Read The Brat and the Brainiac Online
Authors: Angela Sargenti
Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, she takes me into her mouth and starts sucking me off for real. Her tongue is fabulous, and I know she’s more experienced than I am, but then I forget the thought because she’s got me coming so hard I raise my arms and grab the back of the couch just to have something to hang onto.
“Oh, Miranda, oh, God, that feels good.”
She sticks with me, letting me come in her mouth, and when she’s finished, she sits up with a smile and waits patiently for me to recover. Once I finally do, I let go of the couch and hold my arms out to her, and she comes and sits on my lap.
“Oh, Miranda, I love you so much. Please don’t make me punish you anymore.”
She takes my chin in her hand and forces me to meet her gaze. “But Jason, I have to.”
Lifting my brows, I say, “What do you mean, you have to?”
“I mean, I need the discipline. I just do. I have to be spanked every so often, and I really can’t live without it.”
She hangs her head and nods. “I know it sounds fucked up, but I guess I was born this way. I can’t help it.”
I sit back and think about what she just told me. It actually explains a lot, but I wonder if I can be part of that lifestyle.
“Is there a way we can make it better for me? Like, can I spank you a little bit every few days, or do I have to bruise your butt every time?”
“Every few days should be all right. Maybe once a week, with a really hard spanking every month or two?”
“What? You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”
I glance around the room to buy myself some time, but I’m not really seeing my living room. Instead, I see the buffet table at the party where we met. More specifically, I see the orchids in their square black containers, such delicate plants, so easily bruised. They remind me of her. I glance at her again and she’s on tenterhooks waiting for my answer.
What do I say? That she’s sick in the head and somewhere deep down inside, I’ve always known it? But if she is, what does that make me, who jumped right in and punished her without a qualm, without her ever even asking me to, just me knowing instinctively that she needed it.
“Well?” she asks in a small voice. “You do think I’m crazy, don’t you?”
And I say, “No,” and I mean it. “No, baby, not at all. Not even a little bit.”
“Then you’ll do it?”
“Sure, if that’s what you really want. But what do we do during spring training and really long road trips?”
“We can Skype, or you can text me to spank myself.”
I have to admit, at least to myself, that the idea excites me, giving her instructions on how I want her to punish herself. Maybe Skype’s the best, so I can see whether she’s following my orders or not and turning her own lovely cheeks a blushing shade of pink.
And I say, “Okay.”
And she says, “It’s all right? You’ll give me what I need?”
I don’t say anything else, and my silence makes her nervous.
She says, “You don’t want to change your mind about marrying me?”
“No,” I tell her. “Of course not. But I still have a couple of questions.”
“How hard do I have to do it?”
She doesn’t answer right away. She looks up like she’s thinking.
“I don’t know,” she says. “Until I start begging, I guess.”
A bolt of passion runs through me, but the idea of beating her until she begs me to quit disturbs me a little, too.
“Jesus, Miranda.”
“I know. Please, Jason? You’re really good at it.”
I chuckle, and then I raise my middle finger to my mouth and chew on my nail, wondering if I can seriously do what she’s asking.
“You’ll just basically take over from Uncle Tommy.”
“What if you’re good for a week or a month?” I ask her. “What do I do then?”
“Maintenance spankings. You’ll spank me anyway, just to remind me to behave, only not quite as hard.”
“Those are some big shoes to fill.”
“I know, but I can help you along by being naughty. You seem to handle that okay. I mean, I went to school and did everything you said.”
Our gazes meet again and I sigh.
“Are you sure this is what you want? Because once we get started, we’re not stopping. You’ll just have to take your medicine like a big girl.”
“I will.”
“And you won’t stop loving me because of it?”
“No. Never.”
When she says that, I believe her, and I believe in our future together, but there are still some things we have to settle.
“What are we going to do about this place?” I ask her, glancing around the room again.
“I had the best idea. You can sell it and come live with us. There’s tons of room, and if you’re worried about someone hearing our private moments, my bedroom’s the farthest one away from Uncle Tommy’s.”
“I’m not sure your uncle would love that solution,” I say, remembering the black eye he gave me last time I bruised her butt for her.
“He would. He will. Please, Jason? Don’t make me do my own housework. It sucks. It’s boring. And please don’t make me be alone when you guys are gone. I don’t think I’d like that after all. But most of all, please don’t make me go away from Uncle Tommy and Ignatius. You don’t know how much I love them.”
“Almost as much as you love me?”
A look of relief washes over her and she smiles.
“Yes. Almost as much as I love you.”
“Then let’s go talk to him.”
After Jason agrees to think about moving in with us, we go back to my house. I present my case to Uncle Tommy, who studies Jason intently.
“You ready for something like that, chief?”
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, I don’t want her to be miserable. What about you? Can you handle having me here all the time?”
“Actually, I meant to talk to you about that. See, the thing is, I don’t have a personal assistant. All I have is Ignatius and Miranda, and apparently she doesn’t want to leave here, so what the hell? You guys can always get a place of your own if it turns out you don’t like it here.”
“Oh, Uncle Tommy, you’re the best,” I tell him, rushing forward and hugging him with my good arm.
“Miranda, wait,” says Jason. “How can I agree to this? I haven’t even seen where I’m supposed to sleep.”
“Really?” asks Uncle Tommy. “You mean you guys didn’t sneak up there while I was gone that time?”
“Of course not,” I tell him. “Jason respects you.”
“Well, then, give him the tour, Miranda. You’re good at that kind of thing.”
“Okay. Come on, Jason. I’ll show you the rest of the house.”
I take him to the upper floors and he’s duly impressed.
“Your closet’s like a dry cleaners,” he tells me. “Has Kevin seen this thing?”
“Not yet, but he will. Eventually.”
“Is there any room for my clothes?”
“Sure,” I tell him. “There are plenty of extra slots.”
“What about my movie memorabilia? Is there room for that?”
“Of course. How about I give you the room next to this one and we convert it into an office for you? Then you can put up as much of your movie stuff as you want.”
“I’ll take the room, but my favorite poster goes in our bedroom or the deal’s off.”
“Well, just it, then, okay? Everything else can go in your office, as much of it as you want.”
“All right. Sounds like a deal.”
I had to go kiss him when he said that, and I even wrestled him down onto the bed for a minute, but he wouldn’t let me take it any farther than a simple kiss.
“Not yet,” he says. “I’m saving it for my first night here.”
“You know, you have a lot of rules about sex, Jason Weed.”
“It’s not just sex. It’ll be like a mini honeymoon. Speaking of which, I have to give your uncle my answer and tell him something that’s going to piss him off.”
“What’s that?”
“I don’t want to wait until you graduate to get married. It’s too far away.”
“For real?”
“Yes. I figure November would be a good time. Then we’re right in the middle of the off-season.”
“Sounds good to me, but I hope Uncle Tommy doesn’t spaz out about it.”
“Let’s go see.” We race each other down the stairs, giggling like a couple of kids. We find Uncle Tommy in the kitchen with Ignatius, explaining his new workload and offering to get someone in to do the heavy scrubbing and whatnot.
“Hey, Ignatius,” I say. “Guess what? This Sci-Fi geek’s moving in with us.”
“So I hear.”
“And guess what else? We’re getting married.”
“I know,” he tells me impatiently. “After you finish college.”
I shake my head. “Nope. Not after college. I mean, after the season’s over.”
Ignatius glances at Uncle Tommy, who then glances at me.
“Yes, Uncle Tommy?”
“You promise me you’ll graduate. I’m not saying yes until you promise me.”
“I do. I promise I’ll graduate.”
Jason steps up, with a significant glance in my direction.
“Oh, she’ll graduate,” says my husband-to-be. “Don’t you worry about that.”
And I say, “See? I have to graduate. Jason won’t let me do otherwise.”
“Good,” says Uncle Tommy, sticking out his hand and shaking Jason’s. “Good. Then marry this brat and make her mind. I never could.”
“Trust me, Tommy, I will.”
“He will,” I tell my uncle. “I will. Even if I have to eat wood sometimes.”
Angela is also known as the queen of short attention span erotica. She has a son and has been married to her best friend for the past nineteen years. She lives in California with her husband and three crazy cats. She has always loved to write, but didn’t start writing professionally until 2007.
For the latest news on what she's doing, check out her erotica website, Friday I'm In Love, at:
Stalk her on Twitter:
Don’t miss these exciting titles by Angela Sargenti and Blushing Books!
The Brat and the Brainiac
Meeting Mr. Pink
The Vampires' Ball
Ransome My Love
The Cowboy and the Mail-Order Bride
She's No Angel
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