The Angel of Soriano: A Renaissance Romance (6 page)

BOOK: The Angel of Soriano: A Renaissance Romance
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Chapter 11


Aurelia opened her eyes. Soriano? So soon? The magical city flickered in orange torchlight. Even though late, residents gathered in the dark narrow streets. Conversations stopped and gazes turned hostile as horse hooves clomped on the stones.

She inhaled manure, baking bread, cooked meat, and greasy tallow candles.

Bernardo, however, seemed not to notice anything but the road in front of him. His firm thighs clenched his black horse urging it up the steep hill. They stopped in a long flat piazza at the top, in front of an ancient castle.

Racing out the main door, Fulvio, dressed in billowing white shirt and black hose stopped short when he saw her and his mouth dropped open.

He tried to mask his shock as he reached to help her off Bernardo’s huge beast. “Good to see you, signorina.”

“Ow. Curse the devil and all his minions!” Pain shot out from her injured rib when his hands clamped too tightly onto her injuries.

Fulvio let go and glared up at Bernardo. “What did you do to her?”

“Bloody wounds of Christ. It wasn’t me. I’ll explain later.” Obviously annoyed, he dismounted quickly and handed off the reins to a waiting young squire. Then with gentle hands, he lifted her down.

She barely had time to wake. Taking an elbow, Bernardo strode her toward the great arched door as she did a hobble-hop to keep up. Pino hastened alongside with his herb bag slung over his shoulder. Then double doors swung open wide to expose the dimly lit great hall of the keep.

She moaned and pinched her nose shut. It hurt, no doubt broken, but needed to be held. For ahead, twenty trestle tables still sat laden with food and covered in puke. A huge marble hearth burned with embers low.

Bernardo looked up the grand staircase and said to Fulvio. “How’re my father and his wife?”

“Uncomfortable, but recovering.” His man servant continued to gawk at her with mouth wide.

He reached over and touched her cheek with sad eyes. From his looks, she hoped there were no mirrors on the landing because she’d no doubt faint at the sight of her own face. More urgently, she wondered how she’d manage the many steps in front of her.

Bernardo must’ve been more aware of her injuries than she’d surmised. He lifted her into his arms, ascended the multiple flights, and gently placed her onto her feet at the top. Then he walked them all down a dark hall and knocked on an oak door. With a nod Pino entered and yet she was held back from following.

Aurelia shot Bernardo a questioning look when he stood in front of the door with arm crossed over his chest.

A sighed escaped from his lips. “Pierpaolo Nardini is within. Your Signore Aggi needs time to put him to sleep.”

He deserved a lot worse than that! Her heart raced, she bent over, and grasped the stiletto in her boots. She’d slice his neck open wide and watch him bleed out.

With raised eyebrows, Bernardo’s hand shot out and stopped her from opening the door.

His grasp stayed much longer than appropriate and his thumb caressed the soft spot of her hand. “Not tonight, angel. And not as a guest under my father’s roof and protection. But believe me, once recovered, I’ll make him pay for what he did to you.”

She fumed and glared at him, but did as requested, placing her blade back into the side of her boot.

It wasn’t long before Pino opened the door again. In the huge mattress in the center of the room, Bernardo’s parents lay sleeping with Pierpaolo next to them in the trundle bed. In her mind’s eye, she kicked him unconscious as he had done, just the day before.

Pino, no doubt reading her thoughts, cleared his throat. “Check the Carvajals. Tell me what you think.”

A palm to Dideco’s mildly warm forehead indicated he was not near death. Then picking up the bucket of putrid vomit, she sniffed and examined the contents.

When nothing smelled seriously amiss, she said, “The meat of their last meal was clearly spoiled. We’ll prepare mint tea with marjoram. The kitchen help should be spoken to and the local butcher as well.”

The deep lines in Bernardo’s face smoothed and he squatted onto his heels with his face hidden in his hands. Clearly he wanted no one to see his strong emotions.

Just to be certain, she sniffed Dideco’s breath, and caught the slightest whiff of something. Garlic?

Oh no.
She picked up the elder Carvajal’s hands and small white dots on his fingernails confirmed her suspicions.

He was no doubt being poisoned. Shocked, she dropped the bucket, ruining the front of her dress.

Thank God for the bad food or Bernardo and his father would no doubt die a slow and excruciatingly painful death. She’d need tread carefully. False accusations or even true ones could get a healer killed or worse. Emptying her face of emotion, she helped Pino prepare a recipe that would fully expunge the noble couple’s last meal and bring calm to their stomachs.

Then she handed the mixture to Bernardo. “Have your people create strong tea from this and give it to all who have fallen ill.”

When he nodded, she handed him a different bag of herbs, “Use these to get them to vomit.”

Bernardo must’ve been feeling more like himself, because he handed off the mixture to Fulvio with a grand smirk. “See that it is done. I shall know by your smell, how well you accomplished my task.”

“Si. Si. Si. Good ’ol Fulvio to the rescue.” He continued to mutter as he left the chambers and headed down the stairs.

Bernardo used the opportunity to pull her out of the room. He tucked a finger under her chin and asked. “How bad is it, really? I see something in your face. You’re worried.”

She glanced up and down the long hall. One door was open where an old face peered out within the dark shadows. This was not the time or the place to express her concerns.

She shook her head, “Not here.”

“Tell me.” His hands went to her waist, and it felt as if one of her bones had turned into a sword, stabbing her insides.

“Yi. Ow! Let go!”

Bernardo’s face turned ashen. “I’m so sorry, signorina. I forgot.”

Pino barged out of the door shouting, “What the devil goes on here? Aurelia, are you harmed?”

“Pino, no. My rib. It may be broken.”

He glared at Bernardo, who suddenly appeared quite guilty. “You. Have you no morality what-so-ever? After all she’s endured for you? My God. What were you thinking?”

No doubt alarmed by the shouting, Fulvio shot up the stairs with hand upon his sword.

Bernardo stood in front of his friend, with palms up. “Everyone. Calm down.”

Aurelia had never seen Pino so angry. She tugged on his sleeve. “Please. No harm was done.”

“Shush. Your innocent mind cannot encompass what goes on inside a man’s hose. Come. We’re leaving.” He turned to Bernardo with a sneer, “Never call on my services again.”

Uncle Pino grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the stairs. She dared not argue with him.

“Hold!” Bernardo’s tone was strong and commanding as he swung the older man about, grabbing onto one of his shoulders.

She shivered, not because of fear, but of something entirely new. Something that made her want to be encompassed in a man’s strong arms forever. To know that someone in this world would stand up for her like no other.

Pino eyed the man, eyes wary.

“You will not insult me, Signore Aggi. I did no evil, nor was that my intent. I merely touched her, momentarily forgetting she was injured.
Per favore
. You’ll see to the health of the rest of my family. Now. If you’d be so kind.”

Si. Si.
They couldn’t leave. Not now. Not until she found out if her suspicions were true. “Please Pino. We shouldn’t let these good people suffer on my account. Bernardo and I were just talking. It was an accident. He merely brushed against my ribs and I yelled.”

Pino frowned, no doubt thinking of a just payment and pointed to her soiled dress. “She can’t go around looking and smelling like that.”

A gasp escaped as she realized she must reek. She’d all but forgotten the pail of vomit she’d upended onto herself in the bedroom.

“Apologies, again, signore.” Bernardo bowed. “I’ll see to it that your ward is properly dressed and attended to. Besides, it’s still hours until daylight and you’ve not slept. It’d be way too dangerous for any of you to leave now.”

Aurelia had never heard Pino growl before. “Find us a residence outside of the keep, well away from you.”

“Agreed, although again, I’m most insulted.” Bernardo turned to Fulvio. “Find a woman to attend her.”

“I’m afraid all are ill, all except for your
and her grandmother.” Fulvio raised his eyebrows.

Bernardo glared, looking as though he might murder his friend.

Aurelia’s knees went weak. Fiancé? Heaven help her. The man she dreamed about day and night was engaged?

Of course he is,
her sensible side argued.
He is young, wealthy, and entitled.

But, he’s been so kind, so sweet.

So eager to bed you.

Ay yi yi.
She managed to quiet her internal arguing long enough to listen to the real conversation taking place right in front of her.

Bernardo grimaced. “Fine. Take Aurelia to see Lucella.”

Pino frowned and his jaw clenched.

She patted his old hands. “Don’t worry,
mio zio
, my uncle. I’ll be fine. Bernardo is engaged and of high birth. He obviously has no interest in me and besides, he’s given his word.”

As she said it, for the first time she believed it to be true. No doubt because she’d not slept for some time, her eyes teared. The man had a fiancé, he only wanted her for a mistress.

Fulvio regarded her and mercifully walked her away from the duplicitous Spaniard. Torches in sconces lit the way. Once down the hall, he handed her a handkerchief.

“Come. We meet the witch and her granddaughter.”

She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “Are you jesting with me?”

“Find out for yourself.” With a grin, he led her out of one set of rooms, down some stairs, across a balconied piazza, and then up again.

Inside the room, an elderly Spanish woman peaked out between the bed curtains “What do you want, slave?”

The old woman’s frown was so deep, it would’ve fallen off her face if not held by the crevices leading to her oversized nose.

Fulvio seemed to be unaffected. “The Carvajal has ordered that his guest be fitted with a new dress. You seem to be the only one miraculously well.”

“What’re you implying, you little snot? I’ll have you know we were sent away from the tables without any supper.”

Fulvio eyed her with contempt. “How convenient for you.”

“Indeed it is.” Her gaze narrowed. “Are you here to accuse me?”

“Not yet.” He pushed Aurelia in front of the enormous bed. “Find her suitable clothes.”

“I, unlike you, am no vassal. Nor am I a seamstress.” The old woman glared down her enormous bulbous nose.

At that point, Aurelia considered taking Pino’s side and going home. There was much going on here she didn’t understand.

The heavy red curtains parted with the tip of Fulvio’s sword. “By God, do it or I’ll report back that you refused, but not before I give you a sound thrashing with the flat side of my blade.”

Old lips frowned even deeper, a truly miraculous feat. Holding her nose, she climbed out of bed, and led Aurelia across the room where a chubby girl of about thirteen poked out through another set of bed draperies.

“Go away. I’m sleeping.” The girl with the screechy voice ducked behind the yards of maroon fabric.

The old woman reached in and pulled her out of bed by her hair. “Get me one of your old dresses.”

“None of mine will fit her. Look at her. She’s too tall. And thin. Except for those breasts.” She pointed, stomped a foot, and pouted.

Face heated, Aurelia headed for the door, but was stopped mid-step by a now very serious Fulvio. He crossed his arms and shook his head, no.

The old woman said to the one who had to be the fiancé, “Well run off and get one of the Lady Carvajal’s day gowns. Tell her what her son has promised, to this, this, thing.”

The girl glared at Fulvio, stuck her tongue out, and ran off.

Aurelia had to agree. Bernardo’s intended was most disagreeable and her grandmother could indeed pass for a witch. She’d best watch her step.

“Go. Or will you watch me undress her?” Old evil eyes narrowed at Fulvio.

He winked at Aurelia. “I’ll not leave her alone with you, Signora Santamaria, but I
turn my back.”

The witch circled about Aurelia and motioned with an imperial hand. “Take off those horrid things so they can be burned. We can’t have you smelling up my chambers.”

Aurelia slid out of everything down to her chemise and shivered.

Soon Lucella returned, almost buried in wool. “Grandmother, you must make her go. Look at her. A man like Bernardo will want her huge breasts with lust in his loins.”

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