Read The Beauty Series Bundle Online

Authors: Georgia Cates

The Beauty Series Bundle (44 page)

BOOK: The Beauty Series Bundle
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“I damn sure hope so because I’m about to fucking… die… here.” It’s only a moment later that I come hard and fast, just the way I need to. I lean my head back against my office chair and enjoy my release. It’s not what I get when I’m with Laurelyn, but it’s the next best thing. I’ll take what I can get at this point.

“The boy has rounded third and… yes! We have a home run, ladies and gentlemen.”

I laugh because I don’t know another woman who would coach her boy on like that. And I definitely don’t know who would get naked and touch themselves so someone else could get off. “Thank you, babe. You don’t know how much I needed that.”

“I bet I do. I may or may not be putting the Bullet to a lot of use these days.”

I don’t know how I feel about that. “The Bullet’s fine, but don’t use the other one. I don’t want anything inside you but me.”

“You’re being silly. A vibrator could never replace you.”

I hope not but I don’t want to take any chances. “It won’t if you don’t use it. I hear that women can become desensitized to normal sexual touch when they use those things too much. They can’t orgasm with a man, and I don’t want that to happen because I plan on being the one to make you come. A lot.”

“I want you to make me come so you shouldn’t worry. I’m not a fan of anything being inside me except you.”

“Perfect. That’s exactly what I want to hear.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven
Laurelyn Prescott

ix weeks down
. Six weeks to go. And it sucks. Major.

Life on the road isn’t at all what I thought it would be. I wasn’t naïve. I knew traveling all the time would be brutal, but I imagined the love of the fans would make up for all the negatives. Don’t get me wrong; they’re great, but home isn’t a rolling tour bus or a different hotel each night. This life doesn’t cut it for me.

Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way if I didn’t know the love of my life was waiting for me to come to him. But I do know, and it’s making me miserable. It’s getting worse every day and I feel like I could be falling into some kind of depression.

We talk every day without fail—and sometimes have a little naughty time via video chat—but it doesn’t make being apart easier. I’m terrified he’s going to grow tired of what we’re doing and decide he doesn’t want to continue with our long-distance relationship because he needs something tangible and I can’t be that from so far away. He seems okay with the way things are—for now. I know that won’t last forever, but I don’t need it to last for much longer.

I only need six more weeks—forty-two more days—and we can be together forever.

even weeks down
. Five weeks to go. And it still sucks.

Five shows a week, a different city every night. I’m exhausted and I hate what I’m doing, but it’s a commitment I agreed to fulfill. I want to be a rat and walk out on the band, but I won’t because that’s not who I am. I love these guys and I want to see them succeed. If I walk out now without a replacement, it could ruin them. I won’t do that as long as Jack Henry agrees to wait for me. If he says he’s done before I can make it to him, then I’m done here. I won’t sacrifice us or our love for Southern Ophelia or anything else.

ight weeks down
. Four weeks to go. Still sucking.

I’m worried about Jack Henry and me. He didn’t call last night. When I finally reached him this morning, he said there was a problem at Chalice and he had to leave immediately. But he could’ve called during the drive there.

It’s Audrey. She continues to make herself present in his life and that’s a problem for me because I’m not there to know what’s happening. He allowed her to be the reason we didn’t talk, and I’m uneasy about that.

I hate this.

ine weeks down
. Three weeks to go. And it’s worse this week.

I missed Jack Henry’s call last night. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep waiting for his call and didn’t wake when he tried to reach me. His words were cold this morning when we finally talked. He asked me what I was doing last night, as if he suspected I might be up to no good.

This isn’t working, and I’m beginning to fear what our future holds if I don’t go to him soon.

en weeks down
. Two weeks to go. And today is the worst yet.

Fourteen days. I can hang in there because I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel, but Jack Henry doesn’t. I can tell he’s getting close to being at the end of his rope. I want to walk away from this now, but I remind myself that I can do that soon enough all while keeping my word.

I can do this. I just have to keep telling myself that over and over.

leven weeks down
. One week to go. I’m going to make it now and we’re going to be fine.

I can’t wait to talk to Jack Henry tonight. He doesn’t know it, but I’ll be back in his arms in seven days. I can’t wait to see his face when he realizes I’m home. For good.

I just finished a show but thinking about being with him in a week gets me turned on, so I think it’ll be a video chat night instead of a phone call. I send him a text to let him know I’ll be contacting him in ten minutes and he better be ready for me.

When we make a connection, I see he’s in his office—the place that’s become our sexual playroom since it’s usually morning for him when we talk. “I hope you have the door locked because I’m feeling particularly naughty.”

“Baby, I need to talk to you about something serious.”

Shit! I don’t like the sound of that. “What’s wrong?” Something has happened. I don’t know what it is but my mind spins with thoughts of him finding another woman or telling me we’re over because he can’t do this anymore. “You’re scaring me.”

“Something happened last night.”

“What?” Please don’t let him tell me he tripped and fell into bed with someone else. My heart is racing in my throat and I suddenly feel nauseated. I’m terrified of the path this conversation is heading.

“Audrey was in the house again.”

Oh, hell to the no. “You are kidding me!”

“I wish I were. I came home from work yesterday evening and had dinner alone like I always do. I had a couple of coldies while I watched TV and went to take a shower before bed.”

There’s a reason he’s starting the story from that point. “I’m not going to like where this is going, am I?”

“You damn sure won’t.” He pauses briefly before adding, “She got into the shower with me.”

My pulse is pounding so hard, I feel it throbbing throughout my entire body but especially in my face. “That bitch! I’m gonna kill her.” And then my mind really starts jumping to conclusions, like how hard it would be for him to turn down a naked woman in the shower when he’s so hard up after almost three months without sex. “Did you fuck her?”

“Hell, no! I can’t believe you just asked me that.”

I see from his expression that I’ve hurt him. “I’m sorry. I was just thinking of how long it’s been since we were together, and I know you must be incredibly frustrated.”

“I don’t care how long it’s been. My balls will never be blue enough to want a piece of that.”

“What did you say to her?”

“That I’d never be with her again because I loved you and we were going to get married. I know you haven’t given me an answer, but my heart tells me you’re going to come and I’m marrying you when you do.”

He hasn’t given up on us. Or me. But I don’t have a choice anymore. It’s time for me to get my ass down there and be with my man before I let him slip away. Eleven weeks down. One week to go. But I’m done with this shit! Adios!

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Jack McLachlan

aurelyn’s tour
comes to an end next week and I hope it marks the beginning of a new start for our future together. She has continued to be mysterious about her plans and hasn’t verbally committed to anything one way or another. It concerns me, but I haven’t wanted to push the envelope for fear of blowing it with her.

Originally, she was scheduled two weeks off once the tour ended and then she’d be back in the studio to begin working on the next album, but things have changed since then. I gave her a ring and told her I wanted to marry her.

It’s been three months, and although it is per my request, she hasn’t given me an official answer. Not knowing is beginning to wear on me. I pretend to be patient, but I’m not. I want her here and every day is a battle to not demand she come immediately so we can begin our forever.

Frankly, it’s a little depressing that she didn’t drop her entire life the moment I put that ring on her finger. In the back of my mind, I’d hoped she would, but then I remember that her strong will and independence are some of the things I love so much about her. I like that she has a life and it doesn’t solely revolve around me. But then the selfish part of me despises it at the same time.

It’s been a long day and I’m exhausted when I come home for the evening. It’s a little late for Mrs. Porcelli to still be here, but I find her in the kitchen. “Perfect timing, Mr. McLachlan. I was just taking dinner out of the oven.”

It’s a familiar smell but one I don’t usually associate with Mrs. Porcelli’s cooking. It smells just like my girl’s lasagna. “That smells just like Laurelyn’s been in here cooking.”

“It should. It’s her lasagna.”

I’ve missed her cooking a lot, so this is a nice token to remind me of what a good cook she is. “Thank you. I’m sure it’ll be delicious.”

Mrs. Porcelli gathers her things and is on her way out the door. “A package came for you today. I put it in your bedroom.”

I haven’t placed any kind of order that I can recall and I’m not expecting a parcel. “What kind of package is it?”

She grins as she says, “I believe it’s something from Laurelyn. Have a good evening, sir.” She goes out the door before I can respond.

Like a child at Christmas, I can’t get to my bedroom quick enough to see what Laurelyn might’ve sent me. My mind reels with all kinds of expectations as I walk—or maybe dash—down the hallway.

The door to my bedroom is closed but I don’t have time to sort out why because I’m anxiously swinging it open with the expectation of seeing a box on my bed. What I find lying there tops any possible expectations I could’ve had.

It’s my beautiful Laurelyn.

She’s lying on her side facing me when I enter my bedroom. Her head is propped in her hand, her elbow pressing into the mattress, her long legs slightly bent, one more so than the other. Her brunette locks hang in loose curls and she’s wearing one of my button-downs—unbuttoned. It’s opened just enough for me to see that she’s naked beneath and I’m instantly hard.

My brain turns to complete and utter mush because all of my blood is pumping straight to the organ my body thinks is most vital at the moment—my cock—and I go stupid. I can’t say anything. All I can do is stare at her stretched across my bed.

“Hello, Jack Henry,” she says while she smirks and moves to sit up on the bed. “Surprised much?”

There’s a disconnect between my brain and mouth but luckily, the connection to my feet is working. I close the distance between us and she rises to her knees to meet me in the middle of the bed.

My heart pounds as I take her face in my hands and hold it as I kiss her mouth. It feels new even after having done it so many times. I’m vigorous because I don’t have a choice. I haven’t tasted her in months and I’m in withdrawals.

I’m still holding her face when I stop kissing her and press my forehead to hers. “I’ve missed you so much. There hasn’t been a single minute when you weren’t on my mind.”

“I know. I’ve missed you too. I wanted to come months ago, but I couldn’t leave Charlie and the guys hanging after they were so good to me.”

I don’t know what that means, but I’m not beating around the bush. “Is this just a visit or have you come to me so we can start our lives together?”

“This is the beginning of our forever.”

“Then there’s something I’m supposed to do.”

I take her hands and pull her with me as I slide off the bed. She’s standing in front of me as I drop to my knee the way she told me she would expect me to do when I properly asked her to marry me. I take her left hand and she’s wearing the ring I gave her months ago. I bring it to my lips and kiss it. “I love you with every fiber of my being.” She beams and I’m certain she knows what’s coming next. “I never want to be separated from you again. It’s my heart’s only desire that you become my wife and the mother of my children. Will you marry me?”

“Yes.” It’s one word. Simple. And it’s all I need.

I push the shirt covering her stomach away and press my face against her bareness beneath it. “I swear I’ll make you happy.”

“I don’t doubt that for a second,” she says as she runs her hand through my hair. “I don’t want to wait. I want to be your wife as soon as possible.”

I kiss her stomach and then look up at her from where I am now on both of my knees. “God, I’m so glad to hear you say that. I don’t want to wait, either.” She’s still running her fingers through my hair as she smiles down at me and I slide my hands around to her bottom. “There’s something else I can’t wait to do.”

“What ‘cha wanna bet it’s the same something I have on my mind?”

“I don’t think we have to do any kind of betting.” She reaches for my hands on her bum and uses them to pull me up from the floor. “We both know I’m always your sure thing—any way you want me.”

She pulls the button of my jeans free and quickly gets my fly open so she can slide her hand inside. She wraps it around me and begins sliding it up and down. “I’ve missed this too.”

It’s been too long since I was inside her and I feel like I’ll come just from her touch on my cock. “Whoa, baby. I’m gonna come in your hand if you keep doing that.”

“And you’d rather do it inside me, wouldn’t you?”


She turns around and peels the shoulders of the shirt back and lets it fall to her feet. She steps back and her bottom meets my crotch. She rubs it against me as she says, “I know how you want to do this.”

I’m about to explode but I don’t want the first time of our forever to be like that. I want to make love to her and see her face while I do it. “Not this time,” I say as I grasp her hips and turn her around. “I want to see my wife-to-be’s face when I make love to her.”

“If I were wearing panties, that would’ve melted them right off.” She sits on the bed and scoots back before putting her feet on the railing and spreading her knees wide. “Come here and make me scream until everyone on this side of town knows your name.”

“I can do that.” I lift her feet and hook her legs over my shoulders. I grasp her hips and lift them until she’s in the perfect position. I take a moment to smell before I taste. “There’s no telling how many times I’ve sniffed your undies while we’ve been apart, but nothing can replace this.” I bury my nose against her and inhale until my lungs feel like they’ll explode. “There is no substitute for this.”

I can stand it no longer. I’m a starving man dying to taste her. When I do, it’s even better than I remember. Within seconds she’s squirming her hips against my mouth and moaning. “There is no replacement for that, either.”

She isn’t going to last long at this rate, but it makes me happy to know that I can still make her orgasm so easily. “Do you want me to slow down to make it last longer?”

She grabs the back of my head and pulls my mouth back down against her. “No! Don’t you even think about stopping or slowing down. I’m right on the edge and fairly certain I’ll die if you don’t let me come soon.”

I reach up and give her the okay signal to signify my compliance because I’m afraid to try to tell her. As I suspect, it’s maybe fifteen seconds later when she begins to tense and quiver. I hear her breathing increase as she moans, and I’m pretty certain when she pulls my hair that the east side of town hears her scream my name.

I don’t dare stop until I feel her relax against me. That’s when I know she’s feeling the euphoria, but I can’t help myself. I’m like a beast as I move fast so I can get inside her. I wanted to make love to her but I can’t because it’s been too long. It’ll have to wait until next time, but I’m not worried because I already know that won’t be long.

She’s slick so I slide inside easily. I’m moving in and out of her fast—probably too fast—but I can’t help myself. It’s like my dick is trying to make up for lost time.

I feel her hand patting me on my arm. “Jack Henry. Stop. I have to tell you something.”

Stop? Is she fucking kidding me? I am like a fast-moving train without brakes. “What is it?” I ask as I continue moving inside her.

“I didn’t want to run into a problem finding a doctor down here to remove my IUD, so I had it taken out before I left.”

“Okay,” I reply, unconcerned because I’m not certain what she’s talking about and I can’t bring myself to care at the moment.

She pecks me on the arm again. “That means we’re having unprotected sex right now.”

“Are you telling me I gotta stop?” I think the prospect of her saying yes has me moving even faster.

“No, but I’m not on birth control. I was going to tell you I had condoms for us to use, but you moved so fast, I didn’t get to tell you before you were inside me.”

“I don’t think I can stop. I mean, I guess I could if I had to but… fuck… I don’t want to.” I’m so close to coming and my dick isn’t the least bit concerned with consequences for his actions. My head is battling my penis for dominance but right now, the one getting the action is sitting in the driver’s seat and isn’t prepared to move over. “Baby, I’ll quit if you want me to, but you better decide fast because I’m close to blasting my swimmers into your cockpit.”

“First it was a snatch and now it’s a cockpit?”

“You better tell me what I need to do,” I grit through my teeth. I’m trying to hold back but it’s damn near impossible after going so long without having her. “I’m about to blow my load.”

“Pull out and come on my stomach.” Her words aren’t spoken a second too early because as soon as I withdraw, I immediately explode all over her. “Oh, Laurelyn… that was so… fucking… good.”

When I finish, I collapse to the side of her and lie on my back, looking at the ceiling. Now, I’m the one with the postcoital euphoria. I catch my breath after a moment and reach for her hand to bring it up for a kiss. “I love you, baby. I’ve missed you so much and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have you back here.”

She rolls from her back to her side and hitches her leg over me. “I know. I feel the same. It’s good to be home.”

“I love hearing you say that.” I reach for her face and pull her close for a kiss. “Now, let’s start over with this birth control conversation. I’m not sure I understood a word you said.”

“Did you hear the part about me not being on any?”

I didn’t at first but I guess it sunk in after a minute. “Sort of.”

“I wanted the IUD removed before I left because I wasn’t sure if I’d have a problem finding a doctor here to take it out.”

I don’t know anything about that stuff. “We have properly trained medical doctors here. We’re not barbarians.”

“I know that, but we never discussed how long it would be before we wanted to start a family. I don’t really know if it takes a while to conceive after an IUD is removed and I didn’t want it to cause any problems when we’re ready, so it seemed like the smart thing to do. I’m sorry. I was going to talk to you about it, but things moved so fast. While you were proposing didn’t seem like the right time to bring it up, and then your mouth was between my legs and I definitely wasn’t interrupting that to talk about it. You just moved so fast. You went from having your mouth on me one second to being inside me the next.”

“Baby, it’s okay. If it happened, then we’ll just have a baby. We’re getting married soon anyway. Don’t worry about it.”

“You’re not mad?”

“No. I’ve told you how I feel about us having a baby. I’d be happy if it happened just now. If it didn’t, then that’s just more time to practice until we decide to try.”

“I think we’re okay because I’m supposed to start my period in a few days. I’d be happy too if it happened, but I’d prefer to be married for a little while first, if given the choice.”

“Agreed.” I roll her to her back and hold her arms above her head as I straddle her legs. “Because I want to do all kinds of explicit things to you before we have a baby, Mrs. McLachlan.” I lower my mouth to her breast and take her nipple in my mouth. I roll my tongue around it until it hardens. “You know a baby would be disturbing us every few hours wanting to do this.”

“You love the thought of that, don’t you?”

I do, despite what Evan told me about it. “What makes you say that?”

“This isn’t the first time you’ve brought up nursing.”

What? “I don’t remember ever talking about that.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to because you were drunk as shit—although you somehow remember the drunken proposal.”

“So, I proposed while I was drunk in Vegas and talked about having kids—that you would breastfeed?” That’s weird. I must’ve been drunker than I thought.

“Yeah, you told me you couldn’t wait to see me nurse our babies.” I’m sure she’ll be adding this to my list of weirdo behaviors.

“I don’t remember saying that, but it’s true. You’ve triggered something in me I thought I’d never feel or desire. All I can think about is making you mine and starting a family.”

“That’s because you’re a caveman,” she laughs. “You have a desire to procreate, and I’m agreeable, but you need to marry me first.”

No argument here. “Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there. Mum will be ecstatic to help you plan everything. She, Chloe, and Emma will probably plan the whole thing if you’ll let them.”

“None of my family will come, so I don’t need a big wedding, unless it’s what you want.”

BOOK: The Beauty Series Bundle
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