The Apple Experience: Secrets to Building Insanely Great Customer Loyalty (34 page)

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Authors: Carmine Gallo

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BOOK: The Apple Experience: Secrets to Building Insanely Great Customer Loyalty
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Allen, Gary, xi–xiii, 28, 188, 199

Amazon, xviii, 54, 116

Android, 105

APPLE acronym for the Apple experience, 62

APPLE acronym for service, 91

Apple Experience, xviii, 142, 206–207.
See also
Customer experience

APPLE acronym for, 62

customer service, xiv–xv

example of, 58, 60–61

Apple Store, 91, 93

“Celebration of Steve’s Life” in, 35

customer service at, 58

design details of, 199

development of, 54

Enriching Lives motto of, xviii, 12

fake/counterfeit, 194–195

Fifth Avenue, New York, 205

first, in Tysons Corner, Virginia, 7, 185, 207

Genius Bar in, 10

good customer service in, 125–128

in Grand Central Terminal, 185

greeting of customers at, 94

hiring practices of, 15–22, 136

history of, 6–8

inspiration for, xvii

multisensory experiences in, 206

One-to-One membership program in, 134–136

“soul” of, 16, 214–218

statistics on, visitor, revenue, size, etc., 7, 63

tenth anniversary celebrations of, xi, xii–xiii, 3, 7, 187

Tokyo’s Ginza location, 195–197

Tysons Corner, Virginia, 7, 185, 207

wait times in, 111–113

Applebee’s, 24

AppleCare Protection Plan, 99, 141–142

Arussy, Lior, 173

Assessing issues, in successful multitasking, 70–71

Assigning a plan of help, in successful multitasking, 71

AT&T, xvii, 92, 105–107, 116, 126, 178, 183, 193

AT&T Retail Experience, 106–107

Attitude vs. aptitude, in hiring, 16, 18, 24, 25

Audi, 113–116


Bain & Company, 52

Baldoni, John, 48

Basch, Michael, 10–11.
See also
FedEx customer service

Batali, Mario, 137

Bauhaus art movement, 196–197

Beebe, Tom, 187

Behar, Yves, 198

Best-Buy, xviii

Beyonce, 138

Blankenship, George, 210

Bloomberg Businessweek
, 189

Bohlin, Peter, 205

Booker, Tom (character in
The Horse Whisperer
), 132–133

Brain, neuroscience and wow moments, 144

Brand message map, 165–166,
165, 166

Branding, 172–173

Branson, Richard, 45–46, 85, 109

Brin, Sergey, 162

Brooks, Garth, 6–7, 8

Buffett, Warren, 43

Build-A-Bear, 208–209


“Celebration of Steve’s Life,” 35

Charlie Rose
(TV show), 217

Charmel, Patrick, 41

Chiat/Day ad agency, 144

Classes for customers, 142

Cleanliness of store, 187–190

Cluttered stores, 183–193

CNN, 170

Commissioned sales staff, 97, 99

Complacency, 11

Fearlessness (confidence) in employees

Consistent customer experience.
Customer experience, consistency of

Cook, Ken, 122

Cook, Patty, 122

Cook, Tim, 22–23, 26, 160

on hiring practices, 30

on respect vs. confidence, 27

Cooper, Simon, 168

Cornell University study on hiring practices, 18

Corporate video, 159

Cosmetic improvements, 181–182

Cosmopolitan Hotel, The, 213

Costco, 54

Covey, Stephen M. R., 38, 44–46

Crazy Ones, The, Apple TV ad (1997), 34

Creatives, 51, 133–136, 169, 170, 206, 210, 214

Creativity, 14, 213

Feedback from employees

Culture, 25, 26, 142

fear as destroyer of, 33–34

fearlessness/confidence fostered by, 32–33

hiring employees who “fit,” 175–176

six attributes of success in, 11

Customer Culture
(Basch), 10–11

Customer experience, 11

branding and, 172–173

clarifying expectations in trust building, 42–43

consistency of, 167–178, 205

details of, 13

five steps of service, 169

fun and, 177–178

greeting customers, 169

hiring for cultural fit with, 175–176

importance of, 172

leadership’s direction in, 13

Lush example of, 173–176

multisensory, 206–213.
See also
Multisensory experiences

training for, 171, 178

vision and, 178

Zappos example of, 176–178

Customer Experience
, 67

Customer service, 3.
See also
Customer experience

Amazon, 116

Apple’s five steps of service in, 91–108.
See also
Five Steps of Service

assessing issues in, 70–71

AT&T example of, 93, 105–107, 116

Audi example of, 113–116

blame and taking responsibility in, 118–120

building value through, 106

confident/fearless employees and “ownership” in, 31

consistent experience of, 167–178

Disney example of, 116–117

Eataly example of, 137–138

empowering employees to deliver, 76–78

engaging employees in, 3–4, 75

fast service in, 118

FedEx example of, 10–11

Four Seasons example of, 7–10

FRSTeam, 153–156

greeting customers in, 69–70, 92–97, 106, 110, 203

leadership’s direction in, 13

LEGO example of, 94, 140–141

listening skills in, 99

loyalty and, 107–108

Lush example of, 173–176

Men’s Wearhouse example of, 32–33

Mercedes example of, 113–116

motivating employees in, 78–81

multitasking’s effects on, 67

Net Promoter Score (NPS) and, 52–55, 56, 58

Outback Steakhouse example of, 119–120

“overservicing” and, 19–20

personalized approach to, 92–97, 170

principles of, xvii

quick fixes in, 70

relationship building with customers in, 132–136

resolving issues in, 99

right actions by confident/fearless employees in, 32, 48, 74

righting wrongs through, 40

Ritz-Carlton example of, 76–78

Sears, as example of poor, xiii–xvi

serving multiple customers in, 70

six-step AT&T Retail Experience in, 106–107

social media ratings of, 95–97

straight talk in, 39

Symantec, 116

thanking customers in, 107

three simple secrets of, 117–118

Tiffany & Co. example of, 170–171

touch-points in, 121

troubleshooting and AppleCare for, 141–142

unleashing your customer’s inner genius in, 132–142

US Airways example of, 57

Virgin America airlines example of, 95–97

wait time and, monitoring, 70–71, 111–116

welcoming customers.
Greeting customers

Wells Fargo, 103

Zappos, 80, 104


Damaged premises, 190

“Dance” in Apple Store, 138–139

Dell, 12

Design, 194–205

Apple Store details, 199

details of, 205

eliminating clutter in, 183–193

Funnel Mill coffee shop, 201–204

importance of, 198–199

modern art influence on Apple, 196–197, 205

packaging, 197–198

Starbucks, 199–201

DiPiero, Carolyn, 60, 135–136

Disengagement/disillusionment of employees, 3, 52, 75

Disney, xvii, 43, 82–83, 116–117, 128, 191–192, 211–212

hiring and management philosophy of, 20–23

Jobs as key shareholder in, 20

Disney, Walt, 15, 20, 81, 191

Disney Store, 211–212

Distractions vs. clean design, 186–187

Diversity in hiring, 175–176

DNA, Apple, 54, 185, 215, 185

Double-Goal coaching, 83–84

Dreyfus, Richard, 34

(Pink), 78

Dubner, Stephen J., 82


Early years of Apple, 12

Eataly customer service, 137–138

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 37

Employees, xvii.

appearance and hygiene of, 190

communication with, 22–23

disengagement and disillusionment of, 52, 75

trust building in, 37–46

Empowering employees, 73–85, 177

Double-Goal coaching and, 83

Genius Bar and, 74

Google philosophy of, 80

Enriching Lives (motto of Apple Store), xviii, 12

Ezarik, Justine, 138


Facebook, xvi, 42, 53, 63, 95, 161, 174

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