The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series) (3 page)

BOOK: The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series)
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The beast removed his hand from her sex and replaced it with the one that had been holding her breast, never missing a beat, timing his thrusts perfectly. He held up the hand that had been inside of her, now wet with her juices, and breathed her scent into his nostrils deeply.

A low growl, similar to a purr, erupted from deep within him as he sucked her honey off each one until they were clean. The beast returned his free hand to her breast, squeezing and kneading with fervor.

Chloe drove her hips down hard, pushing his fingers deeper into her sex, her body becoming hotter with each thrust. She was so close to climaxing, she
to orgasm, her desire to find completion becoming frantic.
Almost there…just a little more.

was just about fall over the edge into bliss when he stopped all movement completely. Without a sound, he stood, dropping Chloe’s breast instantly and withdrawing his fingers from her.

No! No! No!
Chloe ranted in silent frustration as she watched him distance himself from her by several feet. “Please,
don’t stop now,” she whispered as she panted, breathless from need and having been stopped just before what would have been a mind-blowing orgasm.

Confused, she looked up and saw that his nearly foot-long cock was ramrod straight just above the top of her head. She began to reach for his huge manhood, but stopped when he sniffed the air deeply. The creature protectively grasped his long member in his hand and cupped his testicles, almost as though he was shielding them from danger. A low, menacing growl erupted deep within him, and his expression turned feral, scaring Chloe back into reality.

The beast-man bared his teeth, his long canines and sharp incisors prominent as he crouched slightly on two legs and spread his arms wide. This kind of display only meant one thing to Chloe’s scientific mind: the creature was enraged and she was easy prey.

With surprising quickness, he bent forward and tried to lift Chloe into his arms, but she fought him, kicking and punching at him furiously. Frightened for her life, all arousal had left her body, having been replaced by fear and adrenaline.

The sound of an engine roared in the distance and the reason for the creature’s actions dawned on Chloe.  The huge creature-man stopped trying to lift her and without warning, took off into the woods, crashing his way noisily through the trees and shrubs.

Disbelief slammed into her as her brain worked through what had just happened. Any sane, rational person would surely accuse her of losing her mind! Even though it seemed ridiculous, she had absolutely no doubt that she had just met, spoken with and been willingly molested by Bigfoot.

The Beast’s Desire Book 2


The engine of the vehicle grew louder as it approached Chloe and her stationary, smashed-up truck. Concerned that she might be further injured if the driver failed to see her sitting in the middle of the road, she carefully backed up against her SUV. Grabbing hold of the side of the Bronco, she slowly pulled herself to her feet.

Pain lanced through her head and she swooned, nearly losing her balance and falling on the gravel road for a second time that evening. She raised her fingers to the cut on her forehead but realized her wound had stopped bleeding when her fingers came away clean.

Without thinking, she placed her palm underneath her nose and breathed in the male scent of the Bigfoot still thick on her hand. Closing her eyes for a moment, she recalled the intimate, heady encounter of grasping his thick cock with her fingers and caressing his shaft. A pang of desire swept through her body, tightening her nipples and her clit, making her want the creature all over again.

She opened her eyes and chastised herself, “Get ahold of yourself, Chloe! Stop being so pathetic!” She sighed, “You’ll never see him again anyway,” saddened at the realization.

Lights came into view as a truck barreled over the hill to her right. Thinking quickly, Chloe reached into the Bronco and began flashing her lights on and off, hoping to slow the approaching vehicle.

Thankfully, her strategy worked. The vehicle pulled to the side of the road and stopped, facing the opposite direction of Chloe’s Bronco. The engine cut off, but the lights on the automobile stayed on while Chloe waited for the driver to appear.

The metal door of the truck squeaked and gravel crunched as a pair of large work boots hit the road. A low, sexy voice asked, “Are you all right, miss?”

That voice could warm any woman on the coldest of winter nights. Suddenly embarrassed that she was only wearing her flimsy strapless halter and no bra, Chloe crossed her arms over her breasts.

She gestured toward her SUV and said, “I’m okay, but my truck isn’t doing so great.”

“Looks like you have a few cuts and scratches, too,” said the smooth voice as a tall, dark haired man came into view.

Chloe blatantly stared at the gorgeous man making his way toward her. Granted, it was getting dark, but she could still see his face and his powerful physique. He had to be around six and a half feet tall at least with broad shoulders tapering to a slim waist. His dark shirt complemented his thick, black hair and his dark eyes. The jeans he was wearing were worn, but fit in all the right places, snug against his crotch and emphasizing his muscular legs.

Her mouth watered and she licked her lips as she imagined the tasty body beneath those clothes. She jumped when the man spoke to her and flushed red, embarrassed at her obvious enthrallment with him.

“Ronin Devons,” he informed her as he held out his hand, “I’m Apple Creek’s ranger.”

Reluctantly removing one arm from her chest, Chloe introduced herself then gripped his hand firmly. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you at all Mr. Devons, but I’m relieved you happened this way.” He held on to her hand a heartbeat longer than necessary, but she didn’t mind in the least.

“I was told you were coming, so I thought I’d wait for you at the cabin. When you didn’t show, I just figured you had a change of plans, so I was going to run a few errands.” He released his grip on her hand then made as though he was going to run his fingers through his hair.

Halfway through the unconscious movement, his full lips frowned and a look of unease marred his features just as his hand reached his nose. He quickly recovered, but didn’t continue the gesture, hooking his thumb on a belt loop instead.

Chloe watched him intently, enjoying the view. She imagined herself ripping off his button-down shirt and running her hands all over his chest. Next, she would work those pants off and…

“Ms. Sanders?” he asked, jarring her back to reality.

“Yes? Oh…sorry,” she replied, her face flushing an even deeper red, having been caught staring a second time. “I think I’m a little out of it,” she touched the cut above her eye.

He crinkled his eyebrows together in concern and stepped toward her. “Let me take a look,” he said as he leaned in closer.

His masculine scent filled her senses and she felt herself swooning again. “No!” she said a little too harshly. “I mean…I’ve taken care of it; thanks though.”

Chloe felt like an idiot.
Way to go, yell at the man who’s trying to help you! Ugh, what is wrong with me?

“Oh, okay,” he said, seeming slightly dejected as he stepped back from her. “I can give you a ride to the cabin if you’d like.”

“That would be great, thank you.”
And, I’d also like to see you naked. Geez, where the hell did that thought come from?!

Thinking she must still be under the affects of the pheromones from the Bigfoot, she gave herself a mental kick, trying to rid herself of the seductive thoughts.

The man reached down, grabbed her pack and threw it over his shoulder with ease. Chloe watched attentively as his muscles flexed and relaxed, imagining those arms holding her tightly. She stared as he turned around and couldn’t help but notice the hole in the back pocket of the jeans, giving her a glimpse of his perfectly-shaped ass. Chloe’s breath caught as she realized the man obviously went commando.

“It’s just over the hill,” he commented as she followed him to the passenger side door. “I’ll have your vehicle towed to Jimmy’s Auto in the morning. He’ll fix up the truck and you’ll be good to go by Monday.”

“Thank you, I’d really appreciate it.” She climbed into the truck and sighed, thankful she would soon be able to change clothes and relax.

An instant after her door closed, she knew she was in deep trouble; the entire vehicle smelled wonderful, exactly like the spicy sandalwood the Bigfoot was emitting. She had to force herself to breathe normally rather than sucking in air like a Lamaze student.
Easy, Chloe. Breathe slowly, but not deeply.

Ronin climbed in behind the wheel and started the engine. “I’ll roll down the windows; it’s kind of musty in here,” he said, uneasy all of a sudden. She didn’t know what he was talking about. It didn’t smell musty to her, not even close! It smelled flat-out amazing – just like him.

He cleared his throat then continued. “The cabin is pretty rustic – no phone, television or lights – but it does have a fireplace, table and chairs and a decent roof.” He paused, then said, “The only running water it has is for the toilet and sink. We ran out of funding to finish the cabin when the people stopped coming into the park fifteen years ago.”

And a bed? What about a bed? Chloe thought anxiously. Don’t tell me I’m going to be sleeping on a hard wooden floor or a lumpy cot after all I’ve been through today!

“It does have a bed, right?” she asked nervously. And do you come with it? No, no, no! She squeezed her eyes shut and reprimanded herself silently.

The corners of his mouth twitched before he answered. “Yes, it does have a bed. I put fresh sheets on this morning.”

Relieved, then a little embarrassed due to his smirk, she decided it would be better if she just remained quiet until they got to the cabin. Fortunately, the ride didn’t take too long since it was practically within walking distance of her smashed Bronco, which was ironic in itself.

As the truck turned into a small driveway, its lights flashed across a small, but sturdy-looking cabin that did indeed have a decent roof. Chloe opened the door and said, “Thanks for the ride,” as she slammed the door shut, practically running for the cabin.

She knew she wasn’t acting like herself; she was anxious to clear her head and get away from the incredibly sexy ranger before she did or said anything else to embarrass herself.

To her dismay, she heard the truck’s engine shut off, then the other vehicle door slammed shut.
He’s getting out of the truck. Oh, why, why is he getting out of the truck?!

“Wait! Ms. Sanders, your backpack,” Ronin called patiently as he jogged over to her.

Feeling stupid, Chloe turned around and snatched her backpack from the man, mumbling a thank you before turning back toward the cabin. She only had about ten feet to go before she could get inside and put the day behind her.

Suddenly, the world went from day to night as the truck’s automatic lights turned off, bathing everything in blackness. Unable to see, Chloe tripped, but Ronin was already there, catching her before she fell.

How could he possibly see when it is pitch black?
she wondered, as he helped her stand upright again.

His hand remained lightly on her back sending tingles through her body. A chirp sounded from the direction of the truck, then the vehicle’s low beams came on, lighting the surrounding area brightly.

“I’m not sure you should be alone tonight,” he said with a concerned look on his face. After realizing how his statement must have sounded to a woman staying by herself in a cabin in the middle of nowhere he stammered, “I mean, I…um…”

Chloe laughed easily, “It’s okay. I know what you meant.” Smiling, she said, “It’s very thoughtful of you, but I’m fine. I think I just need a good night’s sleep.”

The silence stretched between them and she watched the muscles in his jaw move, as though he was going to say something else.

“Well…” he said, then paused for a moment, considering whether he should indeed leave her or insist on staying. “If you’re sure, then I’ll just show you around the cabin.”

Being a gentleman, he took the pack from her once again and in doing so, removed his hand from her back. He pulled the keys out of his jeans pocket then turned toward the automobile’s lights, trying to find the right one.

As though some unseen force compelled her forward, she couldn’t stop herself from inching closer to Ronin’s body. He smelled so damn incredible and she
breathe in as much of his scent as her lungs would allow.

After selecting the correct key, he turned around and ran directly into Chloe. His arm bumped her shoulder and his chest brushed Chloe’s nipples as he contorted his body to prevent himself from accidentally knocking her to the ground.

“Whoa!” he exclaimed. “I’m so sorry!” He reached out to steady her with his keyless hand, “Are you okay?”

By this time, Chloe had backed away from him in earnest, nearly tripping yet again in her rush. Even though he’d barely brushed against her nipples, he might as well have pinched the sensitive nubs. The electricity of the mere contact of his chest sent pinpricks of desire through her nipples and shockwaves of need through her body. Her face flushed hot and she could feel her pussy respond with moisture.

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