Read The Baron and the Bluestocking Online

Authors: G. G. Vandagriff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Regency, #Historical Romance, #Inspirational, #Regency Romance

The Baron and the Bluestocking (24 page)

BOOK: The Baron and the Bluestocking
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“What ho, me hearty!” Alex exclaimed. “What is this you are reading?”

“It is a book about springtime, Papa. About little birdies hatching, and lambs and colts being born. It even has some kittens. May I have a kitten, Papa?”

“There are kittens in the stables, as a matter of fact. I am certain Mama will take you to look at them if you ask her.”

John clapped and then extended his arms. Alex hoisted him onto his shoulders and obediently played the role of horse for several minutes, allowing his son to clutch at his black hair for a mane. Never mind that it had been carefully styled.

“Faster, you slow old horsey!” Jack chivvied him.

“Mind your manners or I shall buck you off onto the ground!”

When the ride was over, Alex sat his son in the window seat and looked into his golden-skinned features. He looked very much like Felicity now that the baby chubbiness was disappearing. His cheekbones were high, his little chin pointed under a small mouth shaped in a perfect bow. Jack’s eyes were particularly large and honey-golden.

“You are a handsome rascal,” Alex said.

“Nanny says I look like Mama. Mama’s not handsome. She’s beautiful.”

He pinched Jack’s cheek. Was Felicity beautiful? Not a classic beauty like Elizabeth, but attractive enough in her own way. Her features certainly became Jack. Who would have thought this engaging scamp could have such a hold on his heart?

“Well, son, you are none too bad to look at, let us say that.” He stood. “And now, I must away. I have business to attend.”

The boy’s face suddenly became thoughtful. “Are you coming with us to Grandpapa’s?”

Startled, he said, “I did not know you were going.”

John nodded. “We are. Even Nanny Owen is coming.”

Alex frowned while something shifted in his chest. Why would his household be decamping to his father-in-law’s? “I must speak to Mama about this. Then I will tell you.”

When he left the nursery, Alex tried without success to find his wife. Norse, the butler, informed him that she had gone out the night before and had not yet returned.

Why had no one informed him? Before he could think, he asked, “Where was she going, Norse?”

“I believe to Lord Morecombe’s house, my lord. A footman in his lordship’s livery came for her at ten o’clock. She left almost straightaway. Her ladyship was most agitated.”

What was this mystery? Between seeing Elizabeth and getting his brother’s news, he was not ready to face anything else today. In fact, it was precisely times like these when he needed his wife. Glancing at his watch, he saw that he must leave at once for Perceval’s funeral at Westminster Abbey.

Stepping out into the street, he signaled a hackney coach. When his head cooled, he realized what he should have seen in the beginning. Perhaps Felicity’s father was ill. Yes, that was it, most likely. His mood softened. He would go to her later. She was terribly fond of her remaining parent.

Realizing suddenly he had come out in his shirtsleeves, he redirected the coach back to his townhouse. Undoubtedly, he should see to his “horsey mane” as well.

Really, it was turning into a very disconcerting day.


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Other Books by G.G. Vandagriff








The Taming of Lady Kate


Lady Kate Derramore and the Marquis of Northbrooke have one thing in common: In order to receive their inheritances, they must marry. Lady Kate, prevented from marrying the man she loves by her father’s will, determines to marry for convenience. With the forthrightness for which she is noted, she sets her sights on Jack—aforesaid Marquis. Jack, meanwhile, has tumbled into love with Kate at their first meeting. All might have gone swimmingly, were it not for his “other life,” the mysterious job that calls him out of town at the most inopportune moments. Unwittingly, he puts Lady Kate’s life in danger, and while attempting to rescue her comes up against her “reins-grabbing” nature. Will he ever be able to master Lady Kate? Will he ever be able to oust another man from her heart? And, despite Kate’s penchant for disaster, will he be able to save her life and his own?


Miss Braithwaite’s Secret


Miss Braithwaite’s Secret is the final novel in the traditional Regency Trilogy: “Three Rogues and Their Ladies.” The Deseret News claims “Vandagriff writes in a style reminiscent of Georgette Heyer. Like Heyer, she centers her novel on witty characters that readers will love.”


In this novel, when Caroline Braithwaite, the Incomparable, leaves her first London Season early, the ton is left wondering why. Home in Wiltshire, she does not confide in her parents or her best friend. However, when the duke of Beverley appears at a house party to which they have both been invited, she is seriously discomposed. So is he. Fresh from a broken engagement, the last thing he wants is to partner a woman he had briefly courted in London – a woman he would have offered for before the fiancée came along. Caro fights her own attraction to the compelling duke. After all, he's already broken her heart once. She is not about to give him a second chance.


As the two slowly learn more about one another, they are surprised to find that first impressions have led them astray. While their feelings are growing progressively more intimate, they are plagued by harrowing circumstances which keep them apart and lead to new misunderstandings. How many times will Caro have to forgive Ned, the Duke of Beverley? And will he, at last, be able to prove his love?


Rescuing Rosalind


When frigate Captain Buckingham Kernow-Smith encounters a sprite in a topiary garden going by the name of "Gannymede," he remembers his Shakespeare. Pulling off her stocking cap, he reveals the character of "Rosalind" from As You Like It, played, in this case, by the appealing Fanny Edwards.


Three years pass. The War over, Buck encounters his Rosalind at a ball, where she has developed into a notable beauty. However, her guardian confides to him that she is dancing on the very edge of propriety. Buck, who has been fighting the French since he was twelve, also finds the ton confining and sympathizes with Fanny/Rosalind's plight as a properly reared young lady.


Together, they make a dangerous pair, straddling the line between propriety and scandal, indulging in a masquerade in daylight, riding together in a phaeton race, and laying plans for Fanny/Rosalind to play a role in Covent Garden Theater. Will Buck confide his secrets and overcome his life-long aversion to marriage? Can someone as headstrong and impetuous as Rosalind ever settle for such a union?


Lord Trowbridge’s Angel


When the very bored and very handsome Viscount Trowbridge agrees to escort Miss Sophie Edwards to her first ball, his life is upended. Because a childhood injury left her unable to dance, Sophie is new to the ton and not terribly interested in it. But our heroine has a secret weapon: she has mastered the violin.


The viscount, aka Gorgeous Frank, is unexpectedly and powerfully smitten the first time he hears Sophie perform. Recognizing in her a person more complex and passionate than any ton beauty, he launches a courtship calculated to win her in ways as original as she is.


Sophie is nearly bowled over, but a native disinclination to trust proves a serious challenge, as does Frank’s former mistress. At times, Frank is his own worst enemy. As he wades through a sea of misunderstandings, will his “angel” have the insight to believe that he is a changed man? Will Sophie avail herself of her sisters’ help, lower the barriers of a lifetime to trust him, and allow herself to fall in love?








The Last Waltz - New Edition


It is December of 1913 in Vienna and Amalia Faulhaber is surrounded by the whirlwind that is the life of a nineteen-year-old socialite. She is comfortable and confident in her wealth, her heritage, and most of all, in her engagement to the Prussian baron, Eberhard von Waldburg. All this comes crashing to a halt the day that her fiance informs her that their engagement is off since he is returning to Prussia to fight in what he is sure will be a glorious war.


Thus begins the tale of a heroine of extraordinary background and resource who develops into a woman who would be extraordinary in any age.


The men in her life--a German officer in World War I, a patriotic Polish doctor, and an Austrian Baron, all shape her, but more remarkably she shapes them. Her utopian socialist uncle has raised her with ideas outside those of the upper classes, imparting to her a more complete picture of the day than possessed by the other men in her life. This quality causes her to champion the Austrian Democratic Experiment and to especially mourn its demise.


The Last Waltz is full of little known history of a land that was, in 1913, the apex of the worlds of science, medicine, art, and music. The speed with which the five-hundred year old empire fell, and the reasons behind that failure carry many warnings for the world we live in today.








The Only Way to Paradise


What causes picture-perfect suburban Oakwood residents, MacKenzie, Roxie, Sara, and Georgia to desert their therapist and fly off to Florence? Answer: A romantic Italian movie that prompts Roxie to ask: “If Italy is so healing and therapeutic what are we doing in Ohio?”


Even Sara, the most duty-bound of the group, finally joins the pact they dub “The Crazy Ladies of Oakwood,” and only a week later, they find themselves in Florence. Embraced by the entire province of Tuscany, each woman becomes entangled in experiences she could never have foretold. Not only do they find the fascinating Italian men that Georgia promised, but new sides to themselves and each other.


Against the glittering background of Florence, their dramas play out:


MacKenzie returns to her student days as an art historian, discarding her identity as the controlling Oakwood charity patron and society hostess. Renewing her acquaintance with the David, she vows to let herself be sculpted rather than trying to sculpt others. MacKenzie finds not only a new talent, but a new man who appreciates it, just as her husband decides to re-enter her life.


Roxie, who has always approached life as a circus, is drawn unwillingly into a passionate romance with a gorgeous Italian professor, Stefano. Her physical response to Stefano taps into lost memories, causing her to literally run from him. Roxie, a quirky and colorful Cubana, senses danger in visions and smells that resurface of a rotting summerhouse behind her Florida home. With his nurturing and passionate love, Stefano helps her to face the “broken piece” inside her.


Sara unveils part of her that no one but her instructors know. She is an extraordinarily talented concert violinist. Normally trapped in the demanding life of an ob-gyn (scripted for her by her Vietnamese immigrant parents), she is temporarily freed. She performs for others for the first time, and experiences unprecedented joy. However, the coping mechanism she used to handle the pressure of her job threatens to destroy her new life.


Georgia, a grieving widow, processes her life without Ben and without her violin career that ended early because of arthritis. Looking for a new passion in life, she finds that satisfaction comes to her in “giving back” to those around her the lessons and knowledge she has learned through her successes and mistakes in La Dolce Vita. Just as her perspective is changing, she reunites with her first love, Arturo, and must make a decision about the direction of her future life.


Though ages have passed since the rebirth called the Renaissance, Florence still inspires change by breathing out its creative mix of energy, beauty, and courage. Where Michelangelo “set free” the David by sculpting a block of marble, each “crazy lady” finds her exterior “Oakwood” self burnished away by new experiences, revealing a new self. This burnishing is not a gentle process, but exuberant Italians help them through it with their all-embracing agape, or unconditional love. Though they do not know it, each of them hungers for agape’s healing power. They discover in it a balm that binds them together and puts them on the road to recovery, the road that is “The Only Way to Paradise.”


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Annalisse and Dennis seem to be living the American dream until Annalisse's secret past and the effects of post-traumatic stress syndrome threaten to destroy her family.

BOOK: The Baron and the Bluestocking
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