The Awakener (7 page)

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Authors: Amanda Strong

BOOK: The Awakener
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“I wish you had Biology with me,” Eden sighed to her friend on Monday.

Jessie leaned back in her seat and, in a not-so-quiet voice, said, “Why? You love that stuff. I hate science.”

“I like the class.
I just wish it wasn’t so… awkward,” she admitted.

“Huh, awkward?” Jessie asked, hefting her trig book out of her backpack.

“What are you two banshee’s whispering about?”
a male voice whispered. Eden turned, already knowing it was Andrew.

I don’t know why he likes teasing us so much.

She was surprised his face was close, emerald eyes staring back at her.

“Hey, you got your braces off!”
His eyes widened further.

She felt herself flush.
Yesterday, her mom had taken her to her new orthodontist for a check-up. She’d been thrilled when he decided it was time for the braces to come off. All night she had rubbed her tongue across her teeth.

now, she couldn’t resist feeling how smooth it felt. It was almost slimy. “Yeah, got them off yesterday.”

He grinned back at her. He didn’t hide the fact he was gawking now. She turned away, meeting Jessie’s wide grin.

She couldn’t help but be aware of Andrew’s quick glances
throughout class though. Unfortunately for her, Jessie noticed too, and kept shooting her winks. Jessie had many qualities Eden loved, but subtlety was not one of them. Shorter than her, Jessie was as outspoken as her bright red, curly hair.

Eden peeked in Andrew’s direction
. As always, he was dressed in expensive clothes with his dark blond hair having that messy look she was sure he’d spent a long time creating.

“Eden,” Mr. Giles voice asked impatiently.
She snapped her eyes to the front, terrified she’d been caught unaware.


“Do you know the cosign of π/4?”

square root of 2 over 2,” she answered.

She glanced over; Andrew was gazing at her.
Embarrassed, she looked away.

class ended and Jessie moaned about the homework load. “Mr. Giles’s a tyrant.”

Something brushed her arm as An
drew muttered, “I’m totally not getting this.”

She glanced down, gaping at his hand near her arm.
Did he touch me?

“Hey, you get
it, don’t you? Do you want to help me out?” he asked, grinning.

She eyed him.
Wonder if he means copy my homework
. “Sure.”

Can you study after school some time?” He slung his backpack on his shoulder.

study together
? That hadn’t been what she was thinking.

“Um, yeah.”
She threw her backpack on her shoulder too. “Just let me know when you want to.”
Like never.

“My dad’s got me working after school all this week
; how about Friday?”

“Ah,” she stammered
. I’m in the twilight zone.

She shuffled away, with Jessie following behind
her, mouthing the words,
I told you so!

Eden hurried to her next class
, Biology, not wanting to acknowledge that maybe Jessie was right. It was a study date, not a
date. She flopped down in her seat and pulled her textbook out.

Glancing up, she saw the reason she dreaded Biology walk down their aisle to take the seat behind her

At least he always smells like clean soap.

Damon’s jeans hung low, revealing blue boxers today.
He wore black t-shirts most days and skater DC shoes. His fingernails were painted black and he had hand-drawn tattoos on his arms of snakes and dragons. His black hair hung over his ears and into his face. She knew he belonged to the skater crowd and assumed he did drugs because of the dark bags under his eyes, but those weren’t the reasons she dreaded sitting by him. It was the memory of 3rd grade, when he sat next to her all day long, every day

And he threw spit wads in my hair, pulled my seat out from underneath me, and scribbled on my homework assignments.

She knew it was a long time ago, and she should forget it ever happened. She wished she could. Logically, she knew he wouldn’t throw spit wads anymore, but she still felt uneasy being so close to him.

half-hoped Andrew wouldn’t be in class on Friday—the week had been a long one—but he came in right after her and Jessie. Eden caught his scent as they all sat down.

he not only looks goods today but smells good too.

So, still good with studying?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.

“Sure. Where’d you want to meet?”

“How about the football bleachers?”

“Ok,” she replied as the teacher flipped on the o
verhead projector. Eden tried to concentrate on the lesson, knowing she was going to have to try to explain it to Andrew later. She felt pretty confident she knew the stuff.

class, Andrew got up, saying, “See you later.”

Once he was gone, Jessie turned to Eden
. “Meeting you on the bleachers! I was so right, admit it.”

It’s not like that.”

“Eden, I don’t think you realize you’re a pretty girl and
—” Jessie began.

“Jessie, please don’t give me the ‘
you’re a pretty girl speech’!
I know what I am, and pretty isn’t how I’d describe myself. But thanks for being nice,” she added with a smile.

Jessie shook her head. “You’re hopeless.”

“Sorry, I’m late,” Andrew called as he jogged up the bleachers. He tossed his backpack down next to her, and sank down on the bench.

Spying her trig book open on her lap, he asked, “Were you waiting long?
Chase was yapping at me.”

“No, just got here,” she lied. She didn’t want to admit she’d been waiting ten minutes.
Did he say Chase?

“Is Chase your friend?”

“Yeah, you know him?”

“No, not really, just met him once.”
She zipped her jacket up.
Who studies outside in February?

He noticed.
“Guess it’s kind of cold, huh? Are you ok? We could go inside. Maybe the library’s open.”

“No, I’m fine.
We should get started.” It wasn’t just the chill making her uncomfortable. Boys were not familiar territory for her.

He pulled his book out. “But I’m warning you, I’m not as smart as I look.” He winked at her. Forty minutes later, they were done.

“What a relief,” Andrew sighed.
“No homework for the weekend.”

She glanced over at him.
He was leaning against the bench behind them, with both hands behind his head.

“You know, I don’t think you really needed my help.”
She cringed inwardly.
Why did I just speak my thoughts?

He chuckled.
“Ah, busted. You really are too smart for your own good, you know.”

She stared back at him, lost.

He sat up, his green eyes dancing. “You’re right. I didn’t really
your help. But I wanted it.”

She pulled her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees, trying to get warm.
She resisted the urge to push her glasses up; it was a nervous habit.

“I don’t understand.”

He stared down at the football field, cleared his throat, and then glanced her way.

is throwing Willow a surprise birthday party next weekend.”

and Willow, both names filled her with dread.


“And, I sort of wanted to know…” He hesitated and she realized he was just as nervous as she was. “If you wanted to go with me, you know, like a date.”

She swallowed hard to keep from gasping.
She could only imagine how loud Jessie would crow about being right if she’d been here.

“Sure,” she said finally.
She could feel the heat coming off her face.

Andrew’s eyes lit up and he grinned.

Gathering their belongings felt awkward.
She was reeling that he was actually interested in her. All the teasing, the looks her way, had meant something after all.

I’m not good at reading body language. Maybe
I had better listen to Jessie more. She’s in drama—maybe they teach that stuff there.

“Do you need a ride?” Andrew asked as they bound down the steps.

“No, my mom’s coming. How about you?”

They’d reached the field.
He held up his keys and grinned. “Got my license in October. When’s your birthday?”

The question seemed
casual, but she couldn’t help but notice his direct gaze.

“March 10th.
So no keys for me.”

He grunted.
“I know the feeling. My friends are all older than I am, so last year didn’t suck too bad ‘cause I just rode with them. But my dad and I started restoring my Bronco.” He glanced at her. “It’s a ‘69, blue, chrome trim, all-leather bikini top, nice rims, all-terrain tires.”

He stopped and she decided he thought she should be impressed.
“Sounds nice.”
No idea what he just said.

“So I was chomping at the bit for my license this year.
I’ve got a sweet ride now.”

he peeked at her.

“Cool,” she confirmed.

He grinned. They were passing the tennis courts now. She could see across the front lawn that her mom’s SUV was idling in the bus loop, waiting to pick her up. Glancing at the students parking to the left, she spied a blue, jeep-looking thing.
Must be his Bronco.

They’d come to a parting of ways.

Andrew spied her mom’s car too. “Thanks for the help.”

“No problem.” She wanted to flee before he might bring up their date.

So, see you Monday?” he asked slowly.

“Yep, see ya.”
She was turning on her heel, ready to bolt, when her body lunged forward instead. In one step, she was face to face with him.

His emerald eyes opened wide and then she was hugging him, almost knocking him backwards.

What the heck!
She detangled herself, backpedaling as fast as she could.
What’s wrong with me?

He grinned widely, masking his surprise.
He gave her a wink. “See ya, Eden.”

he jogged away, leaving her smoldering in shame.

It’s like my body has a mind of its own, hugging everyone and their dog.

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