The Bunker (The Infected Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Bunker (The Infected Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twelve


That night even with the help of the whiskey, I was visited by several ghosts at the bottom of my bed. One after the other they came and accused me of killing them before their time. It got to the point where I left my bed put a t-shirt on and jeans and headed for the second floor gym. If I tired myself out maybe I could fall asleep and not dream. I ran circuits and lifted weights, I even toyed with the idea of going for a swim. In the end I headed to the security room and sat in the dark with the monitors casting their black and white glow over me. I must have fallen asleep with my feet on the desk because when Chris barged in, that was how I woke up.

“Marc, thank fuck! Went by your room this morning and you weren’t there.” He said heaving in breaths with his hands on his knees.

“No shit Sherlock!” I said rubbing my eyes.

“I asked everyone and they said that they hadn’t seen you since to walked out the dining room with Jake last night.”

“I couldn’t see so I tried working out, but in the end came in here to watch the monitors. I must have fallen asleep watching them. Why? What’s got you all upset?”

“Nothing now I found you. I thought you’d done a runner during the night.” He said.

Laughing at his red face I said “So you came looking for me, because of self-preservation.”

He smiled “Fuck you!”

Looking at the monitors I saw people moving through the hallways looking around. The family had headed for the dining room and the mother was making breakfast. The couple were still in their room getting cleaned up. Jake was heading for the lifts and Amy was in the Library on the third floor.

“Come on, I’m hungry.” Chris said backing out of the room.

Standing I followed him out and locked the door behind me and headed for the dining room. We entered the dining room and the family and Jake turned to watch us come in.

“There’s juice and fresh coffee, I made some toast for everyone as well. It’s the best I can do till I have had a look through what we have.” Jennie said blushing.

“Thank you! Its Jennie isn’t it?” I said.

She nodded.

“Well again thank you Jennie and you didn’t have to do any of this.” I said.

“No its ok I wanted to. I wanted to do it as a thank you. Plus I was wondering if you wanted someone to run the kitchen? I was going to offer last night, but you had headed off to bed.” She said looking at her husband.

“I was talking with Chris last night and I thought it might be a good idea that if there is something that effects the running of the bunker, within certain lines, then it should be a group decision.” I said.

David looked at Chris and then me “So you’re not in charge?”

Chris spoke before I got the chance “Marc should be in charge, but because there is someone who would take offense at that, he’s come up with this.”

Jake laughed and said “This wouldn’t be that pain the arse Rosa by any chance?”

To tell the truth I couldn’t even look him in the eyes. Just then Amy walked in carrying a small book and went to sit with Jake.

“What’s so funny Jake?” Amy asked sitting down.

Jake just started to laugh more.

“Mr Marc is frightened of that Rosa woman.” Philip chipped in.

How Jake didn’t fall off his seat was a mystery. I just walked passed and into the kitchen. I could hear them all start talking as soon as I was out of sight and to tell the truth, I wanted to just head back to my room and finish of the whiskey. Taking some toast and coffee I headed back out into the dining room and sat down away from the others.

I was just about to finish my coffee when the dining room door opened and in came Rosa and Tom.

“Well, well if it isn’t the humping couple.” Jake said smiling.

Rosa went crimson and shouted “What did you say old man?”

“I said, if it isn’t the humping couple!” He replied his smile getting even bigger.

“How dare you!” She nearly screamed.

Jake stood up and glared at her before saying “How dare I, woman you and your boyfriend were at it all last night and my room is right next to yours. You kept me awake till early this morning, humping away like bunnies. Tom I have to admit you must have stamina like a horse.”

Tom’s mouth tugged at the sides like he wanted to smile, but daren’t.

Rosa stormed forward toward Jake and I knew what was going to happen. I virtually launched myself between them as her hand came up to slap Jake.

Grabbing her wrist I said “There’s no reason to hit him. He’s just a little upset that you weren’t considerate about other people, on their first night here.”

Rosa pulled her hand out of my grasp and said “Who are you to judge what anyone does? You’re not even in charge from what he says.” pointing at Chris.

“That’s not the point Rosa and you know it.” I said.

“I don’t care what your point is. I will do whatever I want.”

I heard a chair scrap back and out the corner of my eye I saw Jennie stand up.

“So you would hit an old man? Just because he told the truth and also insult the man that went out of his way to save you and your boyfriend.” Jennie said.

“I am not in the habit of taking the advice of a housewife.” Rosa spat.

I looked at her and asked “Ok Rosa if you’re so important what did you do before the infected?”

“My father was very rich and I didn’t have to do anything” She said actually raising her nose at us.

Jake looked dumbfounded and said “So you didn’t do anything, but live off daddy’s money? Shit and there was I thinking she was some shitty politician.”

“I would never had been in that cesspit of a village if Tom had not taken me there as a romantic getaway.” She said.

God this woman is digging herself in deeper and I swear Tom was smiling at the way she was going on.

“Let’s just all calm down. Tom if you and Rosa could put a room between you and any neighbour that would be great. Jennie asked if she could contribute by being put in charge of the kitchen and meals. I said we would have a vote on it, instead of me just making a decision.” I asked.

“Hold on I’m not finished talking and won’t be eating any of the swill she will be making. I say I should be put in charge because daddy had me running our household servants.” Rosa interrupted.

David stood so quickly the chair tipped over and if his eyes were daggers Rosa would be dead.

“What did you just say?” His soft voice taking on a chill.

Now either Rosa hadn’t heard the threat or was extremely dim I don’t know because she actually answered him “I said I won’t be eating anything she will make, and that I should be in charge and you work for me.”

Got to love Chris he had seen the look in David’s eyes and held him back. I sure that if David had managed to hit her, she would have been snapped like a stick. It was getting to the point where anyone of us would have gladly taken Rosa up to the entrance when Amy spoke “Rosa, I hate to say this shut the fuck up. The rest of us have already had a chat and even with your say, you’re out voted. We decided that Marc is in charge of everything and if and Chris aren’t here then David is. Oh and one other thing, you saying ‘I’m the sexiest bitch you have ever had.’ will never make it true.” She finished with the sweetest looking smile on her face.

Amy then said “If she makes a move on me nobody stop her. Or I swear to god I will kneecap you.”

You could see the outrage in Rosa’s face but you could also see the panic and indecision. On one hand she had just been insulted in a way only another woman can do and she had no one to stop the fight if she started one. Add to the fact Amy looked like she knew how to fight as well. Chris was holding David still but hiding his grin behind the man’s back. David on the other hand was grinning openly. Jake, being Jake was laughing his head off and lastly Jennie and the kids were just watching everything with their mouths open. Me? Well I was laughing my head off inside but outwardly I was trying my hardest to keep a straight face much like Tom was.

In the end all Rosa could do was turn round and storm out of the dining hall. We all watched her go and as soon as the door were closed started to laugh and even Tom joined in.

Between bouts Tom said “You do realise she is going to make it hard for us, don’t you.”

With tears running down my cheeks I said “I’m sure you can talk to her. Just let her know that if she causes too many waves we will give her a survival kit and put her outside.”

Tom stopped laughing and looked at me before asking “You would really do that?”

Chris spoke “Marc and I had to that once already.”

Amy asked “Why on earth did you do that?”

I sat down and said “I suppose now’s as better time as any.”








Chapter Thirteen


I started telling them all how I had met up with Chris and Jay and continued up to yesterday when we heard the radio call from them. I told them all about the bikers and how the women we had saved turned on us. To tell you the truth if someone had been tell me this I’d be thinking ‘What had I let myself in for?’ It wasn’t long before I finished.

I sat there looking at each in turn then got up and headed off out the dining room.

“Marc where you off to?” Chris shouted.

“I’ll be in my room.” I said letting the door close behind me.

Waiting for the lift I had all kinds of thoughts going through my mind. As the doors opened I dismissed them all and headed for my room. Closing my door behind me when I got there, I headed for a shower. Stripping I turned the taps on and stepped inside. Getting clean was the only thing I was letting my mind concentrate on, because if I didn’t I’d be reaching for what remained of that bottle of Whiskey by the bed. Scrubbed till I was pink I grabbed a clean towel and headed for the bed. I nearly screamed when I saw Amy sat on the bed with a smile on her face.

Holding the towel like it was shield I said “Don’t you knock?”

“I did but you didn’t answer, so I came in.” She answered.

“Do you mind?” I said.

“Nope, not in the slightest.” She said grinning.

“Look if you’re here to have a go can you at least wait till later on when I have some clothes on.” I said starting to feel uncomfortable.

“I’m not here to have a go, but I will come back for that chat.” She said standing and heading for the door.

Stopping just short of the door she turned and looked me up and down like I was a side of beef. I must have blushed because she laughed and left the room. What the fuck? I mean was she flirting or just trying to wind me up? I could never understand the way a woman thinks. Sitting on the bed I started to dry my hair when I heard the door open again.

“Amy listen can you wait till I get dressed first?” I shouted.

A quiet male voice said “Amy eh? I wondered where she had gone to.”

Looking up I saw David in the doorway smiling.

“Oh! For fuck sake.” I said.

Laughing he came in and sat in a chair.

“Sorry it’s just that was too easy.” He said laughing.

“You do realise I came here to get away from and talking.” I said.

David just smiled and said “You know for being our leader, you’re a grumpy git.”

That took me by surprise.

“I gather by the look on your face, you expected something different after what you told us?”

“Well I was sort expecting pitch forks and torches actually.” I said.

“Not going to happen. Everyone agreed that saving the women from the bikers was the right thing to do. How were you to know that each of them were damaged goods? The way you handled Chris’ rescue not to mention ours. Well let’s just say no one has any doubts about you or Chris.” He said.

I was pretty sure that was the most I had heard out of him since we had met.

“Are you sure about this because if you’re not there’s always Rosa!” I said smiling.

“You can get fucked with that idea. Even Tom said that you’re the best suited for the job.” David said.

“Ok so what happens next? You do realise that I have never had to do this sort of thing before.”

“Chris said you took the lead quite well on the way here the first time and also the way you came up with the plan to rescue us. Look all we ask is that you don’t endanger anyone for any idiotic goal.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m not Rosa.” I said laughing, poor Rosa she is getting to be the butt of all the jokes.

“No I suppose not. Anyway when are you going to teach me and Tom how to shoot?”

“Well it won’t be just me that teaches you how to shoot, Chris will be helping out more than me. I need to get more practice in myself. Let’s start the training tomorrow and leave today for rest and get everyone fed and watered.” I answered.

“Sounds good to me.” David said slowly pushing himself out of the chair.

“David! I never did ask where are you sleeping, your family I mean?” I asked.

“We decided on one of the bunk rooms on the third floor so we could all be together.” He said.

“I might have an idea to make them more homely.” I said.

“Don’t worry too much about it.” He said and left closing the door behind him.

Because we had been talking for so long my body had air dried and my hair was sticking up in all kinds of stupid places. Walking back into the small bathroom I looked in the mirror and smoothed my hair down as much as I could. Leaving my room I went looking for Chris. I tried the second floor but he wasn’t in the communications centre or any of the other rooms open on that floor. I decided bugger him, I needed a coffee so I headed for the kitchen. Walking into the dining room I could hear arguing coming from the kitchen. Walking over I saw Maddie cowering near a counter.

I crouched down next to her “What’s happening?”

She looked at me with her wide eyes.

“It’s ok you can tell me anything you want.” I said.

“Mom is fighting with that nasty lady about food.” She said nearly crying.

“It’s ok Maddie I’ll go sort this out you stay here and I’ll send your mom back when I’m done. OK?”

She nodded her head up and down so fast I thought her head was going to come off. I stood up and walked in the direction of the freezers. Coming round the corner I saw Jennie trying to stop Rosa leaving with a large arm full of frozen meats.

“Afternoon ladies.” I said.

Jennie turned round to face me and Rosa started looking for an escape route.

“What’s going on here?” I asked.

Jennie pointed at Rosa and said “She’s taking food to horde in her room.”

“What?” I replied.

Rosa tried to push passed Jennie, but was pushed back.

“This bitch is stopping me from taking my food.” Rosa said.

I just looked at her like she was daft.

“I’m entitled to whatever food I want.”

“Excuse me Rosa but that food is for everyone and not just you so please put it back.” I said.

“I will do no such thing.” Rosa said her voice starting to rise.

“You either put it back or I will take it from you and let someone slap some sense into you and because I’m a gentleman, it would have to be one of the women. Jennie is here so I think she might want to do it. So you’ve got three choices you either share or you can go without, or maybe you’d like to go outside and forage for your own food.” I said smiling.

Throwing the food at Jennie’s feet, Rosa shouted “Fine!” and stormed out of the kitchen.

“I think we might need to do an inventory of what’s in the kitchen just to be on the safe side.” I said to Jennie who was gathering the frozen food from the floor.

“You might be right, but I don’t think that will stop her.” She said.

I looked round the edge of the freezers and shouted “Maddie your mom is fine, but can you come here please. I want you to help your mom.”

Maddie came running into the kitchen and hugged her mom. She looked up at me and asked “What help did you want Mr Marc?”

I shook my head and said “It’s just Marc, and I want you to help your mom make an inventory of what food is stocked in the kitchen. Can you do that?”

Her face lit up and she said “Yeah! I can do that.”

“Thank you Maddie. Jennie can do the inventory and then get me a copy? Once a day between meals and if I’m here we can do a check and if anything goes missing I think we know where it’s going.” I said.

Jennie nodded.

“Right now that’s done is there any chance I can get a cup of coffee?”

Jennie laughed and said “Yes, follow me.”

I followed her over to a large flask and she poured a cup of coffee out of it. Adding the sugar and powdered milk, I headed out of the kitchen and sat down at the first table. Tom was right Rosa was becoming a huge pain in the arse, but I just couldn’t put someone outside just because they were a pain in the arse. I needed to talk to Chris about this and probably David as well. If I asked Jake he would just say ‘Kick her out.’ and god only knows what Amy would do, that woman was way too hard to even try and figure out what she would do.

Finishing my coffee I put my mug on the counter and thanked Maddie and Jennie for it. Leaving the dining room I headed for the security room. If there was anywhere in the bunker that I’d be able to find out where Chris was, it was in there. The lift doors opened and I headed down the hallway to the security room. The communications room door was open so I had a look inside and saw Jake sat with his feet on the desk with the headphones on his ears, turning a dial every once in a while.

“Jake, what you doing?” I asked.

“That other lad Christian or something asked if I wanted a job. I said as long as it doesn’t involve lifting anything heavy. So he dragged me up here and shows me how to use the equipment and says ‘Listen out for anyone who needs help.’ and I said fine. I’ve been here most of the morning.”

“Looks like you’ve found a job you enjoy.” I said.

“If I knew this was where I was going to end up after seeing you. I would have come with you after you left the shop.” He said.

I just smiled and said “Have you heard anything then?”

“Not yet, but it’s still early.” Jake said.

“Ok, mate I’ll let you get on.” I said heading across to the security room.

Looking on the external cameras I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I then started to check through all the internal cameras. I saw Rosa stamping backwards and forwards in her room throwing her arms up in the air. I smiled at that. Finally I found Chris and he had Tom and David with him. They were sat round a table stripping weapons down. In the background I could see Philip watching them work with avid attention. I wonder if we have any small calibre rifles or pistols in the armoury.








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