The Billionaires Mistress (24 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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Nodding her head she had moved ahead of him to the corner in which one way led to his room the other to hers. She had turned to face him, trying to put on as polite an expression as possible as she had looked up at the man before her, feeling as the need for him had risen so strongly within her, wanting to feel him holding her, wanting so much more.


“Goodnight Ryan”.


She had murmured huskily, not aware how her eyes had glowed so sensually in the half light. Swallowing hard he had looked down at her.


“Goodnight Jenna”.


He had replied softly, dropping a small kiss on her cheek. As he had made to step back she had moaned softly, moving forward, her hands rising to hold onto his t-shirt, hearing the soft groan leave him, his head raised, eyes closing slowly.


“Please Jenna......I am trying to be so good” Jenna ignoring him as she had moved against him, her head moving to nuzzle under his chin, her nose sniffing his skin. As he had tried to pull her gently from him, his eyes had been full of fire beseeching her to stop. She however had kissed along his jaw.


“I want this” she had whispered softly as her hands had moved to his waist, her fingers sliding under the waist of his trousers, feeling as his breathing had become as ragged as hers.


“Please Jenna...I promised you, and I am trying so hard” his voice husky, his body stiff as his hands held her from him, every fibre in his being wanting to pull her in harder.


As Jenna had reached up her lips brushing his all resolve had melted away, his mouth taking hers, his kiss full of heat and passion. His hands had moved to undo the buttons of her top, finally giving up as with fingers that shook so hard, he had given a frustrated male sound grasping the material before pulling it apart, neither caring as many of the buttons had flown from it.


His head had dropped to cover one hardened nipple, Jenna bending back slightly, her hands gripping his head to her, her hips pushed harder into him as she had squirmed under him whimpering softly, his tongue tantalizing her every sense.


With a determined movement he had pushed her pyjama bottoms down, and Jenna was not even aware as his hands had pushed her legs apart, his fingers exploring her moistness, as completely uncaring she had encouraged him, moved against him squirming with a raw need.


“I need you” he had whispered, his voice fraught with that need, as she had nodded against him, not aware that she whispered in return.


“Yes.....oh yes”, her hands in return pushing down his pyjamas, instantly smelling the musky scent of him, feeling the hardness of him against her belly. As he had gasped his mouth had returned to hers, his hands moving to her buttocks, lifting her higher as in one sure fluid movement he had thrust deeply inside her, Jenna crying out at his sudden penetration and the exquisite sensations flooding her. Her fingers had grasped him, nails racking down his back as both of them had gasped with the need for the other.


Ryan had supported her with hands around her bottom, pulling her legs around him, the wall at her back as he had continued to push further into her his movements becoming more frantic, his thrusts becoming harder and deeper, until she had began to cry out, her body spasming, her muscles clenching him tightly as she had erupted in his arms, his own orgasm following so close as with one final thrust he had felt the release, his head growing light as the two had fused together, their bodies still spasming with the intensity of what had just happened. Ryan had leant against her as things had come back slowly into focus, whispering her name so softly as he had gently placed her back on her feet, pulling her in closer to him as he had kissed her lips gently bringing the two of them down from the raw frantic lovemaking.


As their breathing had slowed down, the sweat on their bodies cooled, his mouth had finally released hers. For a few seconds both staring into the others eyes, so many emotions flying between the two, before he had looked away, his eyes sorrowful.


“I’m sorry Jenna ... so sorry ...I tried” he had whispered, groaning as she had reached up, her fingers resting gently onto his lips silencing him.


“ more talking” she had whispered, both their eyes meeting as he had opened his mouth to suck in one of her fingers, seeing the fire instantly rising once more in Jenna’s eyes. He had moved forward, Jenna moving backwards with him, as he had led her back to his bedroom, Jenna holding his eyes the whole time.


As they had reached his bed they had slowly stood together, she pushing his t-shirt over his head, while he had slid the ruined top from her shoulders, until both had stood together fully naked. Neither had spoken as she had leant forward letting her mouth trail over his broad chest feeling as his fingers had woven through her hair, his palms holding the back of her head as he had lifted her head back to kiss him. This time their kiss was deeper and slower, both relaxing into the embrace, falling softly back onto the bed, Jenna no longer wanting to fight, no longer caring about the future, about protecting herself from the hurt of loving him. All that mattered was that they were together now, and she held onto the man she loved.


That night the two had held each other, kissing and caressing the other slowly, languorously as though they had all the time in the world, the years apart melting away as they had once more made love before both had fallen asleep, each wrapped around the other clinging to each other, not one more word spoken.


Jenna had blinked, her eyes slowly opening her befuddled mind confused as to where she was. Frowning softly it had taken a few seconds for the memories to return, a small smile coming to her lips as she had felt him move slightly beside her.


“Good morning beautiful”.


His voice against the back of her neck sending small shivers through her as she had given a small content sigh, feeling his body against her back his arms around her holding her to him.


Giving a chuckle she had stretched her body, her bottom pushing against the hardness of him as she had purred sensually, slowly turning to face him, her face alive with happiness.


“Good morning to you too” her hand moving to gently stroke his cheek, before with a frown she had turned her head looking at the clock to see the time.


“Tom...” she had gasped, instantly remembering the hurt singer, Ryan moving his fingers to her jaw gently pulling her head back around.


“I already phoned...He is awake and according to Tara already demanding to get home”.


She had breathed a sigh of relief, seeing as he had smiled.


“He has to go and get his arm plastered in about an no visitors till this afternoon”.


She had nodded a look of relief on her face before looking shyly up at him.


“I don’t regret last night Ryan”.


She had seen the instant smile on his face as he had dropped a small kiss on her lips.


“I am very glad and relieved to hear that” he had chuckled, his eyes scanning her face, suddenly becoming more serious.


“Stay with me Jenna, don’t leave”.


She had swallowed hard, feeling as her heart had beaten so fast. For several seconds the two had looked at each other, his expression full of longing and fear, the fear of losing her again. Giving a small smile she had looked deeply into his eyes.


“I’m so tired of running Ryan. So tired of not being where I most want to be”.


She had seen the light sparkling in his eyes, “and I know.........I absolutely know that one day it will work its way out of your system...........but I would rather be with you Ryan than without you................ and I will deal with what happens when it happens”.


With that she had gone silent, seeing as he had laughed softly, before his expression had become once more serious.


“Yesterday I thought I had lost the two people most important to me in the world, one of them for the second time”.


He had shifted to lie over her, his hand moving a piece of hair from her face.


“Jenna when you left, I panicked. I couldn’t believe that you had gone, and hurt. It hurt more than I had ever been hurt in my life, and I hunted for you for months. Then I told myself that it was better..... that I was better off without you”.


He had groaned gently.


“Then four years later, I get a phone call from Tom asking me to guess who had just phoned him...........God when he told me it was you, It was as if you had just left all over again, and I knew............I knew that I had to have you back in my life”.


She had smiled so sweetly up at him as he had ran his mouth over hers, almost a whisper against them.


“I was in Australia when he phoned............within 10 minutes I was on my way back to the airport”.


She had gasped in surprise as he had continued.


“Oh Jenna, when I saw you at the party........” he had given another groan.


“I organised everything. Made sure that you were going to be at the weekend, I thought if we were together in my house that we would sort everything out”.


Jenna had chuckled softly.


“I knew it........I just knew that you had wangled that”.


She had seen the smile on his mouth.


“Well in fairness, Craig did deserve to be there”.


Jenna had nodded softly, his eyes once more becoming serious.


“What I am trying to say Jenna.............Is that I don’t want to go back to what we had”.


She had looked back in surprise as he continued.


“I realise that the thought of us not being unbearable. I know now that you will never work out of my system because, you are so deep inside me that when you are not there, it is like I am only half alive”.


With a small smile, his eyes shining so brightly he had looked down at her, his voice so soft.


“I love you Jenna. I think I have always loved you”.


He had stopped as her hands had flown to her mouth, tears rising in her eyes, feeling uncertainty filling him, his voice unsure as the silence between them had drawn out, “Jenna...” his eyes showing his uncertainty.


With a sob she had thrown her hands around his neck, kissing his cheek as she had cried softly.


“I love you...I love you so much” the relief filling every inch of him, both laughing happily in each other’s arms, before both had grown silent, his mouth moving to claim hers, the kiss full of so much emotion as they had clung to each other, their love making that morning so gentle, so full of the love they had declared for each other.


As the two had moved into the large private ward, full of gifts and flowers, Tom had looked over at them, his smile growing wider. They had held the other’s hands, smiling at each other, their eyes sparkling with the happiness which emanated from them both.


Jenna had moved over to Tara, sitting on a comfortable armchair at Tom’s side.


“Thought you might like this” she had chuckled, handing over the overnight bag with clean clothes and toiletries, most of which she had found in Tom’s room.


Tara had grinned thankfully at her before jumping to her feet and giving Tom a quick kiss.


“I am going to go for a shower” she had chuckled looking at the others.


“Before you decide marrying me isn’t such a good idea”.


She had seen as he had smiled back.


“Like that could ever happen” the signals once more passing between the two.


Finally alone Tom had smiled at his brother and Jenna, both much relieved to see the improvement in him, although seeing that he was still very pale, but glad to see a sparkle once more in his eyes.


“Well, check you two out” he had smiled, seeing as Jenna and Ryan had looked over at each other, Ryan moving his arm around her, holding her close to him.


“So......does this mean what I think it does?”


Seeing as Jenna had blushed looking quickly back at Ryan, he looking down at her his eyes adoring, as the two had started to laugh.


“Yep, it means that your guardian angel is sticking around”.


Two years later Tom and Tara had sat in the hospital waiting room. Both smiling at each other as the clock had ticked away, their eyes flying to the door each time it would open, only to be disappointed as a doctor or nurse had moved to talk to one of the other people dotted around the waiting area.

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