The Beat of Safiri Bay (2 page)

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Authors: Emmse Burger

BOOK: The Beat of Safiri Bay
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I put down my guitar in its allocated space in my closet and flop onto my couch. I try to recall what he looked like but I can’t. Matthew’s face keeps on taking over the image. Did I imagine that? Oh my, I think I am going crazy. I must just forget about that incident for now I can worry about it again later on. I check my watch, two o’ clock. I have enough time for a quick lunch. I do not want to bring up my lunch on the gym floor later.  Those eyes... there is something about them, I silence my curious heart, I have to eat now.


Thandi has made spinach omelettes, my favourite. I take a seat at the table in the kitchen, lay my serviette out on my lap and sprinkle some salt on my egg. The chickens haven’t left our yard yet. At least this is not part of the actual chicken, I think as I pick up my fork. I shrug and dig in. The back door opens. It’s Christina. “Hi Love” Oh gosh. I wish she would stop with the endearments. “Hi” I mutter uncomfortably with a mouth full of food. She doesn’t seem to mind. Off course she doesn’t. She wouldn’t care if I grew two blue horns out my ears and blew fire. She cares only for money and here, in this house, she found it.


“I see the girls have left this morning. Their school only opens tomorrow and their mom and David took them back there today.  They are such sweet girls.” That was true. Emma and Sarah are sweet. They are the daughters of our neighbours. Their father runs my dad’s mill here in Safiri. They are younger than I am but only by a year or two. Their mother stays at home and looks after the animals. Their yard looks like a farmyard.  They have dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and mice. All they need is a horse and a cow and they would have it all.


“Maybe we should invite them over this weekend, you know, so the three of you can catch up.” I cannot think of one single thing we need to catch up on as we don’t really ever socialise with them but she has a point. Maybe I should try to befriend them. It couldn’t hurt. “Hmmm” I hum with a mouth full. She leaves the room. Boy, that woman puts me in a bad mood right away.

Thandi is washing up and I give her my empty plate. “Thanks Thands,” I say and she smiles at me. She really is more like a mother to me than a housekeeper, much like Bessie from next door. I like that middle-aged lady. She looks after her daughters and animals with such love it is moving to watch. She still invites me over for cake and coffee often and it is only because she is so easy to talk to that I never decline her invitations. Her house has a peaceful atmosphere. Not like this one I think to myself. Thanks to you know who.


I sneak to my room trying to avoid Christina. Success, thank goodness. Man I hate having to sneak around my own house.

I have a rather large room for a girl my age. It has a bed off course, two couches, coffee table, desk and chair, bookshelf and a walk in closet, which mainly holds my collection of seven guitars. There is full bathroom and I also have my own little studio. It might sound as if I’m spoilt but trust me; it is better this way, except for the studio, that is just a splash of luxury from my dad I’ll admit. Once inside my bathroom I brush my hair and tie it up in a pony for gym. I have never really liked the natural red streaks in my brown hair. My Granny has the same but she likes hers. I quickly change into ski-pants and a gym top and pack my gym bag with a clean towel, kettlebell gloves and wet wipes. I slip on my trainers and let myself take a quick peek in the mirror just to check that all is in its place. My phone rings. It’s Matt.


“Hey, how did it go?” he asks really interested.

“Okay I guess. You know I don’t enjoy the seniors but they did well.” I make that clear so he wouldn’t ask me again sometime soon. “I know, I know but thank you so much,” he quickly responds. “I got everything I needed and Jill is not happy but hey, she gets paid to do her job and she has to do it. I really don’t have time for her moans; I have enough problems of my own.” I hear an eagerness to talk in his voice. “Tell you what, lets meet up for a drink at the Lodge bar later if you are keen,” I throw it out there knowing he will fall for it.

“Sure thing, see you later then.” “Oh do you mind if I bring my cousin? 

“Yes off course you know I like meeting your family members,”

“Okay see you at the Lodge at about six”

“Six it is.”

It was true. I did enjoy meeting Matt’s family. I have met his mother and her husband although he can’t speak a word of English. I have met his father and his wife and she couldn’t speak a word of English. I have met his eldest brother Francois and his wife Amy and his handsome younger brother Tom as well as two of his stepsisters and one cousin. Matt is the middle child, born in England raised in France. He came to South Africa at the age of nineteen. He stayed with his aunt and finished his studies via correspondence. He became a teacher at the school at age twenty-two and is now twenty-nine. A bit young to be the principal but he does the job well.


Back in the kitchen I grab a Powerade from the fridge, put it into my bag and take the keys of my dad’s Jeep. I do not like riding back in the wind on my bike when my body is wet with sweat. Not only can everyone see my red face but I also wouldn’t like catching a cold. “Let’s go face our fate,” I silently mumble to my muscles. Lin is in the mood to work it hard.


Her session with Michelle just ended and the two of them are talking about their kids and school and the upcoming Market Day. Lin spots me and gives me a ‘I can’t wait to hear your excuse’ look. I try to make myself look small, maybe hiding will help.  Michelle leaves and I have to face sergeant major Lin. “I know I am in trouble and I am sorry” I give it to her before she can start. She smiles and I know I’m forgiven. “So what have you been up to all day?” she asks with genuine interest. “Aw, nothing much,” I reply “I went to school for music and...” it hit me again. Who
that guy and what was he doing at school? I must ask Matt tonight if I can get him alone for a second. “What is it? You look pre-occupied.”

“Oh, no I just remembered about Market Day so I am plotting a scheme to get out of it,” I lie and hate it.

“Okay then put your gloves on so we can start, no use chit chatting all hour.” I do as she says. Soon I think of nothing else but my burning muscles and thirst. Good.


I pack away my kettlebell and take off my gloves. I wipe my face with my towel and clean my hands with a wet wipe. This is the reason I do not come to gym on my bike. I must look terrible. It’s Four o’clock so I have two hours to cool down before I meet with Matt and his cousin. Some time by the sea is just what I need. “Are you sure you are okay?” Lin asks again with real concern.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be,” I laugh and she smiles. “Who do you have next?” I ask to get her off the subject.

“Some guy called Alex,” she says and pulls up her shoulders. “He booked on the phone this morning”

“Oh, okay then, enjoy,” I head for the door. “I’m going to the beach before it gets too late,” I turn to face her

enjoy,” she says with an envious tone but I know she doesn’t mean it. WHACK! The door opens on my foot and I fall forward in pain. “Ow! Shit!” I cry out.

“I am so sorry I didn’t know there was someone standing by the door,” a perfect English accent says with sincere sympathy.

“No its okay it’s just a bit of skin, I’ll survive,” This must be, what did she say his name was? Oh yes, Alex.

Two piercing blue eyes stare down at me. Oh boy, what is he doing here? My legs become stiff as I face my own blood escaping my body “Hey Lane,” I hear Lin’s voice. I turn and face her. “Are you okay? You look a bit green,”

“No, I mean yes I’m fine,” “my foot is fine” “I’ll see you later,” I mumble and try to squeeze past without touching him but he is not moving. “You are bleeding,” he says in a firm calm voice.

“Yes I can see that, I’ll take care of it at home,” I say somewhat out of breath. “Do you have a first aid kit in here?” he asks Lin and she points to the corner. He places his arms on my shoulders and turns me around. He pushes me slightly but I don’t budge. Lin looks at me with huge eyes awaiting my response “I said I will take care of it at home,” I say again and shake his hands off me.

“I think he needs to take care of that,” Lin says worriedly. The blood that has trickled down my foot was forming a little pool around it. “I just need a tissue,” I say a bit unconvincing even to my own ears. Damn it. I must learn to put on my trainers after training.


Before I knew it, he scoops me up, carries me to the corner and sits me on the table next to the First Aid kit. I am appalled and so furious but I hold my tongue just because I feel a bit weak. I will have to make sure I never see this man, Alex, ever again. “I will just clean this up a bit,” he says to no one in particular and goes about wiping the blood off my foot with a swab and some water that Lin has silently brought in a bowl. I am suddenly glad I am not the only one who has lost her tongue in the presence of this interfering male. Interfering? Yes, he is interfering with my, whatever, I can’t think straight. What is he in anyway, some kind of doctor? I take the time to look at him. No wonder I thought it was Matthew when I first saw him, they look so much alike. Only difference is that he has broader shoulders and spiky brown hair. “Are you a doctor?” oh so she found her tongue.

“Yes... um no,” he answers and Lin looks at me while I look at her and we eye ask each other, so which is it now? “There” he says and I slide off the table before he decides to help me to my feet. I look up into his eyes and gasp. His eyes are just as blue as Matthew’s, eerily so but no, I think this pair might even be bluer than Matt’s.  “I would skip the swim if I were you.” He brings me back to earth by talking.

“I wasn’t planning on swimming anyway,” I mutter and hop awkwardly to my bag and out the door.


Once in the Jeep I take a deep breath. How could he just take over like that? I do not even know this guy and he seems to bring out the worst of my manners deservingly. My foot really is fine. I start the engine and drive home slowly. I guess I won’t be going to the beach after all. 


At home, I unpack my bag carefully and decide to take a bath. I take off the bandage, throw it away in my stainless steel bin, and look at my foot. Some skin on the side of my foot is off but it’s not bleeding anymore. I hang it over the side of the bath. I know it will sting if I put it in the water. I take my Blackberry and check the status updates of my bbm contacts, nothing interesting. I open Facebook and scroll down the page of my friend’s latest post. This Tuesday is boring. Everyone is working and complaining about it. Photos of the weekend’s activities dominate the screen. I switch back to bbm and scroll down to Matt’s name. I type:


Me: Hey. Can’t wait for our drink tonight. Had a rough session with Lin. Tell you bout it later.

I press send. He responds quickly.


Matt: Can’t wait to hear it. Have some news for you too.


I decide that I have soaked enough and started to wash my hair, always starting the washing ritual at the top. But it is not so easy with a foot dangling over the edge of my bath. Great, what type of shoe will I be able to wear with my current injury? Urgh, damn that man.


I dry my hair and use my GHD to straighten it. It’s a quick task as I have fine hair, lots of hair but fine. I look at my face in the mirror. I have my mother’s eyes. They are light brown with a green outline.  My eyes look big in its sockets. No doubt it is because of this afternoon’s incident. My nose is straight like my dad’s, with a little bump just under the eyes exactly like his. I have a small mouth with full lips. Rose bud mouth, my nickname from Aunty Lee. I have freckles on my nose and cheeks and I grab my foundation powder and dust it over the affected area. I brush on some mascara and a bit of lip-gloss for the rose bud and I am ready. I put on a pair of jeans, a vest and take my pumps. Damn it, I can’t wear my pumps. I slip on my flip-flops instead. Matt won’t be offended. People don’t get dressed up for a drink at the Lodge bar. I grab my bag and push the Blackberry in the side pocket.


As I enter the lounge I hear Christina’s voice “You know I try hard Peter but she is not making an effort,” I feel the blood rush to my face “I will talk to her Tina; but you know she has to get use to this. It is all new to her too.” That cow. How dare she complain about me? Does she even know? Never mind. I take a turn and sneak out the back door without greeting my father. I am not in the mood for the ‘be a good girl to my girlfriend’ talk. I take the jeep again. As I drive slowly out the front gate, I see Bessie in her front garden with the hosepipe watering her flowers. She waves and I smile and wave back. Why couldn’t my dad get a good person like her? Someone who would care about him, make him happy, and not try to spend all his money on kitsch shoes and fake nails. I sigh and swallow down that thought. My dad can see whoever he wants to. I won’t be living in his house for much longer anyway.


As I am about to leave the Estate I see one of Bessie’s dogs next to the road. I stop and pick him up. He is dirty and smells bad. I swing the Jeep around and head back towards the house quickly. I take the first turn to Bessie and David’s house. As I park the Jeep, I see Bessie on her way over already. I open the door and the little dog jumps out. Bessie gasps and scoops the little dog into her arms.

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