The Awakening (40 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "New?" Nolan’s eyes lit.

              Raina looked to Nolan, and saw the gleam...only one thing would cause that for him. "Motorcycles?" Raina lamented. "And I wore a dress!"

              Joseph laughed, shaking his head. "Oh, she’s a keeper!"

              Nolan grinned, and tipped her face up. "I'll take you for a ride tomorrow on one of Joseph’s splendid bikes," he promised.

              Raina frowned. "I doubt Emily packed me anything bigger than a pocket square. I know I don't have jeans in that suitcase," she lamented.

              His silver eyes softened. "That just gives me an excuse to take you shopping." He seemed to very much like that idea.

              Raina liked the idea too. She still pouted, and then looked to Joseph. "Can l see them with Nolan? We can take our walk after?" She was afraid she was not being very gracious to her host, but Nolan had turned her on to that side, and the idea of him checking them out without her was jealousy inducing.

              Joseph sighed, and nodded. "How can I say no...when I would want to do the same? Nolan knows the way to the garage. I do have a phone call to make." His eyes held Nolan’s. “Have her back here in a half hour."

              Nolan nodded, and excitedly took Raina’s arm, leading her with a little pep in his step. "Wait until you see these bikes!" He was like a kid heading to the candy shop. His hand slid down her arm, and grasped her fingers instead.

              Raina weaved her fingers through his, and smiled.

              Nolan gave her a wink, as they made their way to the other side of the immense house. His stride got them there quickly.

              Raina gasped, when he pulled her through a door, leading into a wide spacious garage. There were a dozen chromed out, beautiful bikes, some larger than others. Built for comfort, and also for speed.

              Nolan was biting his lip. "Almost heaven," he growled, running a hand across a gleaming bike.

              Raina’s eyes followed his action.

              His eyes switched to her. His fingers curled around her wrist, and he pulled her close. His hands inched around her waist, and he walked her up against the bike.

              Raina's heart rate was accelerating. His lips were so close, his eyes so warm.

              "I'd like to see you handle one of these," he breathed. He leaned down, his lips to her ear. "You'd look so good."

              Raina drew in a breath, liking the slow sexy smile he gave her, as he leaned back up. Then, he left her bereft, as he stepped back to admire the two together.

              "Now...that’s heaven."

              Raina blushed, caressing the leather seat. "It’s not fair you get to go out on one of these, and I have to stay."

              He grinned. "I promised we'd come back."

              She sighed. "I don't know if I like you leaving me here," she admitted.

              Nolan frowned. "But you like Joseph."

              She smiled, and gave a nod. "I had no reason to be afraid, meeting him."

              "None," he agreed.

              " being here...I have a greater level of comfort."

              "I'll stay then," he quickly spoke up.

              She bit her lip, and shook her head. She saw his glimmer of disappointment. “No, go," she whispered. Nolan took pleasure in so little. He deserved his ride. She knew he was more reckless when she wasn't on the back. He needed a release.

              Nolan came to stand before her again, running a finger down her cheek. "You sure?"

              Raina shivered at his touch. "If we're going to be successful at boundaries, you have to have some outlet."

              His cheeks flushed, and he shoved his hands in his pockets, and went on to the next bike, admiring it.

              "So...he wants to talk to me?"

              Nolan nodded. "He wants you alone, without my influence." He frowned. "He'll answer any questions you have...he'll ask you questions he thinks you'd never answer while I'm there."

              "This doesn't make you happy..."

              "His honesty doesn’t make me happy," Nolan agreed. "You don't need to know everything,"

              Raina nodded, as his gorgeous frowny face appeared. "I agree."

              Nolan looked surprised at this. "You do?"

              "To a point. I...I like the mystery you are. Not that I don't want to know more..."

              He gave her a crooked smile. "Just ask me."

              Raina smiled, and shook her head. She ran her fingers over the polished chrome of the bike before her. "Not like you'll tell me the whole instances."

              He shook his head. “I will be honest with you," he argued. He threw his leg over the bike before him, testing the feel, the weight.

              Raina liked the sight. To his response, she shrugged. "You would be evasive. Like, would you have told me about that whole mating issue?”

              Nolan frowned. "Aelan..."

              She giggled. "Nolan, I promise not to dig too deeply." She came to stand before him. "You're frowning."

              "I'll stop frowning if you promise to not ask questions about
... at all."

              Raina smiled, and shrugged. "That’s not persuasive...I like your frown."

              It deepened.

              She laughed, and lifted a hand to his face; her fingers traced the frown marks around his mouth, and then ran across his bottom lip. "You're so handsome when you scowl."

              Nolan swallowed.

              She leaned toward him, and set a chaste kiss to that bottom lip.

              His arm wrapped around her waist, and he captured her retreating lips. He nipped her mouth gently. "Do not tease me, Aelan," he murmured.

              "You are different here," she smiled.

              His eyes twinkled.

              "I like your playful side," she whispered. "Why haven't I seen more of this?"

              His fingers curved into the small of her back. "We are out of danger," he admitted.

              Raina tugged at his shirt. "So let’s run away," she teased. "Run constantly from danger, so you'll always be like this."

              He grinned back. "I would never ask that of you. You have a life...friends. Emily would hunt me down...crazy little mortal!" He shrugged. "Besides, there is so much about my life you don't way of life."

              "Tell me," she insisted.

              "I’ve tried telling’s difficult. You wouldn't understand most unless you're in my shoes."

              "Like ...I would lose some of my life if we were ever were to...make love?"

              He nodded. "Or lose it all...."

              "May be worth it," she sighed.

              He growled deep in his chest. "Don't make light, Raina."

              "I'm not...but I have to laugh Nolan. I’ve been informed by the man I have never felt more attraction to...that I can never..."

              "Raina, what kind of life could you possibly have with me?" He interrupted.

              She blinked in surprise. "A good one. Nolan," she whispered. “I love you."

              His eyes darkened. He closed his eyes and shook his head. What was the point of dancing around it anymore? "And I love you," he groaned. "That’s the problem."

              Raina’s heart tripped at his words. "How is that a problem?" Her lip trembled, and she felt tears form.

              "Aelan," he sighed. "Why are you crying?" His thumb swiped at one tear, and his lips kissed another as it trailed down her cheek.

              She bit her bottom lip to stop its trembling. "You love me," she whimpered.

              A chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Yes, I love you. Is that a reason to cry?" His gorgeous frowny face appeared. “'re wounding my ego."

              She sighed. "It just isn't fair. To feel drawn to someone...want someone."

              He set a finger to her lips. "I feel the same Raina...but I'm not crying."

              She laughed, despite the tears.

              "We're so screwed."

              His lips tilted up. "We kind of are."

              "So, you can't be with me...that way?" Her cheeks flushed.

              "Not that way," he agreed. "I never want to hurt you."

              "No matter how good it would be?" Her blue eyes bashfully looked up into his.

              Nolan drew in a deep calming breath. "I repeat, don't tempt me. You can't say things like that," he growled.

              "I'm just stating the facts."

              He tipped her chin, and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. "It would be good, Aelan...better than good. I'm immortal, but I don't know if even I would survive." His eyes glinted in amusement.

              Raina felt her cheeks warm. "Don't tempt me," she threw his words back.

              Nolan chuckled. "So what do we do?"

              "I can't be without you," she sighed.

              "And I can't stay away from you." His fingers drew down her cheek, down her jaw.

              "We're so screwed," she repeated.

              "We'll take it one step at a time," he sighed. "Maybe we'll find a loop hole."

              She laughed at this. "I sure hope so."

              He wanted to pull her up on the bike with him, kiss her pretty smiling lips, but knew better. He was being stretched to the limit this weekend. Taking more liberties with her then he ever thought he would. "In the meantime, boundaries are more important than ever."

              She nodded. "When we get home."

              He shook his head. "It should be now."

              She pouted. "We're still on vacation!"

              "And I still have to return to that hotel room with you," he growled. He threw his leg over the bike, gracefully and quickly dismounting it. He needed to make room between him and her.

              "I'll stay in my bed this time," she promised.

              "You sure as hell will," he choked. He softened his words with a small smile.

              "I just want more of this." She stepped back into his arms, laying her head against his chest. "Just a little more, until we have to go back to arm’s length. Well, maybe not arm’s length anymore. We can't go back to that."

              He sucked in a breath, and wrapped his arms around her. He hated the idea of going back to restrictions. He didn't know if he could go back to arm’s length either.

              "We're evolving is all," she murmured into his chest.

              "Evolving?" his voice was full of amusement. "It’s been a long time since I did any changing."

              "Emotional evolution Nolan. From the moment I meet you, up until now."

              He chuckled. "I suppose you're right."

              She breathed in his scent, and sighed contentment. "You smell so nice."

              His nose buried deep in her hair, he grunted back. "You too."

              There was a sharp laugh from the entry way to the garage. "Well, well....I see Nolan hasn't changed much. Still bringing the ladies to their knees," a cool voice snaked around them.

              Nolan’s arms tightened. He cleared his throat, and would not allow her to turn about.              

              Raina held to the front of his shirt, wondering at his protective stance. She wanted to turn around to see who the voice belonged too.

              "Didn't realize you were home Jonathan," Nolan spoke calmly.

              "Visiting Grandpa. Have to keep up the family morale. I also heard you were coming."

              Raina froze. So...Elenora’s cousin? Or worse, brother?

              "Speaking of family. How is my sister?"

              Raina trembled. Oh no! This could not be good.

              "How do you think?" Nolan chuckled.


              "Nailed it."

              She felt herself calm at Nolan's easy manner. She pushed at his chest, and he released her. She turned about to view their visitor, and stopped short, stepping back against Nolan. Her heart catapulted across her chest. Wow. She felt Nolan tense at her reaction, and his hands grip her shoulders.

              He frowned, feeling that familiar tug of jealousy. Well, familiar since Raina entered his life.

              Raina didn't know how it was possible, but Jonathan Rivers was as beautiful as Nolan. In an entirely dark sort of way. Nolan was rugged, muscular beauty, with his chiseled features, and stature. Jonathan was so beautiful it was to the point of almost being feminine, though not feminine in the least. He had dark hair, on the longish side, and dark chocolate brown eyes, luminous and dark as the other Rivers, but so much more compelling. He was shorter then Nolan, but not by much, and not nearly as broad. He was on the lean side, but healthy as any immortal.

              Raina found her voice finally. "Hello."

              Jonathan smiled. "Hello."

              Nolan cleared his throat. "Jonathan, this is my Raina," he introduced her, stressing the “my". His hands slid from her shoulders, and down her arms. He smiled when he felt her shiver. So he hadn't lost all her attention in Jonathan’s presence.

              Jonathan’s dark eyebrows rose, as he assessed her. "So you are the pretty little thing driving my wicked sister to madness?" He smiled, and that was heart breaking... beautiful. "I think I may be in love with you."

              Nolan’s fingers bit into her arms possessively.

              Raina laughed, not able to help herself. Oh good...someone for their side.

              "I'm sorry," he laughed. "Did my hatred show too much? Forgive me! I really am a kind person. Ask Nolan here." His brown eyes danced with humor.

              "He is," Nolan assured her. He was closely watching Raina’s reaction to the newcomer.

              "So it’s just your sister then? With the anger issues?" Raina's blue eyes lit.

              Jonathan shook his head. "While Grandpa and I are easy mannered, I'm afraid my sister got my father’s temper. My Mother, God rest her soul, tried so hard to make her a lady." His dark eyes softened. "It’s a shame you couldn't have meet her."

              Raina blinked at the softly spoken words. "You say God rest her soul...what of your father?"

              Jonathan looked to Nolan. "Hmmm, ever protective, aren't you Nolan? You haven't told her about Richard? Well, day we'll discuss my father’s escapades. I pray he never gets to tell you himself. You're too good for his presence."

              Nolan squeezed her arms. "Yes, his father is immortal too," he whispered, answering her unspoken question.

              Raina looked up at him. "In the picture?"

              "Hardly," Nolan assured her. "You don't need to fear, Aelan." He gave her a warm smile.

              Raina couldn't help herself when he smiled like that, she had to return it. "I'm not afraid when I'm with know that!"

              Nolan wrapped his arms about her and kissed her temple. "Good."

              Jonathan watched the two of them for a moment, smiling himself. "I think I like you as a taken man, Nolan Gregor. You seem less...depressing." 

              Nolan chuckled. "I'm flattered."

              "Always knew you'd find a good one." The dark brown eyes turned toward her.  "Raina, there’s never been a girl good enough for Nolan. Oh, plenty have tried...he would use his good manners, and get out of every feminine situation."

              Raina grinned up at Nolan. "That sounds like Nolan.

              His gorgeous frowny face looked back at her, and then broke into a sexy smile. "Sounds like me huh?" He squeezed her again.

              Jonathan lifted a brow to Nolan. "You must be something more than just pretty to have him crossing boundaries to be near you."

              Raina looked back to Jonathan, when she could tear her eyes away from the irresistible face above her. "I like you," she announced.

              "And I you," Jonathan agreed. "We should talk...swap Nolan stories."

              She liked that idea.

              Nolan’s arm went about her waist, and held her still. "Maybe another day," he whispered.

              "No, today," Jonathan answered matter of a factly.

              Raina patted Nolan’s arm. "It’s fine Nolan." She wasn't the least afraid of Jonathan, and she knew Nolan was anxious to have his ride.

              "Come, let’s walk a bit," Jonathan smiled, sounding much like his grandfather. "Grandpa is still on his call...he sent me to bring Raina back. were going on a ride?"

              Nolan stiffened. "I may have changed my mind."

              Jonathan chuckled, and then started back out the door. "When you are ready Raina. I will be in the hall." He stepped back out the door.

              Raina turned to Nolan. "Jealous much?" She smoothed her hands up his chest, and stood on tip toe. "You don't have any reason to be. I am your Raina, right?" Her blue eyes danced teasingly, and she kissed him.

              Nolan held her tightly, and possessively kissed her back. He felt silly, having let her witness his jealousy, but he would leave her with his memory. His hands held firm to her hips, as he bent down and marked her with his kiss.

              She eventually stepped back, breathlessly. Her blue eyes twinkled up at him. "Yes, I like you this way," she breathed.

              Nolan cupped her face...just one more taste...

              "Boundaries Mr. Gregor," she said in a low deep voice, obviously trying to sound like him.

              He breathed deeply, and gave a nod.

              "Enjoy your ride," she spun from his arms, and smiled over her shoulder.

              "Behave," he chuckled. "I won't be longer than an hour or so."

              Raina knew her cheeks were still pink, when she joined Jonathan in the hall.

              He offered his arm, which she took willingly, trustingly.

              "You do suit him little Raina. I am glad he has found you."

              She beamed up at him. "I'm glad he found me too."

              Jonathan's dark eyes softened. "I rarely am around him, unless he comes here, to visit. I don't much care for Thanatos...probably because of Elly being around. She and I did not get along as mortals....barely acquaintances as immortals."

              "You've known Nolan from the beginning of his...transformation?"

              Jonathan smiled. "Yes." His mouth quirked. "The only man I've seen get angry over being granted immortality."

              She nodded. "He's still not over it," she agreed.

              His hand pressed hers over his arm. "I think he may be enjoying life a bit now...with you in it now. He will never admit it...but he's been pretty miserable these long years."

              "That makes me sad," she said softly. "Nolan, sad?"

              Jonathan sighed. "Yes."

              "Why do you think it is?"

              He swallowed. "I'm not one to give opinions, but I think my Grandfather has his theories. He will share with you I'm sure."

              "How old are you Jonathan?"

              He grinned. "Too old for you."

              Raina blushed. "Every man in my life lately can say that!"

              He chuckled. "You mean, what age have I been for the last three hundred or so years? Twenty five."

              Raina smiled. "Younger than me," she laughed.

              He rolled his eyes. "Hmmm, I may look young, but I have an aged soul, believe me!"

              She nodded. "I've learned to believe a lot crazier than that as of late."

              Jonathan cleared his throat. "You know, we immortals rarely allow an outsider in. Nolan....told you?"

              She shook her head. "Not willingly. I...I had my suspicions that he and Thanatos were different. He eventually decided I should know."

              His fingers traced the knuckles of her hand. "Grandpa said you are very sensitive. I can see by your aura that you are good...kind, so the sensitivity shouldn't be so unbelievable."

              "I look different?"

              Jonathan smiled handsomely. "Nolan never told you?"

              She ducked her head. "He mentioned it once."

              Jonathan stopped her, looking down on her with amusement. "He cannot keep his eyes off of you Raina...he does not need to mention should be obvious." He touched a finger to her cheek. "You are no mere beauty Raina. Your goodness makes you breathtaking."

              She felt her cheeks warm to a bright red. She swallowed hard at the sweet look he leveled at her. There was no lust, no envy, or evil intent. It was simple admiration. “Thank you Jonathan," she whispered.

              His face lit. "You are welcome my new friend. And you would do well not to tell Nolan I said such things to you. I have never seen jealousy on Nolan...and I tremble to think of him defending you."

              "It’s our secret," she laughed.

              "Treat him well. I see that you are making him happy, and that pleases my grandfather to no end, which pleases me." He gave a wink. "Keep it up dear one." He stopped her before a set of doors, turning the knob. "Grandfather will be with you soon."

              And just as swiftly. Jonathan was walking away. Raina found herself frowning. She could get use to Jonathan’s company.

              "Come on in Raina," Joseph’s voice came through the open door.

              Raina pushed through, entering a vast office. Joseph sat behind a big desk, his feet propped up on top of it. He was leaning back in a leather chair that looked comfortable enough to sleep in.

              She offered a smile. "You have a very nice Grandson," she spoke sincerely.

              Joseph nodded. "I'm proud of Jonathan. He is a good man...great immortal." He sat up, and then got to his feet as she neared. "Please, sit, we'll chat."

              Raina bit her lip nervously, and sank into a plush chair near the desk.

              "You have questions."

              "So many," she admitted.

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