The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security (22 page)

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Authors: Kevin D. Mitnick,William L. Simon,Steve Wozniak

Tags: #Computer Hackers, #Computer Security, #Electronic Books, #Computer Networks, #Computers, #Information Management, #Data Protection, #General, #Social Aspects, #Information Technology, #Internal Security, #Security, #Business & Economics, #Computer Science

BOOK: The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security
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But once Ivan was connected, he then faced a challenge that was like being inside the Louvre and hoping to find the Mona Lisa. Without a floor plan, you could wander for weeks. The company was global, with hundreds of offices and thousands of computer servers, and they didn't exactly provide an index of development systems or the services of a tour guide to steer him to the right one.

Instead of using a technical approach to finding out what server he needed to target, Ivan used a social engineering approach. He placed phone calls based on methods similar to those described elsewhere in this book. First, calling IT technical support, he claimed to be a company employee having an interface issue on a product his group was designing. and asked for the phone number of the project leader for the gaming development team.

Then he called the name he'd been given, posing as a guy from IT. "Later tonight," he said, "we're swapping out a router and need to make sure the people on your team don't lose connectivity to your server. So we need to know which servers your team uses." The network was being upgraded all the time. And giving the name of the server wouldn't hurt anything anyway, now would it? Since it was password-protected, just having the name couldn't help anybody break in. So the guy gave the attacker the server name. Didn't even bother to call the man back to verify his story, or write down his name and phone number. He just gave the name of the servers, ATM5 and ATM6.

The Password Attack At this point, Ivan switched to a technical approach to get the authentication information. The first step with most technical attacks on systems that provide remote access capability is to identify an account with a weak password, which provides an initial entry point into the system.

When an attacker attempts to use hacking tools for remotely identifying passwords, the effort may require him to stay connected to the company's network for hours at a time. Clearly he does this at his peril: The longer he stays connected, the greater the risk of detection and getting caught.

As a preliminary step, Ivan would do an enumeration, which reveals details about a target system. Once again the Internet conveniently provides software for the purpose (at; the character before "catch" is a zero). Ivan found several publicly available hacking tools on the Web that automated the enumeration process, avoiding the need to do it by hand, which would take longer and thus run a higher risk. Knowing that the organization mostly deployed Windows-based servers, he downloaded a copy of NBTEnum, a NetBIOS (basic input/output system) enumeration utility. He entered the IP (Internet protocol) address of the ATM5 server, and started running the program. The enumeration tool was able to identify several accounts that existed on the server.

LINGO ENUMERATION A process that reveals the service enabled on the target system, the operating system platform, and a list of accounts names of the users who have access to the system.

Once the existing accounts had been identified, the same enumeration tool had the ability to launch a dictionary attack against the computer system. A dictionary attack is something that many computer security folks and intruders are intimately familiar with, but that most other people will probably be shocked to learn is possible. Such an attack is aimed at uncovering the password of each user on the system by using commonly used words. We're all lazy about some things, but it never ceases to amaze me that when people choose their passwords, their creativity and imagination seem to disappear. Most of us want a password that gives us protection but that is at the same time easy to remember, which usually means something closely connected to us. Our initials, middle name, nickname, spouse's name, favorite song, movie, or brew, for example. The name of the street we live on or the town we live in, the kind of car we drive, the beachfront village we like to stay at in Hawaii, or that favorite stream with the best trout fishing around. Recognize the pattern here? These are mostly personal names, place names, or dictionary words. A dictionary attack runs through common words at a very rapid pace, trying each as a password on one or more user accounts. Ivan ran the dictionary attack in three phases. For the first, he used a simple list of some 800 of the most common passwords; the list includes secret, work, and password. Also the program permutated the dictionary words to try each word with an appended digit, or appending the number of the current month. The program tried each attempt against all of the user accounts that had been identified. No luck.

For the next attempt, Ivan went to Google's search engine and typed, "wordlists dictionaries," and found thousands of sites with extensive wordlists and dictionaries for English and several foreign languages. He downloaded an entire electronic English dictionary. He then enhanced this by downloading a number of word lists that he found with Google. Ivan chose the site at

This site allowed him to download (all of this for free) a selection of files including family names, given namek, congressional names and words, actor's names, and words and names from the Bible.

Another of the many sites offering word lists is actually provided through Oxford University, at

Other sites offer lists with the names of cartoon characters, words used in Shakespeare, in the Odyssey, Tolkien, and the Star Trek series, as well as in science and religion, and on and on. (One on-line company sells a list containing 4.4 million words and names for only $20.) The attack program can be set to test the anagrams of the dictionary words, as well-- another favorite method that many computer users think increases their safety.

Faster Than You Think Once Ivan had decided which wordlist to use, and started the attack, the software ran on autopilot. He was able to turn his attention to other things. And here's the incredible part: You would think such an attack would allow the hacker to take a Rip van Winkle snooze and the software would still have made little progress when he awoke. In fact, depending on the platform being attacked, the security configuration of the system, and network connectivity, every word in an English dictionary can, incredibly, be attempted in less than thirty minutes!

While this attack was running, Ivan started another computer running a similar attack on the other server used by the development group, ATM6. Twenty minutes later, the attack software had done what most unsuspecting users like to think is impossible: It had broken a password, revealing that one of the users had chosen the password "Frodo," one of the Hobbits in the book The Lord of the Rings. With this password in hand, Ivan was able to connect to the ATM6 server using the user's account.

There was good news and bad news for our attacker. The good news was that the account he cracked had administrator privileges, which would be essential for the next step. The bad news was that the source code for the game was not anywhere to be found. It must be, after all, on the other machine, the ATM5, which he already knew was resistant to a dictionary attack. But Ivan wasn't giving up just yet; he still had a few more tricks to try.

On some Windows and UNIX operating systems, password hashes (encrypted passwords) are openly available to anyone who has access to the computer they're stored on. The reasoning is that the encrypted passwords cannot be broken and therefore do not need to be protected. The theory is wrong. Using another tool called pwdump3, also available on the Internet, he was able to extract the password hashes from the ATM6 machine and download them.

A typical file of password hashes looks like this:



BO4F3BFB341E26F6D6E9A97 : : :

akasper :


F157873D72D0490821: : :

digger: 1111:5D15COD58DD216C525AD3B83FA6627C7 :

17AD564144308B4 2B8403DOIAE256558: : :

ellgan :


C2C734EB89320DB13: : :

tabeck: 1115:9F5890B3FECCAB7EAAD3B435B51404EE:

1FO115A72844721 2FCO5EID2D820B35B: : :

vkantar :


946FCC7BD153F1CD6E : : : vwallwick: 1119 : 25904EC665BA30F4449AF42E1054F192:15B2B7953FB6

32907455D2706A432469 : : :

mmcdonald: 1121:A4AEDO98D29A3217AAD3B435B51404EE:

E40670F936B7 9C2ED522F5ECA9398A27 : : :

kworkman : 1141:C5C598AF45768635AAD3B435B51404EE:

DEC8E827A1212 73EFO84CDBF5FD1925C : : :

With the hashes now downloaded to his computer, Ivan used another tool that performed a different flavor of password attack known as brute force. This kind of attack tries every combination of alphanumeric characters and most special symbols.

Ivan used a software utility called L0phtcrack3 (pronounced loft-crack; available at; another source for some excellent password recovery tools is System administrators use L0pht-crack3 to audit weak passwords; attackers use it to crack passwords. The brute force feature in LC3 tries passwords with combinations of letters, numerals, and most symbols including !@#$%^&. It systematically tries every possible combination of most characters. (Note, however, that if nonprintable characters are used, LC3 will be unable to discover the password )

The program has a nearly unbelievable speed, which can reach to as high as 2.8 million attempts a second on a machine with a 1 GHz processor. Even with this speed, and if the system administrator has configured the Windows operating system properly (disabling the use of LANMAN hashes), breaking a password can still take an excessive amount of time.

LINGO BRUTE FORCE ATTACK A password detection stategy that tries every possible combination of alphanumeric characters and special symbols.

For that reason the attacker often downloads the hashes and runs the attack on his or another machine, rather than staying on line on the target company's network and risking detection. For Ivan, the wait was not that long. Several hours later the program presented him with passwords for every one of the development team members. But these were the passwords for users on the ATM6 machine, and he already knew the game source code he was after was not on this server.

What now? He still had not been able to get a password for an account on the ATM5 machine. Using his hacker mindset, understanding the poor security habits of typical users, he figured one of the team members might have chosen the same password for both machines.

In fact, that's exactly what he found. One of the team members was using the password "garners" on both ATM5 and ATM6.

The door had swung wide open for Ivan to hunt around until he found the programs he was after. Once he located the source-code tree and gleefully downloaded it, he took one further step typical of system crackers: He changed the password of a dormant account that had administrator rights, just in case he wanted to get an updated version of the software at some time in the future.

Analyzing the Con In this attack that called on both technical and people-based vulnerabilities, the attacker began with a pretext telephone call to obtain the location and host names of the development servers that held the proprietary information.

He then used a software utility to identify valid account-user names for everyone who had an account on the development server. Next he ran two successive password attacks, including a dictionary attack, which searches for commonly used passwords by trying all of the words in an English dictionary, sometimes augmented by several word lists containing names, places, and items of special interest.

Because both commercial and public-domain hacking tools can be obtained by anyone for whatever purpose they have in mind, it's all the more important that you be vigilant in protecting enterprise computer systems and your network infrastructure.

The magnitude of this threat cannot be overestimated. According to Computer World magazine, an analysis at New York-based Oppenheimer Funds led to a startling discovery. The firm's Vice President of Network Security and Disaster Recovery ran a password attack against the employees of his firm using one of the standard software packages. The magazine reported that within three minutes he managed to crack the passwords of 800 employees.

MITNICK MESSAGE In the terminology of the game Monopoly, if you use a dictionary word for your password--Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. You have to teach your employees how to choose passwords that truly protect your assets. PREVENTING THE CON Social engineering attacks may become even more destructive when the attacker adds a technology element. Preventing this kind of attack typically involves taking steps on both human and technical levels.

Just Say No In the first story of the chapter, the telephone company RCMAC clerk should not have removed the deny terminate status from the ten phone lines when no service order existed authorizing the change. It's not enough for employees to know the security policies and procedures; employees must understand how important these policies are to the company in preventing damage.

Security policies should discourage deviation from procedure through a system of rewards and consequences. Naturally, the policies must be realistic, not calling on employees to carry out steps so burdensome that they are likely to be ignored. Also, a security awareness program needs to convince employees that, while it's important to complete job assignments in a timely manner, taking a shortcut that circumvents proper security procedures can be detrimental to the company and co workers.

The same caution should be present when providing information to a stranger on the telephone. No matter how persuasively the person presents himself, regardless of the person's status or seniority in the company, absolutely no information should be provided that is not designated as publicly available until the caller's identity has been positively verified. If this policy had been strictly observed, the social engineering scheme in this story would have failed and federal detainee Gondorff would never have been able to plan a new scare with his pal Johnny.

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