The Assassin: (Mortal Beloved Time Travel Romance, #2) (31 page)

BOOK: The Assassin: (Mortal Beloved Time Travel Romance, #2)
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Book Description:



" far one of the best books I have read...after Beautiful Disaster..."

How far would you go to save someone you loved?

My name's Sophie and I’m nineteen-years-old. I planned on college, keggers, and cute frat guys—not MS. I told a few people, but they started treating me differently, so now I keep it secret. I probably have many more years to live with this disease, but my grandmother does not.

So I traveled thousands of miles to L.A. to look for healing: stem cell studies, acupuncture, shamanic vision quests. Some therapies were dangerous, but I’d try anything. I’d risk it all because I was fighting for our lives—but I didn’t have the luxury of dating, let alone falling in love.

My first night in L.A. I landed in the middle of a campus bar fight. The most beautiful man I’d ever met, Alejandro, a complete stranger, rescued me. He took me to the ER, drove me to my new home, and even washed my beer-drenched hair. On my second day I got lost in a dicey part of town and was attacked by gang-bangers. I escaped—this time.

So I hired Alejandro to drive me to my appointments; be my bodyguard. He made me laugh again. He sheltered me. My heart started cracking open… I wish I had told him my secret. When I discovered—he hadn't yet told me his...

A Story of Hope. A Story of Love. A Story of Redemption.

Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Medical Romance

You can purchase
The Story of You and Me
at Amazon HERE:

Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys

(Annie Graceland Mystery, #1)

Book Description:

Moving from Wisconsin to sunny Los Angeles was the frosting on the cake of Annie Graceland's perfect life. Her boutique bakery business was blossoming, she was happily married to a handsome, ambitious actor, and they were planning to have a baby. Besides her derelict friends, the only thing that got Annie in serious trouble was her smidge of psychic ability: feeling other people's sensations in her own body. She hated experiencing someone else's peanut butter addiction, foot fetish, or murderous rage. Thank God, her psychic curse only kicked in when she was stressed.

When Annie discovers her husband is possibly cheating with oh-so-famous, self-help author, Dr. Fuller. Fuller ends up dead, poisoned with one of Annie's signature cupcakes, and she becomes a prime murder suspect. When the not-so-good Doctor's ghost doesn't pass to the After-Life and is stuck on earth, Fuller decides to recruit, (aka, haunt), a live personal assistant to investigate and bring his killer to justice. Who better to help than Annie? Now Annie is not only stuck with the most irritating ghost in the world, but is forced to spy on, and infiltrate the lives of Hollywood's elite; the motley crew of suspects who wanted Fuller dead. Was it the porn star, the trophy wife, the talent manager, the personal trainer? Will Annie survive the L.A. wackos who wanted Fuller dead before she is whacked by the real killer?

Cozy Mystery, Cozy Mystery Series, Culinary Mystery, Humorous, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Mystery

You can purchase
Cupcakes, Lies, and Dead Guys
at Amazon HERE:

Cupcakes, Sales, and Cocktails - A Novella

(Annie Graceland Mystery, #2)

Book Description:

Annie Graceland's a baker with a pinch of psychic ability. She's a midwestern girl who's surviving a divorce while navigating the mean clean streets of L.A. When stressed, Annie’s psychic gift/curse kicks into high gear. She’s empathic; feels other people’s lusts, urges and desires in her own body. Usually it's simple -- someone's craving chocolate, or lusting after the wrong guy. But since Annie discovered she can see and talk with ghosts, her life became a little more complicated.

Annie’s re-entering the dating world and her friends push her to "sex-up," her wardrobe. At Snotsky's Department Store sale, Annie meets and squares off against
the world's most obnoxious clerk: Edith Flowers. When Edith’s murdered and doesn’t pass to the After-Life, Annie agrees to investigate her demise. With Edith's help, Annie
infiltrates the crew of Snotsky's suspects. Was the killer the new manager, the archrival in cocktail attire, the bra fitter? Will Annie solve Edith's murder so she can go to the light? Will she find anything new to wear that she can afford? Can Annie resolve her latest debacle before hottie Detective Rafe Campillio finds it odd she keeps showing up at murder scenes?

Cozy Mystery, Cozy Mystery Series, Culinary Mystery, Humorous, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Mystery

You can purchase
Cupcakes, Sales, and Cocktails - A Novella
at Amazon HERE:

Cupcakes, Pies, and Hot Guys

(Annie Graceland Mystery, #3)

Book Description:

Annie Graceland's a baker with a pinch of psychic ability. She's empathic—can feel other people's lusts and desires in her own body. But Annie's recently acquired a spookier skill—she can see and talk to ghosts. And much to her dismay, they also talk to her—nagging her incessantly to solve their murders.


Annie's mom signs her up to be a judge at Wisconsin's first annual Hot Guys Contest. When hometown Hot Guy, Mr. Oconomowoc, is killed and doesn't pass to the Afterlife, he begs Annie to investigate his murder.

Now she's not only a pageant judge, but also meddling with suspects that include her former high school rival, an old boyfriend, Hot Guy contestants, a supermodel and a mysterious illegal betting ring. It doesn't help that Detective Jamie Ryan, a boy from Annie's past is all grown up, sexy as sin, and determined to make her fall for him. Annie’s about to discover that going back home can be sweet as frosting or worse than a cake wreck. The temperature's rising at the Hot Guys Contest...

Cozy Mystery, Cozy Mystery Series, Culinary Mystery, Humorous, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Mystery

You can purchase
Cupcakes, Pies, and Hot Guys
at Amazon HERE:

Cupcakes, Paws, and Bad Santa Claus

(Annie Graceland Mystery, #4)

Book Description:

Annie Graceland's a baker with a pinch of psychic ability. When stressed, Annie's psychic gift/curse kicks into high gear. She's empathic; feels other people's lusts, urges and desires in her own body. Usually it's simple -- someone's craving chocolate, or lusting after the wrong guy. But since Annie discovered she could see and talk with ghosts, her life became a little more complicated.


It’s Christmas season but Annie’s not feeling the holiday spirit. The ghost of Dr. Derrick Fuller is still nagging her to help him pass to the Afterlife. Annie’s soon to be ex-husband is pushing for joint custody of her beloved cat. Her BFF takes her shopping at the mall to cheer her up. Instead they get felt up by Santa Claus and harassed by mall employees. When Annie spots the Sweet Paws table—the animal charity where she met her cat. She flees there for support—only to be guilted into baking hundreds of cupcakes for their holiday fundraiser party—the Furball.

The Event Organizer convinces Annie to play sexy Mrs. Claus at the swanky event. When the same Bad Santa from the mall is murdered at the party, Derrick pesters Annie to track down his killer so he and Santa can pass to the Afterlife.

Can Annie find Bad Santa’s killer before she and others are whacked at the Furball? Can she resolve her latest debacle before her boyfriend, hottie Detective Raphael Campillio, finds it odd she keeps showing up at murder scenes? And what about that little dog…

Keep calm, carry on, and enjoy a Cupcake Mystery!

Cozy Mystery, Cozy Mystery Series, Pet Mystery, Culinary Mystery, Humorous, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Mystery

You can purchase
Cupcakes, Paws, and Bad Santa Claus
at Amazon HERE:

Cupcakes, Diaries, and Rotten Inquiries

(Annie Graceland Mystery, #6)

Book Description:

Annie Graceland's a thirty-something-year-old baker with a pinch of psychic ability. She's empathic—she can feel other person's emotions and cravings in her own body. But Annie's recently acquired a spookier skill—she can see and talk to ghosts. And much to her dismay, they also talk to her—nagging her incessantly to solve their murders.

She's happily dating a new hunky guy, Detective Raphael Campillio, when her former boyfriend, Mack, 'friends' her on Facebook. Unfortunately, Mack has NO boundaries: stalking her on FB, even showing up unexpectedly at her work. He not only expects her to show him the town, but hopes to re-kindle their romance—and he won't take no for an answer! When Mack is murdered his befuddled ghost materializes at Annie's apartment and won't leave her side.

It's up to Annie, her friends, and her arch nemesis—the ghost of Dr. Derrick Fuller—to solve Mack's murder, and send him to the Afterlife before her mother arrives in town for Thanksgiving. Will Annie and her friends solve the crime before she loses what little remains of her sanity?

Cupcakes, Diaries, and Rotten Inquiries is a Cozy, Culinary, Humorous, Romance, Mystery Series written ala "Bridget Jones Diary" in a first person, 'Dear Diary' fashion. The characters reveal their private thoughts, hopes, dreams, and naughty desires. This is an ENHANCED ebook. In addition to the text of the story, it contains links to official music videos, movie and book trailers, animal health information, and of course - real recipes are included!

Keep calm, carry on, and enjoy a Cupcakes mystery!

Cozy Mystery, Cozy Mystery Series, Culinary Mystery, Humorous, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Mystery

You can purchase
Cupcakes, Diaries, and Rotten Inquiries
at Amazon HERE:

The Annie Graceland Cupcake Mystery Series Box Set, Books #1


Book Description

Now you can scoop up FOUR Annie Graceland Cozy Mysteries and save some dough. 

Includes TWO of the #1 Best-selling Kindle Books in Culinary Mysteries! 

Annie Graceland's a baker with a pinch of psychic ability. She can see and talk with ghosts. Unfortunately they can see and talk with her as well and guilt her into investigating and solving their murders. 

This Box Set includes: 

CUPCAKES, LIES, and DEAD GUYS: The #1 Best-selling Culinary Mystery in the Kindle Store. 


CUPCAKES, PIES, and HOT GUYS: The #1 Best-selling Culinary Mystery in the Kindle Store and an Amazon Breakout Novel Award Quarterfinalist! 


Cozy Mystery, Cozy Mystery Series, Culinary Mystery, Humorous, Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Mystery

You can purchase
The Annie Graceland Cupcake Mysteries Box Set
at Amazon HERE:

Staying Young: Simple Techniques to Look and Feel Young

Book Description

You want to drop that extra weight you gained when you concentrated on your kids, or quit smoking. You want to look and feel younger no matter what your age. You want easy ways to reduce your back and neck pain. 

STAYING YOUNG will give you easy tips and inexpensive techniques to do just that. 

This book makes it easy to look and feel younger without spending hours, or giving up your favorite cocktail, or hamburger. 

STAYING YOUNG offers tiny changes that are easy, take a moment or two and bonus—are inexpensive. Tips to lose weight (the author just lost over twenty-five pounds using these very tips.) A stretch for your tight shoulders. Simple ways to decrease neck and lower back pain. Reminders how to regain youthful posture and movement. 


STAYING YOUNG is a tool for those of us who, no matter what age we clock in at, choose to lose the back pain, ditch some pounds, feel better, and look younger. This self-help book is filled with easy tips and techniques that include clearly-written descriptions and photos that will help you look and feel better. 


For thirty plus years, Pamela DuMond, Chiropractor, has worked on the various body parts of the rich and famous, as well as the rest of us normal folks. She’s treated members of the Chicago Bears and other celebrity athletes. She’s worked with actors, movie producers, studio heads and rock stars. She’s treated people on TV sets, on breaks between filming, theatrical musical productions, and behind the scenes during rock concerts. 

Lose weight. Feel great. Age-proof yourself!

Genres: Anti-aging, Weight Loss, Self-Help, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Massage, Exercise, Women’s Health, Men’s Health

You can purchase
Staying Young
at Amazon HERE:


Hey there Readers and Writers:

BOOK: The Assassin: (Mortal Beloved Time Travel Romance, #2)
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