The Beat of Safiri Bay (11 page)

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Authors: Emmse Burger

BOOK: The Beat of Safiri Bay
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Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).

The spider one is very intense,” I mumble

“Carry on” he begs

“Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning),

Ataxophobia (fear of disorder or untidiness),

This one is also rather bad,” he doesn’t say a word, I continue.

“Atelophobia (fear of imperfection),

Atychiphobia (fear of failure),

Bacteriophobia (fear of bacteria),

Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces),

Extreme!” I say rather loudly

“Dystychiphobia (fear of accidents),

Hemophobia (fear of blood),

(fear of dirt and germs),

Necrophobia (fear of death),

(fear of the dark),

Pteromerhanophobia (fear of flying)

Hydrophobia (fear of water)”,


I take a deep breath and blow it out in a rather unfeminine way. He whistles then says, “That’s quite a list,” I laugh out loud,

“And that’s quite the understatement of the year.” I get up and dust the sand from my behind, “where are we going?” he asks and gets up as well. “Don’t you want to go now?” I ask rather confused,

“Not yet, no,” he says and I think I have crossed the confusion line, “you mean you want to know more?” I ask bewildered.

“Is there more?” he asks and I think I see a stunned expression on his face. “Not really, no,” I say and hide my smile.

“Ok, good,” he sighs a bit relieved. “Do you mind if we sit again?” he asks but sits down in anyway, facing the sea. I sigh deeply this time and turn to face him. “What are you thinking?”

“I am not sure about...”

“I understand,” I say and turn away from him.

“No, you don’t, I wanted to say I am not sure about all of them, but there is medication that can help for many.”

“Ah, I see,” I throw my head back and grin unfriendly. “Who are you to try and prescribe to me what I need to do about my fears?”

“Lane, it’s not like that at all, I just want to help.”

“Well don’t,” I say and get up to leave. He grabs my arm so I can’t get up. I flinch loudly, “Sorry,” he says, and let’s go of my arm immediately “I won’t do that again.”


I sit down again and he looks at me with those stupefying blue eyes. “I promise never to talk about your condition again without your approval. I also promise never to touch you again against your will.”

“That’s a lot to promise,” I lift my brow, “are you sure you can do that?”

“I will do it,” he says with authority.

“Okay then,” I breathe out and relax just a tad. Geez, what now? This has never happened before. Once I tell people about myself they turn and run for the nearest exit. “I think it’s your turn now,” I smile at him and he laughs. “I was expecting that,” he smiles back at me and I almost melt. I never imagined sitting in the moonlight on the beach with a guy I don’t even know could make me feel so alive. “Well, what is it you want to know?” he asks with his eyes closed. I admire the blue view, of him, “I never got anything from you the other day except your birthday, and I’d like to know a bit more.”

“Shoot,” he says but his voice is not so relaxed anymore. I start with the question that I asked him last time. “Who is favourite artist for real this time please?” Someone screams blue murder and the sound of it makes me feel sick. Alex and I both jump up and run back toward the tent in the direction from which the sound came. Cold sweat is forming on my forehead and I breathe in deeply to try and calm my terrified heart. A few people are crowding around the tree Sarah smoked at earlier and Alex pushes his way forward to the middle. I follow him; I do not know what else to do. A man lies flat on his back on the ground. Alex bends down next to the man, “Matthew,” is the only word he says and then he closes his eyes. Alex works quickly feeling his neck and chest and then looks me in the eyes, “phone an ambulance,” he says firmly. I walk away from the noise and call the ambulance. They need to come from Marshall’s hospital and it’s at least a twenty five minute drive. I am assured that the ambulance is leaving right away. I fight my way back to the man and Alex again. Someone has a flashlight shining on them now and Alex is busy doing CPR on him. “It’s coming,” I say and I think he nods once but I’m not sure, he just continues with the pumping on the chest with his hands and breathing into the man’s mouth. It’s a scary sight and I realise then how precious life is.

The music is still going full blast and the few people remaining are partying oblivious to the nightmarish scene in front of us. I feel so helpless, a few more people have joined the group but it is Alex doing all he can to breathe life back into this man. The ambulance arrives about half an hour after I called them and Alex hands over to the medics. He is absolutely exhausted and sinks into a chair next to a red table. I switched off the music by then and last people are packing up to leave. I hand Alex a coke to give him some energy. “May I have the key to your car? I need to pack up the equipment.” I ask and he gets to his feet to help me. “No no, you just sit here for a while, I have packed up these things many times before,” I say and he sits down without saying a word. I walk to the parking lot with a laptop hanging from my shoulders and I press the alarm button on Alex’s keys. A big white Audi Q7 bleeps to life and I walk over to it. The hair on my arms are standing up at the unbelievable scene that just took place. This man knows Matthew but obviously didn’t know that Alex wasn’t Matthew. I quickly pack up Matt’s speakers and laptop, walk back to Alex and sit down on a chair opposite him. “Do you know him?” he asks tiredly.

“No, but I will ask Lin tomorrow.”
He just stares at nothing and my mind is asking ten million questions a second. I know people who do a first aid course can do CPR but he did so much more in the short time I know of him.

“Why do you know how to do CPR?” I ask and I see him frown.

“Hey, I was just curious, I mean you probably saved a life tonight,” He takes a deep breath and his shoulders slouch a little as he breathes out. “Lane, I didn’t want you to know because it will change everything and I think you should first get to know me better before you judge me.” I do know very little of him but what I know I like, a lot, and I am sure it can’t be worse than the list of nightmares I named a while ago. “Alex, who am I to judge you? You know how stuffed up my life is, really, it can’t be worse.”

“I am a doctor, or rather I was one,” he blurts out without pride. Well that makes a lot of sense; I thought that much since the day he whacked my foot with the door. “Why aren’t you one anymore?”  He seems to still like helping people so why stop?

“I lost my license. I did something stupid and I threw away everything I’ve ever wanted. Now I pay the price. The least I can do is help when help is needed.” I feel sorry for him and think about asking what he did that could be so terrible that they would take away his license but then I don’t think he would want to talk about it right now or to me. “It’s late. Let’s get you home.” We walk to the car and I barely notice us drive to my house. My head is spinning. He has never been to the estate before but there is only one main road and he follows it slowly. I direct him to our house and we both get out. “Thanks for the ride,” I say and reach for my bag. My guitar and crate is in Matt’s Dodge and I will get it from him tomorrow. “Good night Lane,” he says but doesn’t move from the front of the car where he is standing. “Good night,” I say back at him. I stop next to him and his body pulls mine like an ever obedient magnet. My mind fights his touch but some part of me comes alive as he hugs me. I am frozen and my arms hang stiffly next to my body. He lets go and walks to his door but before he gets in he calls me, “Lane, I hope I dream of your voice tonight.” I smile and shake my head; I don’t think my dreams would be that pleasant.























Chapter 6


A dim light is shining in the Strydom’s house and I wonder what Sarah’s fate will be after her selfish act of disrespect tonight. I switch on the kettle and make myself a cup of herbal tea. The house is very quiet and I switch on more lights than what is necessary. The couch looks cold but I can’t get into bed without taking a shower first. I sit on the cold leather and sip my tea. The fat man is haunting me. Why didn’t he tell me more? For the first time in my life I think I might like a guy so much that I might actually fall for him and I am warned to stay away. Only problem is, I think it is too late for that. I think I might have fallen already. I know I won’t sleep well with this mess in my head but I need to try. No one ever feels good when they don’t get enough sleep.


I open my one eye to look at the clock on the wall. It is later than what I thought but I still feel tired. It’s understandable; I only fell asleep at three o'clock. I feel very guilty for still lying in bed. I have also started feeling guilty about not spending enough time doing things that can help others. The music lessons are nice but I need to spend more energy on doing something good. I close my eye again and decide to snooze a little longer.


It's almost twelve o'clock when I decide to get up. I knew falling asleep again would make me feel worse and now I am hungry and foggy brained. My dad always plays golf on a Saturday so I know I am home alone. I shower and dress and walk to the kitchen to see what I can eat. Thandi has left some bacon strips and scrambled eggs in a dish but the oily substance doesn’t appeal to me and I settle for a bowl of rice cereal. I will have lunch with dad at the club later today.

Low clouds hang in the air and the deck chair outside is a little damp from it. I flip the cushion over and sit down anyway. Today is the day I need to find out a bit more. And I decide to bbm Lin.


Me: Good morning. How is the newly engaged lady doing today?

I wait five minutes, ten minutes, nothing. She is obviously not with her phone. How will I know what is going on. I wonder suddenly whether Alex has found something out. I will send him a message; I don’t think I could talk to him anytime soon. My confession of last night seems like a very bad idea now. I scroll down to his name.


Me: Morning. Have you found out anything about the patient?

He reads it almost immediately.

Alex: His name is Fredrick Hall. That is the only information the hospital will release.

Me: I see. Is he okay?

Alex: He is still alive. He had a heart attack.


That man almost died last night and because of Alex he is still alive. How could anyone take away his license to practise when he obviously loves what he does and cares so much? I am surprised to see Emma at the gate. I get up and walk to let her in. She looks tired but mostly sad. “Emma are you alright?” she nods but tears run down her cheeks. Rocky gets all excited, he must think that she has come to fetch him for his morning walk. I throw him a stick and show her to the back door. I am not sure what to do, I have never had to deal with anyone’s tears but Christina’s and that I usually just ignored. "Come inside," I say and we walk into the kitchen. “Would you like some tea?” it is my remedy for almost anything and again she nods. I go about making the tea and she cries silently in her hands. I give her a kitchen towel and she wipes her face. “Thank you,” she sobs. I place her mug on the table and sit down opposite her. I won’t ask her what is wrong; she came here so I am sure she will talk if she wants to. “I am so sorry Lane. I don’t want to be a pest but I am not sure who I can talk to.”

“Emma, you can talk to me anytime you like,” I am a good listener but no one really uses that quality because no one really knows me.

“Sarah left. This morning when we got up she was gone with her bag and her clothes, just gone.” My heart breaks for Bessie. What has she ever done to deserve such a rebellious teenager? “Oh Emma, I am so sorry.” I know what I saw on the beach but I don’t think I should make this knowledge known to anyone. It won’t help the situation. “She had a fight with dad last night about a boy and she said he will be sorry for running her life for her.” At the age of sixteen she should be concentrating on her school work but she seems to be a lot like some of the girls I went to school with. Once they set eyes on the prize nothing keeps them from getting it. “Let’s just hope she comes to her senses soon,” I offer but I’m almost sure that won’t happen.

“Mom is going crazy with worry. She wants to phone the police but dad said she should wait maybe Sarah will come home soon.” What does one do in a situation like this? How did one sister turn out to be completely headstrong and stupid? I have to ask my dad to help them. He has good contacts and should be able to track them somehow. “Emma, I am going to see my dad for lunch. I will ask him to use his resources to help find Sarah.”

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