The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (31 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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Dumbbell Lunge

This exercise is an excellent movement for all of the muscles in the legs. It primarily stresses the quads, buttocks and hamstring muscles with a secondary emphasis on the calf muscles. This exercise can also be performed with a barbell on the back. The barbell variation can place more stress on the lower back, but because you do not have to hold the dumbbells you might be able to concentrate better on your form. If you do choose to use a barbell, please make sure to first practice the dumbbell version for superior balance and coordination of the movement. Use the same steps described below and start out with no weight, until you feel capable and confident about using heavier weights.


Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms extended down and palms facing your body.

Align your body from the bottom up, first taking a stance with the feet together and the toes pointing straight ahead.

Keep your knees slightly bent to avoid any stress from locking the knee joint.

Slightly contract the abdominal muscles.

Stick the chest out while simultaneously bringing the shoulder blades back, keeping them there throughout the movement.

Keep your head level at all times, making sure your head and your eyes do not drop down or excessively wander upward.


Step forward with your right foot.

Bend at the knee making sure you descend slowly and in control.

As your knee bends and your hips descend, only lower yourself until your left knee is about two inches from the ground and then stop.

When you step forward at the beginning of the movement, make sure to position yourself so that the knee does not go past the toes when you are in the bent-knee position with your left knee two inches from the ground.

Begin to reverse the movement by pressing off the right foot only. You may naturally want to use the left knee to assist in pushing back up, but do not let this happen. The objective is to fully isolate the right leg muscles and use the left leg only as a balancing tool, sort of like the rudder on a boat.

Make sure you do not use momentum as you push off with the right leg to return. This will totally inhibit the stimulation of the leg muscles.

Return to the start position but do not rest. Switch legs and repeat the same movement making sure to maintain the alignment and posture throughout the movement.

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