlorine. I spent too much time at the pool that summer.”

“Didn’t look like you bathed either.”

Brandon narrowed his eyes as he returned the photo. “Would you like to complain about anything else while you’re at it?”

Abel scrutinized Brandon, making sure he appeared presentable. He didn’t like his employees unkempt. Brandon never dressed up more than khaki pants and polo shirts. Today, he wore a red long-sleeved polo under a wool pea coat. While not as formal as Abel would have liked, he was clothed respectably. “You’re satisfactory.”

“Gee, thanks.” Brandon buttoned his coat and fell into step beside Abel. “So, what happens when you pick up your jet?”

Abel tucked the picture back into his pocket. “My pilots have already done the delivery flight. This is a formality. Ceremony, I guess you could say.”

“In other words, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Jessica.”

Abel nodded as he walked toward the lobby. He needed a new business jet, but his decision to buy one from Clyde Aircraft had been influenced by Jessica’s employment at the company. His purchase might give him the credibility that would make it easier to lure her away.

Brandon grabbed the front door and held it open for Abel. They entered a lobby with a black-and-gray granite floor and crisp white walls. A receptionist sat behind a desk surfaced with the same granite as the floor. She smiled as they approached.

To her right stood an attractive girl with long brown hair and flawless skin. She wore a gray fitted pantsuit with an ice-blue camisole peeking out of the top of her jacket. There was nothing particularly remarkable about her, nothing that would make her stand out from the thousands of attractive girls Abel had seen in his long life, until she gazed straight at him. Pale blue eyes the color of the Kansas sky pierced his flesh to the bones.

Her cheeks flushed an enticing rosy hue when she smiled. Abel’s breath caught in his throat. He forced the air down and smiled back. Something was oddly familiar about her.

As he stepped closer, her scent overwhelmed him. It was like being blasted in the face by honeysuckle, or maybe strawberries. Unable to stop himself, he breathed in deeply, filling his lungs with her and noticing the underlying spice of black licorice. The smell told him she was in the midst of her most fertile time, and thus completely off limits. But his body didn’t listen to logic.

Instead, a dormant craving sprang to life, and in his mind’s eye, he saw her in his arms, his teeth nipping at the fragrant nape of her neck, her head tilting back and a breathy moan escaping her cherry lips.

The blood quickly vacated his head and traveled somewhere most unwanted. He chastised himself. She was only a pretty girl, and just because he was celibate, didn’t mean he’d go the rest of his life without finding someone captivating.

As the longing grew into an ache, he tried to push the vision of her beneath him from his mind. It refused to budge. Heaven help him, he needed to put some distance between himself and the beautiful woman. Instead, he quickened his stride until he stood a few feet in front of her. Brandon stopped right behind him, seeming just as eager.

She stepped forward and held out her hand. “Good morning, you must be Mr. Karras and Mr. Hahn. It’s nice to meet you.”

Brandon nudged Abel out of the way and took her hand, staring at the girl’s chest the whole time. He gave the hand a gentle pump. “You can call me Brandon.”

Abel had never cared before when Brandon ogled a woman, but the current indiscretion made his chest tighten. With a movement faster than the human eye could process, he elbowed Brandon’s arm. Brandon blushed as his eyes darted to the girl’s face.

“Okay, Brandon,” she said. “I hope you had a comfortable trip to Kansas.”

Brandon gave her a goofy grin. “It was great.”

She glanced at their clasped hands and back at Brandon. He stared at her with the same silly grin. After a few awkward seconds, she tugged herself free of Brandon’s grip and held her hand out to Abel.

He took it, enjoying the warmth radiating through his skin. “You can call me Abel. And your name is?”

“Jessica Pierce.”

Brandon flinched. Abel’s eyes widened.

This was the girl they’d come for? With her braces gone and her skin as smooth as porcelain, she looked nothing like her picture.

Just to be certain, Abel flipped her hand over to inspect her wrist. Sure enough, the birthmark branded her, and in that instant, he realized he knew everything about the girl standing before him, from the hospital where she was born, to the address of every home in which she’d ever laid her head. In a strange way, the knowledge comforted him, gave him a claim to her that no other man in his elite circle had. Well, almost no one. Constantine didn’t really count, did he? He’d been hired, after all.

He came back to the present with a start when Jessica jerked her arm, trying to free her hand. Only, he wasn’t ready to let her go just yet, and he held his ground, wrapping his fingers tighter around her wrist.

Apprehension tensed her features as he held up her arm for Brandon to see. Brandon peered at the red mark and let out a long whistle. She jerked her hand again, but Abel couldn’t stand the thought of letting her go.

Brandon chuckled, though a hesitant warning showed in his eyes. “Abel, I think she wants her hand back.”

“Yes, please,” she squeaked in an unnaturally high voice.

Abel bowed his head and released her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

With lines creasing her forehead, Jessica stumbled backwards. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to your airplane.” She whirled around and hurried away, not stopping to see if they followed.

Brandon shook his head, his mouth pulling down at the corners. “Smooth, Abel. I’m pretty sure you just topped out on her creep-o-meter. Good luck getting her to take a job with you now.”

Abel’s jaw clenched. Brandon was right. He had wanted to make an impression, but not a bad one. “She caught me off guard. I didn’t expect to meet her at the delivery.”

He’d planned to seek her out after the plane inspection and make her a job offer she couldn’t refuse. But if she thought he was ‘creepy,’ as Brandon had so eloquently stated, he might have to change his strategy.

Brandon rolled his eyes and hurried after Jessica. Abel sighed and took off behind Brandon. Good thing he wasn’t above playing dirty to get what he wanted. And he definitely wanted Jessica.


* * *


Jessica ran a finger over the red birthmark above her wrist as she hurried into the hangar. Why had Abel found the ugly, oversized freckle so fascinating? She slowed, remembering that Rebecca was watching. It probably wouldn’t bode well for her future employment if she were halfway across the hangar before Abel and Brandon even made it to the door.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw Abel staring at her with piercing jade eyes. She was positive his gaze could bring an entire harem to their knees, and that voice of his, with its deep velvet smoothness and respectable British accent, could surely command armies. He was also blessed in the height department, standing at least six-foot-five, with bronze skin and perfectly groomed short, dark hair. He even had a chiseled jaw. Pair that with an expensive tailored suit that showed off his slender but sturdy frame, and it all made her knees wobble. She quickly turned her attention back to the plane on the tarmac and focused on not tripping in her high-heeled boots.

Goodness, she felt faint. She couldn’t even remember what Brandon looked like, though he’d been walking right beside Abel.
Poor guy
. He must always pale in comparison to Abel’s splendor.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she reached Doug and Rebecca. Without a doubt, they’d be disappointed in her performance.
Who cares?
She was supposed to be designing aircraft systems, not greeting clients. Customer service wasn’t in her job description. Then, she thought of Ben’s family and sucked it up. A job was a job, no matter what department she worked for.

Rebecca’s mouth gaped slightly as she stared toward Abel, and her posture straightened, her breasts pushing against her cream blouse. Obviously, she wasn’t immune to the man’s looks, either. She recovered quickly, her open mouth morphing into a snow-white, toothy grin.

She sidestepped Jessica and grabbed Abel’s hand, pumping ruthlessly. “Welcome to Clyde Aircraft. You must be Mr. Karras.” She gestured at the Baron XLS sitting on the tarmac. “Are you ready to see your plane?”

Abel nodded, a small smile flirting with his lips.

Rebecca seemed to expect a more enthusiastic response. She widened her grin. “You’re going to love owning a Baron. Did you know it’s the fastest business jet on the market?”

Abel gazed at Jessica, his indifferent mood turning to one of keen interest. “That’s
of the reasons I purchased it.”

Jessica fidgeted with her necklace, uncomfortable with his eyes on her and the sense of something unsaid in his words.

Rebecca ushered him toward the plane as a mechanic eased down the jet stairs. Abel took a few steps forward, then, his eyes sparkling, spun around to face Jessica. “Have you been inside a Baron before?”

Jessica shook her head. “Not with interiors installed.”

“Would you like to see mine?”

She glanced from Doug to Rebecca, not sure what proper protocol entailed.

Doug grabbed her arm and nudged her forward. “She’d love to.”

Abel didn’t turn toward his jet until he seemed certain she’d follow. She picked up the pace and noticed a bright smile lighting up his face. For some reason, she couldn’t help but return it, her lips curving up until she was sure the grin even touched her eyes.

When they reached the jet, he held out his hand to help her ascend the stairs. She took it, a little embarrassed by the prospect of touching him again, but goaded by how much more embarrassing it would be if she tripped and tumbled down the steps. Knowing her history in high heels, that was a distinct possibility.

His skin was warm, especially compared with the frigid temperatures outside. She felt her cheeks flush and was relieved when the gusty wind whipped her hair around, hiding her face. Maybe he wouldn’t notice the effect his touch had on her, or maybe it was having the same effect on him because he seemed to stare at her with a strange wonder.

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