The Boys of Summer (51 page)

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Authors: Roger Kahn

BOOK: The Boys of Summer
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“So I sat on the floor in the den, trying to regain my breath and
composure. It was then I looked up at all the photos of my father that adorned the walls. There he was in all his glory: sliding into second base, standing at the edge of the dugout with Jackie Robinson, fielding a ground ball. Or with his broadcasting partner at CBS, Dizzy Dean. The most important element was the one I took for granted. It graced the pictures. It was his smile. It then dawned on me that my father had a key, a key to the secret of life.

“He knew how to enjoy life, and never to question a single second of it. I used to press him on it and ask why he was not confronting the meaning, if any, of our state of being. Wasn’t there a chance it was all nothingness? Dad would look at me and shake his head because he knew he possessed the key. Life is here for us to enjoy. If you look deeply enough, you see that in his smile.

“That night I returned to the dinner table. When I sat down beside Dad, we both smiled, Dad now looked at me once again with the eyes of the knowing, as if to relish this moment with his son, a moment of being alive, of being awake, even as we both pondered sleep.” Mark signed the letter “Love to all the Kahns.”

Pee Wee is gone, but in a larger sense he still is with us. Wherever a white and a black work side by side in friendship, Pee Wee is there. Wherever a strong man helps a child, or a vibrant man extends his grace to a lady, or someone starts to play
Clair de lune,
Pee Wee is in the picture, too. We are not certain of afterlife, but we can surely remember the words of Socrates quoted from the pulpit at my own father’s funeral: “To a good man, no evil can come, either in life or after death.”

Pee Wee is safe.

Roger Kahn at bat.
Photograph by


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Abramson, Jesse, 77, 78, 186

All-Star games, 224, 256, 364-65, 370

Alston, Walter, 199, 203, 313, 351, 371,387

American Association, 322

Artist and Writers Restaurant (New York City).

Associated Press, 73-75, 76, 87, 159, 177

Athletics: and 1929 World Series, 184; and race issues, 368; training camp of, 168; Woodward story about, 168

Baltimore Elite Giants, 278-79, 284, 367, 368-69

Barber, Red (Walter Lanier); and 1941 pennant, 38-39; and 1947 pennant, 46; Friedrich’s listening to broadcasts of, 198; and height of Brooklyn baseball, 427; Kahn’s (Emily) quote of, 43; Kalin’s (Gordon) views about, 33; Kalin’s listening to broadcasts of, 33, 35, 36-38; MacPhail hires, 37; O’Malley’s comments about 427; on Pafko, 265; and Reese, 312; and Robinson, 44

Barney, Rex, 87, 88, 96-97

baseball: as business versus sport, 7; how to write about, 87-88, 159-60.
See also specific person or team

Baseball Encyclopedia,
118, 327

Baseball Hall of Fame, 358

specific person

Bavasi, Emil J. “Buzzy”: and 1953 season, 166, 169,177,178; background of, 166; and Campanella, 369, 371, 431; as Dodger general manager, 100; and Dodger press relations, 166-67; and Dodger trades for Pafko, 263; and Dodgers in Los Angeles, 425; and Dressen’s complaints to Kahn, 119, 120; and Dressen’s firing, 187; and Erskine, 260, 431; and Furillo, 333-34, 335, 432; and Kalin’s first

Bavasi, Emil J. “Buzzy”
year with Dodgers, 102;Kahn’s interview with, 425, 430-32; leaves the Dodgers, 434-35; and O’Malley, 431, 432; as Padres’ president, 381, 425, 435; and race issues, 174, 175, 177,178, 371; and Reese, 432; and Robinson, 388, 389, 432; salary of, 431; and sale of Roe and Cox to Baltimore, 202; and Shuba, 236; and Snider, 381; style of, 166-67; and Young (Dick), 100, 101

Black, Joe, 271-89; and 1952 season. 147, 153-54, 158, 159,160, 164, 179, 273, 280; and 1953 season, 171, 172, 176-77, 179-80, 274, 280; background of, 274-76; and Campanella, 362; in Chicago, 272-89; with Cincinnati, 280; as coach, 272, 284; control of, 179; and Cubs, 273; and Dodger team spirit, 420; Dodgers sign, 279; dreams of, 112-13, 271, 275, 276-77; and Dressen, 154,171, 179-80, 273, 279-80; education of, 275, 277-78, 281, 284, 286; family/personal life of, 272, 273, 280, 284-85, 286, 287; favorite players and team of, 276; and Furillo, 340; and Hodges, 273; malformity of, 171; in military, 278; in minor leagues, 279, 280; at Morgan State, 277-78; with Negro National League, 278-79, 284; philosophy of, 288-89; as pitcher, 112-13,158, 171,271,273-74, 279, 280-81; in Plainfield, New Jersey, 272, 274-76, 281-84; post-baseball life of, 263, 272-89, 447; and race issues, 112, 172, 176-77, 274, 276-78, 279, 281-89, 420, 447; and Reese, 273, 320; and religion, 276; “remaking” of, 179-80, 280; and Robinson, 176, 273, 284; as rookie-of-the-vear, 274; with Royals, 279; scotch present from, 159; with Senators, 271, 280; signs Kahn’s glove, 414; “sophomore jinx” of, 171, 179; as teacher and coach, 272, 281-84; and World Series games, 160, 164, 180, 273

Bleeck’s Restaurant (New York City), 63-64, 70, 73, 114, 379,433

The Boys of Summer
(Kahn): Kalin’s writing and reviews of the, 440-45

Branca, Ralph, 92, 97, 120-21, 214, 242, 265, 324, 370

Braves: and 1914 World Series, 204; and 1953 season, 428-29; Dodgers play the, 104, 145-46,153-54, 158, 180, 181, 307, 365; Erskine works out with, 255-56; Mets play, 343; move to Milwaukee by, 428-29; Pafko with, 263, 268, 269; Ruth with, 16, 19, 387

Broun, Heywood Hale, 72, 87, 444

Camilli, Dolph, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 349

Camp Al-Gon-Kwit, 25-29, 33

Campanella, Roxie, 362-63, 366, 367, 373

Campanella, Roy, 355-73; and 1946 season, 370; and 1948 season, 349; and 1951 season, 121, 357, 358, 363; and 1952 season, 104,117, 122-23, 142, 143-44, 159; and 1953 season, 172, 180, 183, 184, 358, 363; and 1955 season, 358, 363; and 1957 season, 359, 363; accident and hospitalization of, 258-60, 359-60, 371-73;
autobiography of, 357; awards and honors for, 121, 357, 358, 363, 364; background of, 123-24, 259, 366-68; and Bavasi, 431; and bean balls, 280; and Black, 179, 362; as catcher, 123-24,317, 358; courage of, 371-72; and Cox, 420; death of, 446; Dodger signing of, 370; and Dressen, 143-44,356; early baseball career of, 123-24, 356, 366-71; and Erskine, 124, 258-60, 363; family/ personal life of, 123-24, 360-62, 364, 373; and fans, 364; and Furillo, 328, 329, 340; as hero. 99; as hitter, 180, 358; injuries to, 358; and Kahn’s first Dodger assignment, 52; and Kahn’s revisit to Ebbets Field, 438; and Labine’s memories, 215; locker of, 140; in minor leagues, 369-70; and Newcombe, 369-70; and O’Malley, 359,372; Pafko’s views about, 267; post-baseball life of, 359-73; and race issues, 108, 112, 172, 279, 315, 356-57. 364-65, 368-70, 390; on reading the
versus the
143; Beese’s views about, 315-17; and religion, 372; and Bickey, 369-70; and Bobinson, 315, 356-57, 363, 369-70, 390; and Boe, 309; and signs, 317; and southern tour, 104; and sportswriters, 355, 357, 363; and vitamin pills, 122-23; and World Series games, 183, 184; and Young, 357

Cardinals: and 1941 season, 38-39, 450; and 1947 season, 44-45; Dodgers play the, 38-39, 67-68, 126, 280, 450; National League domination by, 94; and race issues, 44-45, 132-37. 174; and Boe, 298-99, 302-3; strike rumor about, 45.
See also specific player

Casey, Hugh, 38, 364, 365, 371, 451

catchers/catching, 229-31, 259, 315-16, 358.
See also specific person

Chicago, Illinois; and 1952 season, 130-32; Black in, 263, 272-89; Pafko-Kahn visit in, 262-70.
See also
Cubs; White Sox

choking, 90-93, 99-100, 159

Claassen, Harold “Spike,” 73, 74, 75

clutch: Potter’s views about, 229

coaches, 228-29, 347.
See also specific person

college baseball, 86-87

magazine: Snider story in, 375, 377-79,384

Cooke, Robert Barbour “Bob,” 72-73, 77, 86, 87, 88,97, 113, 159-60, 186,188

Corcoran, Leo, 63, 64, 70, 114, 433

Cornish, George Anthony, 62, 65, 89

Cotton States League, 294-95

Cox, Billy, 412-21; and 1948 season, 307, 349; and 1952 season, 117, 129,140-42,146,157,159; and 1953 season, 170-79, 180, 298; background of, 417-19; batting average of, 179, 180; benching of, 170-71; and Campanella. 420; in clubhouse, 140-42; and curve balls, 344; death of, 445; Dodgers sign, 303; and Dressen, 171; early baseball career of, 417-19; finger wagging of, 140-41, 159, 413; and Furillo, 329, 339; and Kahn’s first assignment covering Dodgers, 51; and Kahn’s revisit to Ebbets Field, 438; in Newport, Pennsylvania, 412-21; nickname for, 140; as number 2, 393; and old-rimers’

Cox, Billy
games, 291; O’Malley’s views about, 445; with Pirates, 419; post-baseball life of, 412-21; and pressure, 92; questions to Kahn about, 203; and race issues, 419-21; and Reese, 313, 316, 413; and Robinson, 393, 420-21; and Robinson’s shift to third base, 170-71; and Roe, 307, 413,420; sale to Baltimore of, 202; signs Kahn’s glove, 414, 420; Stengels comment about, 92; and traveling with Dodgers, 129; as utility man, 170-71

creamed cauliflower story, 376-77

Cubs: and 1948 season, 305; and 1952 season, 121-22,124, 146; and Black, 273; Dodgers play the, 25, 114, 124,130,146, 153; Durocher as manager of, 322; Mets play the, 347, 353; Pafko with, 263, 264. 267, 269; and Shuba’s memories, 237; and World Series games, 184, 204, 264, 267, 275, 276

curve balls, 95, 111, 344-45.
See also specific pitcher

Dark, Alvin, 157, 396, 397

Dean, Dizzy, 16, 273, 454, 456

DiMaggio, joe, 45, 46,67, 201, 266

Dodgers: and 1920 season, 450; in 1930s, 37-38; and 1940 season, 317; in 1940s, 38-39; and 1941 season, 38-39, 450; and 1943 season, 349; and 1947 season, 43, 45-46, 448-49; and 1950 season, 82, 89-90; and 1951 season, 90, 213-14; and 1952 season, 7, 89-165, 280; and 1953 season, 166-91; and 1955 season, 202-3; and 1962 season, 425; as baseball-playing men, 204; breakup of Kahn’s, 190; Brooklyn offices of, 437; clubhouse interactions of, 140-46; clubhouse of, 185-86; as family, 447; Goethals and Kahn go see the, 67-68; Kahn early reporting on, 3-5, 6-10, 48-56, 88; Kahn on the road with the, 125-30; Kahn’s dreams of playing with, 16, 27, 28; Kahn’s dressing room story about, 185-86; Kahn’s emotional involvement with, 119, 186,197-98, 225, 451; Kahn’s first year with, 89-165; morale/courage of, 90-91,120-21, 142-43, 158, 159, 175,185-86, 384, 420; move to Los Angeles by, 203, 424-25, 429-30; O’Malley gains control of, 427-28; pitching staff for, 93, 94-98, 99-100,109-11,138,154-55,179, 180; and press relations, 166-67; Robinson’s role in, 393-94, 395-96; southern tour of, 103-114,115; statistics about, 126-27.
See also specific person or topic

Dressen, Charlie: and 1946 season. 370; and 1951 season, 90, 214; and 1952 season, 113,117-20, 124, 142,147, 148-50, 153, 157, 320; and 1952 World Series, 162, 254-55; and 1953 season, 169, 170, 172,175-76,177, 179-80, 280; bed checks by, 132; as book reader, 150-51; comparisons used by, 445; and Dodger pitching, 95, 109-11, 154-55, 202-3; experimentation with line-up by, 172; feelings about defeat of, 120; firing of, 187-91, 193, 313; on Giants, 181; and Kahn family readings of Joyce, 117, 137; and Kahn (Gordon), 136, 138-39; and Kahn’s first Dodger
assignment, 54; and Kahn’s memories of his fathers death, 193; Kahn’s relationship with, 14.3-44; as number 7,393; in Oakland, 118-19, 189-90; and race issues, 111-12, 135, 174,175-76, 177; self-image of, 188; sex counseling by, 116; and southern tour, 109-11; with St. Paul team, 117-18; and statistics about Dodgers, 127; stories about, 316, 376-77; and umpires, 120; views about baseball players of, 144; and Young (Dick), 101.
See also specific player

Durocher, Leo: and 1940 season, 317; and 1943 season, 349; and 1948 season, 304-5; and 1949 season, 338; and 1951 soason, 90; and 1952 season, 158; and 1953 season, 339; and Cubs, 264, 322; and Dodgers in 1930s, 38; and Furillo, 182, 329, 338; Garcia recommended to Dodgers by, 426; as Giants manager, 90, 181, 338; and Hodges’s management style, 347, 350; jokes about, 91; and Laney, 78; named Dodger coach, 37; and Reese, 311, 322-23; and Robinson, 393; on weak teams, 267

Ebbets Field: Campanella’s feelings about, 364; clubhouse at, 139-40; cost of seats at, 21; Exit Gate at, 21; fans at, 268; Kahn’s revisit to, 435-39; and Kahn’s writing of
The Boys of Summer,
441, 442; lockers at, 140; O’Mallev’s sale of, 429; opening of, 67; Roe’s comment about, 309

Edwards, Bruce, 263, 315, 316

Elite Giants, Baltimore, 278-79, 284, 367, 368-69

Erskine, Betty, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 255, 407, 446

Erskine, Carl, 242-61; and 1948 season, 250, 258; and 1951 season, 90, 214; and 1952 season, 125, 159; and 1952 World Series, 160, 161,162,163,164, 246-47, 254-55; and 1953 season, 178-79, 180, 181; and 1953 World Series, 182, 183-84, 186; in Anderson, Indiana, 242-61, 446; arm of, 93, 260-61; background of, 242, 245-46, 248-50; batting average of, 180; and Bavasi, 431; and Braves, 255-56; and Campanella, 124, 258-60, 363; and choking, 93; as coach, 252; and Dodger team spirit, 420; on Dodgers as family, 447; Dodgers sign, 255-57, 260; family of, 242, 245, 247-48, 251, 252, 253-54, 255, 256, 260,261,446; and Furillo, 318, 327, 340, 445; and Hodges, 348; injuries of, 252-53; and Kahn’s first Dodger assignment, 52; and Kahn’s memories of his father’s death, 193; and Kahn’s revisit to Ebbets Field, 438; Kahn’s views about, 116, 117; and Kahn’s writing of
The Boys of Summer,
442; on Kiner, 129; limp of, 252-53; in Los Angeles, 359; in military, 255-56; in minor leagues, 250, 257, 258; and Pafko, 268; as pitcher, 95, 124, 125, 249, 250, 257-60; and poetry, 152-53; post-baseball life of, 242-61, 446; and race issues, 178-79, 250, 420; and Reese, 320; retirement from baseball of, 260, 3.34, 340; and Robinson, 250-51, 407; and Roe, 293; and southern tour, 104; as sports announcer,

Erskine, Carl
252; stories about, 242; and traveling with Dodgers, 129; as wanting to be a Dodger, 256

Erskine, Jimmy, 242, 245, 247-48, 251, 252, 253-54, 255, 261, 446

exhibition games, 103,105,173, 179, 323, 382

Fadiman, Clifton P., 115, 116

fans, 268, 302, 318-19,345-46, 364, 427

farm system, 94

fathers and sons: as theme, 433-35.
See also specific person

Feezle, Stanley, 255, 256, 257, 348

Frick, Ford, 45,166, 291, 336

Friedrich, Otto A., 197-98, 440

Frost, Robert, 81-82, 174, 203-5, 437

Furillo, Carl, 327-41; and 1946 season, 337; and 1949 season, 338; and 1952 season, 117,144-45, 146-47, 154, 163; and 1953 season, 177-78,182, 185, 339; and 1955 season, 333; and 1958 season, 333; background of, 337; and Bavasi, 333-34, 335, 432; and Black, 340; blacklisting of, 328, 336; and Campanella, 328, 329, 340; and choking, 92; and Cox, 329, 339; death of, 445; Dodgers release, 330-31, 334-35; Dodgers sign, 144, 337; Dressen’s views about, 144, 147; and Durocher, 182, 329, 338; early baseball career of, 337-38; ending of baseball career of, 327-28, 334-36, 340; and Erskine, 318, 327, 340, 445; family of, 332, 336, 337; feelings about baseball of, 332-33; as fielder, 145-46, 339; as hitter, 42-43, 144, 182, 329, 330, 333, 445; and Hodges, 343; injuries of, 146-47, 182, 327-28, 333-34, 336, 338-39, 340; and Kahn as baseball player, 452; and Kahn’s first Dodger assignment, 49; Kahn’s (Gordon) comments about, 136; Kahn’s relationship with, 144-45; and Kahn’s revisit to Ebbets Field, 438; Kahn’s views of, 328;Kahn’s World Trade Center meeting with, 331-41;on Maglie, 129; and Mets, 339; as number 6, 393; and old-timers’ games, 339-40; Pafko’s views about, 267, 270; post-baseball life of, 144-45, 327, 330-31, 335-41; and race issues, 177-78, 340; and Reese, 313, 317-18, 321, 328; and Robinson, 328, 329, 340, 393; and Roe, 306, 327, 332, 339; and Roeder, 145; salary of, 334; and Shuba, 235; and Snider, 318, 328, 383; and southern tour, 104; and sportswriters, 334-35; throwing arm of, 328-29, 337, 445; and traveling with Dodgers, 129; views about baseball of, 332-33; and World Series games, 163, 185, 330, 333; and Young (Dick), 329

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