The Beauty Series Bundle (15 page)

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Authors: Georgia Cates

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“You’ve felt all right today? No more headaches or vomiting?”

“I’ve felt really good today.”

She scared the shit out of me. “I was worried yesterday.”

“I’m sorry I worried you, but really … I’m fine.”

Is she really okay? “You’d tell me if you weren’t?”


“It’s late and I should probably let you get to sleep. It’s not a bad idea for me to catch up on my slumber since someone has been keeping me up late at night.”

“Well, you might find it easier to get a little sleep if you weren’t instigating late-night activities.”

“You don’t like my instigating?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So, you like it?”

“Very much, Mr. Henry. I like your late-night instigations. And your morning ones. And your midday ones. Hell, I like all of your instigating.”

“I’ll remember that next time I see you.”

“Yes, be sure you do. Now, get some sleep, Mr. Henry. You have a lot of instigating to do when you return.”

“Yes, ma’am, I do.”

Chapter Twenty-Five
Laurelyn Prescott

’m applying
my makeup to go out for New Year’s Eve and I’m totally bummed. I thought bringing in the new year in Australia would be some kind of spectacular experience, but it won’t be because Lachlan isn’t here to celebrate with me. And he won’t be here to kiss me at midnight.

I’m smoking up my eyes with black liner while Addison is in the shower talking nonstop about Zac. I really want to tell her to shut up. I know I’m being completely selfish, but if I can’t be with Lachlan, I don’t want to hear about all the things she’s going to do to rock Zac’s world tonight.

Enough is enough. “I’m going to the bedroom to get dressed.”

“Okay. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Take your time.” I’m wrapped in a towel as I peek out the door to be sure Ben isn’t around before I streak to the bedroom. After I see that the coast is clear, I make a break for it. I’m not four steps down the hall when I run right smack into him. Literally.

I look up as I grasp my towel tightly. Being so close to him while wearing so little feels wrong. Really wrong. “Excuse me.”

He doesn’t make a move or say a word as his eyes roam my body. I dart around him and run for the bedroom door, slamming it behind me. Shit. That was more than just a little unpleasant.

I stand in front of the closet searching through what has now become community property. There’s no mine or yours. I pull out a black strapless with a wide red waist sash and hold it up to myself as I look in the mirror. It’s Addison’s so of course it’s going to be short on me, but I like it. It’s sexy as hell. I don’t know why I care. I have no one to impress.

I’m standing in front of the mirror with the dress when Addison comes into the bedroom. “Nice choice.”

“You weren’t going to wear it, were you?”

“No, I’m wearing the electric blue one.”

I put on the dress and Addison zips it for me. It’s tight but it squeezes me in all the right places. It’s a sexy dress and I’m hot in it, but instead of being proud of the way I look, I’m disappointed Lachlan isn’t here to see me. Maybe I’ll text pictures of myself to show him what he’s missing.

When we’re finished getting ready, we go into the living room where Zac and Ben are ready and waiting. Zac is up and at Addison’s side immediately, telling her how beautiful she is. Ben is staring at me and I begin to feel really uncomfortable. Even more so than I did when we met in the hallway. Somehow I feel more naked than I did when I was wearing only a towel.

I wish things weren’t like this between Ben and me. I wish we could talk and laugh like friends instead of constantly being swallowed up by all of this uneasiness.

The four of us leave the apartment building and catch a cab to the club so everyone can drink. I’m sure to take the seat in the front so I’m not stuck sitting with Ben in the back. Maybe it’s childish, but I don’t care. He doesn’t need the least bit of encouragement.

Ben holds the door for me as we walk into the club. As I walk past him, he leans close to me. “You’re exceptionally beautiful tonight, Laurelyn.”

It’s sweet the way he says it. I don’t know. Maybe I would’ve been interested in him if there had been no Lachlan. But there is a Lachlan. And he’s the only one I want. “Thank you, Ben. You’re very handsome tonight. Every girl in the place is going to swoon over you.”

“Except the one I want.”

Shit. Why’d he have to call out the pink elephant in the room?

I say nothing and walk to the table Zac and Addison have chosen close to the stage. Of course, they’re sitting together so that means Ben and I must sit together.

Since it’s New Year’s Eve, I’m guessing there’s going to be some real entertainment. Open mic has already started and there’s a woman doing an Adele song on the karaoke machine. She’s mimicking every note like Adele—I imagine she’s been singing in the mirror all week to get ready for her big performance.

“There’s a sign-up sheet if you want to sing. You might want to go ahead and put your name down. I’m sure the list is long since it’s a big night.”

I grab Addison by the hand and pull her from her chair. “Come on. You didn’t sing last time and you were the one chanting the loudest for me to get up on stage.”

Ben is right—the list is very long. Addison and I sign up, but I’ll be surprised if we’re called before midnight. I’ll probably be too drunk to remember how to sing.

Our waitress places a Sauvignon Blanc in front of me. I ordered it because it’s one of the wines I’ve come to enjoy since meeting Lachlan. I take a drink and I’m surprised how a glass of wine can make me feel closer to him, even when he’s seven hours away.

One after another, people take the stage. Some are decent while many are a disaster, but it’s all for fun and I think everyone in the club claps louder for the ones who suck. It’s called a pity clap.

About fifteen minutes before midnight, Addison is called to the stage, which means I’m next. She’s pretty drunk and I’m just hoping for her sake that she doesn’t screw this up.

She takes the guitar from its stand and sits on the stool before she puts the strap over her neck. She strums several times and I get a glimpse of how I must’ve looked on stage, minus the drunk part.

She begins to sing “You Were Meant for Me” by Jewel, and I’m not sure if it’s because she’s trying to send a not-so-subtle message to Zac or because it’s a song she felt certain she could pull off drunk. Regardless, Zac doesn’t take his eyes off her and I’m envious.

She finishes and the crowd claps wildly. As they should. She gave a great performance.

I’m called to the stage next and I take my place at the piano this time. There’s no damn way I’d sing this song if Lachlan were here, but he’s not and it’s my own little private joke with myself.

I lean into the mic and address the crowd because I can’t help it. I’m an entertainer. It’s in my blood. It’s what I do.

“Everybody ready to bring in the New Year?” The crowd responds loudly, letting me know they’re having a right nice time. “I toyed with this song on a piano the other day and decided I’d do my own rendition. I sort of liked the way it sounded.” I play a few notes as I speak to the crowd. “Hell, I loved the way it sounded, but I’m going to let you guys tell me what you think. This is ‘Private Dancer’ by the lovely Tina Turner.”

Chills come over me as I lean toward the mic and begin to sing about men very similar to the one I met in this bar not so long ago. I close my eyes because I don’t want to see the crowd. I want to think of the private dance I did for Lachlan.

I forget I’m in front of a crowd and become lost in the lyrics. When I’m finished singing, I return from the place I’ve been. I come off stage and they announce that the countdown is only three minutes away.

Geez, I hope Ben doesn’t try to lay one on me. What would I do about that?

I prop my chin in my hand and wish for the millionth time I were with Lachlan when my phone vibrates on the table and lights up with a new text message. I smile when I see it’s from Lachlan. He’s probably wishing me a Happy New Year.

*Yes. I’d like 2 CU do the shimmy again.*

He heard me sing ‘Private Dancer?’ That means he’s here. My head pops up and I begin my search in the sea of faces. When I don’t find him in the crowd, I text him. I’m afraid I won’t find him in time for the countdown.

*Where RU?*

A moment later I feel his hands around my waist and his mouth against my ear. “Right here.”

I spin around and look at him in disbelief. “I thought you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow?”

“I busted my ass to get everything done and left Lovedale this afternoon so we could be together for the countdown. I didn’t want anyone else kissing you at midnight.”

I know how that translates. He doesn’t want Ben to kiss me, but what Lachlan doesn’t realize is that there would’ve been no New Year’s kiss for me if it didn’t come from him.

“Five. Four. Three. Two. One!”

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me hard as “Auld Lang Syne” plays loudly. When he lets me go, he pulls back so he can see my eyes.

“Come home with me.”

Chapter Twenty-Six
Jack McLachlan

e drive
to the apartment and I sit in the car while Laurelyn goes inside to pack a bag. While I’m waiting for her to return, a cab stops at the curb and Ben gets out. He stumbles as he makes his way to the building. He appears drunk. I want to go up to the apartment as I watch him, but I don’t because Laurelyn should be on her way down any second. And I’m sure I won’t get along with drunk Ben any better than I do with sober Ben.

She doesn’t come down but I wait a little longer and then something doesn’t feel right. To hell with this. I want to know what’s taking her so long, so I get out and stalk toward the building. I press the buzzer and get no answer, so I press it again and then hear Laurelyn’s voice.

“I’m almost finished. Be right down.” I hear Ben shout something in the background, but I can’t make out what it is.

“Buzz me in, Laurelyn. Now.”

I hear the latch on the door release and I don’t wait for the elevator. I take the stairs two at a time until I reach the third-floor apartment. I pound on the door and as soon as Laurelyn opens it, I can see she’s been crying. I glance at him and then back to her. “What did he do to you?”

“Nothing.” She won’t look at me and it’s because something happened. And it’s something that’s going to piss me off.

“Tell me what the hell he did to you, Laurelyn!”

She picks up her bag. “Can we just go, please?”

I don’t feel like going. He did something to her and I’m going to find out what. I step inside the apartment toward Ben. “What the hell did you do?”

Laurelyn steps in front of me, between Ben and me. She can see where this is going. She puts her hands on my chest and shakes her head while she pleads, “Please don’t, Lachlan. He’s my best friend’s brother. I don’t want this to become a problem between me and Addison.”

I reach for her bag on the floor as I glare at Ben. I’m going to find out what you did.

We leave the apartment and I say nothing until we’re in my car and I can’t stand it any longer. I have to know. “Tell me, Laurelyn.”

Her head is lowered and she’s staring at her hands in her lap. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I’m not moving this car until you tell me what he did.”

It’s dark, but the spill from the streetlights shines on her face and I see that she’s crying. “I really just want to get out of here.”

She’s not going to tell me anything while we’re here. She knows I’ll go up there and beat the shit out of him if he hurt her. I start the car and pull away. When we’re on the highway, I reach for her hand and bring it to my lips.

She sighs deeply. “He came into my room and saw me packing. He knew I was going to stay with you, so he asked me not to leave. When I told him I was going with you, he grabbed me and started kissing me. I pushed him away and he told me I was nothing more than a whore to you.”

There’s only one word to describe the feeling raging inside me: fury.

I’m glad she didn’t tell me while we were there because I would have flown into a blind rage. I wasn’t entirely sure I wasn’t going to turn around and go back to kick his ass. “You’re not staying with him anymore.”

“Lachlan, don’t be ridiculous. I have to.”

“No, you don’t. I’ll get you your own apartment.”

She’s shaking her head. “No, Lachlan. I can’t let you do that.”

“Then the only other option is for you to stay with me at the vineyard because you’re not going back to stay with him.” I’m watching the road, but that doesn’t keep me from feeling her watch me in the dark. “Packing every few days is getting old anyway, right? And you never have all the things you need.”

“Won’t you have to go out of town sometimes? Where will I stay when you’re gone?”

“You can stay at the vineyard without me. Mrs. Porcelli would probably like the company and Daniel can drive you if you need to go anywhere. I don’t know. Maybe you’ll come with me on some of my trips.”

Is she considering it? “Baby, I don’t want you there with him anymore,” I add.

“Addison will be upset with me if I move out.”

“I think she’d be more upset if something happened between you and her brother and it ruined your friendship,” I counter. “Besides, she stays with Zac most nights, doesn’t she?”

“That’s true,” she agrees.

“Tell me you will.”

She hesitates before answering. “Okay, I will.”

I bring her hand to my lips again and kiss it. “We’ll go back for your things in a day or two after I cool down. There’s no way I can be near that little fucker right now without killing him.”

Okay. It’s a done deal; Laurelyn is moving in with me for the next ten weeks. This isn’t something I’ve done before. Hell, I’d never allowed any of my companions to visit one of my houses or vineyards. I couldn’t chance the connection afterwards, but it doesn’t matter if Laurelyn makes the connection. She will be nine thousand miles away once we’re over so it doesn’t matter.

She’s being unusually quiet and I’m worried about the things spinning through her head. I hope she isn’t putting any merit into Ben telling her I think of her as my whore.

I give her hand a little squeeze where it rests on my thigh. “Ben is wrong. You’re not a whore to me.”

“How am I not? Didn’t I agree to a sexual relationship with a man I didn’t know in exchange for the time of my life? That’s as good as being paid for sex.”

“Laurelyn, we are two consenting adults. We have great sex, but I don’t pay you for it. We have a great time together because we’re friends. We enjoy spending time together and it has absolutely nothing to do with sex. Got it?”


She doesn’t sound convinced but the doubt Ben placed in her mind is fresh. She’ll need time to forget about his cruel words. For now, I choose to say nothing else about it and instead change the topic. “Yanks have New Year’s traditions, right?”

“Yes. There’s a southern tradition of eating black-eyed peas and ham hocks on New Year’s Day. It’s supposed to bring you luck throughout the year.”

“Should I have Mrs. Porcelli cook that for you today?”

She’s laughing now. “No, I don’t eat ham hock, whatever that is, so that won’t be necessary.”

At some point in the drive, she becomes quiet and I think she has Ben’s accusation on her mind again until I realize her hand has relaxed. She’s fallen asleep. I pull into the garage and park, but take a moment to watch her sleeping. As I brush her hair from her face, she reminds me of a sleeping angel and I can’t understand how that bastard could hurt her by saying such horrible things.

I brush my fingers against her cheek. “Laurelyn, we’re home.” She stirs a little and I think about how that came out all wrong. “We’re at the vineyard.”

She doesn’t wake so I get out and go around to her side of the car. I scoop her out to carry her to bed. I take a few steps toward the door and she tries to focus on me with exhausted eyes. “What are you doing?”

“I’m carrying you to bed.”

“I haven’t been carried to bed since I was three.”

“Now you can say you haven’t been carried to bed since you were twenty-two.”

I place her on what I have come to think of as her side of the bed. She seems to have gone back to sleep already. I note the cocktail dress she’s wearing and I’m certain she doesn’t want to sleep in it, so I pull a T-shirt out of my drawer for her.

I slip off one of her shoes and she inhales heavily as I remove the second one. “Thank you, Lachlan.”

I place her shoes on the floor next to the footboard. “I don’t mind.”

Her eyes are closed as she says, “No, I don’t mean for carrying me to bed. I mean for everything. You treat me like I’m somebody instead of a nobody.”

She’s showing me a new side of herself. It’s childlike and damaged. I know in my gut that this moment has nothing to do with anything Ben said. She carries an old scar and it causes her deep pain.

I brush my fingers down her cheek. “You’re such a special person. You should always be treated like somebody.”

She reaches for my hand and holds it against her face, but doesn’t say anything. I want to tell her how her heart belongs to someone she’s yet to meet and she’ll be loved and adored by one bloody lucky man someday. She’ll have his babies just like she told me she wanted to do and he’ll love her in a way like she’s never known.

But I can’t tell her these things. And I don’t know why.

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