The Baby Truth (7 page)

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Authors: Stella Bagwell

Tags: #AcM

BOOK: The Baby Truth
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Jett and Sassy exchanged questioning glances.

“How did you know Bart had a fit?” Jett asked the cook.

Greta rolled her eyes. “He was in such a state, he called for Tessa to fetch a glass of milk and a sedative up to his room. When she got back to the kitchen, she said the old man looked like he was ready to blow a gasket.”

“Okay, Greta. Thanks for the information. I’ll keep it in mind,” he told the cook, then quickly hustled Sassy toward the door.

Greta gasped. “But Jett, you need to—”

“Later, Greta. We gotta go.”

Outside, the snow was still falling and drifts were piling against the evergreens that lined the sidewalk. The cold night air felt refreshing to Sassy’s hot cheeks, and she breathed deeply as she tried to assimilate all that had happened in the past couple of hours.

“That was a hell of a send-off,” Jett said as he helped her into the cab of the truck. “I’m sorry the cook had to bring all of that up about Bart. She means well, but you didn’t need to hear it.”

He shut the door, then quickly skirted the truck and climbed behind the wheel. As he started the engine, Sassy asked, “You didn’t believe what she was saying?”

“Maybe. Did you?”

Sassy shook her head. “Oh, I believe she was right about Bart Calhoun being upset. Dear Lord, you saw the way he reacted when we arrived. But I don’t put much stock in her idea about Bart having information concerning me. She’s house help and they like to gossip among themselves. I ought to know, I’m a maid at the Chaparral and I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve done it myself at times.”

Jett was silent as he put the truck into motion, but once he’d steered it away from the house, he said, “Frankly, all evening I’ve been wondering why Bart reacted to you the way he did. That’s why I’m not quite certain we should totally rule out the possibility that you might be a Calhoun. The old man can be stodgy at times, but I’ve never seen him behave in such a rude manner. Especially toward a woman. The man normally adores females. The whole thing makes me suspicious.”

Sassy shook her head. “I don’t see anything suspicious about it. Evan said that I looked like Darci, their late sister. It didn’t seem to bother Orin or the brothers that I resembled her. But it could have bothered Bart. Could be that I reminded him of the painful memory of losing his granddaughter. Does that make sense? I hope so. Otherwise, I don’t know why he would hate a complete stranger.”

“I wouldn’t use the word ‘hate,’ Sassy. But he clearly didn’t want you around for some reason. You could be right about Darci, though. Could be you were like a living ghost to him.”

“Have you ever seen pictures of her?” Sassy asked curiously. “I wonder if she did resemble me that much.”

“I’ve not see any pictures. Once I asked why there weren’t any photos of her in the house. Clancy explained that his mother had stored away everything connected to the girl. Supposedly, the memories were too painful for her to deal with. Now that Claudia is gone, you’d think they’d bring out a picture or two, just to acknowledge her brief time with the family, but I’ve not seen any.”

“How sad.” The notion had Sassy suddenly thinking of her own baby. No matter the circumstances, the unborn child had already latched on to her heart. Losing her son or daughter, now or in the future, would tear her to pieces. “Well, I won’t be guilty of stirring up memories for the Calhouns a second time.” She glanced over at him. “Earlier you asked me if I was disappointed. Well, to be honest, Jett, I feel badly about coming here. It’s clearly caused problems with Bart, and I’m worried it’s all going to spill over on to you.”

He shook his head. “Forget about me. I’m not worried.”

“But that remark Orin made—Bart might want to fire you!”

“Look, Sassy, Bart Calhoun can’t make or break me. So put the whole thing out of your head. What I’m more concerned about now is what the old man might possibly know about your birth.”

She shook her head. “Do you honestly think that Bart might know something about my parents?”

“The old man has always been truthful with me. But people can lie when it suits their purpose. And that purpose could be to keep the past hidden in the past.”

“If he would stoop to lying to keep me out of the family, then it would be pretty clear I’m not wanted. I don’t think I’d want to learn I was related to him, Jett.” Her eyes stinging with inexplicable tears, she turned her watery gaze to the passenger window and the snowy night beyond the thick glass. “I’ll be going home as soon as I can get a flight back to New Mexico, so hopefully that will put an end to everything.”

“Is that what you want to do?” he asked with annoyance. “Hurry back home? What’s that going to fix?”

Everything, she thought. She could go back to her old life, her old job at the Chaparral. She could forget all about the Calhouns. And she could especially forget about Jett and how just looking at the man made her heart flutter. But once she got back in her familiar daily routine, would she be able to put Jett out of her mind? She had the baby to focus on now. Its impending arrival would surely be enough to wipe memories of the man from her mind. She had to believe that.

“I don’t need to fix anything,” she murmured. “I just need to get on with my life.”

A stretch of silence passed and then Jett said, “Have you stopped to think that that might be what you’re doing right here? Right now?”

Sassy couldn’t answer his questions, but later that night in her bedroom, when she picked up the phone to call Frankie, she was still thinking about them. Since she’d arrived in Carson City, her life felt as though it was changing by the hour. It was a dizzying spin, making it impossible for her to know where she belonged.

Frankie answered on the third ring and Sassy was thankful when the woman’s familiar voice quickly jerked her wandering thoughts back to solid ground.

“Sassy, I’m so glad you finally called. I was beginning to worry about you.”

The woman would’ve been even more worried if she’d known Sassy had spent her first hour in Carson City lying on a hospital gurney in the emergency room. But, for now, Sassy had no intention of revealing any of that to Frankie. There would be plenty of time for that later, after she’d had a chance to collect her thoughts and map a plan for herself and the baby.

Sassy took a seat on the edge of the queen-size bed. “Didn’t you get my text message telling you that my flight had arrived safely?”

“Yes. I was glad you let me know. But we’ve all been wondering if you’ve met the Calhouns yet.”

“Actually, that’s the reason I’m calling. To let you know we went to the Silver Horn this evening. In fact, we just returned a few minutes ago.”

“We? Someone went with you?”

“Jett Sundell. Remember? He’s the Calhoun family lawyer.”

“Hmm—yes. I do remember now. But isn’t that taking things a bit far, to have their lawyer accompany you? Are these people paranoid or something?”

It would be impossible for Sassy to explain how Jett had somehow emerged as her protector. Because, frankly, his support didn’t make sense. His first alliance and concerns should be the Calhouns. And, truth be told, if he was forced to choose between her or them, it would be the Calhouns. But none of that should really matter now. As far as she was concerned, there was no branch on the Calhoun family tree with her name on it.

“I suppose it is odd in a way. It’s sure not the way you Cantrells handle things. And the old patriarch of the family was far from welcoming. But Jett has been very helpful. In fact, I’ve been staying on his ranch.”

“Oh. I see. I think.”

The motherly caution in Frankie’s voice had Sassy quickly adding, “His sister lives here, also. She’s very nice.”

Frankie’s sigh of relief was evident. “If these people are being helpful, then I’m glad. So tell me about the Calhouns. Think there’s a chance you might be connected to them in some way?”

“Not really, Frankie. They can’t think of any relatives I might link with.”

“Awww! And for some reason I was so hopeful about it all,” Frankie said, her voice full of disappointment. “But I’m proud that you made the trip and that you’re seeing new things and meeting new people. It couldn’t have been easy talking to strangers about such a personal matter, but even that was probably a good learning experience for you.”

The memory of Bart Calhoun staring a dark hole through her was something Sassy would never forget. And she’d definitely learned from the experience. She’d learned that having Jett by her side had given her the courage and patience to stand her ground. If not for him, she would probably have turned on her heel and left the house. Mostly out of anger.

“It wasn’t easy, Frankie.” And prying any sort of information from Bart Calhoun would be even more difficult, she thought grimly. Getting him to spill a secret would be like breaking a piece of granite with her bare hand. “But for the most part, the brothers, minus the one who’s a Marine in California, and their father, Orin, were very warm and likable.”

“But they had no clues about your family? Did you explain about the orphanage and how you were dropped there?”

Sassy held back a sigh. “I told them everything. They all seemed clueless. So I figure I’m wasting time here, Frankie. I’ll probably be coming home in a day or two.”

There was a long pause and then a groan. “Sassy, there’s no need for you to hurry back. You’re just a short distance from Reno and Lake Tahoe. Lewis took me there on one of our wedding anniversaries. I promise, it’s beautiful.”

Before this flight to Nevada, Sassy had never had the opportunity to take driving trips, much less board an airplane. A few times she’d gone to Alamogordo with friends, and once she’d gone to the fair at Albuquerque. Then, a few weeks ago, she’d gone up to Santa Fe to visit the orphanage where she’d lived as a newborn. But that was the extent of her travels. Under normal circumstances, a chance to see and do things she’d never experienced before would have had her jumping for joy. But right now, the opportunity didn’t appeal to her. Not when her mind was being consumed by the baby and all the changes she was going to need to make in the coming months. And then there was Jett. She had to admit the man was doing something to her. Not only did her mind go haywire whenever he was near her, but her body followed right after it. No, she thought, common sense warned her that the sooner she put two states between them, the safer her heart would be.

“The Chaparral is beautiful, too, Frankie.”

“That’s a lovely thing to say, Sassy. Especially when I know that you mean it. But you’ve only been gone two days. That’s not long enough to get homesick,” Frankie teased. Then, after a long pause, her tone turned serious. “Now that I think about it, you do sound a little melancholy. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

Other than being pregnant, confused and glum, she was the picture of health, she could have told Frankie. Instead, she said in the cheeriest voice she could summon, “I’m fine, Frankie. Really. Now tell me what’s been going on there. Did Alexa and her family arrive?”

Frankie let out a happy, but weary, groan. “Yes, and we’ve been staying very busy. The kids never run down, you know. And Leyla cooked a huge special meal today. Abe and Reena joined us. In fact, they’re still here enjoying a last round of pie before they head back to Apache Wells. But Alexa and Jonas and the kids plan to stay through the weekend.”

Sassy knew how much Frankie enjoyed spending time with her daughter, Alexa. Throughout the years she’d worked for the family, Sassy had witnessed the unique bond that existed between the two women. It was something she’d never be able to experience herself, and now that Sassy was pregnant and soon to be a mother, the fact hit her even harder. There would be no grandparents around to enjoy her son or daughter.

“I’m glad she and her family are getting to stay a few days. I should be there to help with all the extra household chores. Leyla has Dillon and her new daughter to care for. She can’t be cleaning house and doing the laundry for everyone.”

“Sassy,” Frankie gently scolded. “I wouldn’t allow Leyla to even try. We’re not helpless around here, you know. Now forget the Chaparral and everybody back here. The dust might get thick and the laundry piled high, but that’s okay. We’ll deal with it.”

With Frankie being so understanding, Sassy was very tempted to go ahead and spill the news about her pregnancy. But she instantly nixed the impulse. With Alexa there, Frankie needed to enjoy this special time with her family. Not be worrying over her maid.

“Okay, Frankie. I’ll think about traveling up to Tahoe before I head back,” Sassy told her, then went on to promise that whatever she decided to do, she’d keep Frankie informed.

After giving the woman a final goodbye, Sassy placed the cell phone on the nightstand, then lay back on the bed and rested a hand on her lower belly.

She’d come to Nevada searching for family. But it was time she accepted the fact that the only real family she had was resting in her womb. In the months ahead, it would be just her and the baby. And that would have to be enough.

Chapter Five

hile Sassy remained cloistered in her bedroom, Jett stared absently into the flames that were licking around the small logs he’d stacked in the fireplace. During the past ten minutes, he’d been listening for Sassy’s footsteps, hoping she might rejoin him before the evening ended. But he was beginning to doubt he would see her again tonight.

Clearly, the meeting with the Calhouns had drained her. And, to be honest, it hadn’t exactly made Jett a happy man. For as long as he lived, he’d never forget Sassy’s face when Bart had ordered her out of the house. Her blue eyes had darkened with pain, yet her chin had lifted with pride, and at that moment he’d wanted to draw her into the safety of his arms, to assure her that she was worth more than a dozen Bart Calhouns.

Oh, Lord, what was happening to him? he wondered. He’d been divorced from Erica for five years, and not once since then had he allowed his thoughts to get wrapped up in a woman. Why would he want to put himself through that sort of misery again? If he wanted female company for the night, he knew where to find it. He certainly didn’t have to start daydreaming about a mixed up, pregnant redhead. Yet there was something about her freshness and warm heart that was impossible for Jett to ignore.

The conflicting thoughts traipsing through his mind were suddenly interrupted as he caught the sounds of Bella entering the front door. Walter also heard her arrival and jumped off Jett’s lap to race to the entryway to meet her.

“That damned cat is nothing but a traitor,” Jett said to his sister, moments later, as she entered the room. “The minute he hears you’re home, he leaves me.”

Bella chuckled. “Walter isn’t stupid. He knows who spoons out his food.”

Jett rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and he apparently doesn’t care who buys all those cans of tuna and salmon. I’m thinking it’s about time Walter gets relegated to the barn.”

“Hah. You’ve got the heart of a marshmallow. Before the night is over he’ll be sleeping on the foot of your bed.” Tossing her handbag and coat on the couch, Bella picked up the cat and carried him over to the fireplace. “The weather is getting worse and the heater in my car must be going on the blink. I froze all the way home.”

“You should have stayed instead of trying to make the drive. Why didn’t you spend the night with Mom?”

Bella stroked the cat, who’d already snuggled into a comfortable ball in her arms. “Because she has a houseguest. Trina, that old friend of hers from San Diego is visiting and I didn’t want to be in the way. Besides, I figured Sassy might feel uncomfortable spending the night here alone with you.”

Jett wondered what his sister would think if she knew just how obsessed he was becoming. If he confessed to kissing Sassy. If he told her he wanted to do it again. And again. Bella would probably tell him he’d lost his mind. And maybe he had, Jett thought. Because there were a myriad of reasons he shouldn’t get involved with Sassy.

He was thirty-two years old. She was far too young and inexperienced for him. Moreover, she was going to have a baby and he doubted the realities of motherhood and all that it entailed had completely sunk in with her. He didn’t think he was ready to be a father, either. And then there was the search for her parents and the anchor those roots might give her. Trying to fit a man into her life right now wouldn’t work. Besides, she deserved to have real love in her life. And Jett wasn’t sure he believed in love anymore, much less that he was able to experience it.

“Sassy trusts me to be a gentleman,” he said flatly. “Besides, she has other things besides me on her mind.”

Bella leveled a curious look at him. “Oh, with all that was going on at Mom’s today, I almost forgot. How did the meeting at the Silver Horn go this evening?”

Jett thrust a weary hand through his hair, then shook his head. “For starters, Bart took one look at Sassy and ordered us to leave the house.”

Bella’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding? I mean—I know I said he’d probably take one look at her and blow a gasket, but I didn’t mean literally!”

He gestured toward a phone sitting on an end table. “Call Orin or one of the guys. They’ll tell you. Bart behaved deplorably.”

Moving away from the fireplace, Bella eased onto the edge of the couch and placed Walter on the cushion next to her. “What happened? Did you and Sassy leave?”

“She wanted to, and so did I. But before that could happen, Orin took hold of his father and ushered him out of the room. After that, everyone else was very cordial to Sassy and insisted that we stay. So we did. But Bart’s absence was like an elephant sitting in the room.”

The amazement on Bella’s face grew even deeper. “Orin actually stepped up and took Bart out of the room? I’ve never known him to go against his father’s wishes. I can’t remember anybody in that family going against Bart. But since Claudia died, I’ve not been around the Calhouns all that much. Wow! That must’ve been quite a scene,” she murmured thoughtfully.

Jett frowned. “Just imagine how Sassy must have felt, being ordered out of the house like that. If Bart was a few years younger I’d have knocked his fool head off,” he muttered. “As it is, I’m wondering if the man is starting to suffer some sort of dementia.”

Bella leveled a curious look at him. “So what do the rest of the family think about Sassy being related?”

He shrugged. “They batted around a few ideas, but none of them fit the puzzle. It’s clear the brothers are clueless. But after Bart’s reaction, I’m thinking something about Sassy’s appearance scared him.”

It was Bella’s turn to frown. “Scared? You think that was the motive behind his behavior? I’m thinking he was just being his old, crotchety self. Otherwise, wouldn’t he realize his behavior would cast a suspicious light on him?”

“Bart wasn’t thinking clearly. He let his emotions grab hold of him before he thought about how he might sound or look to everyone. Sassy believes he reacted that way because she reminded him of Darci, the granddaughter that died.”

“Hmm. Guess that’s possible,” Bella mused aloud. “Darci was a touchy subject with Claudia. The woman never offered to show me a picture of her late daughter or to talk about her. I guess the whole ordeal was just too painful for Claudia to deal with. Maybe it’s the same with Bart, and the sight of Sassy did set him off.”

“Well, Evan spoke right out and admitted that Sassy looked like their late sister. But the resemblance could all be coincidence and Bart is simply being like you suggested—old and crotchety.”

Bella frowned. “This doesn’t sound good, Jett. When you dig into any family there’s always a chance you’ll open a can of worms. Even if you’re not worried about your job, you’d be alienating friends that you’ve had since childhood.”

“Look, Bella, the old man was the only one raising a ruckus. I honestly believe the rest of the family would be pleased to discover that Sassy was a part of them, somehow.”

“What about Orin? You haven’t mentioned him in all of this.”

Jett shrugged. “He was more than kind to Sassy. If he’s hiding any sort of information, it certainly didn’t show.”

Bella rose to her feet. “There’s always DNA testing, you know. Have you discussed that possibility with Sassy?”

“No. But it’s crossed my mind more than once.”

“Then why haven’t you mentioned it to her?”

“Because I have the feeling she wouldn’t want to go that route. To her that would be forcing the issue and she doesn’t want to push herself on anyone.” He swiped a hand over his face. “If the Calhouns suggested it, that might be different. But for now, Sassy believes everything is over. She wants to go home.”

Ignoring the cat, Bella picked up her coat and handbag. “And you don’t want her to go.”

Sighing, he rose to his feet and walked over to the fireplace. Bella was right, he thought. He didn’t want Sassy to go. At least, not yet. Her spunky courage and generous smile made her so different from his ex-wife that being in her company almost made him forget he’d sworn off women. Not to mention that he still couldn’t get that impulsive kiss out of his mind.

As he pulled the screen shut, he said, “If she’s a Calhoun she deserves to be acknowledged as one.”

“And the fact that you like her has nothing to do with your wanting to keep her here.”

Turning, he frowned at his sister. “Is anything wrong with that?”

She answered with a knowing smile. “You should be asking yourself that question, not me.” Suddenly yawning, she covered her open mouth with her hand. “Sorry, Jett. I’m dog tired. I’ll see you in the morning.”

As Jett watched his sister leave the room, he realized Bella was right. He needed to ask himself several things regarding his feelings toward Sassy. Trouble was, he didn’t know if he could find the answers.

* * *

Early the next morning, after spending a fitful night rolling from one side of his bed to the other, Jett entered the kitchen to find Sassy sitting at the table dressed in a robe and pajamas with a cup of coffee in front of her. A cell phone was jammed to her ear and what she was saying stopped him in his tracks.

“Oh, so, not today? Then tomorrow is the first flight with an open seat? What time will it be departing?”

Before he could stop himself or even think about what he was doing, Jett leaned across the table, plucked the phone from her hand and ended the call.

Incredulous, Sassy leaped to her feet and grabbed at the phone he had clutched in his fist. “Give me that!” she ordered. “I was trying to make my flight arrangements! You’ve broken the connection!”

He lifted the phone even farther out of her reach, and with a wail of frustration she jumped and snatched at his hand in an attempt to retrieve it. Her effort not only failed, but caused her to teeter forward and fall against his chest.

Before she could manage to right herself, Jett wrapped his arms around her and tugged her even closer. “That was my intention,” he said lowly. “To keep you here.”

Her head lolled backward, and as he watched a look of surprise part her plush lips, nothing about the Calhouns or why she’d come to Nevada mattered. All he could think about was tasting those lips again, of feeling her warm curves pressed close to him.

Their gazes locked and the soft lights flickering in her eyes drew his head down to hers.


His whispered name was little more than a soft breath brushing his cheeks and the erotic sensation broke the last tenuous thread of his self-control.

With a groan vibrating deep in his throat, he tightened the circle of his arms and closed the last bit of space between their mouths.

Jett never planned for the kiss to get out of control, but after the first few seconds of having her in his arms, his ability to think vanished and the more basic senses of taste and touch took over.

Her lips were like a rich dessert. One that he’d not allowed himself to indulge in for far too long. And the hunger her kiss invoked in him was swiftly taking control. As his lips feasted on the sweet curves of her mouth, he could feel the warmth of her hands lying flat against his shoulders, the soft mounds of her breasts pressing against his chest.

He didn’t want the pleasure to end, but far too soon she began to stir and draw away. Jett forced himself to lift his head and allow her to step back and out of his arms.

While he sucked in a deep breath and tried to gather his senses, she swallowed hard and shoved a swathe of hair off her forehead. “What was that supposed to be?” she finally asked. “Some sort of persuasion to make me stay?”

His gaze took in her powder-blue robe and silky white pajamas, the red hair curling wild and free upon her shoulders and the naked curve of her just-kissed lips. He couldn’t remember any woman ever looking more desirable to him, and the urge to pull her back into his arms stirred like a churning sea in the pit of his stomach.

“I don’t know,” he answered frankly. “Could it? Persuade you, I mean?”

Her lips pressed together as a shade of deep coral flooded her cheeks.

“No! It’s shown me that the sooner I get out of here, the better!”

“Why?” he asked softly. “You seemed to be enjoying that kiss as much as I was.”

Turning her back to him, she sank into the chair she’d been sitting in when he first entered the kitchen. She was clearly stunned, but then, so was he. Grabbing her phone, then snatching her into his arms wasn’t his normal behavior. But when he’d heard her making plans to leave, his first reaction was to stop her. For her sake and for his.

“That’s exactly why I need to go,” she murmured in a voice so low he could hardly hear it. “I might be tempted to kiss you again. And that wouldn’t be good.”

Moving up behind her, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “Sassy, I understand you’ve been through a lot lately, and I’m probably not helping matters, kissing you that way. But that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to turn off your feelings as a woman.”

Beneath his fingers, he could feel her body stiffen.

“I’ve got to do that,” she said flatly. “I’m going to have a baby.”

The confusion in her voice had Jett groaning with frustration. “Does that mean you’re going to shut yourself off? To never allow another man into your life? That’s not normal, Sassy.”

“Maybe not. But I’m not taking chances. At least...not for a long time.”

Sighing, he placed her phone on the table near her coffee cup. If she wanted to leave that badly, there was nothing he could do about it.

“I can’t blame you for feeling that way,” he admitted. “For a long time now, I’ve not wanted to take chances. But I—for a moment there with you—well, I almost wanted to.”

Her head suddenly swiveled around and the questions he saw in her eyes had him quickly turning and walking over to the kitchen cabinets. Jett wasn’t ready to explain the heartache he’d gone through any more than he was ready to explain what he was feeling at the moment. Mainly because he wasn’t exactly sure what he was feeling.

“Jett, I don’t think...”

Her words trailed away on a wary note and he decided the best thing he could do for the both of them right now was to focus her attention on the Calhouns and away from that impulsive kiss. “Forget about me and that kiss, Sassy. And forget about hurrying back to New Mexico. It’s far too soon for you to be calling this quits with the Calhouns.”

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