The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book) (20 page)

Read The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book) Online

Authors: Jerrica Knight-Catania,Catherine Gayle,Ava Stone,Jane Charles

Tags: #historical romance, #regency anthology, #anthology, #regency romance, #catherine gayle, #jerrica knightcatania, #jane charles, #ava stone

BOOK: The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book)
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He wouldn’t have to wait long to find out. Blessedly, the final strains which would lead to the intermission sounded from the orchestra pit. Cedric waited somewhat impatiently for all of the ladies in his box to rise. Lady Stalbridge, the last of the group to do so, finally turned and faced him. He needed to speak with her before he left them…he had to be certain someone would keep an eye on Georgie, lest the girl run off and somehow find Haworth. Granted, he’d only be gone a few minutes, but still. Why take a chance?

I do hope you’ll excuse me for a few moments, ma’am,” he said in a rush. “I just saw my brother with Lord Harrison and was hoping to have a word with him.”

She started to nod her consent, but Georgie interrupted before she could say anything. “Loring is with Lord Harrison? Lord Harrison Casemore?”

Her eyes lit up and she leaned towards him, grabbing onto his arm briefly before seemingly coming to her senses and releasing him. The brief contact sent the same jolts of excitement through his entire body as he’d experienced only two evenings ago. He stood there, stunned and unable to form a coherent thought.

How could Georgie have such an effect on him?

Might I come with you, Monty?” she nearly begged, a desperate look in her warm brown eyes.

That left him even more dazed than he already had been. Georgie and Joshua had never gotten on very well. Joshua thought her a wiseacre who didn’t know when to remain quiet, and Georgie thought him an imbecile with a knack for trouble-making. They each had their points, though they might not see all aspects of one another. Cedric couldn’t imagine what she might wish to speak with his brother about.

Oh, please, Monty!” she rushed on before he had sorted out her reasoning. “There’s a message I’m simply desperate to get to Pippa, and I’m sure Lord Harrison will deliver it to her for me.”

With that confession, Cedric relaxed almost immediately. She didn’t want to see Joshua—just Casemore. If he took her with him, he could keep an eye on her and be certain she didn’t go off in search of Haworth, and at the same time find out what Joshua was doing in Town. He couldn’t have thought up a more perfect situation if he’d tried.

He held out his arm for Georgie to take. “If it’s all right with your mother…”

Georgie didn’t wait for her mother’s reaction, however. She was tugging on his elbow, as eager as an overexcited puppy.

Cedric had to fight to keep pace with her, and all because his nerves were near the fraying point from the simple touch of her gloved fingers in the crook of his arm.

On second thought, perhaps
was the puppy, not Georgie—a lovesick puppy on a lead, following wherever she wished him to go.

Cedric might be in over his head this time.

What message am I to deliver to my sister?” Harry drawled in a somewhat bedraggled, harrassed tone.

And really, Georgie couldn’t blame him for it. There’d been numerous occasions in the past where she and her friends had used and abused his willingness to run between them, delivering silly missives from one girl to another.

This was a far different situation, however. She glanced back over her shoulder to gauge the distance to Monty. Still too close. She couldn’t risk him overhearing their conversation, and she had little doubt that he’d try, given his recent behavior.

Georgie shook her head slightly and indicated with her eyes a spot several feet away, near an alcove. They’d still be in full view of everyone in the foyer, so it wouldn’t be scandalous. She moved over and waited for him to accommodate her wishes.

With an exaggerated roll of his eyes, he finally did. “Something so wicked it can’t be overheard then? Let’s be out with it, my lady.”

I can’t remember the last time you called me ‘my lady,’” Georgie muttered.

Nor can I, but you are a young lady in your first Season. Or have you forgotten that you’ve made your debut? You girls all seem ready and willing to throw yourselves to the wolves.”

There wouldn’t be any wolves in the gas balloon, whenever she finally made it up in the air with Lord Haworth. Georgie thought it might be best to keep that thought to herself at the moment, though.

She waved her hand through the air between them in a dismissive gesture. “I don’t really need you to tell Pippa anything for me. That was just a ruse to get Monty to bring me over here so I could speak with you.”

A devilish gleam appeared in Harry’s eye. “A ruse, you say? What, pray tell, did you wish to discuss with me then?”

Harry had been her best option. He loved a good lark. Georgie fought to keep her elation from pouring forth too freely, lest she rouse his suspicions. Harry’s interest in her plans would be a boon; an excess of curiosity, however, could spell her ruin.

There is a certain gentleman I wish to meet.”

gentleman?” Harry repeated. He narrowed his eyes and raised one eyebrow. “And which gentleman might that be?”

The direct path was always the surest, where Pippa’s brother was involved. “Lord Haworth. Can you arrange to introduce me to him—
Monty being involved, or even aware?”

So this is to be a secretive ruse.” Harry nodded slowly, placing the tip of his forefinger against his lips. “If I’m to be your means to an introduction, I suppose I can also take over Montague’s responsibility of looking after you for a bit. It won’t be all that different from chasing after Pippa, after all. But why should I do this for you? What do I get in return?”

Oh, lud, she should have known he would make this difficult. But then, if one wishes to bargain with the devil… “I can’t imagine what I could possibly give you that would make this worth your while. Name your fee, and I’ll see what I can arrange.”

That earned her a chuckle from Harry.

Georgie’s eyes widened censoriously at his mirth, and she took a quick look over her shoulder to be certain he hadn’t drawn Monty’s attention. Once sure they were safe, she glared at Harry. “Do try to keep your voice down.”

He dipped into a sardonic bow. “My apologies, Lady Georgianna. I’ll try to better control myself in your presence.” After a moment, he sobered. “I don’t know what you can give me, either. Why don’t we say you’ll owe me a favor, repayable at some point in the future? I’ll let you know when I’m ready to collect.”

How can I know you won’t ask me to give you something in return which I can’t possibly give?” He was, after all, willing to do what she’d asked of him without asking too many questions.

On my honor as a gentleman, I promise that the favor I request of you will be within your power to grant.” For emphasis, he even placed his hand over his heart.

She wanted to agree—largely because she couldn’t imagine how else she might meet Lord Haworth at this point. Yet something within her still gave her pause.

Must I get on bended knee to emphasize my honor?” Harry asked on a laugh.

When he started to do just that, Georgie batted at his hands and fought through a blush. “Stop that. You’ll draw attention. I accept your terms.”

Excellent.” He straightened to his full height, and his expression turned serious once again. “Now, you’re accompanying Pippa to Vauxhall on Saturday, are you not?”

He was going to do it. Georgie’s pulse galloped through her body, leaving her feeling like the blood was trying to burst through her skin. It was finally going to happen! She pulled herself together enough to nod.

Haworth will be there, as well…with a different party. I’ll head off at some point, leaving you and Pippa as though I’m meeting a lover or something else of the sort. When that happens, find a moment when you can leave her, and then come find me. I’ll be near the Chinese pavilion.”

And you’ll take me to Lord Haworth?”

Harry nodded tersely. “But don’t forget that you’ll need to return the favor someday.”

It took a valiant effort, but somehow Georgie refrained from enveloping him in a thoroughly inappropriate hug. “I won’t forget.”

. That was only two more days. She felt like she was flying already.

Who the devil is Colebrooke?” Harry half-shouted just as Georgie walked into to the corridor at Berkswell House.

Harry!” Pippa admonished in return.

Oh, goodness. Georgie might need to rescue Pippa. None of this sounded good. She scurried to the threshold and poked her head through the doorway. “Colebrooke? Did the elusive viscount make an appearance?” The title wasn’t at all familiar to Georgie…and she knew Debrett’s nearly as well as she knew the back of her glove. Ever since Pippa first mentioned him at Patience’s tea, Georgie had been trying to place him with no luck. One of these days she hoped to see the man herself, since Pippa seemed to be so enamored with him.

Pippa smiled when she looked up. “Georgie, I’m so glad you’ve come.”

Harry spun around to face her, gave her a curt nod, and grumbled, “Lady Georgianna.”

So, they were to put on a show not just for society, but also for Pippa? Very well, even if it was rather odd. Georgie would play along with Harry’s game since he was going to introduce her to Lord Haworth tonight. “Lord Harrison, so nice to see you again.”

He winked at her, but neither Pippa nor her half-asleep great-aunt in the corner of the parlor could see. Georgie fought to keep from reacting in any way. Pippa was likely caught up in her own adventures for the Season and wouldn’t notice that anything was amiss with Georgie, if she didn’t let the mass of nerves dancing around in her stomach show.

Which, admittedly, was easier said than done. She’d never been very accomplished at hiding anything. Heaven help her if she was forced to attempt to lie to someone during all of this. Neglecting to tell everything was a different prospect entirely.

Harry,” Pippa started, “Georgie is going to accompany us to Vauxhall Gardens tonight, did you remember?”

Yes, of course.” He nodded. “Just so long as you two keep each other out of trouble.”

He seemed hell-bent to make it next to impossible for Georgie to avoid letting anything slip to Pippa. Blast the man. He had essentially promised to help Georgie get
trouble, yet now he was telling his sister to keep her out of it? Well, not exactly. She didn’t want there to be trouble, per se. Just adventure. Sadly, the two likely went hand-in-hand.

Pippa let out a laugh, and Georgie did her best to focus on her friend and not on her irritation with Harry.

As long as Albie doesn’t offer me any of his brandy, I’m certain I’ll be fine,” Pippa said with a wry grin.

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