The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (72 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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When I see people doing this exercise in my gym, they often bend their knees and heave the weights up. What is this doing?
It’s doing more harm than good. Using your knees to create momentum and lift the weights up and out to your sides does not benefit you at all. As you see in the exercise description picture, you life the weight by focusing on lifting the elbows straight out to the sides of your body. keeping the arms completely straight can be difficult and tough on the shoulder joints, which is why keeping a slight bend in your elbows will take some stress off of them.

Seated Bent-Over Lateral Raise

This exercise develops the rear deltoids, the muscles at the back of your shoulders, and helps to give your shoulders a three-dimensional appearance.
This exercise can also be done standing, but those with lower back problems are better off performing it seated. If you choose to stand, select a neutral position with a shoulder-width stance. Align, your body from the bottom up, beginning with the feet. Make sure your feet are pointing straight ahead. Keep your knees pointing straight ahead and slightly bent to help avoid any unnecessary back strain. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Look straight ahead. Bend over at your hips


Place a couple of dumbbells parallel to and in front of a flat bench.

Sit on the end of the bench with your legs together and the dumbbells behind your calves.

Bend at the waist while keeping your back straight in order to pick up the dumbbells. The palms of your hands should be facing each other as you pick them up.

Make sure your abdominals are pulled in throughout this exercise.


Keeping your torso forward and stationary. and the arms slightly bent at the elbows, slowly and without momentum, lift the dumbbells straight out to the sides of the body until both arms are parallel to the floor-about shoulder height. Exhale as you lift the weights. Avoid swinging the torso or bringing the arms back instead of to the side. This is very important for rear deltoid isolation. Your elbows should be leading the exercise. Many people doing this and similar exercises lead with the dumbbells and take all the focus off the shoulders. When you lead the movement with dumbbells, you will not optimally stimulate the desired rear deltoid muscle. Try to make sure to move the whole arm together.

Contract the rear deltoid muscle as hard as you can and hold for one second at the top of the exercise (shoulder level or slightly higher), then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Your rear deltoid muscles should still be working while you lower the weight

When you reach the starting position, do not rest. Slowly begin lifting the dumbbells out to each side of your body in a smooth, controlled, fluid motion, without using momentum. Repeat the recommended number of repetitions.


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