The Beginning After The End (New Heights Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: The Beginning After The End (New Heights Book 2)
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I quickly
try to pull the sword out of its sheathe, but it wouldn’t budge.


Even with my body reinforced with mana, I wasn’t able to pull the sword out.


Don’t tell
me this was some sort of Excalibur that I had to be worthy of…


Next, I
infuse my fire attribute mana into the sword, but still, no use.




After 30
minutes, I realize that elemental attribute mana wasn’t the answer.


…No way…
what if…


I activate
Dragon Will.  I don’t use its power but simply just infuse the Will into
the sword.



Chapter 26:
Worth Fighting For



sword unsheathes from the scabbard without any form of resistance to reveal the


I can’t
help but gulp as I set my eyes on this masterwork too perfect to be called an
ordinary sword.


blade didn’t seem like a katana to me, as it wasn’t curved at all and was double-edged.
  In fact, I couldn’t see the markings for where the edge was shaved down
into a blade, as if this whole piece was one big edge while the tip curved into
a sharp point towards the center of the blade.  The shape was that of a
very thin, very narrow sword that was weighted perfectly in my hand, but what
made it breathtaking was the component and color.


It was
a very light, translucent teal green color that almost seemed to generate a
luster of its own.  It was a stark contrast to the matte black sheathe and
handle, making it appear all the more radiant.  The whole blade was
semitransparent as I could see my finger through the other side, making me
question whether it was sturdy enough to be used.


gulped once more.  Even in my old world, I didn’t wield something as
perfect as this.  What are the chances that I would find a sword meant for
Beast Tamers in the back alley of this storage place.


at Sylvie, I ask how she knew this was special.


don’t know~ I just thought it was pretty!’ was what she said while she kyu’d,
tilting her little head.


a closer look at the blade, I can see a small engraving near the grip.


Ballad W.K. IV”


As soon as I muttered that name, my right
hand that was gripping the sword burned, making me reflexively let go of the


I look
down to see that I had a gash across my palm while blood was stained on the


 ‘Are you okay Papa?’ Sylvie trotted next to me, pawing my leg, concerned.


recall that some extraordinarily valuable staffs and wands had the ability to
bond with a single user, allowing better manipulation of mana between the
weapon and master, but I’ve never heard of a sword doing that.


up the sword, I ponder over the man who’s initial was W.K. IV, when I notice
that the blade shrank in length a little.  After a couple swings, I was in
awe of how optimal the size was for my body’s physique as of now.


was W.K. and how was he capable of forging such a sword?


realize how much time has passed when I hear my father’s faint voice calling
for me.  Quickly sheathing my new sword, I run back to where my father
was, Sylvie hitching a ride on top of my head.  On the way back, I made
sure to pick up the short sword I chose for back up.


you see anything you liked?”  Vincent, who was next to my father, asked.


nodded, holding up the short sword to him, “I found this sword and after a
couple of swings, I really liked it.  Can I take this one?”


takes the sword from my hand, drawing the sword from its scabbard.  “Hmmm,
not the best quality sword but it is solid and won’t break easily.  Rey,
what do you think?”


father takes a hold of the sword and takes a couple of swings.  “The
balance is not the best but I think it’ll be good enough.  What’s that
stick your holding though?”


I just
shrug, trying to not make a big deal out of it.  “Uncle Vincent, I found
this really sturdy stick in the way back!  Do you mind if I also take this
back home to practice with?”


that old thing!  I remember one of my merchants telling me how some shady
old man just gave it to him, mumbling something about finding its master.
 We got a couple of our inspectors to check if there’s anything special
about it, but it’s just a sturdy, hard cane.  It’s been gathering dust
here so if you think it’ll do you some good, go ahead and take it.”  Vincent
puts a hand on my shoulder.




of Elenoir****




I let out an exaggerated sigh as I lean my head in the palm of both hands,
looking out the window from my room.


can’t help but be annoyed.  How dare he!  Stupid Art!


I kick
the wall in frustration.


 Stupid Art!  This was his fault too!


cradling my aching foot as I feel tears well up in my eyes.


I just
got back from Elder Rinia’s house.  I had to guilt trip her into letting
me spy… I mean make sure Art was doing okay.


guess I should be happy that he’s with his family and everything but doesn’t he
miss me?  He looks too happy!  And who’s that girl
 Isn’t Art a little bit TOO nice to her?  He’s even teaching that
seductress how to manipulate mana!  He didn’t even bother teaching me!


Arthur… When I get my hands on him, I’m going to give him a piece of my…sigh…
who am I kidding, I just want to see him.


been a couple of months since he left but after getting used to seeing him
everyday, it feels like years.  Maybe I should’ve treated him more nicely
while he was here.


cringe as I remember all of the times I physically abused him.


that’s not my fault!  It’s his fault for being such a thickheaded idiot!


and Papa were happy Feyrith, the noble brat who messed with Art, and his sister
were able to place in the top 5 during the competition, but I couldn’t care
less.  It was just a show to show off our strength to the humans and
dwarves anyway.


said that the actual Continental Tournament (That’s what the humans decided to
call it) would happen every 5 years from now on.  Does that mean that
would be the next time I would be able to see Art?  I have to wait a whole
5 years?


This sucks.  The only thing that keeps my mind off of Art is training.
 My goal is to become stronger than Arthur.  The next time we meet, I
want to surprise him by how much I’ve grown.  Maybe then he’ll see me in a
different light.


Arthur… Even though he’s younger than me, he treats me like a kid.


though I’m the older one…


I hold
up the water filled orb that Elder Rinia made for me as a present.   She
was able to capture a scene and integrate it into the orb of water so that it
constantly showed Arthur’s face.


Dummy” I can’t help but pout as I poke the cheek of Arthur’s image.


“Young one, I have good…”


 GRANDPA!  What did I say about knocking

I quickly try to hide the orb behind me but Grandpa just gives me a sly grin.


“I see
you’re using that orb well kukuku.”


GRANDPA!!!!” I can feel my cheeks and ears turn bright red.


Don’t mind don’t mind!  I would rather enjoy having Arthur as a
grandson-in-law anyhow!  But isn’t it a little too early for that now?”
 He keeps teasing.


I just
turn away from Grandpa, trying to hide my embarrassment, not knowing how to
respond to his teasing.


pout now! I got some good news for you little one.”  I turn my head
slightly just to notify him that I was listening.


 Now… what if I said that you
have the chance
to attend the same school that Arthur will be attending later on?”




body spins back towards Grandpa instantly before he even finished speaking.


Uuu… You’re not lying to me right?”  I
grab Grandpa’s sleeve and tug it hard.


Did you tell her, Father?”  I see Mama and Papa come into the room,


I turn
to them, “Mama! Papa!  Is it true?  I can go to school with Arthur?”


calm down Tess.”  My mother sits besides me, patting my head.


Grandfather has close ties with the current Director of Xyrus Academy.  He
got in contact with her recently and she was excitedly telling your Grandfather
about how there will be a genius Quadra-Elemental Augmenter attending her
school in three years time.” My father adds in.


just laughs, “BAHAHAHA who else besides Arthur is a Quadra-Elemental Augmenter!
 I instantly knew, but of course I didn’t say anything about me training
him.  Fufu~ I plan on surprising her with that later on.”


is he waiting 3 years before going to school?  Isn’t he more than fit to
go now?”  I ask, but my excitement keeps me from hiding my smile.


said something about him wanting to be an Adventurer.”  Grandpa just says.


holds my hand and gives me a smile, “The important part is that, this gives us
enough time.  We’re currently still trying to negotiate terms to have a
trial run for the integration of the younger generation of the elves and
dwarves to attend Xyrus Academy.  The King of Sapin agreed that the only
way to start mending our relationship was by allowing the younger generation to
form bonds with each other.”


one, you better train hard!  Arthur chose to become an Adventurer before
going to school to get some real experience in fighting as well as go to school
at a more normal age to try and fit in with his peers.  He’s going to be
popular, so if you don’t snatch, some other lucky girl will.”  Grandpa
shoots me an evil wink.


I think that’s enough of teasing Tess now.  Look, she’s about to cry!”
 My father just shakes his head helplessly.  I could tell my father
has mixed feelings about his precious daughter being taken away from him.


of Sapin****






whole Helstea house is decorated as Vincent and his family as well as my own
family and the Twin Horns congratulate me on finally turning 9.


you all for taking care of me until now!”  I give a deep bow as Sylvie
copies me, bowing her small head.

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