The Birth Of Decay (4 page)

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Authors: John E Kelley Jr

BOOK: The Birth Of Decay
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Eric drew a picture of the building we were in and drew the road leading to the main road into town.  He turned and looked at Ricky and me.  “There is a mall on the edge of town that will have what we need.  If we grab the supplies there, then we have to drive about fifteen miles east to the military base.”  He drew a picture of the base and added a few streets to get to its location.  I studied the picture and stood back up.  “That sounds like a plan.  Ricky and I will take my car, Eric you take the truck outside.”  I said.  We all agreed and went to bed.  We all had a hard time sleeping; knowing the risk we were going to take in the morning.




Chapter Five


opened the hatch, tossed in the empty backpacks, and slammed it shut.  I waited for Ricky and Eric too close up the shop.  They walked over to me.  “Do you guys have ammo?”  I asked.  They both nodded and I reached into one of my vest pockets, pulled out three energy shots, and handed them each one.  I twisted the top off and held it out towards them.  “We will do this and have no problems!  We are the best!”  I said proudly.  We all cheered and drank the contents of the bottles and tossed them onto the ground.  I handed Eric and Ricky both a large hunting knife.  “Just in case you run out of ammo.”  I said. 

Eric ran over to his trunk and jumped in; Ricky ran over to the large gate and pulled it open.  Eric drove past me and stopped a few feet down the road, I drove through the gate and waited for Ricky.  He tied the heavy chain through the bars and jumped in the car.  I honked my horn and we were off.  Ricky rolled down his window and pumped his shotgun.  We ended up on the main road and I was ready for these damn zombies. 

Eric stopped just before town and I pulled up next to him.  I looked around and noticed the zombies were gone; where were they?  I knew damn well they were somewhere in town. I motioned to Eric and he led the way.

After a couple of blocks, we pulled up to the mini mall area and parked.  I noticed a vitamin store, sports equipment, fishing and hunting store, liquor store, a pharmacy and a nail salon.  We all sat there for a while and watched for signs of movement.  I got out the car and looked over at Eric.  “Keep your truck running, you never know.”  I said.  Eric and Ricky got out and I walked to the back of my car and opened the hatch.  I tossed them each a backpack and took one for myself.  “I’m going in the hunting store, Ricky you go to the vitamin shop and pack whatever we can use; protein bars, bottled water and sport drink. Eric you grab stuff from the pharmacy; medicine, food, flashlights, batteries and whatever else you can find.  I getting us more weapons and ammo.  Let’s do this quick, in and out.”  I said and ran for the hunting and fishing store. I looked back and noticed they had ran to their stores.

I peeked through the large glass window and peered in.  I noticed the lights were still on but was beginning to flicker.  I opened the door and slowly walked in.  I pointed my shotgun in front of me and looked at the guns on the wall.  “Hell yes.”  I whispered to myself.  I walked cautiously to the back of the store and noticed the office; it was empty.  I ran back up to the front, went behind the counter, and opened my backpack.  I grabbed a swat style shot gun and put it in the bag.  I noticed a few ammo belts and tossed them in with the shotgun.  I turned around and tried opening the display case; it was locked.  “Shit!”  I blurted out in anger. 

I ran back to the office, noticed a desk, and started searching for the keys.  I opened a few drawers and started opening them.  I was about to give up when I opened the bottom drawer and found a keychain with a few keys.  I grabbed them and turned around; I noticed a large metal footlocker sitting next to the door.  I walked over and started trying different keys.  One of them finally fit and I opened it up and peered in.  I nearly passed out with excitement when I noticed the pile of guns.  I reached in, pulled out a 9mm semi automatic handgun, and set it on the floor next to me.  I pulled out two beautiful chrome 50 cal handguns and placed them next to the 9mm.  I moved a few guns around and noticed a grenade belt with what appeared to be six grenades with the pins hanging from each of them.  “Oh my god!  I am in heaven.”  I laughed excitedly.  I put the grenade belt on and connected the heavy clips.  I stood up, took the keys to the counter, and started trying different ones to open it.  After a few tries it unlocked and I pulled out a few boxes of shotgun ammo, several boxes of 9mm ammo and grabbed a couple of handguns. 

I stuffed the backpack, ran back to the office, loaded up the 9mm, 50 calibers, and ran back into the main area of the shop.  I found a few better ammo vest and gun holsters.  I started to feel a little light headed; it was like being in a dream and everything was going my way.  I laughed and threw on the backpack and ran outside to the car and tossed the bag into the back.  I ran back in and grabbed the vests and the different types of holsters; I was not sure which ones we would need or prefer. 

              I ran back outside and tossed those in.  “I got a bunch of protein bars and mixes.”  Ricky suddenly called out.  I noticed he was having a hard time holding a few cases of sports drinks; I ran over and helped him get them in the back of the car.  I looked over at the pharmacy.  “Where is Eric?”  I asked.  “Shit!”  Ricky yelled.  I jumped from the sudden outburst and turned to look at him.  Ricky was looking at the road and I turned to see what he was looking at; a large group of zombies was heading towards us.

I closed the hatch ran up to the pharmacy.  The sliding doors had a hard time opening for me and I noticed the lights inside the store were also flickering; the towns’ power system was failing.  Ricky ran in and stood beside me.  “Eric!”  I yelled loudly.  I started walking further in and noticed a zombie standing at the end of an isle.  I slowly walked to the side to get a better view of the isle and was horrified of what I saw; a few zombies were covered in blood and eating what appeared to be human limbs.  I shifted my eyes to the floor and noticed Eric covered in blood and guts.  Ricky noticed too, we both ran out of the store, and we jumped in the car.  I hit reverse and turned the car around to face the incoming zombies.  I quickly put the car in drive and drove to the other side of the parking lot.  I drove onto the grass to avoid the herd of zombies and ended up on the street.  I floored my car and the turbo proved to me once again that is was superior; we hit nearly a hundred miles an hour in a few seconds and we were out of town. 

I drove down the long gravel road and stopped in front of the gate.  Ricky got out of the car and opened it.  I parked close to the building and Ricky chained down the gate.  I got out of the car and Ricky ran up to me.  He threw his hands up in disappointment.  “Damn, Eric is dead.”  He shouted.  I shook my head and looked at him.  “He must have been ambushed; I didn’t hear any gunshots.” 

We stood there in silence for a few moments and I opened the back hatch of my car and started taking in our newly obtained supplies.  Ricky and I laid everything out on the table and took a few steps back.  I noticed Ricky pull something out of his backpack and grin at me.  I looked at his hand and noticed a half a bottle of cheap whiskey.  I smiled and took the bottle from him.  “Hell yes, we need a drink after that shit.”  I said.

We waited until the sun went down and we dragged a barrel outside and filled it with wood we found in the shop.  We placed two chairs near the large barrel and I opened the whiskey.  I took a swig and I felt it burn all the way down to my stomach.  “Oh wow!”  I coughed.  Ricky reached out and I handed him the bottle.  I watched the fire flicker brightly and felt the warmth  cover my face and body.  Ricky handed me the bottle and I stared at it; my mind in deep thought.  “You know, I pray that we survive.”  I said followed by another heavy swig of the bitter contents. 

I handed it back to Ricky and he relaxed in his chair.  “We just have to keep trying.”  He said calmly.  I watched him tip the bottle back and take a drink of the harsh liquor.  He swallowed hard and handed it back to me.  I started thinking about my parents and held the bottle tightly.  “You know my mom and dad had that damn chip put in and I pray I never see them as zombies.  I know they are out their.”  I said with a slight sadness in my voice.  I quickly took another large swallow of the whiskey and noticed there was another drink left.  I handed it back to Ricky and I lit a cigarette for both Ricky and me.  I handed him the lit smoke and felt my head start spinning.

“We can’t ever give up.”  He said suddenly.  I smiled and looked at Ricky with confidence.  “We will fight until the bitter end my brother.”  Ricky reached over and grabbed my hand.  “I will fight at your side until death.”  He said with slurred words.  I clenched his hand and felt a tear roll down my cheek.  “This world may have taken our family away, but we will never surrender.”  I yelled drunk.  We both laughed and continued to reflect on our past.





Chapter Six


felt sudden burning in my eyes and slowly forced them open.  I realized the morning sun was shining brightly on me and I raised my arm to make a shadow over my face.  I looked over and noticed Ricky was passed out in his chair and snoring loudly.  I lit a cigarette and walked over to the gate and peered passed it and onto the road.  I took a drag of my cigarette and heard Ricky start coughing.  “I hope you don’t have a headache.”  I said loudly and laughed.

A few minutes later Ricky walked up and stood next to me at the gate.  I handed him a cigarette and he lit it up.  I stretched my arms, back, and heard them start cracking.  “Oh my god, no more whiskey for me.”  I laughed.  Ricky agreed with a nod and I walked to the side of the building, turned on the water hose, and drenched cold water over my head.  “Hell yes!”  I yelled.  I handed the hose to Ricky and brushed my wet hair back.  I stared at the hose.  “We don’t need bottled water, I think this place has a well. Dennis must of been to much of an idiot to know that.” 

We walked into the shop and noticed the overhead lights were off and only a few emergency lights were shining.  “Damn!”  I yelled.  Ricky and I were waiting for this moment; the electric systems were out and I imagine it was happening all across the world.  We walked to the back of the shop and looked at the large generator that Eric had showed us.  We hooked everything up to it and filled it with gas.  I started it up and the lights came back on.  I looked over at Ricky as he put the gas can down.  “We need to run only the important stuff.”  I said.  He agreed and we turned off all but a few lights throughout the building. 

We were sitting in the office and it suddenly dawned on me that we did not really see what supplies we got from our run.  I put my heavy backpack onto the desk and unzipped it.  Ricky grabbed his bag and watched me curiously.  “Ricky we are set!”  I said excitedly.  I pulled out the new guns and ammo and set them out.  I handed Ricky a new tactical vest, ammo belt, a 9mm semi automatic and a 50 cal handgun. 

We both suited up with our new equipment and Ricky opened his backpack.  He took out a few boxes of protein bars and looked at me.  “Those are cookie dough flavored energy bars,” He said as he took out two other boxes and stacked them on top of each other. “Those are peanut butter flavored meal replacement bars,” He pulled out a few bottles of multi vitamins and smiled.  “I figured we would need those too.”  He said.  We went outside, took out half of the sports drinks, and put them in the office.  I decided to keep the other half in the car just in case we need to leave suddenly. 

We both started to relax and ate breakfast when we suddenly heard a car honking outside.  I grabbed my semi automatic and we peered out the door.  I noticed an old station wagon stopped outside of our gate.  “Shit!”  I yelled.  Not sure, who was in that car Ricky and I walked out and we each had our guns pointed to them.  I noticed a man with frizzy hair and a dark complexion stick his head out of the driver side window and start yelling.  “Open the gate, Zombies are coming!”  He yelled.  I shook my head and felt my heart start to race.  Ricky and I ran up to the gate and I got a better look at the occupants in the old beat-up car.  There appeared to be two kids in the back seat and a woman with black hair in the passenger seat.  I motioned for Ricky and he unlocked the chains and opened the gate.  The station wagon parked next to my car and Ricky quickly sealed the gate again.

I ran up and pointed the gun at the man driving.  “Turn off the damn car!”  I yelled.  He turned off the car and raised his hands above his head.  “Look man, we don’t mean to bother you.  I picked this woman up and her two kids about two miles east of here and I have no weapon.”  He said nervously.  Ricky walked over to the passenger side and pointed his gun at the woman.  I leaned down and looked at the backseat.  I noticed two little girls starting to cry.  I did not want them scared and I lowered my gun.  “Its okay kids, everything will be fine.”  I said softly. 

The woman looked at Ricky and tears started to fall down her cheeks.  “We just need some food and water.”  She said sadly.  I motioned for Ricky to lower his gun and he did.  “Alright.  I will need to check you for weapons though.”  I said.  The man got out of the car and Ricky patted him down.  Ricky looked at me and nodded.  I leaned back down and looked at the woman.  “You and your kids can get out, it’s okay.”  I said.  The woman got out and her kids stood close to her sides.  She whispered to them and I looked back at the man.  “Now what did you say about zombies?”  I asked.

He pointed back at the road and I noticed his hand was shaking.  “There are hundreds of them heading this way.”  He said nervously.  I ran up to the office door and opened it.  “Get in, everyone!”  I yelled.  The woman and kids ran in and I looked at her.  “Just stay right here for now.”  I said.  I walked over to the office, grabbed my keys, and locked the door.  I did not want anyone to get to our weapons; I do not know these people.  I stepped back out and stopped the man and Ricky.  “Not us, we have to secure this place.”  I said.

The man wiped sweat from his forehead and looked at me.  “My name is Dennis.”  He said.  I shook his hand and pointed at Ricky.  “That’s my friend Ricky and I am John.”  I said quickly.  I looked at Ricky.  “We need to make sure those damn things don’t get passed this gate.”  I said.  Ricky stepped in close and scratched his head.  “Maybe we can park them two tractors in front of the gate to reinforce it.”  He said.  I smiled and went back into the building.  I pushed the button to open the large garage door and waited.  When it was fully open I motioned for Ricky and Dennis to come in. 

We walked over to the first tractor and I looked at Dennis.  “The keys are in the ignition.  Drive it up against the gate and get back here.”  I said.  The man jumped on the tractor and drove out onto the gravel.  I looked at Ricky.  “The other one don’t run, so help me push it.”  I stood on the side and grabbed the steering wheel.  We both started pushing and it slowly started to move.  I noticed the woman run up to the other side of the tractor and helped us push.  I pushed as hard as I could and we started getting closer to the gate.  Dennis ran up and helped us get it beside the other tractor and against the gate.

              I looked over at the woman on the other side of the steering wheel.  “Thanks.”  I said.  She offered a smile and started walking back to the building.  I looked at the end of the road and noticed a group of zombies slowly heading our way.  I was glad the gate and fence was over ten foot tall and designed to keep looters out of the shop.  I backed up and stood next to Ricky and Dennis.  I took out a cigarette and lit it.  Dennis looked at me.  “You sure that will hold up?”  He asked.  I took a drag and looked at him.  “I don’t know.” 

We all went back into the building and closed the doors.  One of the little blonde girls looked up at her mother.  “Momma I’m hungry.”  She said with a sad voice.  I felt my heart sink and unlocked the office; I grabbed four protein bars and two sports drinks and locked the office.  I handed Dennis a drink and bar, walked over and gave the woman a bar and a drink.  The mother looked down at her girls.  “What do we say?”  She asked.  The two little girls looked up with their dirty faces.  “Thank you.”  They said shyly.  I smiled at them.  “Your welcome.”

I walked over, stood next to Ricky, and peered out of the window with him.  I noticed the zombies were getting closer to the gate and there had to be well over a hundred of them.  “I’m sorry.”  The woman called out.  I turned around and looked at her.  “What?”  I asked.  She wiped a few tears from her eyes and looked at me.  “We brought those damn zombies here.  We tried to get to town but they were blocking the road, so we turned down your road and they must have followed…”  She said sadly.  I took out a cigarette and put it in my mouth.  “What’s your name?”  I asked.  She walked over to a workbench and sat down with her kids.  She cleared her throat and looked across the room at me.  “Claire,” she said with a slight smile.  “And these are my twins; Beth and Claire Jr.”  She said proudly.

I smiled at the girls and waved.  They looked away shyly and they both waved back.  I flicked my lighter and was about to light my smoke when I looked back at the girls.  I looked over at Ricky and Dennis still looking out of the window.  “I need a smoke, let’s go outside.  We can see how the barricade holds up,” I said and turned to look back at Claire.  “We have a few blankets lying around here somewhere, if you need a nap.”  I said.  She offered me a smile and I went outside with Ricky and Dennis. 

I looked at Dennis for a moment then down to my gun.  “Dennis.”  I said.  He looked at me and I pulled out my old 9mm handgun and held it out for him.  He hesitated for a moment and looked at me.  “Take it.”  I said.  “Oh I see, cause I’m black you think I know how to use one of those!”  He yelled.  I shook my head and was about to talk when he interrupted me.  “I’m kidding man, relax.”  He laughed and took the gun.

              I sat down on the concrete steps that lead to the office door and watched the zombies press up against the gate.  They started moaning loudly and I noticed a familiar face in the crowd of ugly creatures.  I stood up, walked a few feet closer to them, and realized it was Eric; he was gnawing at the fence and a few of his teeth broke out of his mouth and fell to the ground.  “That son of a bitch knew this place.  You guys didn’t lead them here, Dennis led them.”  I said.

Ricky walked up and stood next to me.  I watched him stare at Eric intently for a moment and flipped him the bird.  Eric continued to moan loudly and try to bite through the fence.  I looked at Ricky and Dennis and raised my hand in the air with the cigarette still burning.  “This means they have somewhat of a memory.”  I said.  Ricky cocked his gun and pointed it at the zombie crowd; I quickly grabbed his shoulder.  “There is no use, don’t waste ammo.”  I said with slight anger in my voice.  Ricky looked at me for a minute and I could tell he wanted to fire off every bullet he had at Eric.  He let out a sigh and lowered the gun.  I looked back at the fence and was impressed on how well it was holding them back.  “Well at least it is holding.”  I said.

We all sat there and watched the zombies try to eat the gate.  We eventually went back into the shop and locked the door.  Ricky and I found everyone a good sleeping spot and did our best to make sure they were comfortable.  Dennis built himself a pallet near the door and agreed to keep an eye on the door throughout the night.  Claire and her daughters slept a few feet away from the office and built a nice makeshift tent.  I doodled pictures of animals on the inside for the girls and they had something to look at besides zombies.  As for Ricky and me, we held the office and was in charge of the weapons and supplies. 

It was dark and I just finished refueling the generator and headed back to the office.  “Can I get a smoke?”  Claire asked as I passed her tent.  I waved her over to a workbench a few feet away and lit us each a cigarette.  She took in a long drag and blew the smoke out slow and steady.  “I needed that.”  She whispered.  I laughed and took this opportunity to get a better look at her.  She had short black hair and I noticed her nose ring and smiled.  “I used to have one of those.”  I said.  She looked at me curiously.  “What?”  She asked. 

              I took a drag from the cigarette and pointed to her piercing.  “I used to have one, I miss it.”  I said.  She covered her mouth and laughed.  “Oh, well this is what happens when you have one to many shots.”  She explained.  I noticed her look back at her tent and I took a quick glance at her large breasts and torn jeans.  I looked away quickly and scratched my head.  “This place has a shower in the back of the shop; employees used it after long shifts of working with oil and dirt.  The girls might like that.”  I said.  She turned back and looked at me.  “Oh thank god, the girls and I will do that first thing in the morning.”  She said. 

I offered her another smile, walked to the office door, and slowly opened it.  “Thank you again for letting us stay.”  Claire whispered from behind.  I turned around and smiled at her.  I closed the office door and lay down on my pallet I built; I fell asleep listening to the zombies rattle the gate and moan loudly.


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