The Battle Lord Saga 02 - Her Battle Lord's Desire (36 page)

BOOK: The Battle Lord Saga 02 - Her Battle Lord's Desire
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everyone had come to a sudden standstill. Silence became so absolute, even the horses remained


The stench intensified. Suffocating. So many. Hundreds. The sun dimmed and started

pulsating like a heart torn from a chest. Terror turned the air black with danger. Atty’s eyes

widened as all the blood drained from her face. Her tongue shriveled in her mouth.

“Atty!” It was a whisper. Anxious, worried, demanding.

She turned her stricken face to her husband. “Run!” she somehow managed to croak,

despite the fear clogging her throat. “

She was in her saddle before the scream had left her lips. Yulen wheeled his stallion

around as his arm came down in the signal to attack at full gallop. Except this time the headlong

rush toward Alta Novis was not to attack, but to escape.

Conditioned by their training, the soldiers automatically closed ranks as their horses

thundered down the road. A hundred yards. Two hundred yards. They rounded the last hill that

overlooked the small valley where the compound was nestled. Seeing the open expanse of

ground between them and the main gate, the caravan tightened even further, until the sound of

hooves pounded in Atty’s skull like a runaway stampede as they raced for their lives.

She’d lost sight of Yulen, but something told her he was behind them, making certain

every last man, animal, and wagon made it safely into the compound. Jerking the mare’s head to

the side, the animal protested but left the protection of the pack. They swept past her in a blur as

she wheeled her horse around and stood in her stirrups to look back.

The Bloods were advancing toward them, flowing over the ground like a massive,

screeching blanket of inhumanity as they tried on foot to catch up with the rapidly escaping

mounted soldiers. It quickly became apparent their surprise ambush had been foiled, and they

would not be able to reach the enemy before the troops disappeared behind the heavily fortified


Yulen saw his wife picking off those in the front, the few on horseback who were closest

to reaching them, as the rest of his men slipped through the rapidly closing gates. He literally

shoved her mare ahead of him with his horse, slapping its rump with the flat of his sword, mere

seconds before the wooden doors closed with an echoing thud.

Already the archers and guards on the parapet and boardwalks along the walls were firing

at the retreating mass. Yulen hurried up the nearest ladder to direct the retaliatory attack,

knowing without question that Atty had his back. But by the time he reached the top of the wall,

he could see the Bloods had turned and were returning to the safety of the trees on the other side

of the road. Beside him, Atty stood down and lowered her weapon. They both were breathing


“I’ve stopped trying to figure out how you’re able to know,” he gasped, not taking his

eyes from the sight of the mutated mass as it seemed to seep back into the ground at the edge of

the wood. There had to be hundreds of them. It would have been a slaughter if they had


He reached out to find her hand. Atty slipped her fingers into his glove, and he squeezed

them gently. “I love you,” she told him, as if it could explain everything.

This time he turned to look at her. Her face was still pale and strained. He wondered if

his looked the same. “No more than I love you, my Atrilan.”

Squeezing her hand again, he led her over to the ladder for her to began their ascent


Chapter Thirty-One
Duty Defined

People descended on them like a swarm of bees, all talking at once. They were frightened

and concerned and relieved to have their Battle Lord back among them. Yulen tried to calm them

and make sense of what they were trying to tell him in one loud muddle of sound as Paxton

helped relieve him of the heavy armor.

Atty felt a tug on her shoulders. A quick glance told her it was Mastin, undoing the straps

that held her chain mail in place. She gave him a watery smile and allowed him to remove the

heavy shirt.

Her body was singing from the nearness of their escape. This was the feeling the soldiers

thrived on, this intense high brought about when facing the enemy. But for her, it was a feeling

she didn’t care for. It left her with a throbbing headache. And once the adrenalin was gone,

incredibly drained. All she wanted to do was curl up in a little ball in some dark, warm corner,

and sleep.

Several of the soldiers from the caravan clapped her on the back and shoulders to thank

her for her alertness. They knew they’d narrowly escaped probable extermination because of her.

Atty accepted their thanks before Yulen grabbed her hand and took off for the main lodge.

Once inside, the Battle Lord was able to sort out the tangled threads of conversation, and

started barking out orders, beginning with food for his men who’d just returned with him. Sitting

beside him at their usual table closest to the fireplace, Atty cast wistful eyes toward the upstairs

rooms where she knew their bed awaited. Sighing, she rubbed her forehead.

Faintly she listened to what Ampour and his sub-lieutenants had to tell her husband. There

had been four other attacks on Alta Novis since their departure. So far there had been no deaths,

but two sentries had sustained non-lethal injuries.

Progress had been slowed on the extended compound wall. Yulen immediately called a

halt to the construction until the trouble with the Bloods was resolved. In the meantime, he

approved doubling the number of sentries on the wall, and cancelled all up-coming activities.

More of his guards approached him with concerns and questions. Atty watched her

husband perch his bottom on the edge of the table in front of her as he listened and answered

them one at a time. At one point Berta hustled over to place a tray in between them. From the

expression on her face it was evident she was more than happy to have them back at the


Atty thanked her and reached for the mug of milk, when her thoughts went back to

Russell’s comments about his father. She made a mental note to ask Yulen if there wasn’t

something they could do to help. After all, she was the Battle Lady. She had the same authority

as her husband, although it had taken her some time to realize that fact.

Madigan had been in charge of the compound while Yulen was away. Now it was her

turn to accept the responsibilities placed on her when she’d married him. He needed to keep his

mind on the protection and upkeep of the compound. She would start to handle the day-to-day

dealings of the people.

If they would let her.

Atty rubbed her eyes. For some odd reason, she felt that would no longer be a problem.

She ate quietly as she watched and listened to Yulen deal with the more urgent issues. He

nibbled off the tray, to her relief. He had to be as hungry as she was.

She was just about to excuse herself to go upstairs when MaGrath made his way over to

them. Atty thought he was seeking out Yulen when he surprised her by stopping next to her. She

blinked wearily up at him. Behind the physician, she could tell Yulen was trying to listen in on

what he wanted.

“You should be getting low on the bottle I gave you,” he told her quietly. “My hands are

already full with the injured in my clinic, and it looks like things are only going to get busier. So

while I’m thinking of it, I need to refill it now while I have the time.”

Atty glanced down at his extended hand and wondered why he thought she’d be carrying

it on her at that moment. “It’s in my saddlebags. Can I give it to you at breakfast tomorrow


“Breakfast will be fine,” he agreed. He slapped a hand on Yulen’s back and wished him

goodnight. Yulen reciprocated, turning around to give his wife a puzzled look. “You’re bushed.

Why don’t you go ahead and go to bed?” he suggested.

“Will you be much longer?”

He shrugged. “There’s no telling. The Bloods may attack again tonight, or they may not.

Either way, we have to be ready.”

“You’re as dead on your feet as the rest of the men,” she argued gently, “yet you let them

go to their barracks.”

“I have men to replace them until they’re fully rested.”

“But what about you? You say you’re needed, but what happens when
collapse in

who’s gonna lead the men?”

“She has a good point, sir,” one of the men nearby told him.

Yulen scratched at the several days’ growth on his cheek. In the soft lantern light his

beard and moustache, as well as the hair on his head, appeared orangish again, reminding Atty of

the first time she’d seen its color. It had been by lantern light, as well, inside of a tiny shop in

Wallis. In the sunlight she knew it would gleam like polished brass.

“Atty, go to bed. I’ll be there when I can.”

“All right,” she acquiesced, getting to her feet. “But if I’m too tired when you finally

decide to join me...” She left the sentence open and the suggestion clear. The men surrounding

Yulen grinned and chuckled. Smiling, Yulen gave her a quick goodnight kiss, then swatted her

backside with the report he’d been handed earlier.

In the time since their narrow escape into Alta Novis, night had fallen. It was still early,

but the day had been a long one on the road, as had the past few days, and not counting the

Bloods’ misbegotten ambush. Berta had already filled the tub with warm water, and Atty slipped

into its depths with a gratified smile. She let herself soak a while before washing her hair. At one

point there was a knock on the door, and the housekeeper let herself in to dump their saddlebags

on the small writing table. “Will you be needing anything else?” the older woman asked, peering

around the doorway of the bathroom at her.

“Is he still surrounded downstairs?”

“Yes, Madam. Would you care for another mug of milk?”

Atty brushed a fan of deep blue hair out of her face. “Berta, do you know Russell’s

parents? The ones who help take care of the compound’s livestock?”

The housekeeper smiled as she nodded. “The Prichards. Real nice folks. Adem’s been

sickly lately, though.”

“I know. Russell told me.” Atty swirled the washrag around in the water as she thought.

“Berta, tell me something? Honestly?”

The woman leaned against the door. “I’ll try, Madam.”

Atty snorted, smiling. “Do I have the same power to have something done as my husband


“You mean, do you have the same rights to rule as D’Jacques? Of course, since you’re

the Battle Lord’s Lady.”

“Then I’m going to start asserting those rights, beginning tonight.” She grinned at the

housekeeper’s wary expression. “First off, don’t call me madam anymore. Keep that for

Madigan. My name is Atty, and that’s what I expect to hear. I may be Yulen’s Lady, but I’m still

me. The tomboy who still climbs trees and challenges the boys to games of skill and daring.

Second, I’m going to see if something can be done to help Russell’s family. Can you look into

that and give me some suggestions?”

“I’ll need to check with the Battle Lord first.”

“No, you won’t,” Atty argued. “No. Not anymore. He’s going to run the compound’s

defenses. I’m going to take over the duties of managing the interior. It’’s what I’m supposed

to do...isn’t it?”

A smile slowly drifted over the housekeeper’s face. “I’ll see what I can find out,” she

promised. “Will that be all?”

“Yeah,” Atty replied in a smaller voice. “This is all strange and new to me, but I’m going

to try and be the kind of wife Yulen needs me to be. If I stumble, just be there to help pick me up

and brush me off. Can you do that? Please?”

“Aren’t you being a little hard on yourself, Atty? Maybe the Battle Lord wants you to

stay the way you are. After all, isn’t that what made him fall in love with you in the first place?”

“I have his back in battle. I need to prove to him I have his back in every aspect.” She

picked up the washrag and wrung it out. “He told me he wanted to spoil and pamper me. Well,

damn it, I’m a superb hunter and warrior. He can pamper me all he wants, but I want everyone

else to know I have a backbone and a fine dagger, and I’m not afraid to use both!”

Berta chuckled. “I’ll have a talk with Ellinor and see what can be done. I’ll let you know

what I find out tomorrow. Will there be anything else, Atty?”

“Yeah. Go tell my husband to get his delectable butt up here before I go downstairs and

hog tie him, and drag him up here myself.”

Laughing, the housekeeper left the bathroom. Atty heard the bedroom door close,

blocking out the sound of her laughter. She remained in the tub, enjoying the way the water

soothed her muscles after spending the last few days in a saddle, and the nights on the hard

ground, despite the bedroll. It wasn’t long before she recognized the stamp of boots coming up

the stairs. She watched the doorway until Yulen peered around the corner at her.

“Let me see if I can quote her. ‘The Battle Lady says to get your delectable butt upstairs,

or she’ll be coming down here to hog tie you and drag you up there herself.’” He grinned. “Atty,

BOOK: The Battle Lord Saga 02 - Her Battle Lord's Desire
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