The Callindra Chronicles Book One - First Quest (17 page)

Read The Callindra Chronicles Book One - First Quest Online

Authors: Benjamin Fisher-Merritt

Tags: #fiction, #adventure, #action, #fantasy, #magic, #swordfighting, #girl power

BOOK: The Callindra Chronicles Book One - First Quest
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A hand fell on her shoulder, jolting her back
to herself. “Are you OK Callindra?” Tryst asked.

I just…” She took a deep
breath, “That was my first battle. The first time I ever killed
with my sword. It was not as I had imagined.”

When it gets easier is when
you should question yourself.” He said with a sad smile, “I am
conflicted any time I’m forced to raise my hammer to do violence
upon another. That hesitation has nearly cost me my life more than
once, but that risk is worth the preservation of my

I fear we may not have the
luxury of hesitation if fell things are invading the world of men.”
Vilhylm said, walking over to where they sat. “The lives of many
may well depend on our swift and decisive action.”

I will always strive to
uphold the First Oath my master taught me.” Callindra said, “Battle
shall always be my last resort. My honor belongs to those weaker
than myself. The edge of my sword stands against the Unlawful.
Always seek peace, equilibrium in the world mirroring the balance
of my blade. The wind blows impartially on sea and wildfire, on
forest and mountain, bringing the seasons to pass. I am as the

Those are flowery words
girl, but try and apply that when facing a mob of angry villagers
who blame you for something that’s gone wrong.” Sneered Cronos,
“Besides, don’t you think these are weaker than you?” He said,
kicking one of the Kobold corpses.

There’s nothing wrong with
having ideals as long as you don’t let them get you killed.” Said

I have been the weakest
before; I know what it’s like on the bottom. None of you have any
idea what it’s like to be a girl working in a Lord’s Holding.”
Callindra retorted, “I won’t abuse what I have been given, nor will
I allow others to do so if it’s within my power to stop them. These
creatures slaughtered an innocent caravan not to mention they
attacked us without provocation, their actions forfeit the peace of
the First Oath.”

Cronos gave her a critical look, “Just don’t
put your ideas about justice before my life; I don’t share your
ridiculous optimism about the world.” He spun on his heel and
walked back towards where the horses were tethered.

Vilhylm looked after his retreating form,
“I’ve been here before Callindra and I’ve been where you are also.
I admire your convictions. I wish I still shared them.”

Someone has to; otherwise
what’s the point of being alive?” She sheathed Brightfang with
practiced ease.

I trust you won’t turn up
your nose at the spoils of battle?” He asked holding out a small
pouch, “Those Kobolds had a bit of silver on them. It’s not much
but we all have needs. That armor of yours will need to be repaired
after today at very least.”

She took the pouch and held it in her hand.
“This was likely the property of these caravan drivers recently. It
probably belongs to their families.”

There’s no way of knowing
that now.” Vilhylm said, “If you want to survive you are going to
have to think of yourself eventually. It’s impossible to always put
others first Callindra.”

I will accept this, but
there are more important things than money.” Callindra said, tying
the pouch to her belt, “I fought back to back with Cronos today. He
treated me like an equal on the battlefield, you all did. I don’t
know if I can explain what that means to me other than to say I
will lay down my life to protect you.”

Well said Callindra, let’s
hope it doesn’t come to that.” Tryst said with a wry



Chapter 15


The group had spent five days riding and
thankfully had not seen any more trouble. The sun was close to
setting and they were approaching a small town. Callindra seemed to
remember Tryst calling it Gomreed apparently after the name of the
grasses that grew at the edge of the lake from which many of the
townsfolk made their living.

While Vilhylm and Cronos went to find
lodging, Callindra and Tryst asked directions to the constable so
that they might report the trouble they’d had with Kobolds.
Although it had been seven days this was the first place that had
someone who would be able to send word to a Lord and Tryst was
adamant that someone of authority be notified.

The cut on her thigh was healing nicely
thanks to an ointment Tryst had given her, but it still itched bad
enough to make her irritable. After days in the saddle by day and
sleeping on the ground at night Callindra was ready for a hot bath
and a real bed, but Tryst insisted on seeing the constable before
they secured lodgings. She would have let him go on his own but he
had asked her to accompany him.

Callindra, I would welcome
your input when reporting this matter to the authorities.” He had
said, “I think you would give good perspective if they ask specific
questions. I am less skilled in tactics and warfare than you

It was flattering and she agreed to go, in
spite of her desire to slip into a hot bath. As they made their way
through the hard packed dirt streets of Gomreed, Callindra noticed
they were attracting a lot of attention. Some even went as far as
to shutter windows and bar doors.

Do you think there has been
trouble here lately? I don’t remember villagers being this fearful
before, do you Tryst?” She asked.

It just depends on where
you go Callindra, every village is different. Some fear outsiders
and others welcome them.” He sounded exhausted, worn to the

They entered a business district with shops
and a few taverns with music pouring out of their doorways. “Well
either way let’s just find their magistrate or whatever and to the
inn. My skin feels like it’s going to crawl away and I’m really
looking forward to a hot meal.” The familiar scent of tac touched
her nostrils and she turned her head to find the source. A small
store was nestled between a pair of taverns, the sign above the
door read ‘The Dry House’ and a man stood outside smoking a long
stemmed pipe.

Pardon me sir, would you
know the way to the local constable?” Callindra said with a smile.
“We have something to report.”

Run into trouble on the
road?” He said, blowing a large smoke ring. An errant breeze blew
it spiraling erratically over their heads, although strangely
enough it kept its shape.

Something like that. My
name’s Callindra, this is my traveling companion Tryst.” She said,
extending her hand.

Fredrick.” He said, firmly
shaking her hand, “The local magistrate’s office is just down the
road on the right, you can’t miss the sign hanging over the street.
It’s a noose with a raven flying overhead. Stop by on your way
back, I can tell you’re interested in my wares.” He smiled and
released her hand.

Thanks Fredrick, maybe I
will.” She said, “The smell brings back some memories I don’t want
to lose.”

Good luck.”

They continued down the street and soon saw
the aforementioned sign. Tryst stopped in the doorway, “Excuse me,
is this the office of the Magistrate?”

A large man wearing a doublet stained with
rust from armor came to the door. “Yeah yeah, what is it now?” He
grumbled, “Someone had better be murdered.”

I apologize sir, allow me
to introduce myself. My name is Tryst Te’Chern and this is my
traveling companion Callindra.” Tryst said, “I wish to report that
a caravan was waylaid along the road approximately five days ago by
kobolds. There were no survivors.”

What do you want me to do
about it?” He asked, “Out of my jurisdiction. I don’t have any sway
along the road, let alone the manpower even if I did have the

Well as to that, we dealt
with the problem.” Tryst said, “I just wanted to have the influx of
those creatures to be reported to someone of authority.”

Then why are you telling
me? If the problem’s solved then there’s even less I can do about
it.” He said, turning to go back into the building.

Sir!” Tryst burst out,
causing him to pause.

Was there something else? I
have my dinner waiting inside and a tankard of good ale that’s
getting flat.”

I apologize for the
inconvenience sir but could you please pass along messages to the
Lords of nearby Holdings if I pen it out tonight? It would carry
more weight coming from a local Magistrate.” Tryst almost managed
to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

Fine.” The Magistrate said
and slammed the door in Tryst’s face.

That fat, worthless…” Tryst
took a deep breath, “He’s a disgrace to his position.”

Come on Tryst, let’s go get
a drink and some rest.” Said Callindra, reaching out to touch his


The bath was wonderful. It was a wide, deep
copper affair, set before a roaring fire in a tiled room. A bottle
of chilled wine sat within arm’s reach and there was an attendant
with strong fingers to rub scented oils into her scalp and tense
shoulder muscles.

Can I get you aught else
Miss?” The maid asked, setting down a thick robe next to the

Mmmm?” Callindra raised her
head slightly, “No, this is heaven.”

You really a

Huh?” Callindra reached for
her wine glass and took a drink, “What’s your name?”

Donna Miss.”

Please call me Callindra
Donna, Miss doesn’t quite fit.” She grinned and drained her goblet,
“Yes I am a warrior, why?”

Well, I never seen a woman
what used a sword before.” Donna said, glancing at the sheathed
Brightfang who lay within easy reach of Callindra’s right hand.
“Why you keep it so close? Ain’t like someone gonna attack you

Brightfang isn’t just a
sword Donna, he is my companion.” She smiled at the confused look
on the woman’s face, “He is my friend who will never betray me as
long as I stay true to him. We are bonded.”

Oh.” Donna gave her a
direct, doubtful look, “That mean you don’t like men?”

What?” Callindra burst out
laughing, “No, it just means that I don’t have to worry about
anyone taking advantage of me, man woman or monster.”

Callindra’s laughter was infectious and the
maid laughed along with her, “Sounds lonely, I wouldn’t mind that
knight with the hammer takin advantage of me.”

Knight? Oh you mean Tryst?
He’s a priest, although I don’t know if his order is a chaste one
or not.” Callindra shrugged, “He’s pretty enough if you like that
sort of thing. I guess I never gave it much thought.”

She stood and Donna gasped, “Gods; that
wound!” She exclaimed, pointing at the newly healed gash across her

Yeah, it was a pretty nasty
one.” Callindra said with a shrug, “It’s healing well though,
mostly thanks to Tryst’s skills. This one hurt too.” She said
pointing to a long shallow scar across her rib cage, “Without my
armor it might have killed me.”

So many scars…” Donna’s
voice trailed off as she saw the myriad of thin lines that
crisscrossed her arms. “How you get em? How old are you

I’m eighteen. Most of these
are from training, many are ones I gave myself. Learning to wield a
sword isn’t without its hazards.”

Eighteen? My younger
sister’s eighteen, she’s been settled for near two years now. Has
the sweetest pair of boys you ever seen.” Donna glanced over
Callindra’s lean, muscled form and decided to stop talking about

Donna I wonder if you could
get a couple pairs of men’s breeches that would fit me? Maybe a
shirt too. I could do with some extra clothes.”

Sure, no trouble.” Said
Donna, “Well I best get to work. Good ta meet you Callindra, I’ll
bring the clothes you wanted up when we get em. Should be with

Callindra regretfully looked at the empty
wine bottle, but knew she should stick to water lest her head get
the better of her the next morning. She sighed, wrapped the robe
Donna had left around herself, picked up Brightfang and made her
way up to her room.


The next morning when Callindra woke she
could hear the maids moving through the hallways. Opening the door
she found her new clothes folded and sitting outside her door just
as Donna had promised alongside a tray with three small grilled
fish, a pitcher of milk and half a loaf of bread so fresh it was
still warm to the touch.

She dressed quickly and only paused to buckle
Brightfang on over her tunic and grab the loaf of bread before
heading out into the street, making her way back to The Dry House.
It had been a long time since she had smelled the particular blend
of tac that Glarian used to smoke, but yesterday the scent had been

When she arrived, Fredrick was just opening
his shop. A pot of strong tea was brewing over a small coal stove
just inside the door and a heavy loaf of bread similar to the one
she had consumed on the way here sat next to it.

Ahhh… Callindra wasn’t it?”
He said, looking up as she approached.

Fredrick, I am interested
in that blend you were smoking yesterday.” She said, “I think it
was an old friend’s favorite blend and the scent really brought
back some pleasant memories.”

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