The Block (7 page)

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Authors: Treasure Hernandez

BOOK: The Block
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Chapter 9
Tone took a deep breath before he exited his car. He walked up to the front door and knocked on it.
Mya answered the door, her smile quickly turning into a frown. “What do you want?”
“We need to talk. Can I come in?”
“Now is not a good time. I got company.”
“Damn! How you got another nigga all up in the crib while you pregnant?”
“Don't come up in here judging me. Besides, he's just my friend. I don't go around fucking anything that moves, like somebody else I know.” Mya rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. What we gon' do about this baby?”
“What you mean,
?” Mya said, a confused look on her face. “I'm gonna have my baby and take care of it. That's what I'm going to do. I don't know what you gon' do.”
“So it's like that?”
“Just like that, until you get your priorities together.”
Just as Tone was about to reply, a man wearing a suit came up behind Mya. “Is everything okay over here?” he asked.
To Tone, he looked like a businessman or a lawyer. Tone stared coldly at the man. “And if it ain't?”
“I'm calling the police.” The man disappeared back inside the house.
“Don't come over here starting no shit,” Mya said.
Tone looked at Mya with disgust as he turned and walked back to his car. Once he got behind the wheel, he heard his cell phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Maine. “What's good?” he answered.
“Where you at?”
“Out. Why? What's up?”
“Shoot over to my crib real quick,” Maine said, ending the call.
An hour later Tone stepped inside Maine's apartment and saw guns all over the place. “You about to go to war with somebody?” he asked half-jokingly.
“Just got the word on where Gruff lives,” Maine said with a smile. “My leg is fully healed. Now it's time to get back to business.”
“So what you called me for?”
“I wanted you to take a ride with me.”
“Nigga, you know I'm out on bail right now. I can't be getting into more shit.”
“Nigga, you ain't gotta do shit. Just ride with me and keep a nigga company. You act like I asked you to pop somebody's head off in broad daylight.”
“A'ight, let's go.”
Tone and Maine headed out the door. Tone knew it was a bad idea but still decided to go along anyway.
“So how did you get this fool's address?”
“Got it from a fiend,” Maine said, quickly backing out of his driveway.
“You sure you shouldn't've brought a few more guys with you?” Tone asked. “I heard this fool even sleeps with his hand on his gun.”
“Fuck him!” Maine spat. “That nigga gonna die with his hand on his gun tonight too.”
“I was just saying.”
“Nigga, I'm a one-man army,” Maine boasted, as he stepped on the gas.
“How did you learn to shoot so good?” Maxine asked as she sat on the bench with Gruff.
“Practice,” Gruff answered quickly. He was watching Tiger run around in the grass. “I stayed in the hood range, until my aim was where I needed it to be.”
“I gotta work on my shit.”
“Practice makes perfect.” Gruff noticed an all-black Audi pull in front of his apartment. Immediately he knew it was trouble. “Who that?” he asked Maxine as they watched from a block away two men wearing all-black kick open their front door and enter their apartment.
“I don't know.” Maxine pulled out her .357. “Let's go find out.”
“Nah,” Gruff said quickly. “Patience.”
Maine kicked the front door open and quickly rushed inside the crib, Tone on his heels. The two searched the whole apartment and found it empty.
“Filthy-ass niggas,” Maine said, looking around the apartment.
In the living room was nothing but a dirty-looking mattress on the floor, the bathroom smelled like shit, and the bedroom looked like an animal lived in it.
Maine snatched open the fridge and just shook his head in disgust. Inside was a box of baking soda and a light bulb. “Bum-ass nigga!” he said to himself, mad that the house was empty. “You wanna wait for the nigga to come home?”
“Fuck outta here!” Tone said, his nose wrinkled up from the foul odor of the apartment. “I ain't staying in here another second,” he said as he exited the apartment.
“Oh shit.” Gruff smiled. “That's Tone right there.”
Maxine stared coldly at the two men exiting their apartment. “Who's that?”
“The nigga Big Phil had hired us to kill.” Gruff watched Maine pull out some kind of machine gun and spray up his apartment before fleeing the scene. “At first I wasn't gonna fill the contract, since I already killed Big Phil, but now we gonna kill these niggas for fun.”
“The sooner the better,” Maxine added.
“That was a nice little message I sent back there, right?” Maine said, glancing over at Tone.
“I guess,” Tone said in a bored tone.
“What you mean, you guess?” Maine said, clearly upset.
“I mean, you should've waited until you ran into to him to send a message. This clown probably got a million enemies. How's he gonna know it came from you?”
“Good point,” Maine said as he pulled up in Detective Abraham's driveway.
“Why did you bring me here?” Tone asked.
Maine let the engine die. “Your pops texted me and said he wanted to see both of us.”
They stepped inside the house and saw Detective Abraham sitting in his usual seat at the kitchen table, having a drink. “How nice of you two to show up,” he said, a smirk on his face.
“What's up, Pops? I heard you wanted to see me.” Tone gave his father a hug.
“Yeah. What's the status with you and that chick?”
“She's out of town right now working on that, as we speak,” Tone told his father.
“So is it a definite?” Detective Abraham asked excitedly.
“Won't know until she gets back.”
“When does she get back?” Detective Abraham asked.
“In a few days,” Tone answered.
“You been keeping out of trouble?”
Tone lied, “Of course, I have.”
“I don't want you doing nothing, you hear?” Detective Abraham warned. “You out on bail and don't need no more trouble.”
“My hands are clean,” Tone said, throwing up his hands in surrender.
“Keep 'em clean,” Detective Abraham said as he turned and headed up the steps. “Y'all can let y'all selves out,” he called down from the top of the steps.
Maine pulled up in front of Tone's house and noticed someone sitting on his doorstep. “Yo, who the fuck is that sitting on ya muthafuckin' doorstep?”
“I have no idea,” Tone said, squinting his eyes to get a better look. He pulled his .40-cal from his waistband. “I can't tell who that is from here.”
Both men hopped out the vehicle, their guns drawn, and approached the man. Tone immediately lowered his gun when he saw that the man sitting on his doorstep 'sleep was his brother Malcolm.
“You good?” Maine asked, looking down at Malcolm in disgust.
“Yeah, I'm straight. I'ma holla at you tomorrow,” Tone said, embarrassed.
Once Maine pulled off, Tone shook his brother. “Nigga, wake the fuck up!” he yelled.
“Oh! Hey, Tone. I was looking for you,” Malcolm said, smiling and showing his rotten teeth.
“Fuck is you doing on my doorstep?” Tone opened the front door and shoved Malcolm inside.
Malcolm whined, “Your big brother needs a little favor.”
“No more favors!” Tone yelled. “You need to kick this shit. This ain't for you.”
“This my last night getting high,” Malcolm said with a smile. “I'm done with all this shit after tonight. All I need from you is fifty dollars, and I'll be on my way.”
Tone knew he was lying, but for some reason he gave him the money anyway. “Here, muthafucka.” He shoved the money in his brother's hand. “If I hear about you getting high after tonight, we no longer family. When I see you, I will walk right past you like I don't know you.”
“Thanks, Tone. I promise I won't let you down.” Malcolm leaned in for a hug.
“Get yourself together,” Tone said sternly, giving his brother a hug.
“You the only family I got left,” Malcolm said as he quickly turned and exited his brother's home in a hurry to get high.
Tone watched as his brother disappeared into the night. All he could do was hope and pray that his brother kept his word, but deep down inside he knew his brother was fighting a battle he couldn't win.
For the entire ride home all Maine could think about was what he was gonna do to Gruff when he finally bumped into him. When he stepped foot inside his house, he noticed the bathroom light was on, but he clearly remembered turning it off.
Immediately Maine pulled out his . 380 with the silencer already on the end of the barrel. As he slowly crept up the steps with a two-handed grip on his weapon, the mystery person exited the bathroom in a hurry.
Maine quickly lowered his gun when he saw who exited his bathroom. “Fuck is you doing here?”
“Baby, I was trying to surprise you,” Monique sang, her arms open for a hug.
Maine's hand quickly shot out and stopped Monique from hugging him. “Didn't I tell you not to come back?”
“I'm sorry, daddy, but I missed you,” Monique whined. “I was just trying to surprise you before you got home.”
“Well, thanks for the surprise. Now put your clothes on and get out,” Maine said, trying not to look at Monique's stripper outfit. She was wearing red fishnet stockings, tall red hooker boots, and a red bra.
“Can I have one more chance, daddy? Please?”
“Nah, you gotta go.”
“Pleeeeease?” Monique purred. She grabbed on Maine's belt and began unbuckling it.
Next thing you know, Maine found himself fucking Monique's mouth like it was a pussy. Monique held on to Maine's dick with two hands, while she allowed him to have his way with her mouth, until he finally exploded in it.
“Fuck!” Maine cursed out loud, mad that he could never resist Monique's touch.
“I'm sorry, daddy. I promise I'll be the best girlfriend in the world from now on.”
Monique hugged Maine and rested her head on his chest, and for the rest of the night, the two had wild make-up sex.
Chapter 10
“I don't know about this,” Lopez said, rubbing his chin.
Serena pressed as the two sat in the restaurant. “Please, Uncle Lopez.”
“You know me and your father don't fuck with them niggers,” Lopez reminded her. “They can't be trusted.”
“I know the rules, but trust me, Tone is different,” Serena said. “Just start him out with ten, and see how he does. I promise you, he won't let you down.”
“Too risky. Plus, nobody's gonna want to drop that off to your friend.” Lopez laughed, shaking his head.
“They can just drop it off to me, and I'll give it to him. That way no one can get in trouble. If anybody gets in trouble, it'll be me.”
“You must really love this guy,” Lopez said in deep thought. “I tell you what—I'll deal with you and you only, but only on one condition.”
“Anything!” Serena said, the biggest smile on her face.
“If your father finds out, you didn't get this from me,” Lopez said seriously. “Even though I'm his brother, I know for a fact he'll kill me.”
“My lips are sealed.”
“Okay, when you get back to New York, call me, and I'll have one of my partners get in touch with you and you only. If you ever bring someone else with you, the deal is off. Understand?”
“Understood,” Serena said, and her and her uncle shook hands.
Monique sat on the couch watching re-runs of
when she heard the house phone ring. She quickly picked it up on the second. “Hello?”
“Hey, baby. What you doing?” Maine asked.
“Nothing. Just sitting here watching
, and missing you,” Monique told him. “When you coming home, daddy?”
“On my way now, baby. I should be there in about fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, baby, hurry up 'cause I—”
Before Monique could finish her sentence, she heard a loud
then saw the front door swing open. Monique saw a man wearing a hoodie standing in the doorway, a smirk on his lips, and behind him was a rough-looking chick with a mean look on her face, both holding big guns.
“Oooh shit!” Monique screamed. She hopped up off the couch with quickness and flew up the steps. As she ran, she remembered that Maine always kept an emergency gun under the mattress.
Gruff stood in the doorway with the same smirk on his face. He looked down at Tiger. “Go get her!” he commanded.
Monique looked back when reached the middle of the steps, only to see a vicious pit bull making its way up the stairs. She panicked and tripped on the last step. She hopped up off the floor quickly but not quick enough. Tiger jumped on her back, tackling her to the floor, then bit down into her neck, growling. Gruff and Maxine just looked on as Tiger ripped Monique to pieces.
Gruff lit up a Newport. “Check the bedroom for a safe.”
“I got you,” Maxine replied as she headed toward the bedroom. She walked right past Tiger while she was still chewing Monique's dead body.
Five minutes later Maxine came back downstairs.
“Bum-ass nigga ain't have no safe, but he did have twenty grand in his drawer,” she said, tapping her pocket.
“Very good,” Gruff said, and him and Maxine exited the house. “Tiger, let's go,” he yelled over his shoulder, and the dog ran to his master.
“Hello!” Maine was still yelling into the phone since he'd heard a loud boom and Monique screaming to the top of her lungs. He continued to listen as he heard Monique hit the floor then heard the sound of some kind of animal or something.
Immediately he dropped his phone as he put the pedal to the metal, weaving in and out of lanes, driving about 90 miles an hour. Nine minutes later, he came to a skidding stop in front of his house. He hopped out his car, his .380 already in his hand, and busted through the front door holding his gun with a two-handed grip.
Straightaway, he spotted Monique's body at the top of the steps. “Ah, hell naw,” he said out loud as he reached the top of the steps and looked down at Monique's half-eaten body. “Muthafuckas!” he shouted as he turned his head away. He rushed downstairs and dialed 9-1-1 from the house phone. “I need an ambulance now!” he said into the receiver before hanging up and heading out the door.
Tone stepped out the shower, wrapped himself in a towel, and grabbed his .45 from off the toilet seat. Someone was banging on his door, and he wasn't expecting company.
Bang! Bang!
Then there was a pause.
Tone looked through the peephole and quickly lowered his gun. He opened the door in a hurry. “Hey, what you doing here?”
“I came to see my muthafuckin' man.” Serena smiled as she closed the door behind her.
“Ya ass almost got shot, banging like the fuckin' police.” Tone held up his gun for Serena to see.
“Well, you had me out here knocking for like ten minutes. I had to make sure you heard me.” Serena smiled as she removed Tone's towel from around his waist. “Did y'all miss me?” she asked, looking down at Tone's dick.
“Come find out,” Tone shot back as he walked to the bedroom, ass naked.
When Serena reached the bedroom, she quickly stripped out of her clothes and slid into Tone's arms.
“I missed you so fuckin' much while I was gone,” she said in between kisses, jerking his dick, making it brick-hard.
Tone quickly pulled away from Serena's kisses, bending down and scooping her up into the air like he was about to body-slam her. Next thing Serena knew, she was upside down in the air. She immediately locked her legs around the back of Tone's head as she felt his tongue sloppily massage her clitoris.
Tone buried his face in Serena's pussy, forcing her to come for him yet again. Serena, still hanging upside down, moaned as she grabbed Tone's dick with two hands and started sucking the shit out of it.
Tone felt his knees weakening each time Serena's head bobbed up and down on his dick, so he quickly laid her down on the bed.
“Come ride ya dick.” He lay back and watched Serena climb up on top of him, reach back, and place his manhood inside of her.
“Damn!” Serena moaned as she planted her hands on Tone's chest and bounced her ass up and on Tone's dick like this was the last time she would ever get dick again in her life.
Just as Tone was getting ready to come, he heard loud knocks coming from his front door again.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Tone quickly sat up and grabbed his sweat pants from off the floor and put them on. Then he grabbed his .45 and headed to the peephole to see who was outside banging on his door. Once he saw who it was, he lowered his gun and unlocked the door.
“Yo, they fuckin' killed her!” Maine said loudly as he stormed up in the house. “They fuckin' killed her!”
“Calm down,” Tone began. “Killed who?”
“Monique.” Maine broke down crying. “They fuckin' her killed her.”
“Who killed her?” Tone asked.
“Gruff,” Maine said, his head buried in his hands.
Serena peeked her head from out the room. “Is everything okay, baby?”
“Yes, baby, everything is fine,” Tone said, waving her back into the room. “Now what happened?”
“When I got home”—Maine paused to wipe his face—“I saw her body laying at the top of the steps. When I finally reached up top, I saw her body all chewed up into little pieces.”
“Into little pieces?” Tone asked, making sure he heard correctly.
“Into little pieces, like she was a piece of meat.”
“We gon' have to hurry up and catch these muthafuckas,” Tone said out loud. “These niggas must think they on some wild wild west shit.”
“I'm about to turn it up out here on these streets,” Maine said with watery eyes. “These muthafuckas wanna play, so now we gon' show them how it's done.”
“Good girl,” Gruff said, rubbing the back of Tiger's head as she chewed down on a chicken bone.
Maxine laughed, thinking back on the situation. “She ate that bitch the fuck up.”
“Tiger don't play that shit.”
Since she was a puppy, Gruff had been training Tiger to be a killing machine. Now, after all of those years of training, it was finally paying off.
“So what's next for us?”
“Tone,” Gruff said in a neutral voice.
“How we gon' get at him?”
Gruff told her, “Easy. By going after his money.”
“You already know I don't give a fuck!” Maxine said in her manly voice. “We going to take these clowns out one by one.”
Tone sat on the couch counting money when he heard his front door being unlocked. “What the fuck!” He quickly grabbed his .45 that rested on the coffee table.
“Hey, baby,” Serena said, walking through the front door with a duffel bag over her shoulder.
“Damn!” Tone placed his .45 back down on the coffee table. “I forgot I gave you a key.”
Serena shook her head. “How you forget you gave me a key?” She leaned down and kissed Tone on his lips.
“My bad.” Tone looked at the duffel bag on the floor and motioned his head toward it. “What's that?”
“Oh, I had to go pick up something nice for my man.” Serena smiled.
Tone huffed. “Didn't I tell you I don't want you buying me nothing?”
“Oh, shut up and open it.”
Tone lifted up the duffel bag and sat it on the coffee table. When he opened it, his eyes lit up. Inside was ten pure-white kilos. “Where did you get this from?”
“Why you all in my business?” Serena said playfully as she slid in Tone's arms. “Did I do good, baby?”
“You did excellent, baby,” Tone said excitedly. “Now I gotta go out and get this money.”
“Let ya baby ease your mind first,” Serena said as she slid down to her knees.
“Awww shit!” Tone moaned as he felt Serena's full lips on his dick.
Serena made sure she made her mouth extra wet just like he liked it.
Once Tone felt himself about to come, he quickly began fucking Serena's mouth like it was a pussy, until he exploded in her mouth.
Serena walked over to the garbage and spat before she spoke. “Now go handle your business,” she said with a smile on her face.
“I love you, baby,” Tone said as he threw the duffel bag over his shoulder. “I won't be back too late.”
Serena watched Tone walk out the house. “Just be careful.”
“It's about damn time,” Detective Abraham said, looking at his son. “So is this shit going to work?”
Tone told him, “Basically, they don't fuck with black people, so we gon' have to go through her.”
“So what's wrong with that?”
“It's Mya,” Tone said in a low tone. “She's pregnant.”
“So what's the problem?”
“She don't want nothing to do with me no more.” Tone paused. “That part doesn't bother me. I just didn't want to end on bad terms like that, you know? Especially when everything was going so good.”
“That's life,” Detective Abraham said in a harsh tone. “When you suppose to be going to do this time?” he said, quickly changing the subject. The part he didn't tell his son at the beginning was, once Serena got the connect, he wasn't going to able to stop dealing with her 'cause, if he did, she would no longer let her connect supply them.
“In three months. And I ain't in no rush,” Tone said, mad that he had to give up his freedom for such a long time.
“That three and a half years gonna fly by,” Detective Abraham said as if it was no big deal.
On that note, Tone gave his father a hug and made his exit.

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