The Beauty Series Bundle (50 page)

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Authors: Georgia Cates

BOOK: The Beauty Series Bundle
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Laurelyn Prescott

my eyes and look at the clock. It’s 6:37 on a Saturday morning, and Jack Henry’s spot is already vacant. He’s up earlier than usual on this weekend morning. The thought piques my curiosity, and then the reason for his absence strikes me.

It’s our wedding day.

I put the pillow over my face so no one can hear me and I squeal at the top of my lungs. I can’t believe this day is here. Jack Henry will be my husband later today.

I quickly change into something more presentable than Jack Henry’s T-shirt and go into the kitchen. I hear someone there and peek around the corner to make sure it isn’t my groom, although I’m certain he knows better than to be in this house with me today. Margaret sees me and laughs.

“He’s not in here. He knows I’d beat him within an inch of his life if he set foot in this house today.” I sit in my usual spot at the bar and can smell Margaret’s freshly brewed cup of coffee. She holds it up. “Care for a cuppa?”

I don’t know when it happened, but I acquired a taste for coffee somewhere along the way. It was probably while on the road with the band since that was the only thing available for a pick-me-up. “I’ll take one, although it might not be a good idea to have caffeine on top of my nerves.”

“It’s okay to be nervous.”

“Maybe nerves isn’t the right word.” Margaret is my mother-in-law now and the closest thing I have to a mom, so I can be honest with her about what I’m feeling. “I’m hurt because my mom wouldn’t come. She’s still mad because I left her and my career. When she told me she would never visit, I thought she was using it as leverage to make me stay, but I see now that she was serious. If she won’t come for my wedding, then I don’t ever see her visiting, either.”

“I’m sorry, Laurelyn. I had hoped she would come, but don’t ever think you don’t have people who love you. Your parents will always be your parents, but we’re your family too—not just Jack Henry. We’ll always be here to take care of you because you’re ours now, and we love you.”

I feel the tears coming. “I know how important family is because I’ve never had one. I’m so happy I’m becoming a member of the McLachlans. I love each and every one of you.”

Margaret blots her eyes with a napkin. “That’s enough tears on your wedding day. You don’t want your eyes to be red and swollen.”

This is the happiest day of my life, and I won’t let my mother’s selfishness spoil it for me. It stops here. “You’re right. I can’t change the things I have no control over, so no more tears.” I’ve shed too many of those and I have this wonderful life ahead of me now. From here on out, everything will be different with Jack Henry by my side.

“Your groom has a surprise for you. He arranged for all of us to have a morning at the spa. Our appointment is at nine.”

That’s my Jack Henry—always pampering me like a princess. It’s what he promised me from the night of our first date and he hasn’t disappointed me yet. “He loves to pamper me. I’m sure I have you to thank for that.”

“I tried to teach him and Evan. I hoped they would mature into kind, thoughtful men who treated women with respect, so you can imagine my horror when Jack Henry told me about the arrangement he had with you.”

Oh, shit! I hoped I’d never have this conversation with her. “Don’t be upset with him. He didn’t do it by himself. I agreed to everything.”

“I’m glad it happened the way it did. That time apart showed each of you what you were missing by not being together. It’s probably the best thing that could’ve happened to the two of you. I seriously doubt you’ll ever want to spend a day apart again.”

I think of all the days we’ve spent apart, and I know she’s right. “No. I don’t ever want to be away from him again. Ever.”

ur morning
at the spa was so relaxing. I’ll have to remember to give Jack Henry a special thank-you for that tonight.

I’m sitting on a barstool in the middle of the bathroom floor and Addison is applying my makeup. She’s fantastic at it and could’ve been a makeup artist if she’d wanted to be. She’s working on my blush when a smile comes to my lips. I’m thinking about tonight, and it reminds me of the lingerie I’ve chosen. He’s gonna love it. It’s hot and innocent at the same time—just the way he likes me—and I can’t wait to see his reaction.

“Why are you grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“You’re thinking about tonight.” Am I that transparent?

“Yeah. Do you think it’s going to feel different because he’s my husband? It’s not like we haven’t had sex in almost every possible way imaginable.”

“I’m the wrong one to ask, honey. You should ask Emma.”

As if on cue, Em comes into the bathroom. “Ask me what?”

I feel silly asking someone about wedding-night sex. “I’m curious about something. It’s no secret that my marital bed will not be a virginal one. Can I expect tonight to feel different with Jack Henry as my husband?”

She lifts her brows at my question. “Are you suggesting I wasn’t a virgin when I married Evan?”

I feel the heat in my cheeks. “Oh, God. I’m sorry, Em. I didn’t even think of that.”

“I’m kidding, Laurelyn. I had been with Evan every possible way by the time we got married. I think it’s a McLachlan thing,” she laughs. “It’s different but obviously not in a physical way. It’s emotionally different—I don’t really have the words to explain it. I think it’s something you have to experience for yourself to understand.”

“I think I’m more nervous about the sex than I am about the wedding. I want tonight to be different and special, but I’m scared it won’t be because we’ve… tasted the nectar so often.”

“I don’t know what a virginal honeymoon is like so I can’t compare the two, but I don’t think either of you will be disappointed. Don’t let it worry you.”

Margaret appears in the doorway and lightly raps against the open door. “May I disturb you for a moment?”

“Of course.”

“I didn’t want to say anything this morning until I was a hundred percent positive, but I have a surprise for you.” She’s beaming as she steps aside.

Behind Margaret stand my mom and dad. And Nana and Pops too.

I’m out of my seat and in my mom’s arms instantly. As much as she’s done wrong, I forget it all in that moment because she’s my mother and I’ll always love her. “I can’t believe you’re here. Thank you for coming.” I look at my dad and grandparents. “And you too. I’m shocked. I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

“Margaret called me last week. She said some things that made me come to my senses, and realize there was no way I could miss being here for you. I’d hate myself if I chose to miss my only child’s wedding.”

I mouth “thank you” to Margaret over my mom’s shoulder and spend a few minutes catching up with my family before Addison boots them out so we can finish my hair and makeup. When she’s done, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ve never looked better.

“Addison, you are amazing.”

“It helps when you begin with a beautiful canvas.”

“Thank you.”

“And the finishing touch,” she says as she secures the champagne floral piece to the back of my hair. It’s tucked and pinned into a perfectly romantic updo, just above my neckline. “I’m glad you didn’t go with some goofy-looking veil hanging down to your feet.”

“It didn’t matter if it was a church or vineyard wedding—that so wasn’t happening.”

She gives me a mirror so I can see what the back of my hair looks like with the floral embellishment. “What you chose is perfect. Are you ready to get into your dress? The photographer is waiting and you don’t want to be in a rush to finish your bridal portraits before the ceremony.”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You want your mom and Margaret in here to help?”

It wouldn’t feel right if they weren’t. “Yeah, I do.”

After Addison retrieves them, I stand in my robe by the bed as they work to remove my dress from the garment bag. My mom sighs when she sees it. “Oh, Laurie. It’s beautiful.”

It is the most beautiful wedding dress I’ve ever seen. The perfect in-between shade of creamy vanilla lace over champagne charmeuse—something I never imagined myself choosing. I always thought lace was old-timey, but not in this case. It’s a modern sleeveless trumpet gown with a romantic plunging-V neckline. My favorite part, and probably the reason I chose it, is the thick champagne sash around the waist adorned with a floral embellishment that matches the one in my hair.

I step into my gown and Addison pulls it up. I suck in so she can zip me because it’s a little snug in the waist. “Sweetie, your seamstress didn’t cut you any slack here.”

I work to situate my cleavage. “No, she didn’t. I said that I wanted it to be fitted and she did exactly as I told her, so I can’t complain.” It’s even a little tighter in the chest than I thought it’d be.

“Jack’s going to be a huge fan of the boobage you have going on here. They look great.”

“I just hope I manage to not pop one—or both—out during the reception when we dance.”

She reaches up and bounces them. “Nah, you’re good. Those puppies aren’t going anywhere.”

I do a spin around and look at my mom and Margaret. “What do you think?”

Margaret, being the courteous person she is, allows my mom to speak first. “You’re gorgeous, baby girl. Never doubt how proud I am of you or your decisions. Jack is a fine man and lucky to be making you his wife.”

“You’re a beautiful bride. Jolie will always be your mum, but I couldn’t be more thrilled about being your other mother. You’re one of my own from this day forward. Today you become Laurelyn McLachlan, my son’s wife and the mother of my future grandchildren.” Margaret puts her arms around and squeezes me. “I love you. But please, don’t make me wait long on a baby.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” I laugh.

I see the surprised expression on her face. “Are you pregnant?”

“Not yet, but we’ve been talking about it. A lot. Jack Henry’s done a one-eighty. He told me he never wanted children after we first met, and now almost every other conversation is about kids.”

“I thought he’d never marry or want children, but then you came along and everything changed. You don’t know how happy it makes me to know you’re already talking about having sweet babies.”

“Okay, ladies,” Addison cuts in, “I hate to be the one to interrupt, but we need to get Laurie rolling with the photographer so she’ll be on time marrying Jack Henry if she wants to get to work on having those babies you’re talking about.”

“She’s right. It’s not that long until the ceremony begins.” My mom passes me the bouquet of white roses. “I love you, baby girl. Don’t be nervous.”

“I’m not. I can’t be because everything is perfect.” And it is. I’m marrying the man I love and every person who means something to me is here to witness and celebrate the beginning of our lives as Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henry McLachlan.

Chapter Thirty-Six
Jack McLachlan

’m waiting
for my bride in the heart of Avalon under a grapevine canopy covered with white roses and sheer white fabric. When the carriage stops, I can easily see Jake and Addison, but Laurelyn is hidden from view behind her father. He steps down from the carriage to assist Addison and that’s when I get my first look at her.

She’s so beautiful, it takes my breath away.

I’ve always heard people say that, but it literally happens. She’s proof of it. My chest is heavy like something is sitting on it. I inhale deeply because I’m so short of breath. My heart is racing and my palms are tingly. I make fists and release them because they feel so strange.

“Don’t lock your knees, bro,” Evan whispers in my ear.


He leans over. “I see what you’re doing with your hands. They’re tingling because you’re about to pass out. Unlock your knees.”


I do as Evan says and shift my weight from side to side. “Now you look like you’re doing Celia’s pee-pee dance.”

“Shut the fuck up.” I turn to look at the minister because I know he heard me. “Sorry.”

He shrugs as he shakes his head. Great. He thinks he’s about to marry this beautiful woman off to a heathen.

The music begins and Addison walks the rose petal-covered aisle first. Celia is next and skips down the aisle, making a game of throwing petals on the path. She then barrels over to sit in Emma’s lap instead of taking her spot next to Addison.

Our guests stand when the bridal chorus begins. I see Jake and Laurelyn at the other end of the path. Her arm is looped through her father’s and they begin their walk toward us. I had no idea what her dress looked like or how she would wear her hair, but everything about her is perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Once the music stops, the minister says far too many words and then Jake finally hands Laurelyn off to me. She passes her bouquet of white roses to Addison and I take her hands in mine. I slowly rub my thumbs back and forth over the top of her hands as the minister speaks. I have no idea what he’s saying because I only want to get to the part where he says, “I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henry McLachlan.”

She squeezes my hands as my cue because it’s time for me to say my vows. We decided to write our own because nothing about us has been traditional thus far—why would we start now?

I look into her caramel eyes. “Today I lay at your feet the man I’ve been so I may become the man you need me to be: your husband. Your lover. Your best friend. A father to our children. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care for and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you for all eternity. I surrender my all to you this day and every one hereafter.” Tears form in her eyes as I speak; I catch them with my thumb before they roll down her cheek.

The minister then asks Laurelyn to recite her vows and I’m surprised to see Chloe appear with L.’s Martin. She takes it from my sister and watches my face while drawing a deep breath and slowly releasing it. It takes a moment before I realize what’s going on here—she’s going to sing her vows to me. “I take you to be my best friend, my lover, my husband, and the father of our children. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love from this day forward, for as long as we both shall live. You will always be every song I sing.”

“That was beautiful, L.… and so unexpected.”

We exchange rings and the minister rambles on for too long as I anxiously wait to hear him tell me to kiss my bride. When he finally does, I do exactly what Laurelyn warned me not to do. I sweep her backward and pash her with all I have.

When I pull her up, I expect to be chastised but all she has for me is a big, beautiful smile. And then comes my favorite part.

“I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henry McLachlan.”

in the air on the private jet I booked to Hawaii. Laurelyn has no idea where we’re going, but I’m taking her to our newly acquired private estate on the beach in Maui. It’s one of my wedding gifts to her, and I know she’s going to love it. But not as much as the music studio the architect is in the process of planning for her. Music will always be a part of her life, and I won’t have her give it up because she thinks it’s the only way we can be together.

“Thank you again for having the guys fly down to play at the reception. It was a wonderful surprise, almost as good as Margaret surprising me with my family.”

“You’re so very welcome, love.” I bring her hand to my lips. I can’t seem to stop kissing her since we officially became husband and wife. “I didn’t know your parents and grandparents were coming, and I wanted you to have someone there you considered family.”

She brings our clasped hands to her mouth. “You are the best. I couldn’t ask for more—unless you felt like telling me where we’re going.”

“Nope—only that we have almost eleven hours of flight time ahead of us.” We’re still buckled into our seats from takeoff, but I put my hand on her knee and begin sliding it up her leg. “What ever shall we do with all this time we have on our hands?”

She pushes my hand down her leg. “Jack Henry! You really have no shame, do you?”

“Were you really ever under the impression that I did, Mrs. McLachlan?”

“We’ve barely even gotten off the ground and the flight attendants could walk this way any minute.”

The captain announces overhead that we are free to move about the cabin. I wag my eyebrows at my wife. “That means we can take this to the bedroom.”

The flight attendants enter the cabin but I stop them in their tracks. “You may leave the food and champagne. We’ll serve ourselves and call if we need anything.”

“Yes, sir,” they say in unison before exiting the cabin.

“Well, you’re going to make this the easiest assignment they’ve ever had.”

If I don’t see them again, that’ll be just fine. “That works for me.”

I’m out of my seat and pulling her up from hers. “Come on, L. Let’s consummate this marriage in the sky so it’ll be something we’ll never forget.”

She rises from her seat. “You are something else.”

“I think you’ve told me that before.”

She stops at the door and puts her finger against my chest. “Can I at least have a minute to get ready?”

“So you can slip into something special for me?”

“Yes. And take care of the birth control issue before you have a chance to negate it since you’ve proven to be a repeat offender.”

I lean forward and kiss her neck. “You know me so well, wife.”

She pushes me away as she slides the door open. “Yes, I do, husband. I won’t be long.”

“I’ll be in there in two minutes.”

“That only gives me time to get out of this dress.”

“Sounds perfect to me.” I love teasing her.

“No. You’ll come in when I tell you I’m ready, and not a minute before.” She grins before she leans forward and gives me a quick kiss. “You’re cute when you pout.”

I stick my head inside the door before she closes it. “Hurry. I’m anxious to make you my wife in all ways.”

She puts her hand on my chest and pushes me back. “Hold your horses.”

“I can’t help it. My horse is trying to get out of the barn. He wants to play with your mare.”

She reaches down and runs her hand over the crotch of my pants. “Down, boy!” That doesn’t encourage him to relax.

I step back inside and reach around to smack her on the ass. “He’s a bad listener, so hurry!”

“Okay. Okay.”

She almost has the door closed when I remember we didn’t make a plan for how I’ll know she’s ready. “Hey! How will I know when you want me to come in?”

“I’ll call out for you when I’m ready.”

That plan has all kinds of holes in it. “What if I don’t hear you?”

“You think you need to make a plan B? Really?”

“Yes. I can’t calmly sit here unless I know I’m getting in when it’s time.”

She shakes her head. “Good grief. I’ll open the door if you don’t hear me. I won’t let you sit out here in the cabin by yourself for ten hours if you don’t come when I call for you. Promise.”

I slap my palm on the door and growl, “Hurry. Please,” as she slides the door closed. I can’t help it. I’ve never been more ready to have her.

A minute passes and it feels like an eternity. I’m watching the time on my phone and I swear the numbers have never moved so slowly. We’re at twelve minutes and I’m restless, so I get up and walk the cabin because I know she’ll call for me any minute now.

Fourteen going on fifteen minutes in, and I finally hear her voice. “Mr. McLachlan… Come and get me.”

Fuck! That took long enough, but I know she’ll make it worth my wait.

I slide the door open and she’s stretched across the bed on her side. She’s wearing white bridal lingerie—satin and lace cups conceal her breasts and sheer fabric veils her stomach, but I can still see her next-to-nothing knickers beneath. She rises to her knees and spins around to show me the back—a thong with a large satin bow sitting at the top. She swishes her bottom back and forth, causing the ties of the bow to swing, and looks over her shoulder at me.

“You like?”

“Fuck, no! I love!” I lock the door behind me and cross the room toward the bed. She turns around and meets me at the edge. I hold her face in my hands and kiss her slowly and gently because I’m about to do something I’ve never done before—make love to my wife. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how I’m lucky enough to call you mine, Mrs. McLachlan.”

“I love hearing you call me that.”

“Good, because you’re going to hear it a lot.” I kiss the side of her face. “I’m going to say it every day.” I move toward her neck. “And you’re going to hear it every night.”


“I swear.”

I examine the tie between her breasts. “What happens if I give this a little tug?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you should see.”

I grasp the satin between my fingers and pull until the bow is untied and the front of her lingerie falls open. “Oops. I just made my wife’s clothes fall off.”

“Yeah, and you thought it’d take tequila to do that,” she laughs.

“No, Mrs. McLachlan. I was never under the impression that tequila was needed for that.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “Are you saying I’m easy?” she laughs.

“No. I’m saying you’re always my sure thing.”

I push the straps from her shoulders and the barely there top falls to the bed. I cradle her breasts in my hands and rub her nipples with my thumbs. “I wanted to do this so bad today when I saw the way these looked in your wedding dress. It was torture to not touch you. And then the reception in the wine cave… all I could do was think about hoisting you up on the table and diving head first under your dress.”

She rubs her thumb over my bottom lip. “You and that mouth of yours.”

“You love the things that come out of it.”

I lower my mouth and take her nipple in between my teeth and run my tongue over the tip. “Yes, but I like when things go in it and against it too.”

I give her a hard suck and break the suction with a loud pop. “Mrs. McLachlan. You’re a feisty one tonight.”

She begins with the top button of my shirt and works her way down. “You haven’t seen feisty yet. But you’re about to.”

“Mmm… As much as I love your feisty side, I was hoping our first time as husband and wife might be something a little slower. And sweeter. We’ve done almost everything in the book, and I want tonight to be different. I want to make love to my wife.”

She slows her fingers at work on my buttons. “Anything you want.” When she unfastens the last one, she pushes my shirt from my shoulders onto the floor. She puts her palms on my chest and rubs them over my nipples, hardening them. “You’re beautiful. I hope our babies look like you.”

“And I hope they look like their mother with her golden-brown eyes.” I pull her close and press my forehead to hers. “I mean every word of my vows. Everything I’ve been, I am, or will ever be, I surrender it all to you.”

“You’re surrendering your all to me, and I can’t think of anything more beautiful than that. I once thought of you as my beauty from pain—when I thought I’d never see you again—but you’re something entirely different. You’re my beauty from surrender because that’s what you’re doing—relinquishing the person you once were to give yourself to me wholeheartedly. And I love you so much for it. I couldn’t think of a better gift to give your bride.”

I kiss her mouth slowly. It’s true; I am a different man because of how much I love this woman. She’s my everything and that’s what I plan to give her—everything her heart desires. All she has to do is want something and it will become hers. I have so many wonderful things planned for our future together, and this is only the beginning—today is the start of our happily ever after.

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