Read The Alpha's Daughter Online

Authors: Jacqueline Rhoades

Tags: #paranormal romance, #wolves, #werewolves, #alphas, #wolvers

The Alpha's Daughter (37 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Daughter
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Jazz stopped his words with the tips of her
fingers, but she couldn't stop the grin that was spreading over her
face. "Quit while you're ahead, Papa Bear, because that dozen pups
thing could be a deal breaker. How about we start with one who's
just like his father and take it from there."

"I want you to be my mate, Hellcat."

"I got that with the dozen pups part."

"So is that a yes?"

"Damn, Papa Bear, did you not hear the let's
start with one part?"

Her grin widened and she threw her arms
around his neck and laughed when he twirled her around. When he put
her down, she dragged him over to a grassy place not far from the
rocky Point and began tugging his shirt from his jeans. Griz
trapped her hands at the buckle of his belt.

"We really should get back. Donna was really
concerned for your state of mind."

"That was your fault," she said with mock
severity. "You shouldn't have told me we needed to talk. From now
on you say let's go for a walk or how about a beer, but never and I
mean never say we need to talk."

He smiled at her mimicry of his deep, growly
voice. "She'll be worried," he told her.

"No she won't," Jazz laughed. She closed her
eyes and found the room where she kept her most private emotions.
She opened the door and threw open the window, letting her
happiness flow over Gilead. "Not a single woman in the pack will be
worried tonight. I guarantee it."

She lifted his shirt and laughed again when
she had to jump up to remove it from his upraised arms.

"If you're going to give me the first of
those dozen pups, I want to get started right now," she told him as
she peeled her own shirt over her head and reached for the clasp at
the back of her bra.

"As much as I'd like that to happen right
now," he told her, laughing, too, "Full moon isn't for another
three days. We can't be mated until then."

"Practice makes perfect, Papa Bear, and I
want a perfect pup." She was already wriggling out of her

"Can't argue with logic like that."

They laughed together when they bumped heads
while reaching for the laces of Griz's boots and kept laughing
while clothes were stripped and strewn. When Griz stooped to pull
her jeans from her feet, she pushed his shoulders and sent him
rolling to his back. Griz took her with him and she sprawled over
his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and nuzzled her ear,
worrying the lobe with his teeth.

"Are you going to explain why you'll be
sleeping in a rocker on the side of the road?" he chuckled.

"Nope." She pushed herself up and rested her
weight on her extended arms and then lowered again like she was
doing push-ups. When they were nose to nose, she whispered. "That's
a secret between me and the rocking chair."

Slowly, she began rocking forward and back,
allowing her hanging breasts to rub lightly up and down his chest.
She watched his face, saw the sparkle in his eyes turn to something
else and when he reached for her, she drew back and away.

"No touching, Papa Bear, not yet."

She continued the movement, now undulating
her hips so that both she and Griz felt the stimulation

He groaned and she laughed breathily. Her
breasts were taut, her clit swollen. She licked a streak up his
body from navel to neck and crossed the wet line from tightened
nipple to nipple.

"You're enjoying this," he groaned again.

"You bet your ass." She opened her mind and
heart fully and let her feelings flow out to her sisters in the
pack. They wouldn't know what she was doing, exactly, but those
who'd felt these feelings before would guess. She didn't care who
knew what was happening up here at the Point. She might have to
wait until the full moon for her lover to claim her as his mate,
but she was claiming him tonight.

This time, she started at his neck and
followed the line made by her tongue with nips and kisses. She
passed his navel and paused when she heard him hiss.

"I love you," Jazz whispered against the skin
of his abdomen. The words felt funny on her tongue. She hadn't said
them since she was a cub and her mother tucked her in at night. "I
love you."

Her mouth moved lower down his body and she
took his engorged erection into it. This was, she realized,
something else that needed practice if she were to ever draw him
fully in. She did the best she could.

"Baby, you don't have to do this," he told
her with something between a sigh and a groan.

She ran her tongue up the silky shaft, played
with the tip for a moment longer and then released him long enough
to say. "Oh yes I do, Papa Bear. You're mine and if you're mine
that means every square inch of you."

This was on her no-do list with lovers, but
this was different. This was her mate, not some guy who would use
it to brag about at the bar. She drew him in as deeply as she
could, played her tongue over him and tasted his salty sweetness.
She felt his body tense. It was all she needed to let her know she
was doing it right.

When she moaned, she felt his body
involuntarily jerk and the vibration of her laughter made him do it

He tapped the ground by his hip. "Knees over
here where my hand can reach you."

Without losing rhythm, she moved her knees
over his leg and positioned her hips over the spot he had tapped.
His hand snaked around the backside of her thigh and unerringly
found the spot to the side of her clit that brought her the most
pleasure. It became a contest to see who could make who climax
first. Griz was just on the point of winning the contest when he
pulled his hand away.

"I want to finish inside you, Hellcat," he
said through gritted teeth. "Take me inside you. Now."

"You're so bossy," she laughed breathily when
she released him, but she did as he said and swung her leg over him
and impaled her body on his.

She was slick and ready and he slid easily
into her. She loved the feeling of fullness he gave her, the
feeling of being complete. No one could make her body sing the way
her grizzly bear could, but this feeling of completeness was what
she cherished most.

Griz's hands went to her breasts and this
time she didn't object. He tugged and kneaded and ran his thumbs
over the tightened buds of her nipples while she angled her body
into the position that would give them both the most pleasure. Then
she set up a rhythm, slowly at first, gaining speed and strength as
pleasure took her. She felt his pleasure rising with hers as his
hips pumped upward, lifting her knees from the ground.

"Together, Griz. I want to go together. Help
me," she panted and his hand slid between them. He found her clit
and moved his finger as she knew he would, exactly in the way she
needed to set off the explosion within her.

Just at the point where body and mind meld
into complete orgasmic sensation, Jazz bent forward and bit him at
the point where neck meets shoulder, the same point where he would
sink his teeth into her at the time of their mating. This wasn't
the way it was done. She knew that, but she wanted the wolver world
to see that mark and know that this magnificent wolver was

Griz exploded beneath her with a growl and
drove himself into her. His final thrust had her arching her spine.
Her head went back and she stared at the open sky above. The first
star of the night caught her eye before her vision blurred and her
body was carried away in her moment of ecstasy.

Her wolf howled with victory.


Chapter 33

Jazz skid to a stop at the foot of the porch
steps. "Hey! Can I help you, big guy?" She gave a two fingered
salute to Ellie who was trembling, but bravely blocking the door.
"I got it, El."

It was amazing to Jazz that once she realized
what was happening in her head, it wasn't that hard to pinpoint who
the feelings were coming from. The women she knew best were the
easiest and she'd already made up her mind to get to know the other
women better. That's what she'd been doing, visiting Sandy and her
new baby when she felt it curling up her spine and clutching at her
chest. The Mate had warned her to be careful in how she used her

"Folks feel happy, sad, angry or worried
almost every day. That's part of living and mostly, it's their
business and none of yours. Don't be putting your nose where it
don't belong. They got the twins to do that for 'em." The old woman
winked. "You tuck those feelings aside and ignore them. It's when
the worry gets too strong or the sadness too deep that you need to
stop by with a plate of cookies and an open mind. You'll hear
things you wish you didn't and some you'll share with your mate,
but some you'll keep locked in that room in your heart. The one
exception is fear. You feel fear, you call the Alpha and you

That's just what she did. "Alpha!" she called
out in her mind, "Ellie needs help!" And she ran for all she was
worth, grateful for the long legs that carried her so swiftly over
the ground.

Griz had to pick today of all days to take
off with Bobby and Tom to pick up another load of whatever the hell
they hauled in Bobby's old truck. He'd laughingly promised to be
home before the mating ceremony tomorrow.

"I need you now, damnit!" she called to him
in her mind as she raced to the house. An ancient Harley motorcycle
sat at the edge of the road, its mint condition evident in the
shining body and chrome.

The guy at the door turned. He was on the far
side of middle age, not all that big, but there was an air of
menace in the way he held himself, even though his shoulders were
relaxed and his hands were open at his side. He wore the leather
jacket like he was born in it and by the age of it, maybe he was.
The chaps were worn and scuffed and molded to his thighs.

Jazz knew who he was.

"I hear you're holding Sec and the woman.
I've come to get them back."

"Then you've wasted your time, Mr. Seaward.
We're not holding them and they're not leaving." Jazz took a step

"You'll give him to me or I'll go get him."
The shoulders suddenly straighten and the fists clenched. Power
rolled off him in an intimidating wave. If he was surprised when
Jazz walked up the last two steps, he didn't show it."

"Why do want them back, Mr. Seaward?" Jazz
asked for no other reason than to buy time.

Ellie had closed and locked the door, but
that lock was meant for privacy, not protection. One kick and it
was gone. Jazz wasn't going to let that kick happen. She angled her
body to give her the best advantage.

"You're the one, aren't you?" Seaward eyed
Jazz up and down and smiled lazily. "Bronson Phillips came to see
me about you. I said I wasn't interested, but now that I've seen
you, maybe I am."

"And maybe you'd like to get your ass kicked
like Cho." She managed to keep her breathing slow and even. The
mention of her father had shook her. What was he offering

Whether it was because he sensed her
uneasiness at her father's name or because of her comment about
Cho, Seaward's smile widened, but showed no humor. "I'm not Cho.
Don't think for a minute I'll give you a break because you're a
woman. I've never raised a hand to a woman, but you jump me the way
you jumped him, I won't hold back like he did."

Jazz's head reared back in indignation. "Is
that what he said?" she bristled. "He didn't hold back and neither
did the three guys with him. You say you never raised a hand to a
woman. How do you feel about rape? Because that was the plan."

"You were the one who came on to him. He was
just having a little fun."

Temper ignited, Jazz's hands flew in the air
and she took a step toward him. "Fun for who?" she shouted. "I
didn't come on to him. I bumped into him. Literally. He and his
cock sucking crew wouldn't let me through. I fought. He lost."

"Doc Goodman interfered." The man stood his

"Yeah, and it's a damn good thing he did or
your Chosen One would be a eunuch!" she spat. "The second time he
pulled a knife. Would you like it back? Your Chosen One is a cocky
little bastard who thinks his shit don't stink. Well, let me tell
you, Mr. Seaward, it does stink. Worse than most. Your other son,
whose name is Brad not Sec, by the way, has more honor in his
little finger than your first born piece of shit."

"You'd better watch your mouth." Seaward
warned. His fists were tight again and his face had hardened.

"Why? Don't want to hear the ugly truth?
Don’t want to hear that it was your precious Chosen One who beat
his brother and left him for dead? Oh, he didn't do it alone.
That's not his MO, is it? Brad hasn't said it, but everybody knows
it including the rogues on your ridge."

His eyes flicked to her face and away. "Cho
had nothing to do with it. Nobody tried to kill anyone. It was a
fair fight. Nobody got killed. Sec stole another man's mate. You
can't fault her mate for defending what's his. That's Pack Law. If
Sec can't hold his own in a fight, it's time he learned." He looked
over her shoulder at the arriving car and then at the truck
traveling too fast up the road. His eyes stayed on the truck.

"Fair fight my ass." Jazz didn't turn. She
knew who it was. She kept her eyes on Seaward.

"Brad can hold his own one on one. Three or
four on one's a little different. Pack Law says a wolver has a
right to defend his mate, not keep her against her will." Jazz's
lip curled. "And since when does beating her black and blue come
under defense? Brad didn't steal her. She was running. He helped
her get away and wouldn't tell them where she was. That's what the
fight was about."

Seaward's face told her all she needed to

"Seaward? You got something you need to see
me about?" The Alpha walked quickly, but painfully to the porch,
his cane thumping out of rhythm in his haste.

BOOK: The Alpha's Daughter
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