The Baby He Wants: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (16 page)

BOOK: The Baby He Wants: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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the chef was on hand to make a dinner worthy of the name. He made
some beefsteak tomato, butterhead lettuce, and bacon with blue cheese
dressing, black pepper spice-rubbed beef tenderloin, bulgur with
herbs, bevy of beans and basil and for desert there were berries and
buttermilk puddings. He laid the whole meal out so it was easy to
serve and then took off as Tristan asked him to. His mother arrived
first, seven on the dot and immaculate.

how nice to see you,” Tristan said as he kissed her cheek.

as well. Now, where is this girl you’re allegedly living with?”
she asked.

stepped back so that his mother could see Ava, dressed simply in a
Diane Von Furstenberg shift dress and gold sandals. Her hair was
spread over her shoulders in a down swept style with a bejeweled clip
pinning it on one side. Her pregnancy was just starting to show and
she looked calm and composed.

Mrs. Carrington,” she said.

nodded her greeting and then swept past her to the living room. Ava
and Tristan exchanged glances and then followed her. They had barely
stepped into the living room when the doorbell rang again. Tristan
turned right around to go and open it.

he said trying to sound pleased. His eyes moved beyond her. “And…your
parents,” he said with a sinking heart. “Great.”

He let
them in and ushered them to the living room where Ava and Cleo were
waiting. Savannah stopped short at the threshold when she caught
sight of Ava, her mouth fell open a little bit.

she began to ask.

Ava and
Tristan exchanged another glance then Ava stepped forward and held
out her hand, “Hi. I’m Ava Richards. Pleased to meet

looked down at her hand skeptically then took it. “Savannah
Leicester,” she said, looking as if she smelled something
really bad just beneath her nose. Ava shook her hand and stepped
back, ceding the stage to Tristan.

we sit?” he said. “I do believe dinner is ready for us.
Follow me.”

took Ava’s hand on his left and his mother’s on his right
and led them to the dining room. They were two place settings short
which Jensen quickly remedied. He invited them to sit as he announced
the entrée.

you Jensen,” Tristan said gesturing for them all to sit.
Savannah took the seat on his right and her parents opposite her.
Cleo took a seat on the other end of the table so Ava sat down next
to Savannah for lack of anywhere else to sit. Jensen brought in the
first course and they all tucked in, eating in silence until
Savannah’s mother looked up at Tristan.

Tristan, you haven’t told us who Ava is,” she said.

nodded his head, “And I will. But let’s eat first,”
he said. They made small talk for the rest of the meal and then
retired to the den for coffee and desert. Tristan stood up in the
middle of the room, looking everyone in the eye.

I want to thank you for your patience. I know you must all have a lot
of questions for me right now. I’m going to attempt to give you
answers. The first thing that everyone needs to know is that I had
asked Savannah to marry me a few months ago; however in the course of
routine medical tests carried out thereafter, it turned out that I
was possibly sterile. I informed Savannah of this and she decided to
think about whether she would still be willing to be my bride.
However in my anger and grief, I went looking for…solace in a
stranger’s arms.”

eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed in annoyance. Ava took a
drink of water. Cleo sighed and shook her head. Savannah’s
parents were rapt.

long story short, what was supposed to be a weekend at a rock
festival turned into…conception. I’m happy to inform you
that Ava and I are expecting a baby.”

was a small eruption of sound as everyone started talking at the same

I finish?” Tristan asked in a tone a little louder than
everyone in the room. The others kept quiet.

I thought long and hard about what to do, in consultation with
others. I listened to advice and then I came to a decision. I was a
man who has been granted a miracle I never expected. I could turn my
back on it, do the politically correct thing and marry the ‘right’
bride or I could grab my fate in both hands and accept the miracle.”
Tristan held his hand out to Ava.

chose the latter,” he said as she came to put her hand in his.

second eruption of sound was louder, more outraged, upset and likely
to result in grievous injury to somebody. Tristan was willing to take
the hits, just as long as they left Ava out of it. Cleo was the only
one still sitting in her chair as if frozen, not participating in the
conversation at all.

father was going on about embarrassing his family and his daughter
and what she was owed. Her mother was lamenting about what she would
tell her friends. Savannah was stating most emphatically that she
would not be made a fool of. It was all very stressful.

already done,” Tristan managed to get in edgewise. “We’re
already married.”

shut everyone up.

beg your pardon?” Cleo said into the silence.

turned to her, “Mother, meet your daughter in law, Ava.”
Ava gave a sheepish wave and a small smile.

stared emptily at her, as if she was simply an optical illusion that
would disappear in a moment.

Savannah said voice breaking, “Are you going to stand for

stood up, “I think we should leave. Sleep on it. Reconvene on
the morrow in my office where we can discuss terms.”

stared at her as she picked up her purse and headed for the door.
“Savannah,” she called, “Come.”

followed her erstwhile mother-in-law out the door and her parents
followed her leaving Tristan and Ava on their own.

inhaled deeply, “Well. That went about as well as expected.”

It's not over though.”

worst is done. At least now they know,” Ava said.

he turned to her and smiled, holding out his hand, “Bed?”

Ava took
his hand and let him guide her to bed. Once showers were taken and
make up removed, they climbed into bed, and sat facing each other.

Tristan said.

guessing it's going to be intense.”

I think if we’re going to get out in one piece, we need to
present a united front.”

huh. United front. Got it.”

to that end, I want to talk about the pre-nup. I know we said three
years but do you really want to keep to that timeline? Because
personally, I’m really enjoying this marriage.”

laughed, “Okay, but what about the whole, ‘You can’t
do my daughter like that’ and all that other shiznit those cats
were spouting?”

if you’re willing for us to be in this together, well so am I.
We’ll deal with what comes as a unit.”

pondered his words, “A unit sounds nice.”

it? Let’s do it.”

let’s do it.”


worried because his mother did not attempt to contact him prior to
the meeting. It didn’t bode well for them. Ava came out of the
bathroom, looking pale and ill and Tristan wondered if he should
leave her behind.

even think about it,” she said.

It was
like she read his mind sometimes. Theoretically this should worry him
but he was totally fine with it.

think I might be in love with you,” he said.

that’s cute.”

you want to say to me?”


arrived at The Group offices just before eight in the morning. Cleo
was already waiting and they were ushered in by Tamara without much

could have told me you got married,” she began as soon as they
stepped in the door.

could have. But then I thought it's better to ask for forgiveness
rather than permission.”

are so like your father,” Cleo said shaking her head. It was
never a compliment when she said that.

you mom,” he replied.

sighed, “Look, what’s done is done and I see why you did
what you did. However, we still have to deal with the fallout in a
way that is the least damaging to everyone.”


We. Do you think I would choose anyone else over you?” Cleo
glanced at Ava and then away again. Tristan held out his hand to Ava
so she could take it.

we’re a package deal now mom.”

nodded, “I understand that.”

you’re okay with it?”

studied Ava critically, and then she smiled, “I did say you
were interesting didn’t I?”

The end.

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Books By Cher Etan

you enjoyed that, you'll love
Billionaire's Surrogate
by Cher Etan (sample and description of what it's about below).


is nothing without someone to love.
Max is a billionaire with a
lot going for him. He has the money, the looks, and a personality to
boot. But when diagnosed with prostate cancer, his life turns around
in an instant.
Everything that was once important now seems
trivial to him, and he soon realizes he hasn't achieved his one main
goal in life:
Having a baby.
With his cancer treatment
predicted to leave him sterile, he decides hiring a surrogate mother
to bare his child is the best option. And Christine, a relative of
his house keeper, agrees to the role.
But soon after the process,
further tests reveals Max doesn't have cancer after all and won't
become infertile. Now the question of where this leaves him and
Christine arises.
Will she simply remain the mother of his child?
Or will an even more personal relationship form from this unexpected
turn of events?

BOOK: The Baby He Wants: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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